IiPunch - Monk Guide |
iiPunch - Monk Guide
Uhm... Good tips from you and Simonses about approaches and trusts for the third floor miniboss.
Actually giving me a lot of drive to try it myself asap. Wonder which of my jobs would have the easiest time around attempting that. MNK has the big advantage of low TP feed and huge DPS during Impetus. NIN has shadows and Migawari through which I can laugh at stuff like Pain Kill, can basically ignore it, granted it would still kill my trusts probably and DPS output would be much lower than MNK I assume. On DNC I have very strong damage over a short time with CDs up making a quick 3 step Darkness, and also selfcures and whatnot. On BLU, well, BLU is a beast, granted my BLU is pretty average and I have no Tizona, but then shitty Subtle Blow and I would probably need to create a better hybrid TP set. Hmmmm, your posts have been inspiring nonetheless guys, I thank you for that. Never realized it could've been so easy to solo third floor miniboss without mules. Asura.Sechs said: » Uhm... Good tips from you and Simonses about approaches and trusts for the third floor miniboss. Actually giving me a lot of drive to try it myself asap. Wonder which of my jobs would have the easiest time around attempting that. MNK has the big advantage of low TP feed and huge DPS during Impetus. NIN has shadows and Migawari through which I can laugh at stuff like Pain Kill, can basically ignore it, granted it would still kill my trusts probably and DPS output would be much lower than MNK I assume. On DNC I have very strong damage over a short time with CDs up making a quick 3 step Darkness, and also selfcures and whatnot. On BLU, well, BLU is a beast, granted my BLU is pretty average and I have no Tizona, but then shitty Subtle Blow and I would probably need to create a better hybrid TP set. Hmmmm, your posts have been inspiring nonetheless guys, I thank you for that. Never realized it could've been so easy to solo third floor miniboss without mules. Honestly go with your best job. Almost any job can solo Gin, it is laughable, it's just a learning curve to figuring out best strategy. You can even solo Kin, which I am thinking of doing a video on. Fu is possible, Sironeko has done it, but only on BLU (my BLU is ***). For me, it is RUN, mass pull + fell cleave the fodder floors if the main Obj calls for it and no chance of ever dying on midboss or the omen boss itself. If you have a RDM with Su4/5 available it is actually the easiest job I have ever soloed Omen on. No worry of ever dying and killed Gin in under 25 minutes rotating light/dark skillchain depending which healed him. Su4/5 destroys midboss and Naegling is awesome for the boss itself. If you do try any of them, best of luck! Asura.Shiraj said: » If you have a RDM with Su4/5 available it is actually the easiest job I have ever soloed Omen on. And now you have Malignance too, to laugh at every debuff in Omen and have probably like 50% more DPS at the same time :) Not sure if people realize how much improve is Malignance for RDM. It's a total game changer. Less for BLU from offensive perspective, but as much from defensive/hybrid perspective. Nah, my "best" job is undoubtely BRD but I'm not sure it would cut it.
RDM is uhm, no SU4/5 but decent DDgear, close to BiS enfeebling/enhancing gear. I'm not sure it's wise to rely on jobs like those for Omen, given the main targets (minibosses and Gin) either steal your buffs or constantly dispel their debuffs. Without the dispel thing I could just pop 5 songs on BRD and then SV right before the boss, it would be awesome, but as I mentioned it's unreliable because of random annoying dispels/steals. Also on BRD, while I have very good Meva in my idle sets, I can't say the same about the TP gear. It's the same for RDM. Yes Malignance is there, but 0/5 so far. Think it would be smoother on jobs like MNK, BLU or NIN for me. Regardless, can't wait to try! :D Asura.Sechs said: » Think it would be smoother on jobs like MNK, BLU or NIN for me. NIN is easy as hell so you'll be fine with that imo. Quote: The next version update is scheduled for early October. October brings along with it the monthly updates to Ambuscade and adjustments to the monk and dragoon jobs. I'm scared and excited :o HYPE! What needs to happen but won't
Full time impetus, cancelled by counterstance (makes vere insane) Counterstance defense penalty removed, cancelled by impetus. Grants TP on successful counters (makes spharai better when tanking) What probably will happen Dodge/focus - lengthen duration Perfect counter accuracy+100 Would be nice niche fix Formless strikes - Make not suck, work on WS Invigorate: change to 240hp Regen and add Regain effect (nobody merits this garbage) Chakra - AOE, cures MP and TP to nearby party members also (basically give us rejuvenation style chakra) Improve guard rate of Dodge (like battuta level rates) Mantra- reduce timer by half, improve the HP gained by an additional 50% (these DDs can wear moon rings and drain for MORE HP than our SP2... Which lasts five minutes vs 30s) Guess I better finish my Vere so I can be hyped and get bonus disappointed with you guys in two weeks.
Not sure MNK needs that much in the end, but I'm hoping they will at least do something (good!) to Boost.
My dream fixes that will never happen are:
Let counterstance hive a slow effect instead of that annoying defense down.
You could list a myriad of things that MNK could use to make it 'good' in the eyes of players. Absolutely zero of it is going to happen though. Making Guard ACTUALLY useful (as in, raise the *** activation rate by no less than double) would be incredible.
I would very much like to see Boost/Focus/Dodge changed at the least. Boost a complete rework and just more guard/duration. Counterstance is extremely fragile. It was very much fully broken. And now it's very much completely useless... there is literally zero space for wiggle room. it is excessively abusable. it is legitimately impossible to 'balance' around counterstance. (*it's not that the act of countering itself is "broken" on it's own, it's that coupled with 75 SB you could fully negate any and all tp moves with proper planning(cureskin)... like rdm does with 1damage+enspell)((which you can already do, but it would be even easier and with no drawbacks)) Asura.Sechs said: » [li]Do something about Chakra. What though? With all the gear we have now Chakra can get so powerful it basically heals for way more than what your max HP can be. Not sure what they could do about it. Turning it AoE sounds a bit too much, reduce the timer would do nothing about the excess hp healed, dunno, I'm open to cool suggestions![/li][/ul] Split Chakra across all targets in range. And do MP as well. Like FFT Monks. Split the potency across multiple targets/MP and all the gear continues to be relevant. Boost need reverting or revamping, if unchanged it at the very least some sort of visual cue needs adding to indicate the optimal window to ws while the effect is active.
Chi-blast needs either buffing or having its timer reduced drastically. I suspect that this is the most likely thing they'll alter and tweak penance along with it. Weapon skills still need boosting slightly across the board to make us more competitive. The simple truth is as that MNK gets a lot of very nice gear these days, its not such a volatile balance that adding a flat 10-15% to weapon skill damage across the board would be overpowering. Dream would be let us f***ing triple damage on any hit like all other jobs can. Not this first hit of the first hand bulls***.
THIS and only this would put monk in first place as a DD. No more lolmnk tard shouts. Triple dmg stuff has always been on the main weapon hand only, unless im misunderstanding
Well h2h is a main hand weapon. Do you mean first hand? All other jobs only have their weapon in one hand as well. Monk is just different. If ANYTHING make it triple damage on any hits of the first hand. Doesnt even have to be the 2nd hand. That white damage probably still wouldn't get us where monk needs to be. We need to triple damage on any hit of both hands.
Mantra and formless strikes will now be scrolls available at NPCs and on the AH. Please look forward to it.
Taint said: » Mantra and formless strikes will now be scrolls available at NPCs and on the AH. Please look forward to it. Lmao Ah i thought it was triple proc off any hit of the main hand fist, though i also recall in the past it was really wonky and am effects only procced off the off-hand fist, but yes h2h is a funny one
Nariont said: » Ah i thought it was triple proc off any hit of the main hand fist, though i also recall in the past it was really wonky and am effects only procced off the off-hand fist, but yes h2h is a funny one Monk can only do triple damage if no other multi attack procs on the first hand. Has to be a single hit. All other jobs can quad attack on their empyrean weapons and triple damage on every hit of those. There's no reason monk should get screwed. At the very least let us triple attack on first hand any hit. Dear god please....... Now I'm confused.
I'm pretty sure Vere x3 proc only happens on the first hit, regardless of additional hits. Whereas other Emps the x3 can proc on any hit by that weapon. ex. Cala TA could result in all 3 hits getting x3 proc. Taint said: » Now I'm confused. I'm pretty sure Vere x3 proc only happens on the first hit, regardless of additional hits. Whereas other Emps the x3 can proc on any hit by that weapon. ex. Cala TA could result in all 3 hits getting x3 proc. You might be right. I always took it has a relic type of thing. But even still with that. Make it all hits. And both hands >:) The "only one hand" thing is perfectly fair and they should not change it.
The "max once per attack round" is not very fair I would say. I'm not even sure if they intended that to be or never noticed / never bothered to fix it. the most annoying thing about boost now, is that I've accidentally hit my macro for it a couple times when trying to provoke.
(omen runs) So I'm sitting there, NOT engaged, probably with aggro, and Me and trusts cannot engage until the boost timer wears off. Its really frustrating when that happens. Monk's damage is fine imo, of course it could be improved, but so could every job.
It's not supposed to be a zerg dps job. You're completely misunderstanding why Monk is good. Watch them only mess around with Gifts and Job Point sections and leave everything else untouched.
SE - "We're proud to announce that in this month's job adjustments we have swapped Monk's 2000JP Counter effect gift with Magic accuracy. That is all.. Oh, and DRG can now SC with their Wyverns. That is all" Asura.Shiraj said: » Monk's damage is fine imo, of course it could be improved, but so could every job. It's not supposed to be a zerg dps job. You're completely misunderstanding why Monk is good. Monk is lacking behind all DD jobs. It only becomes good when impetus is up. One way to give it a little boost when impetus is down is to have triple damage proc on all hits of the main hand. Or let boost work with weapon skills and have no delay. Lol Monk is not meant to be a DD job like the other jobs.... How can't you tell?
Its main point is delaying mob's from TPing as long as possible, i'd prefer safety over big *** numbers. No other job aside from SMN, maybe NIN can get most mobs to half HP before even 1 TP is off. Even if I wanted to hit hard weaponskills I can get capped attack and still spam Raging Fists for 30-50k when Impetus is down. It's not terrible damage, but it's better than what people make it out to be. |
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