FaeQueenCory said: »
(Though TH does help a lot since it adds extra drop slots
That's not how TH works.
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Random Question thread (FFXI related)
FaeQueenCory said: » (Though TH does help a lot since it adds extra drop slots That's not how TH works. Asura.Sechs said: » Bahamut.Vinedrius said: » ^ To unlock Voidwatch equipment on that goblin who sells stuff for merits in reisenjima. I'm currently past 0/2200 on Coruscanti. I stopped tracking at 2200, I'm more likely around 2400ish but w/e. Thought I might as well unlock that and get it with Merit Points. I have "only" 4000 Pot-pourri points and 25k are needed for Coruscanti, but at least I know I will eventually get there :D I went 4/200 on HMP pouches in the last couple of days (/cry) but was lucky enough to get a Coruscanti in 50 Qilin (other 150 were Aellos). Forgive the noob question but does it still have any use or is it just a "look at me I have one!" item? Another questions, how are you supposed to use petrifacts to get VW items from the goblin? Just trade them? Am I missing something, or do you still have to run back to a VW npc every six kills if you're using voiddust?
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » Am I missing something, or do you still have to run back to a VW npc every six kills if you're using voiddust? Ya if you used up your stock then you pretty much stuck doing that :( I keep getting error 4002 and disconnecting lately, I did believe it has been happening since the last update but I also changed my wireless router recently so I'm not 100% sure what the issue could be.
Are other people having DC issues lately? Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » Am I missing something, or do you still have to run back to a VW npc every six kills if you're using voiddust? the person popping still needs ki voidstone in possession i believe just one as it will not be consumed Everyone needs 1 in their KI's or they won't get item rewards.
I've been trying to solo Warden of Prudence in Escha Ru, but been having trouble killing him on SAM+Trusts.
Hundred Fist, Invincible, and Perfect Dodge are annoying and the most I got it to was 20% a few times. Any advice on how to solo it? Would solo BLM work? Or SMN? Advice would be appreciated. Edit: answered my own question. Killed it with BLM/sch. Do items that list "killer effets +2" (like founder's stuff)give you that much bonus for any monster class?
which WKR JSE Capes have survived this update? im thinking some of them still can be saved after a readjustment while some are just flat out /toss.
does anything stand out? Sylph.Feary said: » which WKR JSE Capes have survived this update? im thinking some of them still can be saved after a readjustment while some are just flat out /toss. does anything stand out? They are still unique in terms of utility, such as geo cape (indicolure duration) and sch cape (helix duration). Asura.Calatilla said: » Whats the cap on indi duration on the wkr cape? The new one has 20. oops, max duration on wkr cape is also 20, nevermind. I think it is still unique for pet: DT though and you can even have both DT and pet: DT on that cape. Quote: It is still a mystery exactly how TH works but TH appears to add another RNG roll over the base chance for a non-guarenteed slot to appear in the pool (source: https://www.bluegartr.com/threads/95489-TH-testing-final-results). For example, let's assume a rabbit drops a hide by 30% chance. TH1 lets you reroll if default roll fails. If TH1 fails, TH2 lets you reroll again. If this model is true; the final drop rate would be; 0.3 + 0.7*0.3 + 0.7*0.7*0.3 = 0.657 This model appears to fit the test results very well, but it was only tested with fodder mobs and HNMs may have different rules. Furthermore, max TH level was limited to equipment back then and if we assume anything above 2 also works the same way, we could technically make anything with over 1/4 drop rate almost 100% by stacking enough levels of TH; 0.25 + 0.75*0.25 + 0.75^2*0.25 + 0.75^3*0.25 + 0.75^4*0.25 + 0.75^5*0.25 and so on = ~0.98 at TH13 (edit: or in short; 1-0.75^14 = ~0.98). An easier way to write that would be 1-(.7^3).
Take the chance of it not dropping and raise it to the number of rolls. You can also use this to calculate the number of kills you need to have an x chance at a drop. For example, Defending ring has a drop rate of about 5%. You want to know how many shanks you need to be 90% sure of getting the drop. Your equation would be: .95^x = 10% (you set it equal to the chance of not getting the drop) log .95^x = log .1 x log .95 = log .1 x = log.1 / log .95 x = 44.896 Based on this you would need to kill KB 45 times to be 90% sure of getting the drop. It's a useful technique for deciding if its better to farm something yourself or just buy it or to estimate worst case scenarios when farming something like Jovian Bodies. Shiva.Spynx said: » Asura.Sechs said: » Bahamut.Vinedrius said: » ^ To unlock Voidwatch equipment on that goblin who sells stuff for merits in reisenjima. I'm currently past 0/2200 on Coruscanti. I stopped tracking at 2200, I'm more likely around 2400ish but w/e. Thought I might as well unlock that and get it with Merit Points. I have "only" 4000 Pot-pourri points and 25k are needed for Coruscanti, but at least I know I will eventually get there :D I went 4/200 on HMP pouches in the last couple of days (/cry) but was lucky enough to get a Coruscanti in 50 Qilin (other 150 were Aellos). Forgive the noob question but does it still have any use or is it just a "look at me I have one!" item? It may be useful as offhand dagger for cor ranged dps build or rng JR build? Unless the crit hit rate doesn't apply to ws. It probably doesn't. I tested Jupiter's Staff on /ra years ago (around the time Jishnu's came out I think) and it had no effect.
That is correct. Crit DMG on weapons works for Ranged. Crit Rate does not.
oldman said: » An easier way to write that would be 1-(.7^3). Take the chance of it not dropping and raise it to the number of rolls. You can also use this to calculate the number of kills you need to have an x chance at a drop. For example, Defending ring has a drop rate of about 5%. You want to know how many shanks you need to be 90% sure of getting the drop. Your equation would be: .95^x = 10% (you set it equal to the chance of not getting the drop) log .95^x = log .1 x log .95 = log .1 x = log.1 / log .95 x = 44.896 Based on this you would need to kill KB 45 times to be 90% sure of getting the drop. It's a useful technique for deciding if its better to farm something yourself or just buy it or to estimate worst case scenarios when farming something like Jovian Bodies. The example you give with KB is inaccurate. The drop slot that ring falls in is 100%. It is just shared with Pixie Earring. There is no known way to increase or modify the final drop rate. You either get Ring, Earring, or nothing. **There used to be a way to guarantee D.Ring. Originally, if everyone in the alliance has Pixie Earring, it would force D.Ring to drop. This was patched years ago however. Did you read anything he said? He was showing how to calculate actual odds of receiving something within a certain amount of kills. It had nothing to do with the shared slot, just probability.
I did read what he said. And he is correct in most instances. However he specifically gave an example which does not follow that mathematical formula, due to it following a completely different model. I was simply pointing that out.
The formula is used to calculate chance of an occurance happening in a number of attempts, in this case figuring out how many attempts it would take to have a 90% success rate at a 5% occurance. It doesn't model TH in his example, it models probability. So yes, it is accurate.
What trust tank do people use for Crom Dubh? Whoever I use seems to get 1 shot by Noiahionto.
Asura.Calatilla said: » What trust tank do people use for Crom Dubh? Whoever I use seems to get 1 shot by Noiahionto. August. Tried him first, got 1 shot lol, then tried Amchuchu same thing again.
Asura.Calatilla said: » Tried him first, got 1 shot lol, then tried Amchuchu same thing again. The issue is the trust campaign is down, once trusts get the 50% hp/mp boost back, both August and Amchuchu can tank Crom with little issues. If you don't want to wait there's other solutions. Earthen Armor or Scherzo allows trusts to live. I'm actually not sure what damage type the AoE move I'm pretty sure it's not magical, and it's probably not breath, and AoE physical moves are stopped by shadows just take multiple ones (usu 2-3). So gessho can possibly live through it, depending if he has shadows up and it's physical, and Ulmia will single target schezero anyone who took a lot of damage but the have to live through something that hits hard first and only lasts two minutes. If you put blink on your trusts with accession, or aerial armor it can help too but blink only has a 50% chance to absorb a hit not 100%. You could also see if stoneskin is enough to make them live through it, or use brygid because she can help people live through stuff pretty well sometimes. Can also just try tanking it yourself if DD, load up on DT just before tp moves or stun the tp moves.
ctrl + shift (or alt + shift) + a number key will change your macro page, does anyone know how to disable this? I accidentally hit shift when hitting macros often, and it drives me bonkers.
Verda said: » If you don't want to wait there's other solutions. Earthen Armor or Scherzo allows trusts to live. I'm actually not sure what damage type the AoE move I'm pretty sure it's not magical, and it's probably not breath, and AoE physical moves are stopped by shadows just take multiple ones (usu 2-3). So gessho can possibly live through it, depending if he has shadows up and it's physical, and Ulmia will single target schezero anyone who took a lot of damage but the have to live through something that hits hard first and only lasts two minutes. If you put blink on your trusts with accession, or aerial armor it can help too but blink only has a 50% chance to absorb a hit not 100%. You could also see if stoneskin is enough to make them live through it, or use brygid because she can help people live through stuff pretty well sometimes. Can also just try tanking it yourself if DD, load up on DT just before tp moves or stun the tp moves. The move is listed on BG as darkness damage and I wouldn't trust gessho to tank anything, he's a useless trust. I'm not in any rush to kill it right now, I already have Merlinic off him I just felt like getting a pair for my geo mule. I can wait. Also I did try it on BLU, Magic Barrier took most of the damage form his tp move so it wasnt a problem but his DT is way too high I think for melee. |
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