By Siren.Mosin 2013-04-12 09:31:47
heyo all.
My fatty ps3 recently took a ***, and I switched all my BS to PC. the transition was fairly painless, as I had my wife set up on there previously, so the whole transfer + buying adoulin went smooth as hell, no hiccups.
after commandeering the home PC for personal use, I didn't feel that I should leave the rest of the family out in the cold, so I bought the wife a toshiba laptop. over the course of the week, I got her account transfered to her labtop, full game + adoulin, installing ect., all went smooth as hell, no hiccups.
now, this is where ***gets confusing. on a few different levels. I was maybe feeling altruistic or possibly lost my mind for a moment, & decided it would be a good idea to get my friend a pawnshop bought PC (birthday / wedding present) and install the game, get a ps3 controller hooked up, ect. well I buy off amazon just I had previously, & after a confusing conversation with his fiance to get his login info, get it 100% up & running until I notice..... no adoulin.....
now, did I just get *** because I bought the ultimate edition for a guy who only needed to technically buy the expansion? because when I try to punch in his activation code, I got "the user couldn't add another service account .. yadayadyada if your code starts with a U you need to start a new PoL"
man I will be pissy if I have to buy the expansion a fourth time for 3 people >.<
Copy pasta from another thread, hoping to see if anyone else screwed this up.