The Ancient Ones

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The Ancient Ones
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Sylph.Dubberrucky 2009-05-06 10:35:09
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Nightfyre said:
Aravol said:
<-- agrees with XxnumbertwoxX
There are alot of selfish *** on this game.
I wish they would all go solo but unfortunately they will continue to infest our parties.
Gogo B-list.

Those people are the reason I solo so much D:

Dito to this ^

I remember back in the day when you used to actually find skilled players in a party though who were willing to show you the ropes rather than be a total @$$ and also back when haveing a PL was so rare that I never knew what it was or that someone could do that until in my 30s. lol on a side note you keep them selfish bastages in your partys where they are safely shackled and chained to people who will put up with them dont be sending them into my solo camps I dont want them near me they have cooties :P
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Miemo
Posts: 230
By Phoenix.Miemo 2009-05-06 11:08:41
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Blazza said:
Dizzmal said:
I remember when I was a level 28 war I was LFP for awhile in the jungels and this pld ran up with a LFP sign up.. with in 2 mins he had a party because no one liked war tanks ; ;

Was this in the old days or last week? <_<

Lol. Evul.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Oric
Posts: 189
By Cerberus.Oric 2009-05-06 11:31:01
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Truly the good ole days...

I remember waaaaay back at the first time I logged in to play...

Hume was my race, Monk was my job of choice. I was amazed at this overwhelming city of stone. Bridges, buildings, rivers, and towers in every direction.

I wandered around for hours before making my way to this apparent gathering place, what seemed like hundreds of people standing around these counters, sitting on steps, socializing, bartering.

"What could this place be?" I asked myself.
Too nervous to speak (and actually not really sure how to yet) I lingerd for a bit and then decided to continue on my travels.

Finally making my way to what appeared to be an entrance way to the city, I bravely ran through the dark, black tunnel. I waited anxiously as my character disappeared once I entered this tunnel... Then suddenly, as I began to see my character again, just on the other side, I look up to be greeted by this wasteland. Nothing but rock, gravel, huge mountains, no life in sight, even the trees appeared to be dead.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see something floating in the air. "A monster!" I thought to myself. I quickly ran towards it, "a Huge Wasp!", with nothing but a fistful of fury, I began to annihilate this foe.

Almost immediatly afterwards, I see something red on my screen... "Tholuxe Calls For Help!" also noticing the arrow appearing on my mini-map, I take off on an epic rescue mission.

Aware of my new found powers, I am confident that I will be sucessful. I finally reach my destination, only to find this Hume man, like myself, fully clothed in white armor, is being murdered by two unfamiliar turtle like beings. I realize this is a suicide mission, but, I knew what I had to do. I then clinched my fists, and engaged the two turtles.

At that very moment, I see this man, Tholuxe, drop to the ground, I knew then, it was the end for me also...

After it was over, we layed there beside each other, not entirly sure what i'm supposed to do now. I recieved a /tell, It says "Thanks for the help. We almost had 'em!".

We then began to talk, he told me what to do next, showed me around town, bought me a piece of armor or two, and became the first person on my friends list. He tought me everything I needed to know to be able to survive in this new, uncharted, enormous world, they called... Vanadiel.

This is something I have never forgotten about since I started playing. This is the reason I still play today.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1932
By Unicorn.Excesspain 2009-05-06 11:37:59
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Oric said:

At that very moment, I see this man, Tholuxe, drop to the ground, I knew then, it was the end for me also...

We then began to talk, he told me what to do next, showed me around town, bought me a piece of armor or two, and became the first person on my friends list. He tought me everything I needed to know to be able to survive in this new, uncharted, enormous world, they called... Vanadiel.

This is something I have never forgotten about since I started playing. This is the reason I still play today.

Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Kael
Posts: 23
By Garuda.Kael 2009-05-06 12:49:30
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Oric said:
Truly the good ole days...

I remember waaaaay back at the first time I logged in to play...

Hume was my race, Monk was my job of choice. I was amazed at this overwhelming city of stone. Bridges, buildings, rivers, and towers in every direction.

I wandered around for hours before making my way to this apparent gathering place, what seemed like hundreds of people standing around these counters, sitting on steps, socializing, bartering.

"What could this place be?" I asked myself.
Too nervous to speak (and actually not really sure how to yet) I lingerd for a bit and then decided to continue on my travels.

Finally making my way to what appeared to be an entrance way to the city, I bravely ran through the dark, black tunnel. I waited anxiously as my character disappeared once I entered this tunnel... Then suddenly, as I began to see my character again, just on the other side, I look up to be greeted by this wasteland. Nothing but rock, gravel, huge mountains, no life in sight, even the trees appeared to be dead.

Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see something floating in the air. "A monster!" I thought to myself. I quickly ran towards it, "a Huge Wasp!", with nothing but a fistful of fury, I began to annihilate this foe.

Almost immediatly afterwards, I see something red on my screen... "Tholuxe Calls For Help!" also noticing the arrow appearing on my mini-map, I take off on an epic rescue mission.

Aware of my new found powers, I am confident that I will be sucessful. I finally reach my destination, only to find this Hume man, like myself, fully clothed in white armor, is being murdered by two unfamiliar turtle like beings. I realize this is a suicide mission, but, I knew what I had to do. I then clinched my fists, and engaged the two turtles.

At that very moment, I see this man, Tholuxe, drop to the ground, I knew then, it was the end for me also...

After it was over, we layed there beside each other, not entirly sure what i'm supposed to do now. I recieved a /tell, It says "Thanks for the help. We almost had 'em!".

We then began to talk, he told me what to do next, showed me around town, bought me a piece of armor or two, and became the first person on my friends list. He tought me everything I needed to know to be able to survive in this new, uncharted, enormous world, they called... Vanadiel.

This is something I have never forgotten about since I started playing. This is the reason I still play today.

lol, Epic story :P
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-05-06 13:36:13
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Excesspain said:
I actually prefer rngs not pulling. Once they start dishing out huge damage they will be pulling hate a lot more since, I'm pretty sure, the intial attack generates a good amount of hate anyway.

Yes, Kaeko's enmity testing showed that first contact on an enemy gave a substantial spike in enmity, something that a post-55 Ranger really should try to avoid. They can pull when needed, but they are probably not the ideal puller in higher levels. Also, in places like Citadel where the mobs are weak to pierce, as previously stated.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:08:33
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i remember camping KA at lv 58, 2 d.cloths for me!! no v.belt for my friend tho, 2/3 on that bish none of the belts were for me tho :/
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:09:12
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Arteus said:
i remember camping KA at lv 58, 2 d.cloths for me!! no v.belt for my friend tho, 2/3 on that bish none of the belts were for me tho :/

:O How did you kill it at level 58?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:11:03
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was with 3 other people, campin with a rl friends brother his gf and his american friend, was a good laugh shame about the v.belt tho :/
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:12:09
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Arteus said:
was with 3 other people, campin with a rl friends brother his gf and his american friend, was a good laugh shame about the v.belt tho :/

Yeah >< Better luck next time.
Aoshi and I used to camp him all the time, he's so stingy. ; ;
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:15:07
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he puts out alot with me, never had less than 2 d.cloths and i always seem to get belt, camped with my odin friend he had been there for 2 months+ no drop, i come along and he got drop lol, he christened my foot as a lucky rabbits foot
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:16:05
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Arteus said:
he puts out alot with me, never had less than 2 d.cloths and i always seem to get belt, camped with my odin friend he had been there for 2 months+ no drop, i come along and he got drop lol, he christened my foot as a lucky rabbits foot

Can we cut it off and clone it?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: dasva
Posts: 40469
By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-05-07 04:18:43
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Arteus said:
he puts out alot with me, never had less than 2 d.cloths and i always seem to get belt, camped with my odin friend he had been there for 2 months+ no drop, i come along and he got drop lol, he christened my foot as a lucky rabbits foot

Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:19:29
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hmmm..... i dunno, ok 5 dolla and you can have the original :D
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:20:53
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Paypalling. :D
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:23:21
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wont it hurt if i cut my foot off tho :3
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:34:58
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Arteus said:
wont it hurt if i cut my foot off tho :3

Um... not if we all has shinies to dull the pain.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-05-07 04:36:59
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Arteus said:
wont it hurt if i cut my foot off tho :3

Don't worry! I won't feel a thing *shrug*
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:43:28
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Maryanne said:
Arteus said:
wont it hurt if i cut my foot off tho :3

Um... not if we all has shinies to dull the pain.

it hurts ; ; now i cant walk downstairs to mail it >.<
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:44:18
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Just throw it out your window ^^ I'll catch it on the other side of the ocean
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:45:48
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is it there yet
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:52:51
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Nope... but I'll put it on a necklace when it washes up!
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 04:55:08
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Maryanne said:
Nope... but I'll put it on a necklace when it washes up!

>.> the foots names righty, he likes long walks, feed him 3 times a day his favourite is pepperoni pizza :D
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-05-07 04:57:47
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What are we talking about again?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 04:59:25
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Arteus' boobs.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 05:01:06
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Maryanne said:
Arteus' boobs.

i gots no bewbs >.> im a dude and im not fat Q.Q
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 05:02:37
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; ; Dash my hopes will you.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 05:03:38
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@@ you started it >.>
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-07 05:08:04
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Do we have a name for it? :D
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Arteus
Posts: 2017
By Cerberus.Arteus 2009-05-07 05:08:57
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