Voidwatch JP Shouts/Yells

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Voidwatch JP Shouts/Yells
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Serveur: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Anye 2012-04-23 22:46:46
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Lakshmi.Jaerik said: »
Celestinia said:
Edit: I don't know why japanese people refuse to use the autotranslate, hardly ever see it used in whitegate shouts, it's probably again a way of keeping to people of their own nationality.

Auto-translate doesn't work on the Japanese side, is what it comes down to. The feature was implemented by English-speaking developers in preparation for the North American release, and as such, the phrases chosen make sense in English but rarely do in Japanese. Classic examples of this include things like "Please add me to your party" being auto-translated on the Japanese side as the rather vulgar order to "please stick it in."

The majority of auto-translation lines that English-speaking players have become accustomed to using for "shortcuts" in communication are completely unintelligible when seen on the Japanese side of things, and so most JP players have simply given up on using them. I speak fluent English, but use the Japanese client, and so it's impossible for even me to understand what the hell English speaking players are trying to say when they rely heavily on auto-translation shortcuts in the middle of their sentences.

Further, the auto-complete aspect of auto-translate when Tab is pressed works far better in a alphabetical language like English, and is not very conducive to a symbolic-conversion language like Japanese. In short, what is a very easy thing to do in English (type a few letters and hit Tab) is a much bigger pain in the *** in Japanese. Often, it fails to even auto-complete at all, and you have to type out the entire expression perfectly for it to convert.

Lakshmi.Jaerik said: »
Some simple examples of how the auto-translator is epic fail to a Japanese player: (I have actually witnessed this one)

English: (May) (Bee). (What?) (Up)? (I) (Pull) (Back) to (Camp)
Japanese: (5th Month) (Hornet). (What is it?) (Above)? (Myself) (Fishing Skill) (Body Stature) to (-meaningless-)

Many of the shortcuts that NA players use with the auto-translator aren't just slightly confusing, but completely unintelligible. And as my "stick it in" example demonstrates, even simple one-token phrases are typically useless on the Japanese side of things.

Add to that the fact that Japanese does not "auto-complete" on Tab very reliably, and frequently requires you to type out the entire phrase before it will detect it as an auto-translate token... and you can see why many JP players refuse to use the damn thing.

Lakshmi.Jaerik said: »
In general, most Japanese are very positive on Americans, with the possible exception of Americans on the internet. The US has developed this online culture of extreme dickishness and self-aggrandizement "for teh lulz" that is completely incompatible with Japanese culture.
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-23 22:52:07
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If I want in a JP party I just go around adding sama to the end of every name. It works. They know LOL!!
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-04-23 22:53:23
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...you just have know idea how weird that sounds, but at least they know you're trying.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-23 22:55:09
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Well get the invite!! And some laughs!! That us all that counts bro.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ruizutatakau 2012-04-23 23:09:14
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Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-04-23 23:16:17
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Bismarck.Ruizutatakau said: »
Thanks bro!!
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Ruizutatakau 2012-04-23 23:18:52
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Bismarck.Bloodbathboy said: »
Bismarck.Ruizutatakau said: »
Thanks bro!!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-04-23 23:21:52
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You should introduce yourself to JPs and refer to yourself as 俺様 (Oresama)
Posts: 337
By Xenshi 2012-04-23 23:25:05
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Like how everyone is saying or knows how the JP player base feels when not a single person in here is an actual JP player XD. On Phoenix, they don't like NA/EU players at all. You MIGHT get a homie hookup once or twice and the leader can see that you know what your doing and possibly invite you again. The few cases I have gotten into their shouts was because of this or maybe the leader of the alli was comfortable to use what little english he knew at the time. I can say that when I did join these groups, not once did they have to auto translate to me the procs for the job I was on cause I know what I'm doing same as 95% of the NA/EU that do VW. So I find that they can't effectively relay the information of the proc to us very moot on things except like MAYBE Bot Rex.
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 1375
By Bismarck.Ruizutatakau 2012-04-23 23:48:21
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Bismarck.Sylow said: »
You should introduce yourself to JPs and refer to yourself as 俺様 (Oresama)
I'm making a VW group now and I'm about to start shouting. Take a look in 3 minutes.
Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Tikal 2012-04-24 00:06:12
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"I'm Japanese, I don't want strangers to join me."

I wanted to do Provenance Watcher :(
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sambb
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By Carbuncle.Sambb 2012-04-24 08:00:25
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Carby has alot of JPs and you find the usual no thanks or no reply, for me success lies around what you /tell them. Most of them CAN speak English or basics of English, I find it rare a jp actually sends me a /tell saying "english I don't understand" etc etc

I tend to send tell listing my gear saying im veteran also saying T item ok! "ie temporary items" and il get in.

They avoid noobs like all NA EU alliances do its no different. Also if you send a /tell saying <job> "insert empy/mythic/relic here" and its a job they want you probably will get invited most times.

That's my experience and as I have seen above others are different to mine, I guess its how you approach the situation.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2012-04-24 08:10:31
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Why can't they just speak American?
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [52 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Gacktcamui 2012-06-15 07:46:13
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Well, the thing I noticed is that JP only is pretty common, but English only is not that common. It's a double standard. But you have to look at it from a diversity point of view.

USA is quite diverse, even though it's 75% of so Caucasian, but the idea of diversity is way stronger than Japan, who I suspect is pretty much 98.5% Japanese. Their racial identity is wayyyy stronger than USA population, who pride themselves as a country of immigrants.

Asura is pretty NA/EU centric, so I don't really worry much about it. If Japanese wants to play with Japanese, they're free to do so. But I've recently made a bilingual Japanese friend who is extremely friendly and I have fun chatting with him, I really wish more Japanese players are like him, even despite the language barrier.
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-06-15 08:11:30
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Anyone wanting to understand more about JP viewpoints should read this:

Posts: 191
By Smurfite 2012-06-15 08:36:20
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Anyone wanting to understand more about JP viewpoints should read this:


very interesting read to say the least
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Elspetta
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By Phoenix.Elspetta 2012-06-15 08:43:59
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Anyone wanting to understand more about JP viewpoints should read this:

Thanks for the link, that was pretty cool to read.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Rearden 2012-06-15 09:13:44
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This some sumbichen bullmess, we need to get rid them damn jaypans an get back to drankin party liquor an chasin wormen.

Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
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By Odin.Liela 2012-06-15 09:28:48
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Maybe it's just because I don't generally play hardcore during JP prime time, but I've honestly never had a problem with it.

Most of the people who have been rude to me in-game are NA. Most of the people who do stupid things or show up to fights without spells or other necessary gear (like rangers who refuse to do marksmanship or ninjas who won't cast ninjistu or drks who don't have their absorb spells) are NA. If we are camping against someone and we get the claim, the JP will move on to do something else until the window re-opens. The NA will stand there sending rude tells. I really just don't ever remember having a big problem with any JP players.
Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Senkyuutai 2012-06-15 09:51:53
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Odin.Liela said: »
Maybe it's just because I don't generally play hardcore during JP prime time, but I've honestly never had a problem with it.

Most of the people who have been rude to me in-game are NA. Most of the people who do stupid things or show up to fights without spells or other necessary gear (like rangers who refuse to do marksmanship or ninjas who won't cast ninjistu or drks who don't have their absorb spells) are NA. If we are camping against someone and we get the claim, the JP will move on to do something else until the window re-opens. The NA will stand there sending rude tells. I really just don't ever remember having a big problem with any JP players.
I have spent a lot of time with JPs on this game and well, there is a thing I saw with them that I never saw with anyone else.

You mention "NA", while I'm pretty sure that most of them aren't, so that's a bad generalisation on your part and wrong information.

JPs are the only people I have seen saying in party chat during VNMs "don't invite this guy, he's a foreigner" when the guy was proposing to pop their VNMs. He proposed this in auto translate, bad idea, I guess. Sad thing is, the poor guy was actually JP.

They have another mentality, it's a fact, whatever experience you may have with anything that isn't JP (and isn't forcefully NA, there are other things in the world/this game than JP and NA) will never change the fact that JPs (asians in general) are the only ones with this kind of mentality, pure and simple.

Last time in Dynamis I got insulted and mocked by a JP for the simple reason that I don't own more than 2 relics and I dared outclaiming him on a mob. They can be like us, or even worse, they are human.
By 2012-06-15 10:01:11
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Posts: 360
By Moonwalkerv 2012-06-15 10:09:57
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Woah woah WOAH! Hold the presses...non english speaking countries have arsehole players too?

You wouldnt believe it if you read it in a book!
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2012-06-15 10:14:01
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All about the ultramarinegreyberk.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Sheelay
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By Odin.Sheelay 2012-06-15 10:23:14
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Last time we had a JP, it happened to be in a Watcher group. Needless to say, the lack of communication/understanding made him think it would be ok to keep chasing PWatcher after a wipe, causing everyone who had just RRd to be drawn in and killed without temps.

Now, wouldn't you rather want to make sure everyone understands what is being said during an event? If you stumbled upon someone who didn't understand your language you would be just as seclusive.
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: Austar
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By Ramuh.Austar 2012-06-15 10:28:12
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that ***happens even when they can read english.
Serveur: Odin
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user: Sheelay
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By Odin.Sheelay 2012-06-15 10:31:31
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Then you are dealing with Special Olympics material right there. Being unable to communicate is quite a crutch regardless though.

Japanese players simply take more direct actions to it.
Serveur: Asura
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user: wyattdoc1
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By Asura.Wyattdoc 2012-06-15 10:33:23
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Anyone wanting to understand more about JP viewpoints should read this:


As i understand what they mean sometimes but i see this on both sides of the board. But there is one thing that japanese people do that not to many americans do and that is just drop from party and call it a day without warning or with out a rep.
Serveur: Fenrir
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By Fenrir.Sylow 2012-06-15 10:46:41
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Asura.Wyattdoc said: »
But there is one thing that japanese people do that not to many americans do and that is just drop from party and call it a day without warning or with out a rep.

ITT: NA/EU don't randomly drop because their goldfish tripped or their house is being invaded by scorpions.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: wyattdoc1
Posts: 346
By Asura.Wyattdoc 2012-06-15 10:54:15
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Fenrir.Sylow said: »
Asura.Wyattdoc said: »
But there is one thing that japanese people do that not to many americans do and that is just drop from party and call it a day without warning or with out a rep.

ITT: NA/EU don't randomly drop because their goldfish tripped or their house is being invaded by scorpions.

This actually made me laugh i rember hearing some horrible stories lol
By 2012-06-15 14:29:29
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