Solo Dynamis Farming

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Solo Dynamis Farming
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Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 18:09:12
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Why would i tell strangers how? discover it the way i and some others did.
Posts: 151
By Ashandarei 2012-10-16 18:19:27
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geigei said: »
Why would i tell strangers how? discover it the way i and some others did.

This sounds like an info-mercial lol. "I became a millionaire overnight, but for 17 easy payments of $3,500 I too can scam and lie to you so I'll be even more rich!"
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 18:24:08
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Serveur: Siren
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Posts: 573
By Siren.Fupafighters 2012-10-16 18:42:45
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geigei said: »
Not one person in this thread believes you. Go away. You contribute nothing at all.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 18:49:00
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I wont go away, what you gonna do? tell your mother?
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: gymj1m
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By Bahamut.Greyfawkz 2012-10-16 18:50:10
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I don't see how 300 is not realistic.. On my shitty BST I averaged 180-200 with a high of about 230 in Valk, My duos with thf and nin get around 350-400. Gonna try THF and RNG next week after my annihilator gets at least 90.
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-10-16 18:52:32
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I don't believe or disbelieve them, but I wouldn't divulge a money-making secret (if I had one) on a public forum either.
Serveur: Siren
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Posts: 573
By Siren.Fupafighters 2012-10-16 18:55:49
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I don't believe the idea of him soloing 300 a day on thf on easy preys. Mainly over the idea that there is competition daily. In a clear zone with a pimped thf/dnc getting really lucky procs, I can see it, but otherwise no, not daily. If you're going to brag about something, back it up. My guess is he dual boxes.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 18:57:17
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Well there's no secret, just sum a bunch a stuff i gather through months of farming.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 573
By Siren.Fupafighters 2012-10-16 19:00:41
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geigei said: »
Well there's no secret, just sum a bunch a stuff i gather through months of farming.
It's simple....get TE fast...kill ***fast, spam job abilities. Fight Nm's near you for chance at 100s. Wtf else is there to it man? Do you suck the mobs *** and he just magically drops 4 every kill and procs every first job ability? I really don't get how you kill faster and average 50 higher than elite players. Done here.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: mcclane
Posts: 411
By Siren.Mcclane 2012-10-16 19:00:41
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geigei said: »
Well there's no secret, just sum a bunch a stuff i gather through months of farming.

Since you brought up the str+3 earring, why don't have you have vulcan's pearl already if you've been farming dynamis for months. Just seems silly to me.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 19:07:40
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1. You're not elite.

2. Spending milions for 0.1% increase is stupid when i have more important stuff to do first.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 573
By Siren.Fupafighters 2012-10-16 19:09:03
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geigei said: »
1. You're not elite.

2. Spending milions for 0.1% increase is stupid when i have more important stuff to do first.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: mcclane
Posts: 411
By Siren.Mcclane 2012-10-16 19:14:05
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geigei said: »
1. You're not elite.

2. Spending milions for 0.1% increase is stupid when i have more important stuff to do first.

First off, who said I was elite? Second off, show me your thf sets, curious how they'd compare to mine, since san hexed geared, mine are pretty damn good.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 19:16:43
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I wont show you my sets, is different from "normal" thf, i have 1 khepri piece.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: mcclane
Posts: 411
By Siren.Mcclane 2012-10-16 19:20:18
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The fact that you won't even show your sets just is funny to me. I'm not asking your strats, because honestly, I barely do dynamis anymore. I just want to see these gear sets that apparently make me shittier than you.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
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user: Starkzz
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2012-10-16 19:23:13
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My BLU averages 600+ solo no 100's.

What? you wanna see my sets? *** off
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 19:26:46
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I didnt said you were shittier dude, dont get me wrong, i dont understand why ppl wont accept the fact that they are not best at one event w/o asking for proofs or w/e.

Mercy gear is pretty standard.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-10-16 19:54:01
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geigei said: »
Why would i tell strangers how? discover it the way i and some others did.
Discover what? Your average is pretty shitty honestly. I was doing about 600 (if we're including forgottens) not long ago on decent challenge. EP's are for people who just can't kill fast.

As for one-shotting EP? CDC -> Amorphic Spikes = Darkness will one-shot DC. If Chain Affinity is on cooldown, CDC -> Reverse Flourish -> CDC = Light will one-shot DC as well.
INB4 "this is THF forum, not BLU"
By Aeyela 2012-10-16 19:57:14
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Average 600? ***. Even accounting the occasional 100, that's still ***. We are lucky to break 500 in Bastok spamming the three NMs and every mob between, with one person constantly pulling so we're always killing and skillchaining, THF and DNC... I just can't believe you average that many solo. Really calling *** on that.
Posts: 1731
By geigei 2012-10-16 20:04:14
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Wow this is why i see so many blu's in dyna.
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Starkzz
Posts: 1899
By Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai 2012-10-16 22:10:59
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Didn't think anyone would fall for such obvious sarcasm, you poor things.

Edit: nvm you were probably repling to peldin, read you's post before his
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Ice
Posts: 307
By Sylph.Ice 2012-10-16 22:27:08
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Sylph.Peldin said: »
geigei said: »
Why would i tell strangers how? discover it the way i and some others did.
Discover what? Your average is pretty shitty honestly. I was doing about 600 (if we're including forgottens) not long ago on decent challenge. EP's are for people who just can't kill fast.

As for one-shotting EP? CDC -> Amorphic Spikes = Darkness will one-shot DC. If Chain Affinity is on cooldown, CDC -> Reverse Flourish -> CDC = Light will one-shot DC as well.
INB4 "this is THF forum, not BLU"

That is a two shot. Not a one shot. 3 if you want to include the SC , just saiyan.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 837
By Sylph.Peldin 2012-10-17 00:52:50
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That is a two shot. Not a one shot. 3 if you want to include the SC , just saiyan.
Well if we're being picky... it's "saying" lol =D

Average 600? ***. Even accounting the occasional 100, that's still ***. We are lucky to break 500 in Bastok spamming the three NMs and every mob between, with one person constantly pulling so we're always killing and skillchaining, THF and DNC... I just can't believe you average that many solo. Really calling *** on that.
Yeah. Actually if I ran with Geigei we would average 800 each. You think that's ***!?! You're crazy! We have secrets that nobody knows about! Oh you wanna know my gear? Pfft get real. Gear is for noobs
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: xMitosisx
Posts: 317
By Quetzalcoatl.Mitosis 2012-10-17 00:58:39
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I pull 2k singles everyday :D

Edit: the secret is to fight the statues and eyes

Edit2: true story
By 2012-10-17 02:00:55
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Posts: 195
By sprinkles84 2012-10-17 02:06:13
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Sylph.Peldin said: »
That is a two shot. Not a one shot. 3 if you want to include the SC , just saiyan.
Well if we're being picky... it's "saying" lol =D

Average 600? ***. Even accounting the occasional 100, that's still ***. We are lucky to break 500 in Bastok spamming the three NMs and every mob between, with one person constantly pulling so we're always killing and skillchaining, THF and DNC... I just can't believe you average that many solo. Really calling *** on that.
Yeah. Actually if I ran with Geigei we would average 800 each. You think that's ***!?! You're crazy! We have secrets that nobody knows about! Oh you wanna know my gear? Pfft get real. Gear is for noobs

Are you sure about that??

New record for me today. 311 total coins in Dyna Valkurm. =) =)
BLU/DNC boxing a BRD/WHM.
Finally made it to the 300+ club =D
Targets were decent challenge: Funguar -> Sheep -> Treants

Funniest looking 600-800 ive ever heard of!
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Zeromega
Posts: 400
By Ragnarok.Zeromega 2012-10-17 07:30:57
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ill buy people soloing 250, hell if your server is that dead sure 300 maybe if youve done dyna long enough to memorize the repop spawns, but servers like mine theres always competition in every camp, and duo i average my 350 (i keep all the coins no split), theres no chance in hell to pull those numbers, unless you start pulling 3rd party apps.

cg if you can solo 300, but keep it to yourself if youre not going to say what puts you ahead, it only makes you look bad, not hating just suggesting to save your reputation
Posts: 1506
By Chimerawizard 2012-10-17 08:23:17
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another suggestion since this is actually still going on...

team up with 1~2 people for TE's at the beginning and state which ones you're going to look for.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Aikawa
Posts: 373
By Asura.Aikchan 2012-10-17 08:43:52
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*Solo Av. 220~
*Dual boxing BST and THF (Evis > Ruinator = Mob Dead) Av. ~470
*Triple Boxing BST, THF and SCH Timing the enter, to have Shells in the last 40sh mins to Embrava and lock the SCH's 2hr @ Dyna V. behind outpost. Av. 530 (best run that haven't been able to repeat 603 w/o any 100's) (I've tried RDM, BRD, Bard is nice w/ 2x march + haste, but SCH w/ Perpetuance have to cast less Haste, and Accession Enspell to kill faster..)
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