Solo Dynamis Farming |
Solo Dynamis Farming
I won't say that I'm not. Currently working on Marksmanship skill so that I can unlock last stand and steal from 24 yalms. That should add some fun.
im bored so thought id share, yesterday duo we made 383 coins, our best yet! in qufim to boot, i know bubu and valk have more potential, but if youre just starting out duo keeps dyna fun and less repeatitive/tedious
just remember, you just need to take an action to put th on a mob, even if you miss Carbuncle.Vaglabond said: » I won't say that I'm not. Currently working on Marksmanship skill so that I can unlock last stand and steal from 24 yalms. That should add some fun. It really, really does. @ Sheep once, it was completely packed out, and the army of bsts were trying to pull and hold 2+ between them and their pets. I had my own sheep I was working on, bst had one on him, one on yuly.. He procced the one on him, then Yuly's slept him, and his went yellow. Casually fired off a Last Stand on his for kill shot and coins without even moving, then got back to my own sheep. Don't get me wrong, I don't steal mobs just to lul. But when the camp is rammed and people are still trying to hold 2+ for themselves... Side note : need to nuance my 300/run comment. Went in solo the other day, the 4 10 min TEs went fine, and then it took me 4 sweeps to find the 20. My first curry bun wore off as I engaged my first nightmare mob. Needless to say, I did not come out anywhere near 300... Ragnarok.Zeromega said: » im bored so thought id share, yesterday duo we made 383 coins, our best yet! in qufim to boot, i know bubu and valk have more potential, but if youre just starting out duo keeps dyna fun and less repeatitive/tedious just remember, you just need to take an action to put th on a mob, even if you miss Offline
Posts: 1731
Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500.
Can I get a look at what you are using for LS and an avg. dmg output?
geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. Sylph.Peldin
Siren.Fupafighters said: » geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. Pretty sure THF/DNC + DNC/WAR is one of, if not the strongest duo for dynamis if neither of you are 2-boxing. However, with a mule, everything changes and there are all kinds of setups you can run to clear DC camps (which seems to cap at about 600ish coins). The damage is pretty much always going to suck, since THF doesn't get a lot of ammo options for x-bow. I use V-Bow +1 and Acid Bolts, and don't bother much with trying for damage. (I think you could try Darkwing +1 for more damage on thf? But the ammo options are still incredibly lame.) I stack on as much R.Acc as I can to ensure the WS lands, filling in with AGI and STR here and there (without bringing any extra gear for it specifically, since it's already rough to leave space for currency in my THF's inventory).
Back when I thought it might be fun to be a gun thf for lulz, I was looking into Culverin +1 and Cannon Shells. I lost the urge before I found one, dunno if there are any better options out there now. geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. You think this isnt true Night? Id also say mnk didnt rank highly for dyna coin farm performance, unless you had spharai.
a dnc without m/e (since theres no r) destroys mnk output "unless it has a 99 R or E"? lol
Carbuncle.Nynja said: » geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. edit: 10 minutes or more is probably more accurate, im not trying to overstate our drops tho I always used to run with my brother vs EP, he is always on THF. I've tried MNK, BST and BLU, getting pretty similar numbers (350-400) on all of them. Guessing they'll pull apart more vs DC...
My bf and me allways duod nin+thf just duo, so no pocketmage. Blade hi followed by a stacked Mercy destroys any DC Mob lol cant remember but i think like 80%-85% HP was what we could get down with the SC. For duo my guess is that best combo for one is where you can do a potent SC with your partner for alls those mobs where your 1st step procs.
We havent done much Dynamis in the past months but we went again a few days ago and we got like 430 coins while there were a group of MNK+THF +SCH also at our mobs for about 40 min in Qufim.. so we had some more running and waiting time D: geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. Leviathan.Syagin said: » geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. Wait.. I can understand scepticism when it comes to certain claims being put forth in this thread. But POIDH for 500 total currency for a duo? Come on... Ragnarok.Zeromega said: » Carbuncle.Nynja said: » geigei said: » Thf+mnk i find to be the best choice on dc for 500. edit: 10 minutes or more is probably more accurate, im not trying to overstate our drops tho Once again, thats not an AVERAGE, thats a MAX, based on favorable conditions. And running between camps is part of the game, you cant say "If I didnt have to change camps I'd get more currency". If I can do 350 dualbox with two melees, beeing far from optimal, I'd say getting 500 with two proper people should be very very possible.
It just absolutely baffles me that people are so quick to rule out a possibility, simply because they themselves cannot yet accomplish it.
500 for a duo is a completely believable average. 600 leans towards the luck with TH/proc/competition. This being on DC mobs.
Thank you, Paulu!
Don't forget TE luck too. If the 20-min is making out with 4 turtles, or you have to do an extra sweep etc.. But otherwise, yep what Paulu said. When I have Qufim DC to my own, I'm sitting on repops at Diremites (there are 9), and I kill about 10 or 11 of both bats before they start repopping, 3boxing thf mnk whm, and I average about 450.
Tried out Valkurm last night since someone was in my spot in Qufim, did Hippos, Treants, Flytraps (probably should have done funguar instead, wouldnt have to worry about whm's positioning), and wound up with 454. Had no competition until 2 duo's rolled up with 20 min to go, but I probably only lost maybe 3 minutes collectively in that time looking for repops since they killed slow. Offline
Posts: 1018
Curious any huge difference on thf/??? vs ???/thf for farming? TH2 vs TH7/8??? Wondering if DC camps and going Heavy DD would be more beneficial on coins...
Posts: 1731
kenshynofshiva said: » Curious any huge difference on thf/??? vs ???/thf for farming? TH2 vs TH7/8??? Wondering if DC camps and going Heavy DD would be more beneficial on coins... Carbuncle.Nynja said: » When I have Qufim DC to my own, I'm sitting on repops at Diremites (there are 9), and I kill about 10 or 11 of both bats before they start repopping, 3boxing thf mnk whm, and I average about 450. Tried out Valkurm last night since someone was in my spot in Qufim, did Hippos, Treants, Flytraps (probably should have done funguar instead, wouldnt have to worry about whm's positioning), and wound up with 454. Had no competition until 2 duo's rolled up with 20 min to go, but I probably only lost maybe 3 minutes collectively in that time looking for repops since they killed slow. What I'm wondering is maybe it's your killspeed. we're really quick as long as procs hold up. Mandalic stab + 99kaiten will kill or nearly kill anything. It's good teamwork though. He'll know when to pull the next mob and let me finish it off and whatnot. Offline
Posts: 1018
Ragnarok.Sekundes said: » kenshynofshiva said: » Curious any huge difference on thf/??? vs ???/thf for farming? TH2 vs TH7/8??? Wondering if DC camps and going Heavy DD would be more beneficial on coins... I bring a dnc/--- for if the miracle white proc ever happens also a pup/--- for a ws miracle so far 1 white proc in weeks.... I dunno about white procs, I think you'd be better off dnc/thf for an increased chance of drops. TH2 on every mob in weeks of runs vs a rare hundred piece? I don't know anything about pup in dynamis but did you say ws proc? When I dual box, I like to have both chars /dnc for fast procing. The faster I proc it the faster I kill it and the more coins I get.
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