Include Complete Sale Time

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include complete sale time
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: axus
Posts: 3
By Odin.Axus 2008-04-24 14:44:48
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The auction house info includes hour:minute (and I think second?). This would be useful information, since some items sell faster during JP primetime.

I think it should be possible, since FFXIAH already shows the full username which gets truncated in that initial list! You have to click on the sale history to get the full name and complete time.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2008-04-24 14:49:56
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Slightly confused. Do you mean total time an individual item spent on the auction house? Because the system doesn't record when an item was initially listed.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Seraph.Yourmomsfantasy 2008-04-24 15:01:35
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I think what he means is to have the time of the sale listed, so he can see what times of the day items sell fastest, which would help make listing more efficient, and possibly lower waiting time for sales
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Yajirobe
Posts: 38
By Carbuncle.Yajirobe 2008-04-24 17:18:06
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Your argument is that it is possible for them to gather the exact time of sale why don't they. Well... you're right. Not only is it possible to record the time of sale, it seems like they already do it. If you were to look at the sales history page for an item and look at the source of the page, if you know a bit about computers you can see that there is a timestamp associated with each sale in the history. Now I'm not sure if that is the time that they collected the data or the time of sale, but it's my guess that it's the latter. So if this is the case, then they just do not make use of the data, whether it's because of space restrictions or whatever reason.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Rikapi
Posts: 98
By Ramuh.Rikapi 2008-04-24 18:45:15
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It wouldn't hurt to tack on the time of sale with the date, like "April 15, 2008 20:45:15"...
But, I think the main reason why they haven't done this is the consideration for timezones. I mean, I can already see users in New York complaining that the timestamp is "wrong" if the official timestamp used for display was Pacific time... and those types would complain even if the admins stated what time zone they were using in the FAQ and elsewhere. If that's to be the case, I rather not have timestamps at all, and save them the burden.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Yajirobe
Posts: 38
By Carbuncle.Yajirobe 2008-04-24 20:13:15
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Rikapi said:
But, I think the main reason why they haven't done this is the consideration for timezones. I mean, I can already see users in New York complaining that the timestamp is "wrong" if the official timestamp used for display was Pacific time...

You're right, and that could very well be the issue as timezone information is not sent to the server unless they add a timezone option to the member options. One simple solution would be to put a GMT timestamp on the page (which is unaffected by DST), and use Javascript to translate the timestamp into local time. This is a very simple thing to do and wouldn't really alter the current output of the page much.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Rikapi
Posts: 98
By Ramuh.Rikapi 2008-04-25 02:14:01
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Yajirobe said:
One simple solution would be to put a GMT timestamp on the page (which is unaffected by DST), and use Javascript to translate the timestamp into local time.

But in this day and age of hacked accounts galore (SE finally got off their *** and started an account rewind service! I'm amazed!), I can see some people not utilizing the auto-time-translation because it's JavaScript, then complaining that the GMT timezone is "wrong"... ^^;;

So the more "useful" method would be to indeed add a timezone option to the member settings to shift accordingly from GMT... admins, is this feasible, or too much effort?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Yajirobe
Posts: 38
By Carbuncle.Yajirobe 2008-04-25 06:03:17
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Rikapi said:
But in this day and age of hacked accounts galore (SE finally got off their *** and started an account rewind service! I'm amazed!), I can see some people not utilizing the auto-time-translation because it's JavaScript, then complaining that the GMT timezone is "wrong"... ^^;;

First of all, there are plenty of features that the site already uses javascript to implement already. For example, using message boxes, mousing over items and viewing their stats, un/collapsing certain sections on item/player pages, and scripts are used to display ads, and the ad companies can use dozens more scripts to actually generate the ad that you see. My point is that Javascript is already used a lot. This is NOT a bad thing and is very common in most websites.

The calculation to display the time is very simple and would always work assuming the users's computer knows which timezone they're in. If their computer doesn't have the correct timezone set, then it will be off by a couple of hours at most, which is what the time already displays on the forums and such already.

Edit: For those of you who are wondering, here's a little bit of info. Websites use tons of tiny scripts like this to make their site look nice, to make it display properly, or to generate ads. FFXIAH seems to load ~20-25 scripts on each page depending on the ads. Compare this to a couple other sites that I went to just to get these numbers:
MSN: ~20 scripts
PlayOnline (US Home): ~20 scripts
MySpace: ~30+ scripts (dozens more on member pages)
FFXIclopedia: ~40 scripts
Yahoo: ~60 scripts
Ebay: ~45-65+ scripts
Gmail: ~90 scripts!
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: axus
Posts: 3
By Odin.Axus 2008-05-16 16:14:28
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Jaerik said:
Slightly confused. Do you mean total time an individual item spent on the auction house? Because the system doesn't record when an item was initially listed.

Nah, just a more specific timestamp of what you're already showing. Right now, it shows Date, Buyer, Seller, and Price. I'd like the Date to be more specific, with Hours:Minutes:Seconds. In the game you can get that information by clicking on the Sales History entry, you have to do it anyways to see long names.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Jaerik
Posts: 3834
By Lakshmi.Jaerik 2008-05-16 16:34:14
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Sure, I think that can be done. =)
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