[Archive] Bushido - The Way Of The Samurai (A Guide)

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[Archive] Bushido - The Way of The Samurai (A Guide)
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Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Kuryomi
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By Leviathan.Kuryomi 2013-04-16 17:54:03
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Ragnarok.Ashman said: »
That's really all it is. Other than "Some *** is taking his sweet time swapping jobs before ein", I've only seen it used otherwise as "here take some tp since I'm running around weakened atm".
lol i literaly used it last night for the war cause i was weakend
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Saikido 2013-04-17 16:58:02
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Asura.Ina said: »
So I missed the voidwatch bus and climb groups for the cities are proving... Rare. What options should sam be looking at until they can get Ganesha for tp neck, I saw Unkai mentioned but was curious if Rancor/Nefarious would be options as well.

My current neck is bad and I feel bad XD

You don't necessarily need clears to kill / get rewards from Uptala. You just need someone willing to pop it and the wherewithal to build a shout group.

But alternatives:

Unkai, Justice Torque, Rancor, Portus Collar, Rioter's are what I can think of off hand. No particular order to which is better in that list.

There's a lot of accuracy/attack neck combos, but truthfully I'd work on getting Ganesha's.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Jassik
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By Odin.Jassik 2013-04-17 17:20:28
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assuming the +DT on rancor doesn't bug you, and it shouldn't, that's the ideal neck besides Mala or Portus. I'm assuming if you don't have mala or VW climbs you don't have portus.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Lynxis 2013-04-17 17:49:39
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Besides the fact that I don't have Mala, Portus, Rancor or elemental gorgets, I usually TP in Houyi's Gorget and WS in Justiciar's Torque. Gorget has 1 more accuracy than AF3 neck and is still good for my x-hit build and can be worn by other jobs saving an inventory slot. WS in Justiciar's Torque which is good for attack starved weapon skills like Fudo. Anyway, I think they are still decent alternatives to other stuff out there.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Kerokun
Posts: 24
By Bahamut.Spiketaru 2013-04-17 18:42:33
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Okay, so I'm about to harsh everyone's buzz because I've got quite a predicament. I got back into the game a couple months ago, despite having to start from absolute scratch. On my previous character, I pretty much had every STP piece available to me that was released before I quit, just a bit before NNI came out.

Now, of all of the negative aspects of restarting, between having to get Abyssea/VW clears again and Empyrean armor and such... now that I'm starting to get more invested in SAM once again, it hurts that I don't have that technology available to me anymore. Obviously, as a newer character, I was happy about Tomonari and the abundance of Midrium Ore making the price feasible. However, a five-hit build with that thing... is far from possible, given what I have access to.

So, are you thinking what I'm thinking?

Yes, I need a turbo makeover. :x IF'N YA GUYS DON'T MIND, I could use some tips on where to go next with each slot. I'm aware of optimal sets and the like, but understand my circumstances:

This is a new character.
This is a new server (i.e. any friends from my previous account that would still be playing are inaccessible)
I am rather familiar with any endgame introduced in 2011 and before (anything but Meeble/NNI/Legion)
Money isn't INaccessible (seeing as though I've got decent access to VW spam business), but it isn't exactly raining (ah, the flexibility of only having SAM and NIN leveled).

Hopefully, this will pose as an interesting topic rather than "lol get some friends." :x

So liek... this is bad, but it's the best I could get on two months' since creation.

ItemSet 297251
Cap haste, yus.
Only +1 legs, lol. I'm aware that I just need to tag along with someone doing CC to get those jewels for upgrade.
Kemas Earring, lol. I need to hop on NIN and hunt Unkai Mimi.
Sniper's Ring... eh, don't know what to do here, seeing as though I don't need the STP from Hoard/Tyrant (nor can I afford Tyrant).
Neck... similar situation as the poster above. I'll make a conscious effort to hunt Hahava.


ItemSet 297252
Cap... wait, no.
Hands I need some guidance on. I'm not l33t enough for NNI PUGs for Phorcys hands.
Body I know I need to get bayld for Karieyh body.

I could probably bypass having to get Empy helm +2 by doing NNI for Phorcys head, but damned if PUGs will accept anything other than REM SAMs, even though 95% of the ones I see running around can't seem to build a 5-hit.

How do I weasel my way into one of those groups? And because I want to be prepared in the event that I do get into a group, how does Neo Nyzul differ from actual Nyzul in terms of the content of floors?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10480
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-04-17 18:49:59
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Besides the obvious "Get all your +2s," there really isn't much else you can do. Couple things else you can get from abyssea, and should, is zelus tiara and goading belt. I'd merit stardiver though if you are going to do NNI, since it's easily geared for. For WS hands you can buy mustela gloves or get a pair of heafoc mitts for free.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kerokun
Posts: 24
By Bahamut.Spiketaru 2013-04-17 19:07:44
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I suppose Heafoc Mitts wouldn't be too difficult to grab people for, but Mustela Gloves are pretty affordable, too.

I'd like to build a consistent set before I grab the situational gear (wow, if my past self could hear me now), so I'll have to leave +2 hands and feet aside for the moment. I haven't played with the pieces of gear I could use to reach a 5-hit with Tomo, but wouldn't Phorcys head take +2 head's place... in some cases? 5 vs. 8 STP

Goading Belt... is my worst nightmare. I might just have to suck it up and have it merc'd because the KIs are so simple to get, yet so annoying at the same time. I'm sure a ton of people have the KIs lying around, but damned if they won't cash in on someone needing that old belt.

Zelus I'll just have to snag once I get all my Aby clears.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10480
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-04-17 19:12:11
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I actually meant bullwhip, not goading, sorry. These should cover most of your needs. I wouldn't try to 5-hit a tomonari without the salade, but Draca is easy to 5-hit, if you don't want to get ace's or unkai neck, can just use your current neck/gloves. Just fill in the blanks with whatever you can get really.

ItemSet 297256

ItemSet 297255

ItemSet 297257
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Pra
Posts: 42
By Shiva.Kinzu 2013-04-17 19:41:00
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Ramuh.Austar said: »
Besides the obvious "Get all your +2s," there really isn't much else you can do. Couple things else you can get from abyssea, and should, is zelus tiara and goading belt. I'd merit stardiver though if you are going to do NNI, since it's easily geared for. For WS hands you can buy mustela gloves or get a pair of heafoc mitts for free.

Avant +1 aren't too shabby either, would go with those over the heafoc. About 400-500k cheaper than mustela too.

Get your Emp +2 Body/Head legs asap!!!

Also the gear set below Austar posted is definitely attainable.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kerokun
Posts: 24
By Bahamut.Spiketaru 2013-04-17 19:45:33
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Yeah, I was, like, "Goading? But... I'd have a half-assed 5-and-a-half-hit."

Fortunately, I own a Bullwhip, so I'm... technically halfway there. But... those gloves, I forgot about the -8 Accuracy on them. Sure that's not bad for business on multi-hit WS like Shoha/Stardiver?

Need to sit down and grind out the bayld for dat body, though. Too delicious.

Aaaaalso, how about Houyi's Gorget until I get Unkai neck?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10480
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-04-17 19:54:39
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Bahamut.Spiketaru said: »
Yeah, I was, like, "Goading? But... I'd have a half-assed 5-and-a-half-hit."

Fortunately, I own a Bullwhip, so I'm... technically halfway there. But... those gloves, I forgot about the -8 Accuracy on them. Sure that's not bad for business on multi-hit WS like Shoha/Stardiver?

Need to sit down and grind out the bayld for dat body, though. Too delicious.

Aaaaalso, how about Houyi's Gorget until I get Unkai neck?
Well you'd ideally only be using stardiver on weaker mobs, or when you're buffed a ton, so it won't be a huge deal breaker. And houyi's is fine
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: gymj1m
Posts: 462
By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2013-04-17 19:55:25
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Anyone have an optimal kantonotachi set? Don't have time to build a masamune. Or should I just grab a draca couse? Using Sam for NNI mostly. Thanks!
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Austar
Posts: 10480
By Ramuh.Austar 2013-04-17 20:09:41
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I'd just get a polearm. Easier to build around and better at the event. No wasted time on trial NMs either.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kerokun
Posts: 24
By Bahamut.Spiketaru 2013-04-17 20:11:25
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Thank you for the halp~ NOW I HAVE A PURPOSE IN LIFE. Gotta take this stuff one step at a time~

But I have to say, this is one saucy ***' sword. For being cheap considering its power, I'm pretty jazzed about SAM once again. Having to start from scratch is a total bummer, but having a weapon like Tomo be, like, "It's not so bad, Spike. Grab me by the handle, Spike. That's too high, Spike..."
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Nishida
Posts: 30
By Quetzalcoatl.Nishida 2013-04-20 06:52:47
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I just got SAM to 99 and I'm going the Tomonari route as well. Here is my proposed gear plan:

5-Hit TP Set w/ Abyssea Gear
ItemSet 296181

5-Hit TP Set w/ Salv2 Gear
ItemSet 297582
By 2013-04-20 07:27:03
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Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Nishida
Posts: 30
By Quetzalcoatl.Nishida 2013-04-20 12:50:51
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Valefor.Angierus said: »
I don't know what you are weapon skilling in, but your salvage 2 gear set is a 6 hit, 19.4 TP return per swing.

ItemSet 297585

This set would give you 21 STP return, and you could maintain your x-hit without doing any damage to your ws set, rose, brutal and karieyh sollerets would give you a solid 16TP return on shoha with hitting at least one hit, two giving you 17.5 return.

Well I was trying to avoid Rose Strap because I have zero Allied Notes, and an expired rank 1 medal for campaign. I was using the STP Calculator found here: http://www.heckdesigns.com/demos/ffxi-calculators/stp.php

It shows needing 47 stp in gear and that's what I have with that set.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ackeron
Posts: 4307
By Asura.Ackeronll 2013-04-20 13:11:28
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Is Tomonari better then the TP bonus GK if so by how much? Asked in the Tomonari thread but it seems people want that to die.

Also to the guy above me if you want to avoid the wretched Rose strap of gimpness these sets should work but are very strict on the WS side as you can't miss one hit.

ItemSet 294554
Can use bullwhip belt if no Phos
ItemSet 294555
Boots/Ring can be swapped for Omodaka/Rajas if you want.
Can also use Atheling if you want still not sure which is actually better.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Jassik
Posts: 9534
By Odin.Jassik 2013-04-20 13:12:17
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47 STP in gear to 5hit a 420 delay? Are you WSing in your TP set? or do we have different definations of 5hit.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Zelphes
Posts: 355
By Odin.Zelphes 2013-04-20 14:39:30
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Quetzalcoatl.Nishida said: »
I was using the STP Calculator found here: http://www.heckdesigns.com/demos/ffxi-calculators/stp.php
It shows needing 47 stp in gear and that's what I have with that set.
ItemSet 297582
The STP calculator only calculates the amount of STP used during TP phase. Obviously, for WS you use less STP, thus you have to make up for loss of STP during TP phase.
Valefor.Angierus said: »
I wouldn't drop haste (23% haste) using Goading to make up for STP.
Asura.Ackeronll said: »
ItemSet 294554
Can use bullwhip belt if no Phos
ItemSet 294555
Boots/Ring can be swapped for Omodaka/Rajas if you want.
Can also use Atheling if you want still not sure which is actually better.
1.91 * 10.7 = 20.4
20.4 * 4 = 81.6

1.51 * 10.7 = 16.1
81.6 + 16.1 + 1.5 = 99.2

Lack some STP in those builds.
Quetzalcoatl.Nishida said: »
Well I was trying to avoid Rose Strap because I have zero Allied Notes, and an expired rank 1 medal for campaign.
You can get away using Pole Grip assuming both hits land on Shoha to maintain 5-hit w/o sacrificing too much offensive stats.
ItemSet 297620

ItemSet 297621
1.93 * 10.7 = 20.6
20.6 * 4 = 82.4

1.52 * 10.7 = 16.2
82.4 + 16.2 + 1.5 = 100.1

Using Tomo+1 allows you to WS in Omodaka Sune-Ate.
1.94 * 10.7 = 20.7
20.7 * 4 = 82.8

1.52 * 10.7 = 16.2
82.8 + 16.2 + 1.5 = 100.5

*Edit* You can use Omodaka Sune-ate with NQ Tomo aswell.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ackeron
Posts: 4307
By Asura.Ackeronll 2013-04-20 14:44:31
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So you round down or just drop decimals after the first cause I was going with 10.77 since its TP return is 10.777777777778?
By 2013-04-20 14:47:56
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Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Zelphes
Posts: 355
By Odin.Zelphes 2013-04-20 14:55:43
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Carraway Author said: »
Flooring means you drop every decimal place after the first.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ackeron
Posts: 4307
By Asura.Ackeronll 2013-04-20 15:14:53
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Hmmm. I see guess BG is off since it doesn't say floor the initial base TP per hit. My bad.

But on the more important note. Is Tomonari better then the TP bonus Magian and if so by about how much?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Zelphes
Posts: 355
By Odin.Zelphes 2013-04-20 15:15:34
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Optionally, you can swap unkai body+2/Phos for Usu body+1/Goading and have full WS freedom for Shoha - while maintaining capped haste.
Posts: 657
By Gimp 2013-04-20 15:46:09
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if you don't have usu feet +1 will replacing pole with rose be enough for tp phase?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Zelphes
Posts: 355
By Odin.Zelphes 2013-04-20 16:35:12
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Gimp said: »
if you don't have usu feet +1 will replacing pole with rose be enough for tp phase?

Comes to 100.7 using Rose.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: ziost
Posts: 7
By Shiva.Ziost 2013-04-20 23:32:02
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can someone explain waist choices for ws builds?
I have access to fudo kaiten and shoha, and currently using the ele belts for each. it looks like those are the best bet, going by the maths on the first page, but what are some opinions on prosilio or windbuffet?
Serveur: Odin
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user: Eike
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By Odin.Eikechi 2013-04-20 23:39:54
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Shiva.Ziost said: »
can someone explain waist choices for ws builds?
I have access to fudo kaiten and shoha, and currently using the ele belts for each. it looks like those are the best bet, going by the maths on the first page, but what are some opinions on prosilio or windbuffet?

Windbuffet for shoha (always), Prosilio for the other 2 if attack is not capped, I believe is the accepted standard.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Mirvana
Posts: 1009
By Sylph.Mirvana 2013-04-20 23:51:05
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Does Tomo+1 still carry same TPbonus as NQ?
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