Empty Acu Obi 11.47 9.99 08.50 08.00 07.50 07.49 6.66 05.00 03.33 02.50 Bunnies: 8389 8623 9192 8724 8857 8974 9059 9107 9129 9139 9272 9443 9512 8357 8591 9224 8687 8889 8964 9049 9139 9107 9310 9480 9560 8389 8591 9192 8724 8889 8964 9139 9107 9139 9310 9480 9549 8357 8591 9192 8687 8879 8974 9129 9129 9310 9443 9522 8389 8623 9224 8687 8889 8937 9129 9299 9480 9480 Lizards: 8389 8623 9214 8714 8857 8937 9022 9107 9107 9310 9464 9560 8357 8591 9224 8724 8889 8974 9139 9139 9310 9464 9560 8389 8613 9192 8714 8889 8974 9139 9139 9299 9480 9549 8357 9139 9299 9560 8.375 8.606 9.207 8.708 8.880 8.962 9.041 9.098 9.127 9.130 9.302 9.468 9.547 2,76% 9,93% 3,97% 6,03% 7,01% 7,95% 8,64% 8,98% 9,01% 11,07% 13,06% 13,99%
OBI is with weather effect from another character going /sch
Bottom 2 rows are the average dmg output and the percentage increase over an empty belt slot.
Please note due to sample numbers these are not super exact but was good enough to show a patter of progress
I'll probably add in more data later around the 7.50 to 8.50 marks to narrow down the exact distance for when OBI wins over sash
Since the preview and end results did not look the same here it is in an image instead