Anyone got an Aeolian Edge, Evisceration, FC/Utsu and a Curing Waltz Set i can have a look at? Thanks.
I've been meaning to post about this for a while:
ItemSet 347016
This is the best possible Waltz set on thf atm.
Cape chr 30/mevaeva20/waltz10
BOTH herc pieces need a waltz11 fern aug for this set to reach exactly 50%.
Alternatives & slight downgrades ppl probably carry normally: mummu head,
enchanter's earring +1,
chaac belt
Because of non-ilvl head I personally sub in gold moogle belt to avoid some max hp drop.
Fast Cast
ItemSet 350961
herc fern magic fc+6, cape fc+10
if your Soa ring is Weatherspoon(+1) of course that is best
body: fc+5 (9 total) (if you have rdm or run you could just use a taeon body from phalanx)
belt can get a fc+1 aug, that's only belt option. Otherwise you can just use a ninurta's or a defensive belt.
Precast quick magic options: weatherspoon+1(soa) ring, lebeche ring, impatiens, veneficium ring
Precast flips for Utsusemi: Passion Jacket, Magora bead necklace
-Enif is fc8, if you want a ilvl alternative for midcast the best would be fc6 herc (you might already have these for ninja)
There's easier to get neck alternatives with 4fc like baetyl or voltsurge
note: (technically adhemar+1 body D path is fc10... but lol)
ItemSet 350960
Hachirin-no-obi for windday/wind weather.
Shiva+1 if different SOA ring.
novio earring at 3k tp, maybe ishvara? I can't get ishvara to win when I test it in-game.
Cape is int30/maccmdmg20/wsd10... however the typical thf dex30/wsd10 cape is a very strong option
Herc stuff is ideally (fern)wsd > matt > int > dex. Of these pieces head/feet/legs are extremely easy to make BIS, body and hands you need good augments because alternative options are solid.
There's more options for downgrades here here so I'll try to organize them a bit:
ammo: p.tathlum (yes seething+1 beats this)
neck: Sanctity
earring: so many matt downgrade ears to pick from
ring: i mean the sparks one isn't bad..
waist: if you can't get eschan: Salire belt (dirt cheap, & from easy nonilvl unity version of leaping lizzy)
Head: Highwing Helm (matt20 int18 dex22), Chimera Hairpin (wind.matt6)
Body: augSamnuha (matt35 macc38 int20 dex33), RawhideA (matt25 int32 dex45), baseSamnuha (matt20 macc23 int20 dex33), Lapidary Tunic (matt20 int23 dex32)
Hands: augLeyline (matt30 macc33 int12 dex35), PursuersB (matt20 int12 dex42), baseLeyline (matt15 macc18 int12 dex35), Nilas (matt15 int12 dex35)
Legs: Limbo (matt17 int30), Shneddick+1 (matt17 int28)
Feet: adhemar+1 (matt35 dex23+12 if a/b), adhemar nq (matt25 dex23+10 if a/b)
(Also I guess Taeon hands/legs are still strong options can get matt/macc15 or matt20 with wsd3... but that's such an incredible waste of time vs herc)
For head/feet base herc no augs will beat anything less than these besides a taeon aug
for the body parts I think a good way to look at is what what base herc pieces need to -match- the next best piece:
head: matt+10 dex+5 (super easy to beat, (unauged helm next best after ones I listed and taeon))
body: matt+35 macc+38 int-1 dex-1 (very hard to beat, you pretty much need to roll wsd with high matt/macc numbers)
hands: matt+30/macc+33 int-2 dex-4 (medium dificulty to beat)
legs: matt+17 int+1 (super easy to beat)
feet: matt+25 macc-10 dex+9 (easy to beat, unauged feet next best after ones I listed and taeon)