All Worlds Maintenance (Mar. 26)

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All Worlds Maintenance (Mar. 26)
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Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-03-22 19:49:50
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03-26-2012 11:00 PM

March 27, 2012 (JST) Version Update


  • [dev1047] New Battle System: Legion
    View this thread for details.

  • [dev1051][dev1054] Voidwatch has received the following additions and updates:

    • Tavnazia Jurisdiction added

      Characters level 75 or above who possess an Adventurer's Certificate may participate in this Voidwatch operation by speaking to the NPC Owain in Tavnazia Safehold (H-6).
      *This content requires the "Chains of Promathia" expansion.

    • Aht Urhgan Jurisdiction added

      Characters level 75 or above who possess an Adventurer's Certificate may participate in this Voidwatch operation by speaking to the NPC Camille in the Wajaom Woodlands (M-7).
      *This content requires the "Treasures of Aht Urhgan" expansion.

    • New varieties of atmacite, abyssite, and periapts have been added.
    • The name for the NM Pil's special ability has been changed from "Bishop's Gambit" to "Tabbiyaa Gambit".
    • The order of menu options when claiming battle spoils from a Riftworn Pyxis has been adjusted.

  • [dev1101] Assault: Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region Adjustments

    • Upon entering, players will be asked to select floor 20, 40, 60, 80, or 100 as their ultimate destination.
      The player will not be sent, nor be able to travel to sections beyond the floor specified.

    • Upon vanquishing the NMs on the following floors a set number of times (see table), players will receive a key item that may be redeemed for a piece of equipment.
      Floor Key Item Required Victories
      20 Bronze Astrarium 25
      40 Silver Astrarium 25
      60 Mythril Astrarium 25
      80 Gold Astrarium 25
      100 Platinum Astrarium 1

    • Astraria may be redeemed by speaking to the NPC Berangere in
      Aht Urhgan Whitegate (L-9).

      *Astraria will disappear upon a successful transaction.
      *Players may only possess one astrarium of a particular type at any given time.

    • Token prices for temporary items have been lowered.
      Category Previous Amount Current Amount
      Low-grade Items 100 50
      Medium-grade Items 200 100
      High-grade Items 300 150

  • [dev1096] Walk of Echoes Adjustments

    • Players need no longer wait to receive the Kupofried's Medallion key item.
    • Temporary items are now obtainable upon entering a Walk.
      *Players will receive a random selection of five or so items.
    • Area attacks unleashed by bosses now deal less damage.
    • Combat and magic skills will now increase.

  • [dev1055] Besieged Adjustments

    • Post-KO weakness duration has been reduced from five minutes to one.
    • Players will now be eligible to receive experience after being raised even if they were KO'd when the battle concluded.

  • Dynamis Adjustment

    • Level restrictions no longer apply when beginning a Confrontation in the following areas:Dynamis - San d'Oria / Dynamis - Bastok / Dynamis - Windurst / Dyanmis – Beaucedine / Dynamis - Xarcabard

  • The Eldieme Necropolis (S) NPC Red Axe will no longer disappear during Campaign battles.

  • [dev1095] Limit Break Quest "Beyond Infinity" Adjustments

    • The effect of the Olde Rarab Tail item has been altered.
      • Effect duration has been extended.
      • Your opponent will be inflicted with Terror during this time.
      • Your opponent will not unleash weapon skills immediately after the effect wears off.

  • [dev1095] Limit Break Quest "Atop the Highest Mountains" Adjustments

    • The ??? targets from which frigicite may be obtained will always be visible.
    • The quest NMs located near these targets will no longer be stationary.
    • Methods of detection for these NMs have been adjusted.
    • These NMs no longer use Doom.

  • [dev1095] Additional Limit Break Quest Adjustments
    In the following quests, each testimony possessed will grant players three attempts at the corresponding battlefield:
    *The item will disappear upon trading it for the third time.Shattering Stars / The Beast Within / Breaking the Bonds of Fate / Achieving True Power / A Furious Finale / Survival of the Wisest

  • The Port Jeuno NPC Shami now explains the orb exchange process only the first time players talk to him.

  • The ??? targets in Caedarva Mire from which Lamian Fang Keys may be obtained now reset every Vana'dielian day instead of every Conquest tally.


  • The following job adjustments and refinements have been implemented:

    • [dev1084] Warrior
      • Warrior’s Charge
        • Recast time has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five.
        • Additional merit points will now increase the chance of a threefold attack by 5% per point.

    • [dev1087] White Mage
      • Martyr
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merits no longer reduce casting time, but instead increase HP granted by 5% per point.

      • Devotion
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merits no longer reduce casting time, but instead increase MP granted by 5% per point.

    • [dev1080] Thief
      • Assassin’s Charge
        • Recast time has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five.
        • Additional merit points now increase the chance of a fourfold attack by 5% per merit point.

      • Feint
        • Recast time has been reduced from ten minutes to two.
        • Additional merit points no longer reduce recast time, but instead raise the chance of Treasure Hunter leveling up by 25% per point.

    • [dev1085] Paladin
      • Fealty
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merit points no longer reduce recast time, but instead extend duration by an additional five seconds per point.

      • Chivalry
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merit points no longer reduce recast time, but instead increase MP recovery by an additional 5% per point.

    • [dev1086] Dark Knight
      • Dark Seal
        • Recast time has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five.
        • Additional merit points no longer reduce recast time, but instead reduce casting time for dark magic spells by an additional 10% per point.

      • Diabolic Eye
        • Recast time has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five.
        • Additional merit points no longer reduce recast time, but instead increase accuracy by an additional five points per merit.

    • [dev1088] Beastmaster
      • Feral Howl
        • Recast time has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five.
        • Additional merit points no longer affect casting time, but instead increase accuracy by five percent per point.

      • Killer Instinct
        • Recast time has been reduced from fifteen minutes to five.
        • Duration has been extended from one minute to three.
        • Additional merit points no longer affect casting time, but instead extend duration by ten seconds per point.

      • Certain familiars summonable with the “Call Beast” ability have been adjusted as follows:
        • Dipper Yuly
          • The maximum level for the Treasure Hunter effect has been revised to level one.

        • Faithful Falcorr
          • The maximum level for the Treasure Hunter effect has been revised to level one.
          • Call duration has been extended from 90 seconds to 120 seconds.
          • Attack strength has been increased.

    • [dev1081] Bard
      • Nightingale
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merit points no longer affect recast time, but instead increase the chance of extremely rapid spellcasting by 25% per point.

      • Troubadour
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merit points no longer reduce recast time, but instead increase song accuracy by 25% per point.

    • [dev1082] Ranger
      • Flashy Shot
        • Recast time has been reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
        • Additional merit points no longer affect recast time, but instead increase ranged attack by 5% per point.

    • [dev1089] Samurai
      • Hagakure
        • Amount of TP returned has been increased from 20 to 40.

    • [dev1090] Dragoon
      • Spirit Surge
        • The Super Jump enmity reduction granted to the closest party member behind the dragoon has been increased.

      • Spirit Link
        • Also grants Regen to the wyvern.

    • [dev1091] Summoner
      • Heavenward Howl's HP/MP absorption additional effect now applies to attacks with secondary as well as main weapons.
      • Elemental spirit perpetuation cost has been adjusted as follows:
        * The values listed assume that Auto Refresh is in effect.
        Level Previous Cost New Cost
        1 2 1
        5 3
        9 4
        14 5
        18 6
        19 2
        23 7
        25 6 1
        27 7
        32 8
        36 9
        38 2
        40 10
        45 11
        49 12
        Level Previous Cost New Cost
        51 12 2
        54 13
        57 3
        58 14
        63 15
        67 16
        72 17
        75 4
        81 18 5
        90 17 4
        91 5
        95 18

      • The "Elemental MP Cost" merit point enhancement has been replaced by "Summoning Magic Cast Time," which point will shorten summoning magic casting time by an additional 5 percent per point.

    • [dev1083] Puppetmaster
      • Analyzer
        • Maximum damage reduction for enemy special attacks has been increased from 10% to 40%.
        • Additional Earth Maneuvers now increase the number of special attacks mitigated rather than the percentage of damage reduction.
          Earth Maneuvers Specials Mitigated
          0 1
          1 2
          2 4
          3 6

  • [dev1087][dev1102] New Magic Spells

    • White Magic
      • Arise (WHM Lv.99)
        Revives and bestows a Reraise effect upon target PC.

    • Black Magic
      • Meteor (BLM Lv.99; Elemental Seal must be in effect)
        Summons a meteor to deal damage to enemies within an area of effect.

  • [dev1094] Cure Spell Adjustments
    At high skill levels, Cure spells now heal more HP than before, while low skill levels see minimal benefit. The degree to which Healing Magic skill affects HP healed varies by spell, with Cure I-IV seeing the most significant adjustments.

    • Cure I-IV: Amount of HP recovered may increase by as much as 1.4 times.
    • Cure V-VI: Minimal adjustments.
      *Curaga I-V and Cura I-III will remain unchanged.

  • [dev1092] Save TP Adjustment
    Save TP is now treated as a minimum guaranteed TP value that will always be obtained from a weapon skill.
    Examples, assuming a Save TP value of 20:
    25 TP weapon skill: 25 TP obtained.
    15 TP weapon skill: 20 TP obtained.
    Missed (0 TP) weapon skill: 20 TP obtained.

  • Various new items have been added.

  • [dev1045] Crafting Skill Cap Increase

    • The maximum attainable crafting level has been increased to Expert (110).

    • The maximum unrestricted crafting level has been increased from Craftsman (60) to Artisan (70).

    • New synthesis recipes have been added.

    • Guild points will no longer be lost when revoking your contract with a particular guild.

    • For Guildworkers' Union quests, guild representatives will no longer accept items beyond the maximum guild point cap.
      *HQ items will be accepted with priority over NQ items.

    • The recipe for tonosama rice balls will now yield four rice balls instead of two.
      *HQ quantity will remain unchanged.

    • [dev1088] Lucky Broth recipe has been adjusted.

  • [dev1045] Synergy Adjustments

    • The synergy crucible key item may now be purchased from Synergy Engineer NPCs for 100 gil.
      *You cannot purchase a synergy crucible while undertaking the quest "Synergistic Pursuits".

    • A new quest "Synergy Support" will be available to players possessing a synergy crucible.

    • New synergy recipes have been added as follows.
      The following pieces of HQ equipment are augmentable via synergy with the "Abdhaljs’s Honor" item:

      <Adept>Huginn Coronet / Huginn Gauntlets / Huginn Hose / Huginn Gambieras / Tenryu Somen +1 / Tenryu Tekko +1 / Tenryu Hakama +1 / Tenryu Sune-ate +1 / Khepri Bonnet / Khepri Wristbands / Khepri Kecks / Khepri Gamashes / Spurrina Coif / Spurrina Gages / Spurrina Slops / Spurrina Nails / Iaso Mitra / Iaso Cuffs / Iaso Tights / Iaso Boots

      <Veteran>Huginn Haubert / Tenryu Domaru +1 / Khepri Jacket / Spurrina Doublet / Iaso Briault

    • [dev1088] Lucky Broth recipe has been adjusted.

  • [dev1098] New Wares for Merchant NPCs

    • Scrolls of Invisibility, Sneak, and Deodorize

      • Selbina (H-9): Falgima
      • Mhaura (G-9): Tya Padolih
        Tya Padolih will also sell the following scrolls formerly sold by Pikini-Mikini:

        Regen / Regen II / Sleepga / Baramnesia / Baramnesra

  • [dev1098] Wormy Broth is now available from the merchant below:

    • Ru'Lude Gardens (H-9): Macchi Gazlitah

  • [dev1104] Porter Moogle Service Expansion
    The items below are now storable via the Moogle Porter service.

    • Storage Slip 11:Dream Bell / Dream Bell +1 / Dream Cap / Dream Cap +1 / Dream Robe / Dream Robe +1 / Dream Trousers / Dream Trousers +1 / Dream Pants / Dream Pants +1 Dream Boots / Dream Boots +1 / Snowman Cap / Couronne des Etoiles / Silberkranz / Leafberry Wreath


  • [dev1099] Equipment Menu Adjustment

    • The equipment menu can now display four-digit attack and defense values.

  • Various measures have been taken to prevent the Xbox 360 version from freezing.

[Window-only updates]

  • [dev1097] A new keyboard control scheme has been added to FINAL FANTASY XI.

    The new input method is designed for notebook PCs and compact keyboards lacking a numeric keypad, to be used with a standard two-button wheel mouse.
    Players will be able to choose from the following three input methods for moving their character, adjusting the camera, and navigating menus.

  • [Standard]: Full keyboard and mouse

  • [Compact 1]: Compact keyboard and mouse

  • [Compact 2]: New control scheme with support for wheel mouse and keyboard/mouse combination controls

    *The above settings may be accessed from the main menu under “Config” -> “Misc. 2”

    *View the details of this control scheme.

  • [dev1100] A new control scheme, “Compact 2,” has been added to the "Keyboard Size" options in the "Misc. 2" menu under "Config".
    All new characters will start with "Compact 2" as the default input option.

Resolved Issues

  • The following issues have been resolved:

    • An issue in the quest "Hat in Hand" wherein talking to a particular NPC had no effect.
    • An issue in the same quest wherein abandoning the quest would cause the victory fanfare to play.
    • An issue wherein the quest "Coming Full Circle" would be rendered uncompletable by performing certain actions.
    • An issue in the quest "The Wyrm God" wherein being struck by area effect magic during a cutscene would cause the screen to freeze.
    • An issue with Nyzul Isle missions wherein the following status benefits did not affect close-range attacks:

      Flurry / Increased Attack Speed

    • An issue with Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region missions wherein only the party leader would be allowed to enter the battlefield if that leader possessed imbued items.
    • An issue with Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region missions wherein certain NM names appeared with improper articles in battle messages.
    • An issue with Nyzul Isle Uncharted Region missions wherein the floor numbers referenced by the NPC Sorrowful Sage were inaccurate.
    • An issue with Voidwatch wherein non-participating players being drawn in by NMs would also effect participating players.
    • An issue wherein the Voidwatch monster Goji would use its special ability Bloody Claw in rapid succession.
    • An issue wherein players would not be credited with Imperial Standing if they were in a KO'd state at the conclusion of battle.
    • An issue wherein pets would not react when the monster Vanguard Ogresoother (Dynamis–Valkurm, Dynamis–Buburimu, Dynamis-Qufim) detected a player.
    • An issue with Dynamis wherein striking the weaknesses of Goblin, Demon, and Fomor family monsters would occasionally fail to yield Dynamis currency.
    • An issue wherein the Abyssea-Konschtat monsters Ephemeral Clionid and Ephemeral Limule would use magic not meant to be accessible to them.
    • An issue wherein the warrior trait Savagery would occasionally reduce the attack bonus granted by Warcry.
    • An issue wherein the white mage ability Divine Caress would, under certain conditions, also affect untargeted party members.
    • An issue wherein the effects of Manawell and Spontaneity would continue to affect players even after manually removing their status icons.
    • An issue wherein the status icon for the dark knight ability Dark Seal would not display properly.
    • An issue wherein the list of targetable alliance members would not display after selecting Curing Waltz from the command menu.
    • An issue wherein, if a blue mage with the thief subjob had learned both the blue mage job trait Treasure Hunter and thief job trait Treasure Hunter II, the latter would not activate.
    • An issue wherein, under certain conditions, pets would occasionally attack monsters of their own accord immediately after the enemies had respawned.
    • An issue wherein the animation of the weapon skill Exenterator was overly long and would prevent the following standard attack animation from displaying properly.
    • An issue wherein the duration of the weapon skill Exenterator's additional effect would not vary with TP.
    • An issue wherein PCs would vanish after defeating spheroid enemies with the weapon skill Blade: Shun.
    • An issue wherein the maximum number of guild points obtainable for delivering the following items differed from their intended values:

      Puls / Orange Juice / Roast Carp / Sis Kebabi / Boiled Cockatrice / Pepperoni / Salmon Meuniere / Shark Fin Soup

    • An issue wherein the item Karni Yarik +1 was undeliverable during guild quests.
    • An issue wherein equipping either Unkai Haidate +1 or Unkai Haidate +2 would grant an enhanced Hasso effect even when Hasso was not in use.
    • An issue wherein the icon for the item Eggplant was incorrect in the Windows and Xbox 360 versions of the game.
    • An issue wherein the level sync and Campaign battle icons would display in a low resolution for the Windows and Xbox 360 versions of the game.
    • An issue wherein the event replay for the quest "Babban Ny Mheillea" could not be viewed at the Goblin Footprints in West Sarutabaruta.
    • An issue wherein the following item names would not function properly with the /translate command or macros:

      Manigordo Tusk / Nares Saio / Nares Cuffs / Nares Trews / Nares Clogs / Dilettante's Grip

    • To alleviate confusion, the atmacite obtainable from the Voidwatch NM Celaeno has been renamed "Atmacite of Enticement."
    • Various text-related bugs reported on the FFXI Localization forum have been addressed.
    • The item Haraldr's Mufflers has been renamed to Haraldr's Muffler.

Known Issues
  • Once the total number of logouts/disconnections for a Legion alliance reaches the number of battle participants, all players will be returned to the lobby.

  • The icon for the item Tussle Breeches does not display correctly under certain conditions.

  • The item Gardyloo Pants is undergoing attribute adjustments and thus cannot be obtained.

The final chapter in the Voidwatch saga was scheduled to be implemented in this update, but has been delayed for a few weeks in order to further balance the battle content.

New Battle System: Legion


Legion is a new battle system intended to challenge high-level adventurers in alliances of eighteen to thirty-six combatants. Legion will feature unique battlefields in which combatants will be pitted against legions of formidable high-level notorious monsters (HNMs). Slay as many foes as possible within the thirty-minute time limit to reap a host of exciting rewards!


  • Main job of level 75 or above

  • Three to thirty-six participants

Participating in Legion

  1. Speak to Saarlan in Rolanberry Fields (J-5) and pay the participation fee of 360,000 gil to receive the “Legion tome page” key item.

    *Only one representative from your alliance need possess this key item.

  2. With the key item in your possession, speak to Mayuyu in the same area and choose your desired battlefield and capacity (eighteen or thirty-six combatants). After your selections are confirmed, you will receive a Legion pass.

    *As a single Legion pass can transport up to eighteen players, larger groups will receive two passes.
    *Legion passes will be valid for five minutes (Earth time) after issuance.

  3. Have your alliance leader trade the issued pass to the Legion Tome to enter the Legion entrance lobby.

    Make sure to configure your alliance as desired before trading the pass. Should any members be lower than level 75, your alliance will be refused entry.
    *For groups larger than eighteen, it will be necessary to trade the extra Legion pass to the leader of your second alliance or party.

  4. From the lobby, examine the Legion Portal or simply wait for the allotted time to elapse. You will be transported to the battlefield to commence the fight!

Spoils of War
  • Each HNM defeated will yield items and Legion points.

  • Items will be placed in a treasure pool to be lotted on by all participants.

  • Loot quality and Legion point rewards will increase the more foes you slay.

  • Legion points may be redeemed with Saarlan for a variety of rewards.

Legion-related terms and phrases have been added to the Glossary of Game Terms.

New Keyboard Controls

Basic Controls

The new "Compact 2" configuration offers two methods for controlling your character:

  1. Via keyboard (W/A/S/D/Q/E keys).

  2. Via mouse (moving the mouse with the wheel held down)

Character Movement
New Controls(Compact 2) Existing Controls(Compact) Action
W Move forward
A Move left
D Move right
S Move back
Turn left (*1)
Turn right (*1)
Shift + A
Strafe left (*2)
Shift + D
Strafe right (*2)
(*1) Your character will turn in place and the camera will follow. Camera rotation using the arrow keys will take priority if used simultaneously.
(*2) Your character will move directly to the side with the camera locked forward.

Menu Navigation
New Controls(Compact 2) Existing Controls(Full, Compact) Action
Move cursor up
Move cursor left
Move cursor down
Move cursor right
Enter Confirm
Esc Cancel / Close window (*)
*The function of [Esc] is situation-dependent.
  • When making a selection, [Esc] will cancel the selection.

  • At other times, [Esc] will close the window.
    *Arrow keys may not be used to rotate the camera while navigating menus. (Mouse camera controls will still be available.)

Moving Your Character
With the new “Compact 2” control scheme, you can control your character via the key combinations illustrated to the right.*Combining keys of opposite directions will have no effect.*When pressing two keys of the same direction, the higher priority action will be carried out.*When pressing the [Q / E] and arrow key camera controls simultaneously, the latter will be given priority.

Additional Keyboard Controls
New Controls Existing Controls(Full Keyboard) Action
Print Screen Take screenshot
Scroll Lock all windows hidden
[/] on the numeric keypad Switch between “walk” and “run” while moving
[5] on the numeric keypad Toggle first-person and third-person view
[7] on the numeric keypad When pressed while character is moving, toggles "autorun"
[Page Up] or [9] on the numeric keypad Zoom in
[Page Down] or [3] on the numeric keypad Zoom out
Space bar Open the input window for text entry

Keyboard Shortcuts
Various actions can be performed quickly and easily using the keyboard.
New Controls Existing Controls(Full Keyboard) Action
F1~F6 Toggles party members in the order that they appear in the bottom right area of the screen
F7 Target yourself
F8 Target the closest NPC (“Non-Player Character”; a character controlled by the computer)
F9 Target the closest PC (“Player Character”; a character controlled by another player)
F10 Target the first character in your party’s member list
F11、F12 When you are part of an alliance, target the first character in each allied party’s member list
The following shortcuts may be activated by pressing [Ctrl] or [Alt] along with the letter or punctuation key indicated:
New Controls Existing Controls(Full Keyboard) Action
Number keys Opens the active macro book. With the macro book open, pressing one of the number keys will execute the corresponding macro
A Begin or break off an auto-attack
B Open pet command menu
C Check a target
E Open the "Equipment" window from the main menu
H Heal (when not in battle)
I Open the “Item” window from the main menu
J Display list of job abilities you have learned
L Open the "Linkshell" input window
M Open the “Magic” list from the main menu
P Open the “Party” input window
R Reply to the last PC who sent you a message
S Open the "Say" input window
T Open the "Tell" input window
V Toggles first-person and third-person view
W Display list of weapon skills you have learned
- Open the main menu
Mouse Controls
Moving Your Character
New Controls Previous Controls Action
Left Button Select menu itemTarget (PC, NPC or object)
Hold scroll wheel while moving mouse(*1)
Hold left button while moving mouse(*2) Move PC in the specified direction
Hold right/left button while moving mouse Hold right button while moving mouse Move camera
Click scroll wheel Open main menu
Scroll wheel up/down Zoom in/outMove scroll bar up/down in current window
Click right button Cancel menu item selectionCancel targetting PC, NPC or object
Click right button while moving mouse Toggle autorun
(*1) While the scroll wheel is pressed, your character will move in the direction of the mouse.
(*2) While the left button is pressed, your character will move in the direction of the mouse cursor.
By 2012-03-22 19:52:48
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Rizzspeed
Posts: 114
By Phoenix.Rizzspeed 2012-03-22 19:56:07
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is it that time of the month already?!
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: nala
Posts: 678
By Sylph.Knala 2012-03-22 20:03:15
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so they are implementing the testing in progress portion? ever since they switched to this format for version update announcements i've not been clear on that point.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-03-22 20:05:02
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Sylph.Knala said: »
so they are implementing the testing in progress portion? ever since they switched to this format for version update announcements i've not been clear on that point.
It's never cut and dry, testing in progress is just testing in progress, still in development is just in development and not on the test servers. There is no rule that SE has to follow that says they have to put new content on the test servers for us to test, moving it to the testing in progress section, nor do they have to implement testing in progress material in the next version update. The only thing that it provides is a bit of insight of what's to come really and that's all.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Satabi
Posts: 121
By Bismarck.Satabi 2012-03-22 20:05:33
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Ragnarok.Chronosphere said: »
*long exasperated sigh*
Girl look at that body
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Churchill
Posts: 1130
By Lakshmi.Rearden 2012-03-22 20:09:03
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Is Gildrein going for a new forum title/medal count?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Zubis
Posts: 235
By Quetzalcoatl.Zubis 2012-03-23 20:36:04
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Funny how they had gotten the downtime for updates down to about 30-60 minutes by using the test server, and now that they're putting content directly onto the production servers the downtime has gone up to 5 hours.

So much for testing.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: mewgoat
Posts: 112
By Fenrir.Mewgoat 2012-03-23 20:50:45
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Quetzalcoatl.Zubis said: »
Funny how they had gotten the downtime for updates down to about 30-60 minutes by using the test server, and now that they're putting content directly onto the production servers the downtime has gone up to 5 hours.

So much for testing.
i bet test sever has a bunch of files they still have yet to implement or open up for stuff.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-03-23 20:51:00
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They didn't want to spoil the ... uh ... story of Voidwatch!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-03-23 21:09:48
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Lol, another update!!! Just what we need.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: leo
Posts: 1766
By Fenrir.Mariane 2012-03-23 21:20:42
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Quetzalcoatl.Zubis said: »
Funny how they had gotten the downtime for updates down to about 30-60 minutes by using the test server, and now that they're putting content directly onto the production servers the downtime has gone up to 5 hours.

So much for testing.

During the maintenance they also perform database maintenance on the servers so ...
How long you think it takes to parse some database with about a billion of entries against some other with a few hundreds of thousands ?
Consider that the test server has about 1000 registered characters at maximum. ^_^

Well of course, it could be just them trolling us for sake of "update server workload balance" ...
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-03-23 21:22:48
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Balance!!! I really hate that word now!! How about call it nerf,screw, etc!!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Billzey
Posts: 1335
By Bismarck.Helel 2012-03-23 21:37:23
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I think it's pretty insane that we have to ask what is being released every update... It seems like that information should be readily available to the entire playerbase well before the update actually hits.

I know a lot of people who thought that legion was being released last update (me included), only to find out that it wasn't. It was even on the test server before the update launched. This whole situation is really quite stupid.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-03-23 21:45:36
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The player base( people who pay the bills) should be kept in the loop. When you go to a restaurant they do not say MAYBE you will get all you ordered.I know they have tons of things going on. But we, the costumer, should come first.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-03-23 21:49:26
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Bismarck.Helel said: »
I think it's pretty insane that we have to ask what is being released every update... It seems like that information should be readily available to the entire playerbase well before the update actually hits.

I know a lot of people who thought that legion was being released last update (me included), only to find out that it wasn't. It was even on the test server before the update launched. This whole situation is really quite stupid.
There was absolutely no reason to think that Legion was going be released last version update when just a week before they were having test server events to gather feedback on the event so they could adjust it.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2854
By Bismarck.Bloodbathboy 2012-03-23 21:53:18
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Kali has point. But yeah, a lot of folks thought it was coming out. IE all the recruitment threads.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Jetackuu
Posts: 9001
By Bahamut.Jetackuu 2012-03-25 13:18:08
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so what's coming this time?

(my searching isn't yielding results)
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Eyrhika
Posts: 764
By Lakshmi.Eyrhika 2012-03-25 13:21:37
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Bahamut.Jetackuu said: »
so what's coming this time?

(my searching isn't yielding results)

Whatever they want to come. There hasn't been much rhyme or reason to what is released each update and what will remain in testing recently. I kinda preferred the old way... just gimme what is gonna happen, not what may or may not happen and then may or may not get implemented.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Bomber
Posts: 457
By Phoenix.Bomber 2012-03-25 13:34:36
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Siren.Kalilla said: »
Bismarck.Helel said: »
I think it's pretty insane that we have to ask what is being released every update... It seems like that information should be readily available to the entire playerbase well before the update actually hits.

I know a lot of people who thought that legion was being released last update (me included), only to find out that it wasn't. It was even on the test server before the update launched. This whole situation is really quite stupid.
There was absolutely no reason to think that Legion was going be released last version update when just a week before they were having test server events to gather feedback on the event so they could adjust it.
How much you getting paid to say that? :P
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Kalila
Posts: 14552
By Siren.Kalilla 2012-03-25 13:37:29
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Phoenix.Bomber said: »
Siren.Kalilla said: »
Bismarck.Helel said: »
I think it's pretty insane that we have to ask what is being released every update... It seems like that information should be readily available to the entire playerbase well before the update actually hits.

I know a lot of people who thought that legion was being released last update (me included), only to find out that it wasn't. It was even on the test server before the update launched. This whole situation is really quite stupid.
There was absolutely no reason to think that Legion was going be released last version update when just a week before they were having test server events to gather feedback on the event so they could adjust it.
How much you getting paid to say that? :P
...paid? lol
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-03-25 13:44:43
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I wish I got paid for saying things that are more or less common sense!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Munky
Posts: 2614
By Bismarck.Angeleus 2012-03-25 14:04:18
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Limbus renewal? Every 24 hrs to enter?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Yomisha
Posts: 2518
By Asura.Dominate 2012-03-25 14:04:47
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Or they could stop announcing ***2 years in advance. >.>;
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
user: detlef
Posts: 412
By Valefor.Philemon 2012-03-25 14:17:28
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So anything about VW ticket system?
Posts: 876
By Latifah 2012-03-25 14:29:42
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[dev1044] New Magian trials
[dev1046] Synergy skill cap adjusments
[dev1051] Voidwatch: Tavnazia Jurisdiction
[dev1052] Group 1/Group 2 Merit Point refinements
[dev1053] New dungeon crawl system (title TBD)
[dev1054] Voidwatch: Aht Urhgan Jurisdiction
[dev1055] Besieged refinements
[dev1056] Einherjar renewal
[dev1057] Limbus renewal

[dev1058] Merit Point two-hour abilities
[dev1093] Enfeebling Magic Resistance of Monsters
[dev1103] Voidwatch Finale
[dev1104] Moogle Porter Service Expansion

It bothers me so much how they love to waste time rehashing content instead releasing new stuff
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2012-03-25 14:34:58
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I like how the only "rehashing" you put in bold is Einherjar and Limbus.

I guess going 2 for 9 isn't all that bad.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-03-25 14:36:20
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Sylph.Kimble said: »
I like how the only "rehashing" you put in bold is Einherjar and Limbus.

I guess going 2 for 9 isn't all that bad.

33% was a passing grade in my Organic Chemistry class.

Edit: you originally said 3 for 9!
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2012-03-25 14:39:06
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Lol I did, but then I figured Besieged isn't even a rehash since its just minor tweeks.
Posts: 876
By Latifah 2012-03-25 14:45:08
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the entire list is a rehash basically, i just pointed out the most oldest content and stuff that they keep rehashing with such passion
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