(Don't) Fear The Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide

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(Don't) Fear the Reaper: A Dark Knight Guide
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Posts: 319
By aisukage 2017-01-10 12:53:45
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Asura.Thorva said: »
aisukage said: »
Sylph.Darkside said: »
Asura.Thorva said: »
I am not 100% certain just yet as to a perfect torc set, but I am leaning pretty heavily to something like this with the random augs going for vit, acc/attk, wsdmg (should be 48% wsdmg with max aug)

ItemSet 348903
That's a great set. Good to know I wasn't very far off what you have down. Now maybe I'm off but isn't that way more than 48%?
Even being modest with 5% on the head and legs, 10 on body, back, neck and waist. Isn't those 6 pieces alone 50%? So add in the feet, hands, ring and earring. Isn't that over 60%. Again I may be wrong in how this actually calculates. Let me know if I am off, I'd really rather know how it truly works out.

Ammo = 6
heady = 5 = 11
Earring = 2 = 13
Body = 10 = 23
hands = 7 = 30
ring = 3 = 33
back = 10 = 43
legs = 5 = 48
feet = 6 = 54

so looking at 54% potential max WSD from that set. What I would like to ask is how good is fotia really for torc? Being a single hit WS I would of thought not that great but not sure if there are any better pieces

I could be wrong and would like clarification if I am but for a single hit WS
1000% TP = 4.75FTP fotia makes it 4.85FTP which is just over 2.1% WSD
2000% TP = 7.5 which fotia will make a 1.3% WSD
3000% TP = 10FTP fotia making it 10.1FTP which is just 1% WSD

Really starting to wonder where the *** I got 48% from, think I didnt count ammo when I added it up.

As for fotia, that is generally my go-to for ws, if you saw my invent you would understand. I think I heard in the past it actually was NOT BiS for torc. But are those values for both fotia neck and belt or just one?

those values are for each since I only added a 0.1 to the FTP of the value stated by BG. My maths could be wrong but that's the impression I am under when I calculated it and feel free to correct me if I am. Also I understand the pain of inventory issues even with 4 mog wardrobes it's never enough.

I dunno how I use to cope when I only had 80 spaces. I remember my drk use to be like 70/80 and that was cutting out some sets I wanted ; ;
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-10 12:57:56
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Yeah, my rdm is pulling 3 of my wardrobes and invent, thankfully rdm shares a ton of gear for me, but it is about to get worse yet again with new ambu gear for -dt and acc sets as well as omen gear on pieces I didn't use before but will now. With 8 jobs 2100, and gear for all of them in endgame, my invent is a nightmare.

edit: I managed to blink tank Omen Kin like it was nothing on rdm and hold hate vs a pld coming off weakend trying to get hate back spamming flash/voke using my enmity toggle to keep hate off others. That is an idea on the amount of gear I have on rdm.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Yankke23
Posts: 91
By Asura.Yankke 2017-01-10 13:52:29
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Asura.Thorva said: »
Yeah, my rdm is pulling 3 of my wardrobes and invent, thankfully rdm shares a ton of gear for me, but it is about to get worse yet again with new ambu gear for -dt and acc sets as well as omen gear on pieces I didn't use before but will now. With 8 jobs 2100, and gear for all of them in endgame, my invent is a nightmare.

edit: I managed to blink tank Omen Kin like it was nothing on rdm and hold hate vs a pld coming off weakend trying to get hate back spamming flash/voke using my enmity toggle to keep hate off others. That is an idea on the amount of gear I have on rdm.

U are a BADASS RDM, we know rite!!!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2017-01-10 15:01:38
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Due to high base weapon dmg of most 2H weapons and high amount of +stat we already tend to have (>100 in gear alone), and low +stat on most neck/waist accessories, fotia often ends up being BiS for 2H weaponskills, even if the fTP is relatively high, like torcleaver. Some napkin math for u:

tjukurrpa medal vs. fotia neck w/ weapon around 300 base dmg (zulfiqar and rag are in this range):

6 VIT * .8 mod * 10 fTP (3k TP mod) = 48 dmg added
.1 fTP *(300 base dmg + .8 (260) + fSTR) = at least 50 dmg added
(The stat estimation is taken from the set Thorva posted)

What I'm trying to say is per my estimation (which is a little off because I'm not considering every last detail) you need somewhere around 10 vit on an accessory before it starts to surpass fotia when you're using torcleaver under 2k TP with Thorva's set.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-10 22:02:02
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
Due to high base weapon dmg of most 2H weapons and high amount of +stat we already tend to have (>100 in gear alone), and low +stat on most neck/waist accessories, fotia often ends up being BiS for 2H weaponskills, even if the fTP is relatively high, like torcleaver. Some napkin math for u:

tjukurrpa medal vs. fotia neck w/ weapon around 300 base dmg (zulfiqar and rag are in this range):

6 VIT * .8 mod * 10 fTP (3k TP mod) = 48 dmg added
.1 fTP *(300 base dmg + .8 (260) + fSTR) = at least 50 dmg added
(The stat estimation is taken from the set Thorva posted)

What I'm trying to say is per my estimation (which is a little off because I'm not considering every last detail) you need somewhere around 10 vit on an accessory before it starts to surpass fotia when you're using torcleaver under 2k TP with Thorva's set.

makes sense , and the 1% chance at saved tp is probably an even bigger factor.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2017-01-11 17:15:41
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
Due to high base weapon dmg of most 2H weapons and high amount of +stat we already tend to have (>100 in gear alone), and low +stat on most neck/waist accessories, fotia often ends up being BiS for 2H weaponskills, even if the fTP is relatively high, like torcleaver. Some napkin math for u:

tjukurrpa medal vs. fotia neck w/ weapon around 300 base dmg (zulfiqar and rag are in this range):

6 VIT * .8 mod * 10 fTP (3k TP mod) = 48 dmg added
.1 fTP *(300 base dmg + .8 (260) + fSTR) = at least 50 dmg added
(The stat estimation is taken from the set Thorva posted)

What I'm trying to say is per my estimation (which is a little off because I'm not considering every last detail) you need somewhere around 10 vit on an accessory before it starts to surpass fotia when you're using torcleaver under 2k TP with Thorva's set.
Thanks for this, I knew Fotia's were useful but wasn't sure if they were BiS or not for Torc but from this it seems very insignificant if they aren't to the point I probably will just use them because of inventory issues XD
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-11 19:22:37
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what is everyone using for Savage blade set? I am using sword on thinker now, and I was hoping to up my dmg a bit better. Tam+1 i assume best sword?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-11 20:49:54
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Tang+1 works great if you don't have Reikiko though.
Posts: 319
By aisukage 2017-01-11 23:39:48
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Another question I would like to ask. With Fern you can only get +10 on the stat but +5 on WSD where taupe is +15VIT but only 4WSD right? If that's the case would giving up 3% WSD be better to gain that extra 15VIT if you are lucky enough to get it that is?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ganon8413
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2017-01-12 05:08:47
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Asura.Thorva said: »

Tang+1 works great if you don't have Reikiko though.

I used CR with Aeonic scythe, it worked nicely.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: ganon8413
Posts: 127
By Asura.Ganno 2017-01-12 05:15:17
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Anyone knows the effect of Ignominy Gauntlets +3 on Weapon Bash?

Weapon Bash +16 and Augments Weapon Bash.

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2017-01-12 09:28:30
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aisukage said: »
Another question I would like to ask. With Fern you can only get +10 on the stat but +5 on WSD where taupe is +15VIT but only 4WSD right? If that's the case would giving up 3% WSD be better to gain that extra 15VIT if you are lucky enough to get it that is?

This question is a bit more involved cause it depends on how much WSD gear you already have. For torcleaver at 1k TP it's a bit like:

22-26 dmg for each 1 WSD you add (using values from my previous post with min and max for floored or capped fSTR)
4-5 dmg for each VIT you add.

So 3 WSD is definitely going to beat 15 VIT. I would say 6 VIT to 1 WSD-ish. Personally I use fern stones and look for acc/wsd and just hope for the best with the stat.
Guide Maker
Posts: 3251
By Quetzacoatl 2017-01-12 13:15:57
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Minor edit this morning for Ignominy+3 list.

I'm in the process of grinding Ambuscade for the Sulevia+1 set, so I may be slow in updating the guide. expecting Flamma sets next month for vouchers.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-12 13:46:49
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
This question is a bit more involved cause it depends on how much WSD gear you already have. For torcleaver at 1k TP it's a bit like:

22-26 dmg for each 1 WSD you add (using values from my previous post with min and max for floored or capped fSTR)
4-5 dmg for each VIT you add.

So 3 WSD is definitely going to beat 15 VIT. I would say 6 VIT to 1 WSD-ish. Personally I use fern stones and look for acc/wsd and just hope for the best with the stat.

I would love to know where/how to determine this as I am always debating between different augs, getting 5 wsd isnt to hard, but getting 5 with stats is, however using taupe and getting stats with 4 wsd isnt to terrible, but it never comes up with 30 acc....

I just dont understand your previous post to well and where you got all the numbers.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2017-01-12 16:47:39
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Asura.Azagarth said: »
Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
This question is a bit more involved cause it depends on how much WSD gear you already have. For torcleaver at 1k TP it's a bit like:

22-26 dmg for each 1 WSD you add (using values from my previous post with min and max for floored or capped fSTR)
4-5 dmg for each VIT you add.

So 3 WSD is definitely going to beat 15 VIT. I would say 6 VIT to 1 WSD-ish. Personally I use fern stones and look for acc/wsd and just hope for the best with the stat.

I would love to know where/how to determine this as I am always debating between different augs, getting 5 wsd isnt to hard, but getting 5 with stats is, however using taupe and getting stats with 4 wsd isnt to terrible, but it never comes up with 30 acc....

I just dont understand your previous post to well and where you got all the numbers.

So for all my calculations and estimations I use the BG wiki weaponskill damage equation.

Melee WS Base Damage = floor(( Weapon Base Damage + fSTR + WSC ) × fTP)

WSC for Torcleaver is 80% of your VIT or .8 * totalVIT.
Looking at Thorva's set and assuming no stat augs he has 160 in VIT on gear.
My base VIT as a 99 Mithra DRK is 101. I rounded to 100 because who knows you could be taru.
Set VIT + base VIT = 260 (so that's where the stat is from)

For weapon base damage I used 300 because rag is 304 and an un-auged Zulfiqar is 297.

For fSTR I found the min and max values (that's where the range comes from). Max fSTR is - Weapon Rank and max fSTR is 8 + Weapon Rank.

Weapon Rank is floor (Weapon Base Damage (300) divided by 9 ) = 33. So max fSTR is 41 and min fSTR is -33.

So the range of the middle term WITHOUT VIT AUGS in my estimation is 475 to 549. Let's call this base_damage.

I hadn't really thought of this before but thanks to order of operations you don't even have to consider http://fTP.

Then I figure out how much 1 WSD and 1 VIT are both 'worth' in this situation.

Now you have:
(base_damage + .8*added_vit)*(1+.01*current_wsd+.01*added_wsd)*abunchofotherstuff = weaponskill damage (Remember .8 is the WS mod)

Then you do a little dance because for VIT based WS abunchofotherstuff is constant no matter how you change your stat or WSD so you don't have to worry about it.

OK! So let's consider the situation in which we are just adding 1 VIT into this scenario and nothing else and then 1 WSD without adding anything else. This will tell us the 'worth' of one VIT and one WSD.

You will get:
base_damage*(1 + .01*current_wsd) + .8*(1 + .01*current_wsd).

Now consider add 1 WSD. You will get:
base_damage*(1 + .01*current_wsd) + .01*1*(base_damage)

So you can see these both have the term base_damage*(1 + .01*current_wsd).

The differences are:
.8*(1+.01*current_wsd) = how much 1 VIT will impact your WS
.01*1*(base_damage) = how much 1 WSD will impact your WS

current_wsd and base_damage both have ranges. I already discussed base_damage. Your current_wsd is easy to calculate by adding up your gear. Assuming near perfect gear you have 5 * 4 augmentable reisen pieces + 10 on drk AF+3 body + 10 on cape + 2 on earring + 6 on knobkierrie + 3 if you got that ring = 51. So max current wsd is 51. Min current WSD is 0. So the range for vit is:

.8*(1) to .8*(1.5) = .8 to 1.2 value for VIT

the range for WSD is:

.01*(475) to 0.1(579) = 4.75 to 5.79 value for WSD

So knowing these numbers the best VIT will do compared to WSD is
4.75/1.2 (when you have awesome WSD and terrible fSTR) = 3.95 (about 4) and the best WSD can do (when you have crap for WSD and baller fSTR) = 5.79/.8 = 7.23 (about 7). The average of those is 5.5 and I rounded up to about 6 cause I think it's more likely to have less WSD in a set and not terrible fSTR on DRK.

I guess I probably confused some people by saying added damage. the units are kind of arbitrary. The actual damage increase or decrease will be much different depending on what you are fighting. These values are off from the first post cause I multiplied by fTP in that post. I also used 1.4 for max wsd cause I forgot about knobkierrie and the adoulin ring.

Questions and pointers to my errors in addition are welcome.

edit: already found an error goddammit.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Bigt
Posts: 26
By Lakshmi.Bigt 2017-01-12 17:42:10
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All your maths make me want to cut my life into pieces
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2017-01-12 17:49:49
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Lakshmi.Bigt said: »
All your maths make me want to cut my life into pieces

Hooray! my maths are inspiring such DRKliness!! >:O
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 98
By Fenrir.Pertalee 2017-01-12 17:50:45
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By volkom 2017-01-12 17:51:24
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
Lakshmi.Bigt said: »
All your maths make me want to cut my life into pieces

Hooray! my maths are inspiring such DRKliness!! >:O
I hope you use souleater >_>
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rezeak
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-12 18:35:45
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X Vit to WSD%

So in general 5 VIT is better than 1 % WSD

3 VIT = 1% WSD at 105% WSD(current gear)
4 VIT = 1% WSD at 53% WSD
5 VIT = 1% WSD at 23% WSD
6 VIT = 1% WSD at 3% WSD

So considering most people are above 23% WSD
5 VIT > 1% WSD

Also a nice formula to work it out lol

(fSTR + Weapon base DMG + 0.8 VIT)/(100 + your WSD gear and gifts ) = VIT that equals 1 WSD



Edit well over estimated fSTR probably 4 VIT > 1 WSD (formula is still correct tho)
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Thorva
By Asura.Thorva 2017-01-12 18:46:15
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Keep in mind you get another 8% wsdmg from job points
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-12 20:39:36
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lol i never count that but even more reason for high end drk to use the 4vit = 1 wsd.

Also seems augmenting w/ fern or taupe really is the same, with slight preference to taupe as your wsd gear become greater.

one can get 15 stat / 4 wsd
other can 10 stat / 10 wsd

going by mid lv wsd they are =, and high end the taupe technically wins by its extra 1 vit worth of dmg.

However..... taupe for me has always got 15 stat 4 wsd dmg a heck of a lot easier and more often, but NEVER gets high acc i swear....

In favor of fern though you can get stuff like 8 stp 30 acc, for killer tp piece OR even just the 10 stat and 5 wsd, the wsd alone might make it worth it for other ws's that arent torc (more universal). These stones do run 2-3x the cost though... so gl!

my suggestion for a new drk is this

ody helm + hands + body = taupe, none of these are very useful tp wise unless you got an amazing 15 dex 35 acc 8 stp :D

ody legs = use fern, you WILL want a pair of 8 stp 30 acc legs eventually, so kill 2 birds one stoen thing. Along the way you may also want to grav a 5 DA pair with high acc. So 3 birds 1 stone haha.

If we do the taupe route we can only get a MAX WSD of 51 + 8 jp = 59, with an extra 15 vit
if we do the fern route we can only get a max WSD of 54 + 8 jp = 62, with a loss of 15 vit.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Montaeg
Posts: 99
By Fenrir.Montaeg 2017-01-13 09:38:08
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With 8% from job points (and a correction to an addition error) the range is now 3.7 to 6.8 for VIT : WSD ratio. I still hold that this is going to closer to 5 for most DRKs because of luck with augs/no AF+3 body yet/didn't get WSD adoulin ring/not capped JP. Even for high end DRK I would consider how bad you think your fSTR is going to be in situations where you play DRK.

@Rezeak Please note fSTR has a min and max based on weapon rank and is not simply .25 * STR. It's actually (character STR - enemy VIT+4)/4 but we can still make good estimations without knowing mob VIT based on what we do know.

Also you seem to not take into account that you only see .8 of every 1 VIT added due to WS multiplier so it should really be like:

(41+300+208)/.8*(100+30) = 549/104 = 5.27
That's capped fSTR and +30 wsd.

But honestly this is all an estimation anyway so it probably doesn't actually matter that much if you use 4,5, or 6 VIT to 1 WSD. They'll all be pretty close. I'm just being pedantic.

edit: woops
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 12:06:08
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That is true, I know I didnt take the wsd ring and tbh with niq/***+1 being so close anyhow its a good thing.

in terms of stone (bc lots ask me), seems taupe = fern for ws augments at the best augs each can get 15 VIT 30~ acc 4 WSD ..vs.. 10 VIT 30~ acc 5 WSD. Those are the goals people should be aiming for or as close to *** possible, on the fern augs the Vit will be hard to pull off, on the taupe the acc from my experience.

The only real reason to use fern, due to cost 120k vs 50k, is if you want to get some melee augments on that gear potentially too, such as odys legs you may need a wsd pair AND a stp pair. With taupe you an get 7 stp but I find it incredibly rare, with fern, while still rare, you should see atleast a 6+ stp (possible max of 8, only 7 with other stones) in around 500~ stones from experience with decent acc (20~).

GL drks!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Rezeak
Posts: 162
By Ragnarok.Rezeak 2017-01-13 17:24:58
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Fenrir.Montaeg said: »
Also you seem to not take into account that you only see .8 of every 1 VIT added due to WS multiplier so it should really be like:

(41+300+208)/.8*(100+30) = 549/104 = 5.27

It's in there.

(fSTR + Weapon base DMG + 0.8 VIT)/(100 + your WSD gear and gifts ) = VIT that equals 1 WSD

0.8 VIT is 80% VIT.

The 0.8 in your formula makes no sense btw (ur multiplying the 80% VIT mod on the weapon skill dmg )

As for estimations the simplified formula I made the only estimation is fSTR outside of that it's actually very accurate (unless I made a mistake in the simplification which is why i included the working)

If fSTR is capped at 41 and VIT is 300 and weapon DMG is 304

0.8 VIT = 240
(41 + 304 + 240) = 585
Using Base DMG/VIT = XWSD% (the context when 1 VIT = 1 WSD at XWSD% ) (worked formula out last post)
585/3 = 195
585/4 = 146
585/5 = 117

So at
17-46 +WSD 5 VIT > 1 WSD
46-95 +WSD 4 VIT > 1 WSD

On a side note, it's amazing to see how this thread has moved on like a month a go it was so toxic now there are some really good discussions going on <3.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 18:51:58
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Ragnarok.Rezeak said: »
On a side note, it's amazing to see how this thread has moved on like a month a go it was so toxic now there are some really good discussions going on <3.

How it should be! There has been good info and I am glad that was can start seeing the importance of different tools drk has.

btw i was messing around, and ANY begginer drk can get a full sulv set this month and torc cape, alone with 1mil or less of accessories from AH literally ANY DRK can be at +226 vit in ws set (no clad). I think its fair assumption to use 330 Vit as a normal drk for base VIT during Torc. This set also leaves a drk around 1100~ acc in ws, so 1220 once you factor in. This Type of set however is severely lacking in WSD, but thats the whole goal for a beginner.

1220 acc 330 VIT and 18 WSD is a very good start for a drk and I think a NQ argosy set would be hard pressed to beat that in most situations, not to mention that odys legs / head / hands are EXTREMELY easy to get even for a beginner drk, and to get a decent aug with a cheap taupe stone isnt going to take long.

Now with that aside :D

I am curious as to peoples drain sets, I am aiming to perfect mine soon hopefully as I find it being very useful/must have now in Omen. I will usually start on F1 with a ds/nv drain3 for 6500~ hp and ride drain 2 for 3500~ until f3 (if I do a 2nd ds/nv sometimes I will not have it for boss, due to speed). On T3 i start off with a drain3 for 5500~ hp normally, and thats enough to use until floor 4 at which point a drain 2 keeps me uptil boss. I always start boss off with a dv/ns drain3 now for 5500~ hp and it has been a must for a lot of fights, however i would like to get a bit more to feel comfortable to LR fulltime as tank, probably 1000~ more.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-13 19:03:25
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One thing I'd like to point out.

Unless you intend to make multiple Valorous sets for single hit WSs, you should probably account for every low hit WS you're likely to use.

That extra VIT might marginally edge out for Torcleaver, but it's not going to do much for Scourge, Quietus, Cross Reaper or Catastrophe.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 19:30:02
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Odys is the gear you want to aug for drk just fyi, valo is more a drg and sam thing.

At this point you will have multiple sets regardless lol:D I feel most players have around the same with just bodies being the only hard drop to get.

It will honestly be better for a new player to farm multiple sets, and WAY CHEAPER too, even if they merc them than spending so much gil to get a perfect 1 aug fits all thing. Doing so would require fern stones and at 120k a stack compared to the 40k I daily snag taupe for.... there just is no comparison.

Check out my augs file too, gives you an idea, and this is just partial augs. I got about 2x more that arent listed.

Its also worth noting that scourge will benefit from vit too, str is better but they are equal WS mods. Reso you would use argosy on ahyhow and not augmented gear.

Obviously scythe is a while different game of augs, and requires str + wsd, which is easily 10x rarer in my book. Aim for that and when you get a good vit wsd aug, go refarm a new piece for gear and start auging that again.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
By Sylph.Cherche 2017-01-13 19:33:11
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That just seems like a colossal waste of gil and inventory.

Admittedly, a stack of Fern is only 60k on my server. Taupe being 36k.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Azagarth
Posts: 1326
By Asura.Azagarth 2017-01-13 19:57:52
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fyi thats insanely cheap for fern, asura is always 120k, I sell nightly because I farm fern for income too. It will occasionally drop to 100k but also spike to over 180.

Also not really a waste of gil, if you love a job and are trying to maximize its potential that is going to cost. On augmenst you will want/need a..

str + wsd + high acc
vit + wsd + high acc
stp + acc + high acc
DA + acc

and nice to have
High acc (35-40)
acc + Crit dmg 5 (more a war thing)
MAB + macc

once you get your augs all line up , your losing out on a potential 45-60 vit difference by having str augments on torc set, thats literally thousands of dmg... kind of a big deal. Seeing as drk is all about DD I would say your torc set (being the best imo) has an extremely high priority and moreso than your scythe ws sets, which admittedly will still benefit from just the wsd alone over other gear choices.

You can see I have 4 nearly mandatory sets for a career drk, and 4 very nice to have sets. The reality is you will not get a high acc AND max wsd AND high stats, normally you will get stuff such as:

15 str 5 acc 4 wsd (this is fine for low acc ws set so you keep it)

then you get an aug like 3 str 30 acc 3 wsd (great for a high acc needs, but outdone easily by the first when your not needing the acc).

situations such as these give a user 2 options, do I want a high acc only ws piece that saves me 1 inv spot, but is inferior whne I do not need said acc. OR do I keep both and enjoy best of both world until I get that luck 15 str 30 acc 4 wsd aug ive spent 10k taupe on and still dont have :D

its all user preference but I would urge a career drk (reason one would read this form) to maximize the job they play /shrug.
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