My Thf Killing To Slow. What Daggers Should I Use

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My thf killing to slow. what daggers should i use
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3111
By Bismarck.Sylow 2012-03-10 10:24:35
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They said ~ 5 tickets, and the rarity of tickets will make that next to impossible for pretty much any desirable piece of gear.

Edit: The exception might be Botulus Rex / Qilin drops, since people spam those for other reasons.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Sheelay
Posts: 2821
By Odin.Sheelay 2012-03-10 10:26:19
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Phoenix.Hagino said: »
pfft athos body isnt that hard to get compared to the stupid dagger. I know you have it but friggin killing me with gorgets boots and NQ daggers.

A guy here on Odin has been shouting for it for the past 3+ months,







He has become a legend.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Frobos
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-03-10 10:28:33
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Tanaka comes back and then everything becomes .000000001% chance again. It'd feel so nice to step foot on floor 100 Neo Nyzul. I don't even have to kill the boss. Just to say I touched it... I actually touched floor 100... !!!

I have only had 1 win with Rex, out of like 30 attempts. JP Rex run {Can I have it?}
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Mindi
Posts: 602
By Cerberus.Mindi 2012-03-10 10:29:42
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VW drop system sucks, no (HQ)drop is easy or hard to get... if you have no luck, you wont get it even when doing 500 runs and a stupid nooby who dont have any temp items and does his 7th run get it.. yay i never saw a piece of equip i wanted (any athos, any HQ bodys, HQ dagger, hell not even Uptala body..) in... i have no clue... 400+ runs. VW sucks, i hate it :( but i still wont give up on atleast tocis... while i gave up on any other VW gear long ago
Serveur: Bahamut
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Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2012-03-10 10:32:22
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Just wish I could have radiant mail finally. Too bad no one ever does that fight anymore to generate tickets though...

Same for me. Never got a body, and that was with capped lights virtually everytime. I did VW 95% with LS runs. 550-600, and my claim to fame was justicar's torque, a pouch of 15 plates, and that fire staff off of rex. Oh I got strobilus once also.. how could I almost forget that >.>
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: hagino
Posts: 217
By Phoenix.Hagino 2012-03-10 10:34:40
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1/3 for toci's haha

0/60+ for HQ dagger QQ

id say i have pretty good luck with VW just bad luck with qilin
I only run with jp so usually the groups go fast and its easy.

As for Tanaka being back and the game going back to IMPOSSIBLE i like it. Minus the guy i know that got two HQ daggers off qilin in 1 week.
Either way time for bed~ お休み~
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2012-03-10 10:44:35
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In a year, and a half in my old LS b4 cap went up 75-80 I prolly did about 550-600 HNM fights. We did HNM, Dynamis, Einherjar, Sky, Sea, Limbus, ZNM, and a few other random events ENM, Storagecrate NM etc.

I got every piece of gear that I had ever set my mind to in that point system. Pieces ranging from all of the events we did. Gimme that system back any day, and SE can go shove VW where the sun doesn't shine!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Frobos
Posts: 261
By Fenrir.Frobos 2012-03-10 10:47:55
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I would definitely prefer a system based on hard work instead of luck.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
Posts: 642
By Bahamut.Fistandantilus 2012-03-10 11:11:31
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I'm hoping Legion promotes LS events with point systems. Can make steady progress with the assault style points, and bid for more rare items.

I quit finally about a week ago as I will be moving back to Las Vegas soon. So I will be away from the game for 4-5 months anyway. Honestly if legion isn't decent, or is another temp item infested PUG free for all I doubt I will have much interest in returning. Will reserve judgement on w/e that new thing that's coming is also. See if people take to that.
By 2012-03-10 11:42:22
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