Yeah, no.
a noobie would struggle to make a relic in a few months most likely, and mythic equals to what? 3-4 relics? price wise.
Is A Mythic Even Feasible Anymore For A Newbie? |
Is a Mythic even feasible anymore for a newbie?
Yeah, no.
a noobie would struggle to make a relic in a few months most likely, and mythic equals to what? 3-4 relics? price wise. If you're discouraged by all of this advice, that's probably good, but it's no reason to not give up. You can always do little things that would advance you towards a mythic, but also fill other needs. What I mean is, if you start making good gil, start saving it, too. If, in six months or something, you decide against a mythic you've got a little pile of money. Same thing for Alex. Make a point to get Assaults and ToAU done - you'll get to experience more of the game, and there's still legit gear and other rewards along the way. Things like that.
Before you know it, you might realize that you're a good chunk of the way done with the requirements. Then you can start stressing about it. stay far far away! (I'm going on 6 years, I think)
JusticeHighwind said: » So yeah this is long and all, but I guess I'm looking to find out if it's even worthwhile for me to plan for this. If so, any tips? And if not, what would be an alternative? Thanks. Only if you decide to play long enough, and willing to invest reasonable amount of time into this game. Once you decided you want to stick with this game, you need connections(or mules) to get some of the quest done, and ways to make gil(750M is a lot for many old players too) Connections(or mules) are one of the most important aspect in FFXI if you want to get anything done, many new ppl often lacks it, and doesn't know how to build. Whether it's worthwhile depends on your obsession(?) with it. I wouldn't tell you "don't do it if you're new!", but it's a process not everyone willing to go through for an MMO item, and certainly requires dedication. According to 11th Census, there are total 35 Mythic PA being made, and over 16k Kannagi, so it's on entirely different tier compare with empyrean in terms of dedication. If you want to do it, really really REALLY want, then you can do it. So whether you really really want to do it or not is the question you have to ask yourself. Correct me if I'm wrong but Relic WSs don't mean too awful much, I'd imagine your best bet would be shooting for Gungnir 99 and getting Drakesbane. But that's just from watching other DRGs. Rhongomiant seems kinda meh, Cama's Torment seems kinda lacking from what I've seen and unless you're the rare person who actually passes a lv 90 Emp, you're gonna be lacking in dmg rating. This goes for all Emps, the comment on Rhongo and Cama's Torment, again, is based on observation. Not to mention Rhongo is along the Chloris path which isn't so much hard, just annoying and hardly worth the time if you're not going for Verethragna. (Not to take anything away from Rhongo and Redemption owners) So my best guess would be Gungnir, if you have a godly LS and are seriously dedicated, yes, you could get a Ryunohige, it isn't impossible. Gungnir = high dmg, Ryuno = slightly lower damage with nice stats. Again, I'm not a DRG, I just saw the thread and thought I'd throw out some things for consideration and if I'm wrong, perhaps learn something. Also, Rhongo has an ODD aftermath, but Gungnir has a Occ 2x Dmg hidden effect, the proc rates of either, I don't know. I've seen a guy on Phoenix who has all 3, but I can't remember his name. EDIT: His name is Chita, sorry if you didn't want a name drop, but if you get your job's Relic, Mythic, and Emp, you're gonna get attention. >.> Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: » Yeah, no. a noobie would struggle to make a relic in a few months most likely, and mythic equals to what? 3-4 relics? price wise. A perle BST could easily solo a relic in a couple months through Dynamis and Limbus. Mythics are pretty damn strong these days with the OA2-3 that stacks with DA/TA/QA and WSes. I think 3 relics worth of time is almost too lenient when you think of how brokenly powerful they've become. Remora.Brain said: » Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai said: » Yeah, no. a noobie would struggle to make a relic in a few months most likely, and mythic equals to what? 3-4 relics? price wise. A perle BST could easily solo a relic in a couple months through Dynamis and Limbus. Mythics are pretty damn strong these days with the OA2-3 that stacks with DA/TA/QA and WSes. I think 3 relics worth of time is almost too lenient when you think of how brokenly powerful they've become. nope Phoenix.Kojo said: » So my best guess would be Gungnir, if you have a godly LS and are seriously dedicated, yes, you could get a Ryunohige, it isn't impossible. You don't need a "godly LS" to get Mythic, majority of Mythic events can be done with a few friends/mules. Only Ein require more ppl to enter probably, just go find ppl that also wants to do Ein(still a plenty of ppl doing it) and farm Ichor. Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » psst nope Oh really? Did they go back and bust that as a myth then? I haven't followed BG in a while since it's turned into an even bigger and less organized mess. Well my bad then, but they confirmed it procd on WSes right? The aftermath is still listed as "pseudo" DA/TA on BG wiki lol. Actually bothered to read the thread and the main point seems to have been covered, but I wanted to touch on this post:
Ragnarok.Valauge said: » There's a reason Ryunohige is the ultimate weapon for DRG. Remora.Brain said: » Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » psst nope Oh really? Did they go back and bust that as a myth then? I haven't followed BG in a while since it's turned into an even bigger and less organized mess. Well my bad then, but they confirmed it procd on WSes right? The aftermath is still listed as "pseudo" DA/TA on BG wiki lol. Actually a lot of DD Mythics should come out far ahead of their counterparts, shouldn't they? The two-handers should just about all pull ahead with the ease of getting 300% for them through STP and high haste, and not to mention most of them have pretty good Merit WSes. Tizona is awesome and Kenkoken is badass and that's before their AM for the most part. Aymur is good since the AM works on pets.
ZNM's are all soloable besides Pandy Warden now. The hardest part of it all will be getting the alex (which there's competition for on most servers even at high prices) and the annoying point collecting if you haven't done any content. Basically, I wouldn't worry about one anytime soon.
you missed a step in 1)
you can't start a mythic without a runic key, (clear Nyzul fl 100) and your vigil weapon, which isn't an issue if you have the former. *Mythic AM can proc ONCE on WS. (DA/QA/TA etc can proc twice).
*It does NOT stack with DA. They essentiallt cancel each other out because DA checks before the AM. So if you stack lots of DA, you actually REDUCE your mythic triple attack. EG: Mythic AM at 99 is 40% double attack, 20% triple attack. If you add in 50% DA from gear/traits/atmas etc, it checks 1st so you end up with 50%DA which leaves your AM to only proc on the remaining 50% of single attacks. 40% AM DA of that remaining 50 singles is 20. 20% AM TA of that remaining 50 singles is 10. So all said and done you go from 0% DA 40% AM DA 20% AM TA =180 hits every 100 swings to: 50% DA 20% AM DA 10% AM TA =190 hits every 100 swings. Adding a WHOPPING 50% DA only nets you 10 more hits. Going from 180 hits to 190 hits is only an increase of 5.55% more swings. Adding 50% DA only makes you 5.55% stronger. Its really, really stupid the way they did it. Things like fighters roll are essentially worthless and it knocks the boon of going /war down a peg. But EVERY friggin endgame setup these days is War+Drk+DD+cor so its forever chaos fighters even though fighters does jack crap for me personally and actually reduces my chance for epeen triple attacks :( Anyway, hope that clears up the technical confusion on AM. ![]() There is nothing stopping you from starting to work on your Mythic now.
at 99, you can find a LS that does Ein regularly for Abjs and many of them aren't going to care too much if you're not super well geared because they don't even need a full alliance. That'll build your Ichor. There are still people out there who aren't captain rank and/or need to do their climb for their own mythics. The biggest barrier to assault at 99 is needing 3 people to enter it. So if you can find someone to static with you 1 or 2 days a week you can start working on it now. Nyzul, there are still people who need floor 100 climbs for mythic WS'. This may be a bit harder but it's just something to work towards doing whenever you can. Salvage, Drg I believe is pretty capable in Salvage and it's not terribly difficult. Make some friends to do this once or twice a week, hold on to your alex. For kings, you just need to try and get a ToD or find them up. Just checking periodically once a week or so you'll eventually get lucky and get all 3 of them. At this point you're really not 'dedicated' to getting anything, you're just playing content. Content that you can't continuously spam over and over till you're done(like farming Aby seals). Really, as a newbie I'd almost say you're in a BETTER situation than the veterans because you have SO much to do that when you've done your Salvage/Nyzul/Assault/Ein for the day, theres still plenty of other things to keep you busy. Also, since you have so many other things you want to accomplish, you're not pressured to be doing everything with 100% efficiency and you can really push through a lot of the pre-reqs. In the mean time, you can also farm Dyna daily (Drg isn't the best at this, but I think you can make it work) and stockpile gil, then if Alex prices drop because of Neo-Salvage you'll be in a better situation to start buying at that point. They've definitely finished Ryunohige by now so don't worry.
Why do these posts start off with the answer no? Mythics aren't hard, just incredibly time consuming.
You can do pretty much everything with 3 people: -1 assault mission in lebros and Einherjar. Again, its overwhelming, but not hard. Bahamut.Kazius said: » They've definitely finished Ryunohige by now so don't worry. Not really 100 Assault missions = 100 days. Plus nyzul tokens = more tags for more 24 hour periods combined with those days. Not to mention the 30k alex, which requires tags again for assault points for salvage runs. no one saying it hard, just take a LONGGGGG time to do, but as a newbie to already start on a endgame weapon and dont even got a high lvl job (50war i think he said?) yet is crazy, never heard anyone starting that early O.o.
but like the other people said if you really really want that weapon for the job, go for it but dont think you gonna be done anytime so at the spot you at,>.>. ya it been over 140+ days or so update us on what happening!.lol The real question would be, how good/bad is Gugnir?
Sylph.Rafaras said: » The real question would be, how good/bad is Gugnir? Strongest Drg weapon easy. And by a significant amount I believe. I've said it before: scrolling up is hard.
It was the entirety of what you quoted :P. It's all good. I got a right laugh out of that just now hehe
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