Make sure to check your XMLs(Can also check your Global.xml to make sure there was no change there either) to be sure there's not conflicting statements, i.e you're telling it here to use everything and there it's saying not to etc.
also you should be saving it after every change, even when you change something very small so that you can monitor for bugs etc. The only thing I can think of doing right this very moment would be to delete your settings file and remake a new one calling it "GearCollector" in the settings folder, and copy paste the version that Lakshmi.Byrth has pastebined
To me the whole thing sounds like a bug with the settings. If what i just suggested fixes it awesome, if not, you'll have to submit a bug problem to
Windower, as that's the fastest way(that i know of) for them to see problems and be able to fix it if it's their side.
(I'm just quoting this for the sake of doing so...)
File Name: GearCollector
File Submitted: 30 Nov 2011
File Updated: 30 Sep 2012
File Category: Windower Plugins
GearCollector will automatically collect gear based on a spellcast profile. Any gear not found in that profile will be stored automatically. Make sure to extract the entire zip into your plugins folder.
GearCollector is case-sensitive, make sure your xml tags and attributes are all in lower case, and that your item names exactly match the name you see in your inventory.
The settings file found in plugins/settings/GearCollector.xml configures the available options and storage sources.
To use:
Put global.xml in windower\plugins\spellcast
Be in your mog house
use //gc <job>[/subjob] [group1] [group2] ... [groupN] to start collecting gear.
//gc stop will stop the collection process
The subjob and group arguments are optional. If groups are specified, only gear belonging to those groups will be collected. If no groups are specified, all gear for that profile will be collected.
For example:
//gc whm will collect all gear for whm
//gc whm healing will only collect the group "healing"