Trigger Alias?
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-02-16 09:50:52
Hello everyone, after some searching (on FFXIAH and Windower forums) and posting on the SMN forums without response, I hoped I might find an answer here.
I recently started using an XML for Summoner from someone else, I liked it because it had labeled all the attacks of the different summons with alias, thus making it easier to have just one sec of macros, interexchangeable between Avatars. My problem is, how do you trigger an alias, manually?
Quoting the XML:
Code <elseif Spell = "Shiva">
<action type = "Command">alias 75Nuke input /pet "Heavenly Strike" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias 65Nuke input /pet "Blizzard IV" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias atkPact input /pet "Double Slap" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias bufPact input /pet "Frost Armor" <%me></action>
<action type = "Command">alias abfPact /;</action>
<action type = "Command">alias debPact input /pet "Sleepga" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias a70Pact input /pet "Rush" <%t></action>
But I've tried everything to add on the in-game macros to trigger them, and nothing.
/console 75nuke didn't work, as it didn't /console or /command alias 75nuke or any of the variations.
Am I crazy? Am I missing something? I've never used aliases before, before spellcast I used windower macros and during spellcast, I've never had a need to use them. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2013-02-16 10:23:03
//aliasname typed in chat, or /console aliasname in a macro should trigger an alias.
But it's not your triggers that are broken, it's your xml.
This is your problem. <%t> You CANNOT use < or > inside of a xml, except as part of a tag.
Also, I'm not sure why you have a % there. I don't think you need that. Anyway.
rather than < you have to use < ; (without the space between the T and the ;.) and rather than > you use > ;(again, no space).
try this. Code
<elseif Spell = "Shiva">
<cmd>alias 75Nuke input /pet "Heavenly Strike" <t></cmd>
<cmd>alias 65Nuke input /pet "Blizzard IV" <t></cmd>
<cmd>alias atkPact input /pet "Double Slap" <t></cmd>
<cmd>alias bufPact input /pet "Frost Armor" <me></cmd>
<cmd>alias abfPact /;</cmd><!-- what's with this? /; ? -->
<cmd>alias debPact input /pet "Sleepga" <t></cmd>
<cmd>alias a70Pact input /pet "Rush" <t></cmd>
Ahh, hmmm. the forums are converting my & lt; etc, into <'s... can try quoting my post first then copying to get them. Or you can just change it manually. /shrug.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2013-02-16 10:32:52
Two suggestions for you.
1: Use notepadd++ for XML editing. it uses color coding and highlighting for XMLs. So when you break something, forget to close a tag, or use improper syntax, it's pretty easy to tell.
for example in your smn code snippet there only the first two lines had color coding. It stopped after the first <%t> and everything below that was just black and white.
2: Dragging and dropping or pasting a XML location into firefox(or presumably other web browsers) will parse the xml, and report certain kinds of errors. Like the type of errror and the line it was detected on. Good stuff.
Using these, you'll be able to fix a lot of basic XML issues just by experimenting and testing.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-02-16 13:39:25
Hi sorry! Thanks for the fast reply, I saw it earlier but didn't have time to reply.
The XML seems to open fine on Firefox and currently using Notepad++ (love it), so I don't think there's a syntax problem, and like you've said, the targets are being changed by the forums. On the XML itself they're like this:
<action type = "Command">alias 65Nuke input /pet "Thunder IV" & l t ; % t & g t ;</action>
(without the spaces)
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-02-16 13:47:03
Actually just figured it out, it had to do with the "%" which idk why was there on the targets. Deleted it, reloaded and seems to work fine. Thanks for making me pay attention at the target brackets!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2013-02-16 13:49:20
Soo, is it working now? If not, what happens now? Nothing at all? some kinda error message?
Why <%t> though? <t> should return as the target name in game and in sc, assuming you're targeting something, without the %.
Infact, does sc even recognize %t as a variable? % indicates a variable in SC. Whereas $ indicates a user defined variable. There's stuff like %target and %targettype, etc. but I dunno if %t works.
So even if your aliases are firing now, you may be telling them to target nothing.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2013-02-16 13:51:22
Looks like I posted a wee bit late regarding that %. <,<
I'd removed the % from the version I posted for you to try initially. Well, as long as it works now.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-02-17 02:37:51
Sorry, fell asleep heh. Yeah I assume the % somehow appeared when I copied from the source (I didn't mean to add it there). It works perfectly now, as far as aliases go! I have one tiny bit problem though, if you wouldn't mind taking a look at it again... >_<?
The Elemental Siphon variable is triggered by casting the Dark Spirit, and then it detects which Element is more desirable for Siphoning. Problem is when I try to activate it, it says "Cannot attack that target".
I've looked and can't find anything to that extent. I'll post the snippet for siphon on the XML here:
Code <!-- If casting spirit we make sure to cast the lowest cost spirit. We ignore if Light Spirit as it has useful functions. We will use Dark Spirit for Siphon macro as it is useless on its own.-->
<if Spell = "Fire Spirit|Water Spirit|Wind Spirit|Ice Spirit|Thunder Spirit|Earth Spirit">
<action Type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementDay"/>
<action type = "ChangeSpell" Spell = "$%DayElement Spirit"/>
<if advanced = '"%SpellElement" = "%WeatherElement" and "%SpellElement" = "%DayElement"'>
<action type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementFull"/>
<elseif advanced = '"%SpellElement" ="%WeatherElement"'>
<action Type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementWeather"/>
<elseif advanced = '"%SpellElement" ="%DayElement"'>
<action Type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementDayFavor"/>
<elseif advanced = '"%Weather"="%WeatherElement x2"'>
<action type = "ChangeSpell" Spell = "$%WeatherElement Spirit"/>
<action type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementFull"/>
<elseif Spell = "Light Spirit">
<action Type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElement"/>
<if advanced = '"%SpellElement" = "%WeatherElement" and "%SpellElement" = "%DayElement"'>
<action type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementFull"/>
<elseif advanced = '"%SpellElement" ="%WeatherElement"'>
<action Type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementWeather"/>
<elseif advanced = '"%SpellElement" ="%DayElement"'>
<action Type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementDay"/>
<elseif Spell = "Dark Spirit" advanced = '"$ES"="1"'>
<if advanced = '"%Weather"="%WeatherElement x2"'>
<action type = "ChangeSpell" Spell = "$%WeatherElement Spirit"/>
<action type = "Var" cmd = "set Avatar %SpellElementFull"/>
<action type = "ChangeSpell" Spell = "$%DayElement Spirit"/>
<action Type = "Command" when = "aftercast">wait 2; input /ja "Elemental Siphon" <me></action>
<action type = "AddToChat" Color = "204">Starting Siphon Process</action>
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2961
By Ragnarok.Martel 2013-02-17 12:20:09
While you can't use < or > in a XML, EXCEPT for on tags.... you should use them for the tags themselves. <,<;
Tags being anything like, <if>, </if>, <elseif>, and even <!-->.
Using < ; etc, for all of the < and > makes the XML very hard to read in notepad++.
And it may not even parse correctly anymore, though I can't say for sure, as I've never used < ; for all my <'s. Ok, confirmed that code snippet wouldn't work in game with all the tags using < ;.
You should only need the < ; on the <me> in the siphon cmd for this snippet.
I'm getting a couple of errors, but both of those might be fixed depending on the rest of the XML.
First, since I don't have a variable called thunder spirit, it's trying to cast $Thunder spirit(since it's thunder day) which of course doesn't work. This could be a intended effect assuming there's variables for all the spirits somewhere. If not, removing the $ from all of the changespell rules should make it cast.
Second, the dark spirit rules aren't getting parsed since there's nothing setting the $ES variable to 1. Perhaps it's a default var, or another rule somewhere was setting it.
After addressing those two issues it seems to be working, but I don't have smn high enough to actually test it. And I never did get a "cannot attack that target error."
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Ragnarok.Tarusofo 2013-02-19 10:06:32
Hey sorry, haven't been playing SMN lately so I didn't think of it, but after checking it, spellcast parses fine and yes there are variables at the start that set it to 1 (true). I just think I'll need to give it a thorough look through it. Thanks so much for the help anyway. (: Really appreciate it! Thanks to the aliases fix, I've managed to make my own BST XML assigning alias for the Ready commands. Makes it so much smoother as far as in-game macros goes!
Hello everyone, after some searching (on FFXIAH and Windower forums) and posting on the SMN forums without response, I hoped I might find an answer here.
I recently started using an XML for Summoner from someone else, I liked it because it had labeled all the attacks of the different summons with alias, thus making it easier to have just one sec of macros, interexchangeable between Avatars. My problem is, how do you trigger an alias, manually?
Quoting the XML:
Code <elseif Spell = "Shiva">
<action type = "Command">alias 75Nuke input /pet "Heavenly Strike" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias 65Nuke input /pet "Blizzard IV" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias atkPact input /pet "Double Slap" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias bufPact input /pet "Frost Armor" <%me></action>
<action type = "Command">alias abfPact /;</action>
<action type = "Command">alias debPact input /pet "Sleepga" <%t></action>
<action type = "Command">alias a70Pact input /pet "Rush" <%t></action>
But I've tried everything to add on the in-game macros to trigger them, and nothing.
/console 75nuke didn't work, as it didn't /console or /command alias 75nuke or any of the variations.
Am I crazy? Am I missing something? I've never used aliases before, before spellcast I used windower macros and during spellcast, I've never had a need to use them. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!!