Today I attempted to clear these by making a /shout party.
After a wipe to Tsui-Goab, one of the members changed to PLD, held the adds and we were able to kill it quite easily.
Then we tried Abununnu. Over and over again. People started to leave, so I reformed again, and again we were unable to beat it.
Tried different strategies, like just having the adds held while the DD kill the main, and also killing the adds while someone holds the NM.
I was praised for trying my absolute best to get this done, despite the wipes. We seemed to have issues getting staggers on this too, even with... four black mages...
So I was wondering what kind of setup (And quality) of players that you would use for this stage. Would I definitely need a PLD or two? Any tips would be sweet.
Edit: I have had no trouble with these kinds of partys for city clears, aht urhgan and Zilart, except maybe that Amphitere in Rolanberry and the Imp in Aht Urhgan. Apparently the guy in the chair is even worse then the Demon. It would be nice to see some strategy for all tier 1.