Solo Dynamis Farming

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Solo Dynamis Farming
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By Smeggles 2012-08-06 18:50:12
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So do you only farm COP zones solo as a THF?

I don't have the BEST gear for THF like empy/relic I have full AF3+2 and AF2+2 hands/feet for TH and TP using Aluh Jumbaya main hand and Thief's knife/Triplus Dagger offhand (TH tag if TP is low) (other usual suspect's like Raja's/Epona's Suppa/Brutal Raiders Boomerange Atheling Mantle Twilight Belt)

My question is, how do you handle the TE's when they are swarmed with mobs? I've tried just super tanking sight links (orc/gob/yag) then hide but sometimes a lucky hit from the TE will wipe me out.

Also looking for advice for decent JA rotations in places like Qufim - I found my preferred rotation was sitting near Behe Dominion was doing Tigers + Snolls + Roc's/Gob's/Tigers as WS just because this camp required little to no travel time.
Serveur: Sylph
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By Sylph.Decimus 2012-08-06 19:10:13
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Only do CoP. The camps are much easier for focusing on job ability procs. Considering your other options, just full time Oynos offhand. The kill speed will make up for that extra TH. As for how to kill the TE's, just wait until there's a decent opening or bring a few reraises. For rotations - whatever's closest/open.
Posts: 13
By Smeggles 2012-08-06 19:26:21
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Thanks I usually farm cities with my RDM mule but can't be bothered opening COP on him so he can't come to dreamlands to haste me - I'll pick up my old Oynos out of storage and give it a run tonight.

necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [35 days between previous and next post]
Posts: 977
By Peldin 2012-09-10 20:30:13
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Thanks I usually farm cities with my RDM mule but can't be bothered opening COP on him
Friend and I decided to do the first few missions of CoP on our mules. Was by far and away well worth the time. We pull in about 550-630 coins per run using this setup (variance due to TE situation and luck of procs):
Him - Thf/Dnc, Sch/Dnc
Me - Mnk/Dnc, Brd/Whm

By myself, the most I ever pulled in was about 220ish or so. When we duo'd without our mules, we'd usually only get like 400ish.

*edit* woops, didn't realize that was a necro bump.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Stani 2012-09-11 00:57:23
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By Luthiene 2012-09-18 23:47:36
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So I recently got my Twashtar and went farming in Dyna. I usually just full time Oynos Knife in my sub hand, but I decided to try out what some of you have suggested here: swap out Oynos for STR thokcha when haste procs and right after WS. What never ocurred to me is that by doing this I would lose my aftermath effect.

Is this what you all do then? Just ignore the loss of aftermath and get it back up in the next WS or whatever?

Edit: I'm guessing you guys just use an unstacked Exenterator when Haste wears, so as to not use up the 1 min timer from SA + Rudras. Then swap to thokcha and get aftermath back up? I guess I'll just have to get used to taking more variables into account when doing dyna from now on, rather than mashing the same macros over and over again.
Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Bekisa 2012-09-19 00:01:05
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Set my new personal record on THF + whm mule farming windurst the other night. Got 5x 100 pieces to drop and roughly 175 singles. Don't jump on my camp just yet because the night after I only got 2x 100's and about 75 singles, then 0x 100's last night and 120 singles :\

The nearly 700 total run got my hopes up a little too much and now it's evening out on me. But even at 120 it was much nicer than fighting Bahamut's 15x BST on the same mobs in CoP zones ... idiots can't look and see "12 in zone", and still just pile on in to make it "35 in zone"
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: hotkarl
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By Ragnarok.Hotkarl 2012-09-19 00:27:19
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It drives me crazy when ppl just jump into crowded zones. I always check around and wait for good times... It benefits everybody.
Posts: 162
By Luthiene 2012-09-19 08:42:06
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is it possible to farm coins in the city areas as a solo THF? I think the NMs should be possible, but the trickiest part might be getting the TEs ?
Posts: 977
By Peldin 2012-09-19 09:50:55
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is it possible to farm coins in the city areas as a solo THF?
yes, but it's not as good

Whiteshells are only about 5k. The bronzepieces and byne bills are about 7k (prices may vary among servers I'm sure).

With that in mind, this is what my friend and I do:
JA Proc for byne bills from 0:00 - 8:00
JA Proc for bronzepieces from 8:00 - 16:00
WS Proc for bronzepieces from 16:00 - 0:00

At the end of the run, we usually end up with about 400 bronzepieces and about 200 byne bills. By effectively "trading" 200 bronze for 200 whiteshells, we gain an additional 400k in gil. However, ws proc is not advisable for solo unless you're on PLD. But if you're 2-boxing and you have a friend who's 2-boxing, and your mules can toss in the occasional WS, I highly suggest it.
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2012-09-20 15:34:03
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Aeolian Edge? Does AE add TH to every dynamis mob hit? Thinking of setting up my DB to AOE ws instead of extent thoughts?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Divinite
Posts: 26
By Carbuncle.Divinite 2012-10-10 00:44:50
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Due to overcrowding in Dynamis, I've been looking into farming in COP zones during WS proc times. I read over the BG Dynamis article, and it indicates a ~15% proc rate for WS on beastman mobs.

What I'm wondering is if this also applies to nightmare mobs. If the proc rate is decent I may try out PLD/THF or no sub to go for white proc. Does anyone have any experiences or feedback to share on this?

Much appreciated.
Serveur: Siren
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user: Thoraeon
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By Siren.Thoraeon 2012-10-10 00:49:11
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kenshynofshiva said: »
Aeolian Edge? Does AE add TH to every dynamis mob hit? Thinking of setting up my DB to AOE ws instead of extent thoughts?
Aeolian Edge applies TH to all mobs hit. I have tested this myself.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: Binckly
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By Sylph.Binckry 2012-10-10 08:18:22
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Carbuncle.Divinite said: »
Due to overcrowding in Dynamis, I've been looking into farming in COP zones during WS proc times. I read over the BG Dynamis article, and it indicates a ~15% proc rate for WS on beastman mobs.

What I'm wondering is if this also applies to nightmare mobs. If the proc rate is decent I may try out PLD/THF or no sub to go for white proc. Does anyone have any experiences or feedback to share on this?

Much appreciated.
Proc rate on Nightmare mobs is lowered for AoE WS/Magic. (On the other mobs hit by AoE, not the target, iirc.)
"As of October 4th, AoE Weapon Skills or Spells have a dramatically reduced proc rate on monsters other than their immediate target. This is no longer a viable farming strategy. "
From BGwiki.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Divinite
Posts: 26
By Carbuncle.Divinite 2012-10-10 15:09:42
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Yea I read that too. I probably wouldn't try to a-edge a group of mobs or something, but I'm trying to find out if just proccing with single-target ws is decent. I'm gonna try a run tonight as probably pld/thf and see how it goes. It's gonna suck having to use powders/oils to sneak around, but if it works I'll be happy.

As far as job setups go for ws procs, I'm still trying to decide.

- PLD/00 gets a 1% chance for white proc.
- PLD/WHM gets rr, snk/inv, and haste
- PLD/THF gets TH2
By Aeyela 2012-10-10 15:17:56
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Carbuncle.Divinite said: »
Yea I read that too. I probably wouldn't try to a-edge a group of mobs or something, but I'm trying to find out if just proccing with single-target ws is decent. I'm gonna try a run tonight as probably pld/thf and see how it goes. It's gonna suck having to use powders/oils to sneak around, but if it works I'll be happy.

It's okay. In Tavnazia I farm Hornets for two proc windows, JA and WS, because they drop Byne Bills and that's what I need most for my relic. I can recall only a couple of occasions where I've failed to proc them. I use lower level weapon skills until they are, though. They are squishy.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Divinite
Posts: 26
By Carbuncle.Divinite 2012-10-10 15:20:11
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Aeyela said: »
Carbuncle.Divinite said: »
Yea I read that too. I probably wouldn't try to a-edge a group of mobs or something, but I'm trying to find out if just proccing with single-target ws is decent. I'm gonna try a run tonight as probably pld/thf and see how it goes. It's gonna suck having to use powders/oils to sneak around, but if it works I'll be happy.

It's okay. In Tavnazia I farm Hornets for two proc windows, JA and WS, because they drop Byne Bills and that's what I need most for my relic. I can recall only a couple of occasions where I've failed to proc them. I use lower level weapon skills until they are, though. They are squishy.

What job do you farm in Tav? I've done some runs as THF/DNC, and its kinda rough solo.
By Aeyela 2012-10-10 15:24:01
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I go NIN/DNC and I dual box my friend's THF/DNC character when he's working. He doesn't seem to get hit an awful lot, although I noticed the statues seem to have much higher accuracy so I always grab extenders myself. Other than that, with signet and capped evasion you should be okay.
By Aeyela 2012-10-10 15:25:22
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Should probably add I go in solo when he's not working and cope fine on NIN/DNC. Just don't get as much currency. I also tried DNC/NIN out last night when farming attestations with my linkshell and I think it'd work fine, too. I might even go DNC/??? and THF/NIN next time for potential 100 drops. Either way, I think THF should be okay. Signet makes a big difference!
By Aeyela 2012-10-10 15:33:11
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Carbuncle.Divinite said: »
As far as job setups go for ws procs, I'm still trying to decide.

- PLD/00 gets a 1% chance for white proc.
- PLD/WHM gets rr, snk/inv, and haste
- PLD/THF gets TH2

I think PLD/DNC is your best choice. Getting red proc will ultimately yield more currency than having TH2 in the long run and PLD natively can't proc with an awful lot of abilities. You'd be limited to weapon skills and magic. PLD/DNC, on the other hand, could kill, survive and proc in any window. Would give you the chance to choose which monsters to farm at any time and not be limited to one window.
Posts: 1018
By kenshynofshiva 2012-10-10 15:36:15
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Siren.Thoraeon said: »
kenshynofshiva said: »
Aeolian Edge? Does AE add TH to every dynamis mob hit? Thinking of setting up my DB to AOE ws instead of extent thoughts?
Aeolian Edge applies TH to all mobs hit. I have tested this myself.

Cool thanks!!!
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Pleebo
Posts: 9720
By Cerberus.Pleebo 2012-10-10 15:43:01
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He's asking about WS proc in which case /THF would be the better choice. /DNC wouldn't add anything and /00 is much to unreliable.

PLD can also get up to TH3 with the augmented Tarutaru Sash and /THF.
By Aeyela 2012-10-10 15:45:33
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Cerberus.Pleebo said: »
He's asking about WS proc in which case /THF would be the better choice. /DNC wouldn't add anything and /00 is much to unreliable.

PLD can also get up to TH3 with the augmented Tarutaru Sash and /THF.

Maybe, but procing with abilities has a better rate. I'm sure he would like to be told if there's a more efficient way of doing something and there is in this case.
By 2012-10-10 15:50:52
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Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Divinite
Posts: 26
By Carbuncle.Divinite 2012-10-10 15:56:06
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I appreciate the comments. I do understand that having /dnc would be the most efficient choice, but I'm trying to find ways to "ditch the crowd". There's usually 10-15 people per zone in dynamis on Carbuncle whenever I'm there, including the usual BSTs that are holding 4-5 mobs at a time. So, naturally, I'm trying to find the next best option, which would probably be to avoid JA proc times. THF/DNC could still work for WS procs, but just worried about it killing too quickly.
By Aeyela 2012-10-10 15:59:56
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I suppose we don't have that problem on Lakshmi. I'm usually the only person in Tavnazia when I go in the EU evenings. Have you thought about trying the slightly more 'tricky' monsters? As a Paladin, you shouldn't have as much trouble with them, especially since you have an Ochain and impressive gear in your equip history. What some people would typically avoid (I never dreamt of fighting Treants solo in Valkurm) you could have no issues with.

As for Weapon Skill AoE procing, the rate is really awful on AoE WS on anything you're not actually engaged on. Tried it myself with A. Edge and noticed that I could do it a dozen times and only the monster I was engaged on would ever proc.
By 2012-10-10 16:05:40
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By Aeyela 2012-10-10 16:08:35
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Carbuncle.Josiahfk said: »
If your mule targets one of the other mobs your fighting, proc rate goes up greatly with aoe ws since that mob is "claimed" too. then he targets the next etc each time you ws proc one

But in the time it takes you to get that TP you could probably have proc'd them all with JA's if you were fighting stuff in a JA window... /DNC can do two abilities every 15 secs, not counting anything you get from main (Bully, etc).

Not disputing that WS procs are no good, but they're not as good. Your mule can only claim one a time and you don't need other monsters claimed to proc with JAs.

Edit: But if the JA mobs are overcamped, I can see WS procs being ideal. :)
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 107
By Shiva.Kolossuss 2012-10-10 16:14:05
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Carbuncle.Divinite said: »
including the usual BSTs that are holding 4-5 mobs at a time.

If it's yellow, it's fair game.
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