Best Damage Jug

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Best damage jug
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: phunky
Posts: 189
By Odin.Phunkism 2012-03-21 14:38:56
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In my experience;

Best DD: Gorefang
All purpose: Lulush/Nazuna
Tanking: Yuly/Falcorr

Gorefang is definately a step up from the rest in terms of DD. Lulush's TP moves are very useful and can crit. All the other jugs seem pretty close to each other. Bloodclaw, Louise, lulush, Anna, nazuna etc seem similar in their dd potential.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2012-03-21 14:57:13
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Odin.Creaucent said: »
So when you have say a few mobs on your pet is the rabbit actually gunna stay alive? One dyna due to links/aggro endded up with 5 mobs cant see the rabbit being able to tank that. Spiral spin can do nice damage ive seen many reaching 1k+ but w/e floats your boat could go a dd/dnc or drg/mage and do more damage and stay alive just as well since th isnt an issue blu/dnc is a good one.

In regards to the rabbit staying alive with multiple mobs I would suggest not hoarding more than 3 max. When I see solo Bst's doing that I shake my head because by the time they proc the 2nd or third one the pet has beat the remaining 1-2 down to 10-15% health, and they more often then not die unproc'd.

When solo if you're careful when pulling, and keep it to 3 mobs or less the rabbit will do beautifully. If duo or more 4-5 is no big deal as they will die faster. If you pull a bunch by accident, and have an ohshi moment don't forget "Run Wild" in emergencies. It's not a big deal to dismiss a dirt cheap rabbit after using RW then recast another. If you get a big link while you have familiar up you won't even need the RW.
Posts: 1285
By mortontony1 2012-03-21 15:10:49
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What about for Divine Might battle? Rabbit seems good for super tanking and AoEing them down but Gorefang looked decent too. Should I look more for Eva like Falcorr?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 247
By Bahamut.Sakurawr 2012-03-21 15:15:19
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mortontony1 said: »
What about for Divine Might battle? Rabbit seems good for super tanking and AoEing them down but Gorefang looked decent too. Should I look more for Eva like Falcorr?
Gooey's also very good, high def/mdt and Corrosive Ooze will reduce their att/def, plus enslow.
Did DM recently, chewed through MR with Gooey.
Posts: 1285
By mortontony1 2012-03-21 15:18:23
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So you'd recommend him over others?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 247
By Bahamut.Sakurawr 2012-03-21 15:24:01
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For supertanking ya, can get him to last for a long time with the right food. Main problem would probably be the elf with Spirits Within, advised to take her down first.
Posts: 1285
By mortontony1 2012-03-21 15:30:42
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K kill elf first. Then prolly blm? Also have ~10 dawn muslums too lol
Posts: 344
By sefalon 2012-03-21 15:40:10
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Bahamut.Sakurawr said: »
sefalon said: »
I do dynamis with bst and a thief. The need for TH1dipper
is not needed since the thief hits every mob. I normally use dipper or sheep with the occasional Falcor but I wanted to know what the best attacking jug is. Is there a jug that outdamages the others?
Well you're wrong to start, as the TH nerf hasn't actually happened yet.
As for DD Dynamis, I'd say go Falcorr due to being strong+eva, if talking pure DD then something like Rabbit or Gorefang.

I never said anything about the nerf. I said that I have a thief with me so I don't need TH from dipper or falcor.

I used rabbitt today and It did pretty well. Falcor did better damage but I do like how cheap the jugs. Thank you guys for the responses.

Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: edster105
Posts: 26
By Asura.Aaliana 2012-03-21 17:10:49
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I've just finished several months of dyna farm on bst to complete my ragnarok, and have used a few pets along the way. The one I always come back to is dipper. Triple attack seems to proc quite often, and he hits pretty hard. Falcorr doenst have as long duration and so requires 2 jugs in dyna, but may be a little better DD. IMO not that noticeable. Rabbit, sheep and slug all good pets because theyre cheap and still DD well. Tiger is good but again costly. Like I said I use dipper more than any other.
And before any haters chip in, this is just my experience. Enjoy BST!
By 2012-03-21 17:42:26
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Posts: 1682
By Xilk 2012-03-22 15:27:31
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Hobs has the highest attack of any jug pet.
He's a poor tank.
You really don't need that high attack for dynamis however. The attack bonus shines mostly when fighting higher def, or higher level mobs. Dynamis they are all many levels lower. Our pets already have high attack in general. It takes alot of attack+ to make a significant difference when pet already has significantly higher attack than mob's def.

Gooey is a great tank, but has low attack. If you put corrosive ooze on a mob, gooey will do about the same damage as Hobs, but everyone else will be doing more damage also. Gooey would be better for crowds than Hobs is.

Lulush is my favorite default pet. Lulush is the most flexible between big party cures, a paralyze enfeeble and 2 very handy physical Ready moves for single target or AoE.

Yuly eva tanks better than Falcorr. Falcorr's dd is better.

Broncha has Dispelga and high int so tanks magic better than most jugs except Gooey, or specific elemental resistances.

In Abyssea, Falcorr has the highest DD potential for any jug pet because of the Crit damage + and how fantod works.
Posts: 2
By rubish 2012-03-23 11:26:39
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first of all sefalon your att. sucks *** you come on asking for answers and you talk like your above all the answers given to you... second If you are talking just dyna gorefang or falco are really your only 2 options I say that for 2 reason both have higher hp then most pets gore has a nice ws to him as well as does falco. The thing you are missing is yourself instead of your pets, maybe its not the pets you should be worrying about. You should be gearing yourself better if your not hitting 2k+ ws with ruin your failing not your pets...

incoming rate downs^^
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