SCH XML //classtrigger ~ Need Some Help XD

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SCH XML //classtrigger ~ need some help xD
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: akhilleus
Posts: 89
By Odin.Akhilleus 2013-02-03 07:25:13
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Hi, I recently was given an xml by somebody and it works good for me, I am just stumped by the //classtrigger business, I rly dont know where to type it to make my strategems for SCH active, tried various forums but to no avaial, here is the basic rules to follow, but I just can't dicipher it, how it is written into macros and/or chat box. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

No AutoExec Data needed for this file

No Include needed for this file

This XML is designed to only handle Strategems via ClassTriggers. As such, it cancels any
attempts to use the strategems directly. This allows the in-game macros to be set
with the strategems as alternates to the ClassTrigger lines in case Spellcast isn't
loaded, while not messing up the spellcast itself.

Strategem use:
Use "//ClassTrigger <type>" in your chat box or "/ma ClassTrigger <type>" to select arts-agnostic
Strategems in your in-game macros. Valid <type>s: Addendum, Cost, Speed, AOE, Potency, Accuracy,
Enmity, Duration, Skillchain.

This XML also allows you to set a queue for strategems. If activated ("//classtrigger queue" toggles the setting),
all strategems used, up to 3 strats, will be queue'd up and automatically used on the next spell
cast. There is occasionally some oddity with timing or targetting (you need to keep your target on
the target of the spell) when doing this, so you may need to re-cast the spell after queue'd strats
have been used.

This XML also changes your Idle Feet with the Vulcan Shot Toggle. Set the below variables to which feet you use for movement and
which you use for standing. When you use Vulcan Shot ('//vulcan shot' in the console or '/ma "vulcan shot"' in a macro)
it will change between the two. To do this, just set the feet in your idle set as $IdleFeet. -->
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2013-02-03 07:57:54
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you type it in your ingame macro - it even says so xd


/ma ClassTrigger AOE <wait 1>
/ma "Phalanx" <me>
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: akhilleus
Posts: 89
By Odin.Akhilleus 2013-02-03 08:06:15
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Thanks for the reply but I just want to activate, for example Addendum: white, veen doing what you said above I am still getting the message 'No valid art currently set'

I am probably missing a trigger or something, I will paste more of the xml below, believe me I am no expert.

<!-- Sets Arts Variable to Whatever Art you're in -->
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<var cmd="set Arts LA" />
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<var cmd="set Arts DA" />
<var cmd="set Arts NA" />
<if Spell="Light Arts">
<var cmd="set Arts LA" />
<if Spell="Dark Arts">
<var cmd="set Arts DA" />

<!-- Conversion routine. Use //ClassTrigger <type> to select arts-agnostic Strategems. -->
<!-- Valid <type>: Addendum, Cost, Speed, AOE, Potency, Accuracy, Enmity, Duration, Skillchain -->
<if Spell="ClassTrigger">
<!-- Catch any existing arts if the var hasn't been set yet. -->
<if advanced='"$Arts"="NA"'>
<if BuffActive="Light Arts|Addendum: White">
<var cmd="set Arts LA" />
<elseif BuffActive="Dark Arts|Addendum: Black">
<var cmd="set Arts DA" />
<var cmd="set QueueAction None" />
<if SpellTargetRaw="AOE">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Accession" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Manifestation" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Potency">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Rapture" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Ebullience" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Duration">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Perpetuance" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<addtochat>No Duration strategem for Dark Arts.</addtochat>
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Cost">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Penury" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Parsimony" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Speed">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Celerity" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Alacrity" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Addendum">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<changespell spell="Addendum: White" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<changespell spell="Addendum: Black" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Accuracy">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Altruism" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Focalization" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Enmity">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Tranquility" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Equanimity" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Skillchain">
<if advanced='"$Arts"="LA"'>
<addtochat>No Skillchain strategem for Light Arts.</addtochat>
<elseif advanced='"$Arts"="DA"'>
<var cmd="set QueueAction %SpellTargetRaw" />
<changespell spell="Immanence" />
<changetarget target="<me>" />
<addtochat>No valid Art currently set.</addtochat>
<!-- Activate/deactivate queuing. -->
<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Queue">
<if advanced='"$UseQueue"="Yes"'>
<var cmd="set UseQueue No" />
<var cmd="set QueNum 0" />
<var cmd="set Queue1 None" />
<var cmd="set Queue2 None" />
<var cmd="set Queue3 None" />
<var cmd="set UseQueue Yes" />
<var cmd="set QueNum 0" />
<var cmd="set Queue1 None" />
<var cmd="set Queue2 None" />
<var cmd="set Queue3 None" />
<addtochat>Queue: $UseQueue</addtochat>
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Bikpik
Posts: 47
By Cerberus.Bikpik 2013-02-03 09:03:23
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I'm pretty sure you're using mote's xml, and I think he posts on here, but you have to pick your arts first, then which strat you want

<!-- Strategem use.
Use "//ClassTrigger <type>" or "/ma ClassTrigger <type>" to select arts-agnostic Strategems in in-game macros.
Valid <type>s: Addendum, Cost, Speed, AOE, Power, Accuracy, Enmity, Duration, Skillchain -->

This is right from his xml.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2013-02-03 09:06:24
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yeh just do /ja "Light Art" <me> <wait 1>
Posts: 132
By Yamoto 2013-02-03 16:25:36
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What they all said. You have to be in Light/Dark arts first, then you can use a macro "/ma ClassTrigger Addendum" to put up your addendum.

Check your XML near the top where your <variables> are. There should be a <var> named "UseQueue" If that says "<var name="UseQueue">Yes</var>" then when hit a macro to activate a strat it will put it into a queue and hold it there until you need to use it.

Step 1: You hit 3 macros for AOE/Perp/Cost. Nothing will happen but you will get a chat log entry saying:
"Action XXX added to queue as #X. Current queue: XXX, XXX, XXX."
with the "XXX" being the specific strats you have in queue.
Step 2: You select your target, then cast your spell. Spellcast will then use all 3 strats you have queued then cast your spell.

Your strat macros should look like this:
Addendum: White/Black: //ClassTrigger Addendum
Penury/Parsimony: //ClassTrigger Cost
Celerity/Alacrity: //ClassTrigger Speed
Accession/Manifestation: //ClassTrigger AOE
Tranquility/Equanimity: //ClassTrigger Enmity
Perpetuance: //ClassTrigger Duration
Immanence: //ClassTrigger Skillchain

Because all those do work with spellcast, you can macro multiple triggers on one macro without any waits.

One thing I would add to the XML (because I think I added it myself, I don't think Mote's XML came with it) is add a Clear Queue function. Paste this right before where it says "<!-- Activate/deactivate queueing -->":
			<elseif SpellTargetRaw="Clear">
				<addtochat>Clearing Stratagem Queue</addtochat>
				<var cmd="set QueNum 0" />
				<var cmd="set Queue1 None" />
                <var cmd="set Queue2 None" />
                <var cmd="set Queue3 None" />

What this will do is let you make this macro "//ClassTrigger Clear" or "/ma ClassTrigger Clear" so that you can hit that macro to clear out your queue if you need to reset it for some reason.

Hope this helps!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Motenten
Posts: 764
By Fenrir.Motenten 2013-02-03 17:15:42
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Yes, that's my xml. A few notes:

You *do* need an include file; two of them, actually: Mote-Config-Include.xml and Mote-Rules-Include.xml. It might have just been a typo in what you wrote, though, if you weren't having other issues due to lack of includes.

If you're not in a current Arts, it doesn't make any sense to use //classtrigger addendum. How is it supposed to know whether you want Addendum: White or Addendum: Black? The 'No valid art currently set' message should have been a clue.

I did add a means to clear the queue, after a comment someone made (possibly Yamoto?). "/ma classtrigger queue:clear" will do it.
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2013-08-08 06:49:57
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ive started to get a noticeable FPS dip in game every time i use any macro with this XML - any ideas?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Nezea
Posts: 88
By Carbuncle.Nezea 2013-08-08 15:25:09
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Do your macros send commands directly through the game or do you input them via windower? I had the same problem with spellcast some time ago and what fixed it for me was sending all my commands through windower; that is, put all your commands in scripts and tell the game to run the script instead of directly inputting the command.

For instance, instead of writing a macro that says:

/ma "Cure III" <stpc>

You would write a text file (say Cure3.txt) with

input /ma "Cure III" <stpc>;

and in your macro put /con exec Cure3.txt
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2013-08-12 05:22:09
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nvm seems this has fixed itself for now after a relog.

Whats the benefit to using the Que system with this xml vs macros ?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2013-08-13 05:00:15
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this problems back and its only SCH main job specific but i get a dip of 5-6 FPS on ever spell ;; ideas?
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: R3G1STRY
Posts: 40
By Lakshmi.Registry 2013-08-13 06:47:44
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Asura.Izilder said: »
this problems back and its only SCH main job specific but i get a dip of 5-6 FPS on ever spell ;; ideas?

I could be talking out of my *** here, but I think that's spellcast's xml parsing lag. Pretty sure the more you do with variables the worse it is.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: akhilleus
Posts: 89
By Odin.Akhilleus 2013-08-16 11:03:11
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Can anyone give me an include for Argute pants +2 for tabula rasa bonus please? Something I can copy and paste into my xml, if that's even possible. Thanks in advance.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Hidegger
Posts: 130
By Quetzalcoatl.Hidegger 2013-08-16 11:09:06
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<if spell="Tabula Rasa">
				<action type="castdelay" delay=".1"/>
					<action type="equip" when="precast">
						<legs>Argute Pants +2</legs>
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Sekundes
Posts: 4189
By Ragnarok.Sekundes 2013-08-16 11:25:20
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Asura.Izilder said: »
this problems back and its only SCH main job specific but i get a dip of 5-6 FPS on ever spell ;; ideas?
Check out Motenten's info on this:

You can just skip to the bottom if you want the TLDR. But you can see how certain types of XMLs would cause huge amounts of lag.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: akhilleus
Posts: 89
By Odin.Akhilleus 2013-08-16 12:49:07
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Quetzalcoatl.Hidegger said: »
<if spell="Tabula Rasa">
				<action type="castdelay" delay=".1"/>
					<action type="equip" when="precast">
						<legs>Argute Pants +2</legs>

Thank you sir, much appreciated.
Posts: 6
By Akhileus 2013-08-24 15:22:46
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I have the begging bowl out again. If anyone has an include for Augmented Argute loafers+2 that will work for all storms I would appreciate it greatly. I bow down to your superior knowledge in advance. Thankies.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2701
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-09-07 16:18:42
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Without using any special class triggers, is there a simple way I can lock my stun set on when I am solo stunning with TR up?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Taint
Posts: 1514
By Cerberus.Taint 2013-09-07 17:05:58
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Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Without using any special class triggers, is there a simple way I can lock my stun set on when I am solo stunning with TR up?

My SC does that with a trigger but you can also just use a /raw command.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Snprphnx
Posts: 2701
By Bismarck.Snprphnx 2013-09-07 17:15:12
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Cerberus.Taint said: »
Bismarck.Snprphnx said: »
Without using any special class triggers, is there a simple way I can lock my stun set on when I am solo stunning with TR up?

My SC does that with a trigger but you can also just use a /raw command.

yea, i looked at your xml last night, and while i know some basic xml coding, im not familiar with triggers. is there a decent idiots guide i can read for an explanation, and examples?
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