Did You Lose Interest Is FFXI...

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Did you lose interest is FFXI...
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Argento
Posts: 504
By Midgardsormr.Argento 2009-06-17 01:20:28
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Rinako said:
I lost interest in FFXI 5 years ago. D:

Then why spend over $500 on it in the last 5 years? >.>
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
user: Caiyuo
Posts: 6524
By Seraph.Caiyuo 2009-06-17 01:23:20
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
The thing that gets me about it, though, is how many people think that FFXIV is just going to be a "new, improved FFXI", that FFXI was nothing but a big beta test for XIV, or that FFXI is broken in some way and they are eager to move on.

For one thing, we don't really know how FFXIV is going to be...we've got a couple minutes of trailer and some really basic Q&A. FFXIV may be nothing like FFXI, and probably won't be. They may change the core game play so much, in trying to appeal to a broader crowd (which makes all the business sense in the world) that a lot of FFXI players may be alienated by FFXIV. People ready to bail on FFXI for the new one may be severely disappointed by the new offering. Look at FFVIII...Square (don't think they were SE yet then) wanted to try something completely different from their last installment, which was a ridiculously huge hit, and a LOT of people were not happy at all with the result. I was one of them (although, in retrospect, I think I was too harsh on the game, and want to give it another shot now that I've "matured" a bit, so to speak)

And in the suggestion threads, so many people rant and rave how they don't want to play WoW, but so many suggestions are modified versions of things WoW does. SE, from a business standpoint, would be stupid to NOT incorporate those things that make WoW as popular as it is. I guarantee that it's gonna be geared more towards casual play...the only real press I've seen about FFXI lately is how that one LS fought PW for 18 hours straight, and the negative fallout from that. You think SE isn't going to look at that and say "Players don't like that, the general public doesn't like that, we're not doing that this time around"?

Soloability in this new game is guaranteed as well. We want to be able to solo, it's obvious. SE added things like Campaign and FoV to give us some soloability in FFXI, but it obviously wasn't enough, so expect the new game to have soloing be a pretty core component. I don't necessarily agree with it; if you can solo, what's the point of joining parties at all, outside of raiding?. I mean, what, we just gonna get together once a week to do the new version of Dynamis and Salvage and spend the rest of our time grinding our levels on our own?

Anyways, for the people that are just tired of FFXI and want something new, I totally understand. I just don't see what FFXIV has to do with it though. I mean, so many people are chomping at the bit to get the hell out of Vana'diel, I hear it in game how "tired people are of the *** grind" and "the same tired ***day after day"...if it sucks so bad why do you play FFXI at all? I wouldn't play a game that was free if it bored me to tears, let alone pay for it...

Oh well...for those that dip out ASAP for the new game I hope they enjoy it. I'm just not gonna be too surprised if I see some people back in FFXI a few weeks later...and with a renewed appreciation for it, flaws and all.


nahhhhhhh, just kiddin. ; I agree with you on a lot of parts, but I'm actually for a lot of the changes being made. The 18hour PW fight was actually on my server and I got to watch 2 or 3 hours of it at the tail end, and to see how hard those guys worked, even through all the de-lvls and needing to exp on ***mid-battle to re-equip relics, only to be squashed at the end; that was a *** bummer. A handful of those people quit playing altogether, some were incredibly smart and influential players and I think that's when I really lost the drive to deal with ffxi. At that point I really agreed that things needed to be changed significantly and despite all its faults, WOW did a lot of things right. Most of the things friends and I talked about on 14's announcement were stuff that was basically hybrids of 11 and 14, taking the good from both and filtering out the bad.

I definitely agree on the last bit about people coming back to XI after playing XIV, though. It's SE, and we all know that some things that happen are not going to be exactly what we expect or tuned in some way that will aggravate people, most likely the hard-core XI crowd. I think I'd actually welcome XI back into my life if that happens, or just happily ditch MMOs altogether. lol On the part about why people play a game they hate, well that's a long *** post I can't muster up atm, but I think essentially after awhile it just fills a big void in people's lives, and when it's gone they don't know what to do with all their mysterious free time anymore. The social aspect is the biggest, I'd think, though, especially for those times in people's lives when there's a gaping social void as well. I swear I got the most leveling done a few months after my last big breakup. lol Anyway, yeah, 2AM, and this feels too much like talking to myself, so impromptu end to thi---/sopranos
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Rinako
Posts: 1193
By Bismarck.Rinako 2009-06-17 01:33:05
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Argento said:
Rinako said:
I lost interest in FFXI 5 years ago. D:

Then why spend over $500 on it in the last 5 years? >.>

Boyfriend plays enough said x;
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-06-17 01:40:20
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Caiyuo said:
so impromptu end to thi---/sopranos

That made me LOL. *** Sopranos... ^^

But seriously, I get what you're saying about the camaraderie, and the social void, but since the XIV announcement, I've been hearing LOTS of griping and resentment from people about FFXI. Definitely lots more then before...not that it was completely absent before (c'mon now, bitching/complaining and SE go hand in hand lol) but it's definitely been exacerbated...

It's almost like "*** this ***, we got a new game coming that's gonna be better in every way, I'm gonna burn this mother down, this game was a waste of my life" etc etc

The fact is, we don't know. FFXIV, for all we know, may be WoW with taru's and galka's and ***. If it can be solo'd, and exp is given from quests, (things that FFXI players have been bitching for for a LONG time) that's getting pretty close to what it's actually gonna be. Just with prettier graphics.

And if they do "dumb it down" to make it more accessible (one of the major complaints I hear from new FFXI players is that it's got a high learning curve), then the game is gonna be filled with exactly those types of players most people claim they don't wanna be around. You know, the HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE children screaming Chuck Norris facts across whole zones constantly. Barrens chat, anyone? (It's a WoW reference if you have no clue...)

I dunno, I guess my point is, be excited for the new game...but peeps shouldn't be blowing their loads all over the place over hypotheticals at this point. It ain't coming out for a year or more, SE has plenty of time to turn it into all the things we hate LOL
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1541
By Ifrit.Thunderz 2009-06-17 01:54:42
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Let's play the wait game and see how hard we get screwed this time around

I mean c'mon its bound to happen :3

Its normal to see people brag about FFXI what did you expect people to say :o

"oh the new FFonline is coming out im gonna buy it and play both?"

Also some people are tired of the game but can't drop it since they put so much time and

effort into their char that's it not just "another game".

So lets just say they are trying to build enough reasons to stop playing FF 1 step at

a time >.> you can compare it to smoking I guess xD

but all in all we all hope 14 is new and improve and that its not another crap ***

broken game that will be gimp/RMT/SE face raping us o.o/...

So in the end stfu and wait?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: MissJax
Posts: 491
By Sylph.Jax 2009-06-17 02:04:24
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yeah, i lost interest when i heard about 14 not because i'm going to switch, but i know everyone else will and i'll lose all my ingame friends. i started getting really lazy with my character only because it kinda really is all for nothing? just personal enjoyment i guess. =|
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Argento
Posts: 504
By Midgardsormr.Argento 2009-06-17 02:13:00
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Jax said:
yeah, i lost interest when i heard about 14 not because i'm going to switch, but i know everyone else will and i'll lose all my ingame friends. i started getting really lazy with my character only because it kinda really is all for nothing? just personal enjoyment i guess. =|

The way I'm looking at it, if my in-game friends all bail, I'll probably jump to a server that people who post here play on.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: MissJax
Posts: 491
By Sylph.Jax 2009-06-17 02:15:32
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Argento said:
Jax said:
yeah, i lost interest when i heard about 14 not because i'm going to switch, but i know everyone else will and i'll lose all my ingame friends. i started getting really lazy with my character only because it kinda really is all for nothing? just personal enjoyment i guess. =|

The way I'm looking at it, if my in-game friends all bail, I'll probably jump to a server that people who post here play on.

Yeah... but... starting over again?? {I'm not up for it.} That's just a lot of years to flush away!!
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: Argento
Posts: 504
By Midgardsormr.Argento 2009-06-17 02:20:15
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Jax said:

Yeah... but... starting over again?? {I'm not up for it.} That's just a lot of years to flush away!!

I just started over 6 months ago. :x

At first, I was going to quit, but then I realized that I enjoy playing the game, so there didn't seem any sense for me to stop playing, because even if I started over, I'd still be playing.

And by jump servers, I meant take the character I already have to another server. >.>;;
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-06-17 05:07:37
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I'll playing FFXIV as soon as I can (hopefully it doesn't come out halfway through my last semester of my degree -_-), but I have no plans on cancelling my XI character. I have a lot of faith in SE, and don't really care if people think it blind. I'm expecting big things from XIV, but I the main reason I want to play it right from the start is because it's something I never got to do with XI. So much had already been discovered before I ever played it, and this time I want to discover those things for myself. I'm not bothered if other people discover them a few days/weeks/months before me, a few years is a bit much. I'll also be doing my best to avoid sites like wiki for a while and go in blind for a better experience.

If my LS is still doing events in FFXI, I'll stop playing XVI and help them out.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2009-06-17 05:14:25
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But maybe I didn't become disinterested because I've already achieved what I've wanted out of FFXI. But feeling that I've already gotten my graal hasn't meant that I enjoy 'xi any less. Idk, I just don't care I guess. I spose if I had a damn lot of grinding I wanted to get done, I'd be a tad upset. Most people seem to think or have thought that the hai-jin's (high level players with no life) who've accomplished a lot would've had the most "to lose" and'd be the most upset. But I think it is quite the opposite.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: foxxie
Posts: 703
By Asura.Ericka 2009-06-17 05:30:01
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ppl had the same attitude with Aion.

now i don't even here the hype anymore lol
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-06-17 05:47:38
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Nope, gonna keep playing til there's nothing left to do or a vast majority of my friends jump to 14.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 2400
By Garuda.Hypnotizd 2009-06-17 16:18:35
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The announcement of 14 hasn't made me lose interest. The fact that I've been playing close to 3 years now and only a few levels away from my maat's cap is what has done it for me. That coupled with the fact that my brother is visiting from out of state has reduced my playtime this week to about 1 hour when I turned in my bonanza marbles and cancelled 11 content IDs.

I knew a few months ago that I do not want to keep playing MMOs. They have done nothing to me but kill my social life.
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Tokitung
Posts: 88
By Ifrit.Kalix 2009-06-17 19:49:58
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I just lost interest in FFXI and all MMOs as I just found out I got orders to Germany! 2010-2013 is gonna be spent traveling across Europe, not infront of a computer!
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Melly
Posts: 92
By Pandemonium.Melaise 2009-06-17 20:49:30
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Sort of, but I started losing interest before I even knew about the new MMO. I'm not gonna quit or anything but I keep going back and forth about how much I really want to spend on this game. I'm just gonna see how it goes and how I feel in the new few months and take it from there.

As for FFXIV, at first I wasn't going to even consider playing it but now I'd like to atleast try it. I'm interested moreso in what the chars look like, how you progress in the game and just having fun rather than wanting all the good gear and doing End-Game, like I do in XI. Be nice to just play an MMO for fun again <.<
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-06-17 20:55:36
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Kalix said:
I just lost interest in FFXI and all MMOs as I just found out I got orders to Germany! 2010-2013 is gonna be spent traveling across Europe, not infront of a computer!

Nice! Back when my step-dad was active duty all my friends that had lived over there said they loved it. I'm so jealous he never got stationed overseas, we almost got orders to Italy, but they sent us to Fort Benning instead >.<
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Aenemy
Posts: 24
By Fairy.Aenemy 2009-06-18 07:59:58
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Jax said:
ys. i started getting really lazy with my character only because it kinda really is all for nothing? just personal enjoyment i guess. =|

Is'nt personal enjoyment the reason we play videogames for in the first place?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Zeota
Posts: 111
By Phoenix.Zeotah 2009-06-24 16:34:51
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XIV hasn't put a damper on my interest for two reasons. The first being that I seriously doubt they'll keep to that 2010 release date. It'll probably suffer as many delays as most Zelda games. Second being there's still much I still want to do in XI, having missed out on a number of things from the game's earlier years.I used to hate it back then, but now I'm really loving it.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vitoru
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Vitoru 2009-06-24 17:04:33
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I quit FFXI a week before FFXIV was announced and with all the improvements it seems to promise I am most probably not returning to FFXI.

FFXI was a fun game for awhile, but the game was riddled with so many problems I was surprised I kept playing it for so long.

IMO the pacing of the game was terrible--and this was further compounding with having to group for practically anything worthwhile. That is fine for high school kids that don't give a crap about RL, but for those of us who have jobs, go to school, and have social lives, FFXI was definitely NOT accommodating to my lifestyle if I wanted to have a good time in the game.

If FFXIV is solo friendly and the pacing of the game is improved (ie quests don't take forever to do and you don't need to depend on boatloads of people who can't get to events on time), that would entice me perhaps to give it a go, but as far as FFXI, I'm pretty sure I am not returning to the game.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Wardens
Posts: 679
By Lakshmi.Wardens 2009-06-24 18:13:21
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I did not lose interest at all. I will be trying FFXIV (not for PS3 eww) when it comes out while playing ffxi still.

To all of you who lost interest good riddance, you are not on my server.

Why bother posting here anymore? lol

Go back to the RL or whatever you call it!
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vitoru
Posts: 3
By Bahamut.Vitoru 2009-06-25 13:25:45
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Wardens said:
I did not lose interest at all. I will be trying FFXIV (not for PS3 eww) when it comes out while playing ffxi still.

To all of you who lost interest good riddance, you are not on my server.

Why bother posting here anymore? lol

Go back to the RL or whatever you call it!

Being in the Jury Duty waiting room for hours upon hours on end makes you go to websites you normally don't go to or haven't been to in awhile. lol.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 222
By Gilgamesh.Deathsshadow 2009-06-25 15:21:01
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Nadia said:
I lost a bit of interest when I played the Aion beta last weekend. lol

i wanna try that game oout 1 day lol...

But anyway, i've lost intrest in this game not to long ago... been to about 3 servers same ***new people lol (always late for events, etc)...

I've recently been lookin into 2 game i might jump 2 when they are released... Huxley and Champions Online
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 222
By Gilgamesh.Deathsshadow 2009-06-25 15:41:13
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yeea Champions Online has killed ffxi for me lol...

I've always loved Crytic studios and thier games, especially City of Heros/vIllians
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Oddler7
Posts: 9
By Ragnarok.Oddler 2009-07-14 23:04:04
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Wow, I was just about to join FFXI again after not playing for a while and saw the news today....I was so damn excited to play FFXI again and I planned out just what I wanted to do, what I wanted to level, what NMs I wanted to pwn....as soon as I realized there was going to be a new Final Fantasy MMORPG I ,almost instantaneously, lost ALL intrest in playing FFXI again.

I'm glad POL was failing hard giving me credit card registration failure problems over and over so I couldn't re-register a new subscription....! Thanks POL! Seriously, lolz.

Playing a new game in a new world where everyone is kind of even because EVERYTHING is unknown and nothing has been discovered reignites my spirit of adventure that is no longer existent in FFXI. They mystery and adventure of exploring the unknown is gone in FFXI for me and I might just hold off on selling my soul to a MMORPG for just a bit longer.

I hope it's cross platform...
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Antipika
Posts: 1339
By Garuda.Antipika 2009-07-14 23:12:22
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Might start losing interest if I like the beta of FF XIV, until then, no. Can't say for sure that I'll move to FF XIV, game might completely sux who knows. But if I enjoy the beta, like the battle system etc... Will stop FF XI right away after XIV release.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Sidi
Posts: 538
By Asura.Sidi 2009-07-14 23:24:24
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Regardless of FFXIV, I'm still quite in love with FFXI... unfortunately, lately getting tired of it

Mainly because people's attitudes, its still just a game, but too many ppl take it serious, and won't let others join in the fun. Calculating and forcing others to gear for the tiniest of improvements, being stuck in a mindset that burning is the only way to do things, being in the mindset that certain jobs are useless, etc. Lately its just been trying on me, and don't really have much of a desire to deal with it, so basically been doing school work, reading, and watching tv lately... maybe I'll come on now and then, and just solo, because ppl can't eff that up, otherwise... my gametime is really cut down, and while I'd love to do some activites, to get some gear, to hang out and stuff, the attitudes are building up (5-6 years of it brings it to the point that sometimes, aka now, you just can't take much more)

FFXIV I'm dying to play, mainly because I miss the newby feeling... I loved that, I loved exploring, and figuring out things, and being new to the whole game... figuring out macros for the first time ever was like O_O;; so hoping for a similar experience... but seeing how its practially a sequal, a lot will be similar, so my newbiness won't be as complete... and 90% of players will be old FFXI players, so figure the same attitudes are going to carry straight over, making me reluctant to accept being excited over it XD
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2009-07-14 23:25:44
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Antipika said:
Might start losing interest if I like the beta of FF XIV, until then, no. Can't say for sure that I'll move to FF XIV, game might completely sux who knows. But if I enjoy the beta, like the battle system etc... Will stop FF XI right away after XIV release.

This. I'm holding out until I get a chance to try XIV hands-on. If it's FF: WoW, I'll skip it. I have a long enough list of things I want to do and get to keep me going on FFXI for years.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: BushinNmL
Posts: 80
By Carbuncle.Nightmarelord 2009-07-14 23:57:10
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Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
user: Fawkes
By Pandemonium.Fawkes 2009-07-15 00:52:43
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I wouldn't say I lost interest in FFXI when FFXIV was announced, although it changed how I looked at the game.

Basically, it made me realise FFXI will come to an end soon and all the time I've put into it as well as everything I've ever acheived will be for nothing. Yeah, I had fun over the years but any dreams of relics etc have been killed. Now when I play FFXI I sometimes realise I'm asking myself "Am I wasting the time I have left?" which ruins it for me.

If I had my way, there would be no FFXIV. I know I probably sound obsessed but it's hard to think that, very soon, the time I've put into the game will be nullified. As much as I'd like to be one of the first FFXIV players and discover new aspects of an unexplored game, I do not see that happening as I'm not about to do as I have done with FFXI and devote years of spare time to the game just for a repeat of this somewhere down the line.
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