Thief In VW

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Thief in VW
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Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Ashman
Posts: 4251
By Ragnarok.Ashman 2011-12-27 12:03:49
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I "popcorn"ed the whole thread and thoroughly enjoyed the nerdrage and QQ. I tend to agree that thf is something you "settle" for in VW. I also don't think that you can justify yourself saying "youre a hypocrite because you admit drk performing at 90% of top dd is the same as the performing 60%".

The crowning moment of the thread is both people who bitterly fought for 2 pages instantly turned on the "u gaiz stop being so e1337izt" asshat and worked together. Remember kids, we can unite all the worlds people against some retard with no goals or work ethic, and a big mouth.

Hurray for year I was born post count!
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: xMitosisx
Posts: 317
By Quetzalcoatl.Mitosis 2011-12-27 12:15:29
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Ragnarok.Ashman said: »
I "popcorn"ed the whole thread and thoroughly enjoyed the nerdrage and QQ. I tend to agree that thf is something you "settle" for in VW. I also don't think that you can justify yourself saying "youre a hypocrite because you admit drk performing at 90% of top dd is the same as the performing 60%".

The crowning moment of the thread is both people who bitterly fought for 2 pages instantly turned on the "u gaiz stop being so e1337izt" asshat and worked together. Remember kids, we can unite all the worlds people against some retard with no goals or work ethic, and a big mouth.

Hurray for year I was born post count!

It was closer to 4 pages, and it was indeed a barrel of laughs.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aanalaty
Posts: 330
By Lakshmi.Aanalaty 2011-12-27 12:20:13
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I need more popcorn. I ran out a page ago.

Yay for delusional people who are good at their jobs not believing that other jobs can do more damage if they are played just as well!

Let me pull up all my 2002 parses of lolDrg and lolThf kicking everyons ***! That is certainly indisputable proof that Thf and drg were the best jobs in '02! Then i can get my parses from 05' of my thf and drgkicking everyones ***! THen i can get my abyssea parses of me kicking everyones ***! Then i can get a parse from 2 days ago kicking everyones ***.

Undisputable proof that Thf and Drg have been and always will be the strongest DDs in the game!!!

Good god. If your good at your job you can kick most peoples ***. Shocking amirite?!

Protip: Anyone who eats the right food, picks the right atmas, uses their meds, plays aggressivly, gears properly, uses TP efficiently, reacts swiftly, and generally plays like a badass....will be a badass.

Protip2: Most people that bother to post regularly on the forums do a lot more of that than most people that play the game.

Combine both those points and it becomes clear why everyone who posts says "my jobs better than everyone elses!" because chances are most of us here are the strong players in game and make any job we play super awesome.

Your parse isnt special. Good players parse>Crap avg joe shmo players. Doesnt matter what job.

Lemme go get my LolBattleBrd parses. We have obviously been overlooking the powerhouse that brd is since i match ukko wars on lolBrd.

Get over yourselves already.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2011-12-27 12:35:06
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Lakshmi.Aanalaty said: »
I need more popcorn. I ran out a page ago.

Lakshmi.Aanalaty said: »
Lemme go get my LolBattleBrd parses. We have obviously been overlooking the powerhouse that brd is since i match ukko wars on lolBrd.

DDbard is no laughing matter.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Pooman
Posts: 215
By Phoenix.Pooman 2011-12-27 13:19:25
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I logged in specifically to say I thoroughly enjoyed this thread.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gredival
Posts: 378
By Sylph.Gredival 2011-12-27 17:06:16
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Fupafighters said: »
I use my thf for TH in abyssea only noob... Yes thf isn't that superb in VW but what if thats your best job? What if you have only want them to go like a +2 sam with gimp gear? Or would you prefer them actually enjoy their relic they earned? Talk about how thf can help...not how its bad. NO job is bad... What u think i dont own any empies lol? I used to be one of those people who enjoyed my 1k gekko spammin pre 80 cap.

Well in the good all days you gtfo until you level a job that has some utility for your shell. These days you start the shout group yourself to guarantee yourself a spot.

Valefor.Jaypea said: »
THF is useless in Voidwatch going by usefulness, it has close to no procs other jobs don't have, so it's the last thing you would bring.

This was actually my position from the very start.

As of now, bringing SAM/WAR/MNK/RNG/COR for damage (assuming the people know what they are doing) is far better than bringing a THF, fact.

I'll agree to the last four. The first two because they are broken, the last two because as old guard I principally believe in stable tanking with ranged damage over zerging. I am unconvinced the latter two would be brought solely just for their dmg in a meele zerg oriented fight.

I take no position on SAM, I'm merely pointing out that whether or not SAM is good depends on how we are going to evaluate the job -- math or parse -- and that Generic is being hypocritical in the standards he applies to SAM because he wants to treat them as top flight but refuses to acknowledge THF could contribute

Voidwatch is probably the worst event to parse things at, you either live and parse high or die and parse low. Knowing that, and then only posting a selected parse is stupid and everyone should be aware of that.

This is my point behind the pick your poison, math or parse, post. We can't compare parses directly so you have to accept the implications of parsing first hand.

Quetzacoalt.Mitosis said:
inb4 "Chill", deleted posts, topic bans etc.

I've been banned from so many THF threads...

You can't use a parse to show DRK is a good DD, then make excuses for a SAM lagging behind in that parse... then just flat out reject a series of parses where a THF did well because "Oh those WARs must suck." Because then the rest of us turn around and go "How do we know the WARs you beat on DRK didn't suck? And that would make SAM even worse if they got beat by shitty WARs."

Ragnarok.Ashman said: »
I also don't think that you can justify yourself saying "youre a hypocrite because you admit drk performing at 90% of top dd is the same as the performing 60%".

Not really my argument at all.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gredival
Posts: 378
By Sylph.Gredival 2012-01-10 19:21:02
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Was lucky enough to catch one of Skinner's shouts today for Pil. I went War, him on Thf.

This was the "fairest" parse. I was only weakened for the first 23% (the others were all way worse)

Skinner's Thf won, but I probably would have top'd him had I been unweak from the start. We agreed he was probably a very close second place to me.

He finished 6% ahead of the nearest alternate DD besides me (to be fair, the other WAR was proccing, the MNK was pure Vsmite). SAM and COR were another 2% below that.

Damage Summary

Player               Total Dmg   Damage %   Melee Dmg   Range Dmg   Abil. Dmg  WSkill Dmg   Spell Dmg  Other Dmg   Absorbed Dmg[/b]

Asakari                   8542     4.46 %           0           0           0        8542           0          0              0

Bhyehitset                2564     1.34 %           0           0           0           0        2564          0              0

Charandi                 16719     8.72 %        7791           0           0        8898          28          2              0

Fayizma                   1418     0.74 %           0           0           0           0        1418          0              0

Gipi                      1464     0.76 %           0           0           0           0        1464          0              0

Gredival                 29835    15.57 %        6263           0           0       23572           0          0              0

Hakubai                   6504     3.39 %        1965           0           0        4539           0          0              0

Jada                      2872     1.50 %           0           0           0        2872           0          0              0

Mastershift                  1     0.00 %           0           0           0           0           1          0              0

Pankas                   24158    12.61 %        8951           0           0       15207           0          0              0

Peuhobaud                 1034     0.54 %         234           0          24         266         510          0              0

Sharonfr                 19326    10.09 %           0         646           0       18680           0          0              0

Skinner                  34955    18.24 %       12797           0           0       22158           0          0              0

Wasenshi                 17415     9.09 %        6571           0       10608         185           0         51              0

Zohnax                   24536    12.80 %       13532           0           0       11004           0          0              0

SC: Darkness               268     0.14 %           0           0           0           0           0          0              0

SC: Scission                12     0.01 %           0           0           0           0           0          0              0

Total                   191623   100.00 %       58104         646       10632      115923        5985         53              0

Melee Damage

Player            Melee Dmg  Abs'd.Dmg   Net Dmg   Melee %   Hit/Miss    M.HR %   M.Acc %  M.Low/Hi  M+0.Avg  M-0.Avg[/b]

Charandi               7791          0      7791   46.60 %       87/5   94.57 %   94.57 %    13/153    59.95    59.95

Gredival               6263          0      6263   20.99 %       24/0  100.00 %  100.00 %    71/293   189.89   189.89

Hakubai                1965          0      1965   30.21 %       21/5   80.77 %   80.77 %    12/231    78.53    78.53

Jada                      0          0         0    0.00 %        1/4   20.00 %   20.00 %       0/0     0.00      NaN

Pankas                 8951          0      8951   37.05 %       34/0  100.00 %  100.00 %   127/551   211.07   211.07

Peuhobaud               234          0       234   22.63 %      13/29   30.95 %   30.95 %      0/24     8.00    14.67

Skinner               12797          0     12797   36.61 %      106/8   92.98 %   92.98 %     0/217    72.43    72.43

Wasenshi               6571          0      6571   37.73 %       24/2   92.31 %   92.31 %     0/303   215.76   215.76

Zohnax                13532          0     13532   55.15 %       86/7   92.47 %   92.47 %     0/281   125.16   125.16

Melee Crit Damage

Player                #Crit  C.Low/Hi   C-0.Avg     Crit%[/b]

Charandi                 28    83/321    151.93   32.18 %

Gredival                  6   292/770    474.17   25.00 %

Hakubai                   2   170/303    236.50    9.52 %

Jada                      0       0/0      0.00    0.00 %

Pankas                    7   240/698    464.57   20.59 %

Peuhobaud                 2     60/86     73.00   15.38 %

Skinner                  48    99/557    179.08   45.28 %

Wasenshi                  7   250/554    414.71   29.17 %

Zohnax                   22   137/471    251.00   25.58 %

Ranged Damage

Player            Range Dmg   Range %   Hit/Miss    R.HR %   R.Acc %  R.Low/Hi  R+0.Avg  R-0.Avg  #Crit  C.Low/Hi   C-0.Avg     Crit%[/b]

Sharonfr                646    3.34 %        3/0  100.00 %  100.00 %       0/0   215.33   215.33      0   204/234      0.00    0.00 %

Other Magical Damage  (Additional Effects and Spikes)

Player            M.AE Dmg  # M.AE  M.AE Avg   R.AE Dmg  # R.AE  R.AE Avg   Spk.Dmg  # Spike  Spk.Avg[/b]

Charandi                 2       1      2.00          0       0      0.00         0        0     0.00

Wasenshi                51      13      3.92          0       0      0.00         0        0     0.00

Weaponskill Damage

Player                 WSkill Dmg  Abs'd.Dmg   Net Dmg   WSkill %  Hit/Miss   WS.Acc %   WS.Low/Hi   WS.Avg[/b]

Asakari                      8542          0      8542   100.00 %       6/0   100.00 %   1413/1445  1423.67

 - Wildfire                  8542          0      8542   100.00 %       6/0   100.00 %   1413/1445  1423.67

Charandi                     8898          0      8898    53.22 %       7/0   100.00 %    567/1952  1271.14

 - Blade: Hi                 8898          0      8898   100.00 %       7/0   100.00 %    567/1952  1271.14

Gredival                    23572          0     23572    79.01 %      14/0   100.00 %    368/3615  1683.71

 - Ukko's Fury              23572          0     23572   100.00 %      14/0   100.00 %    368/3615  1683.71

Hakubai                      4539          0      4539    69.79 %      10/0   100.00 %      47/862   453.90

 - Tachi: Fudo               1861          0      1861    41.00 %       3/0   100.00 %     492/713   620.33

 - Tachi: Gekko               862          0       862    18.99 %       1/0   100.00 %     862/862   862.00

 - Tachi: Goten               148          0       148     3.26 %       1/0   100.00 %     148/148   148.00

 - Tachi: Jinpu                47          0        47     1.04 %       1/0   100.00 %       47/47    47.00

 - Tachi: Kagero               92          0        92     2.03 %       1/0   100.00 %       92/92    92.00

 - Tachi: Kasha               797          0       797    17.56 %       1/0   100.00 %     797/797   797.00

 - Tachi: Koki                 81          0        81     1.78 %       1/0   100.00 %       81/81    81.00

 - Tachi: Yukikaze            651          0       651    14.34 %       1/0   100.00 %     651/651   651.00

Jada                         2872          0      2872   100.00 %       2/0   100.00 %   1436/1436  1436.00

 - Wildfire                  2872          0      2872   100.00 %       2/0   100.00 %   1436/1436  1436.00

Pankas                      15207          0     15207    62.95 %      13/0   100.00 %    160/3209  1169.77

 - Armor Break                177          0       177     1.16 %       1/0   100.00 %     177/177   177.00

 - Fell Cleave               1067          0      1067     7.02 %       1/0   100.00 %   1067/1067  1067.00

 - Full Break                 278          0       278     1.83 %       1/0   100.00 %     278/278   278.00

 - Iron Tempest               160          0       160     1.05 %       1/0   100.00 %     160/160   160.00

 - Keen Edge                  548          0       548     3.60 %       1/0   100.00 %     548/548   548.00

 - Raging Rush               1129          0      1129     7.42 %       1/0   100.00 %   1129/1129  1129.00

 - Steel Cyclone             1214          0      1214     7.98 %       1/0   100.00 %   1214/1214  1214.00

 - Sturmwind                  382          0       382     2.51 %       1/0   100.00 %     382/382   382.00

 - Ukko's Fury              10018          0     10018    65.88 %       4/0   100.00 %   1532/3209  2504.50

 - Weapon Break               234          0       234     1.54 %       1/0   100.00 %     234/234   234.00

Peuhobaud                     266          0       266    25.73 %       3/0   100.00 %      21/131    88.67

 - Sanguine Blade              21          0        21     7.89 %       1/0   100.00 %       21/21    21.00

 - Savage Blade               114          0       114    42.86 %       1/0   100.00 %     114/114   114.00

 - Vorpal Blade               131          0       131    49.25 %       1/0   100.00 %     131/131   131.00

Sharonfr                    18680          0     18680    96.66 %      12/0   100.00 %   1503/1586  1556.67

 - Wildfire                 18680          0     18680   100.00 %      12/0   100.00 %   1503/1586  1556.67

Skinner                     22158          0     22158    63.39 %      11/0   100.00 %    908/3325  2014.36

 - Evisceration              6119          0      6119    27.62 %       5/0   100.00 %    908/2097  1223.80

 - Mercy Stroke             16039          0     16039    72.38 %       6/0   100.00 %   2212/3325  2673.17

Wasenshi                      185          0       185     1.06 %       1/0   100.00 %     185/185   185.00

 - Herculean Slash            185          0       185   100.00 %       1/0   100.00 %     185/185   185.00

Zohnax                      11004          0     11004    44.85 %       5/0   100.00 %   1396/2949  2200.80

 - Victory Smite            11004          0     11004   100.00 %       5/0   100.00 %   1396/2949  2200.80

Ability Damage

Player                  Abil. Dmg  Abs'd.Dmg   Net Dmg    Abil. %  Hit/Miss    A.Acc %    A.Low/Hi    A.Avg[/b]

Peuhobaud                      24          0        24     2.32 %       1/0   100.00 %       24/24    24.00

 - Requiescat                  24          0        24   100.00 %       1/0   100.00 %       24/24    24.00

Wasenshi                    10608          0     10608    60.91 %       6/0   100.00 %   1490/2252  1768.00

 - Resolution               10608          0     10608   100.00 %       6/0   100.00 %   1490/2252  1768.00

Spell Damage

Player                  Spell Dmg  Abs'd.Dmg   Net Dmg   Spell %  #Spells  #Fail  S.Low/Hi     S.Avg  #MBurst[/b]

Bhyehitset                   2564          0      2564  100.00 %        5      0   451/603    512.80        0

 - Flood                      451          0       451   17.59 %        1      0   451/451    451.00        0

 - Flood II                   502          0       502   19.58 %        1      0   502/502    502.00        0

 - Freeze                     453          0       453   17.67 %        1      0   453/453    453.00        0

 - Freeze II                  603          0       603   23.52 %        1      0   603/603    603.00        0

 - Waterja                    555          0       555   21.65 %        1      0   555/555    555.00        0

Charandi                       28          0        28    0.17 %        3      0      0/18      9.33        0

 - Raiton: Ichi                 0          0         0    0.00 %        1      0       0/0      0.00        0

 - Raiton: Ni                  10          0        10   35.71 %        1      0     10/10     10.00        0

 - Raiton: San                 18          0        18   64.29 %        1      0     18/18     18.00        0

Fayizma                      1418          0      1418  100.00 %        8      0    49/560    177.25        0

 - Blizzaga                   206          0       206   14.53 %        2      0    72/134    103.00        0

 - Blizzaga II                307          0       307   21.65 %        1      0   307/307    307.00        0

 - Stonega                     49          0        49    3.46 %        1      0     49/49     49.00        0

 - Waterga                     65          0        65    4.58 %        1      0     65/65     65.00        0

 - Waterga II                 150          0       150   10.58 %        1      0   150/150    150.00        0

 - Waterga III                 81          0        81    5.71 %        1      0     81/81     81.00        0

 - Waterja                    560          0       560   39.49 %        1      0   560/560    560.00        0

Gipi                         1464          0      1464  100.00 %       10      0     0/346     74.22        1

 - Blizzard II                116          0       116    7.92 %        1      0   116/116    116.00        0

 - Blizzard III               111          0       111    7.58 %        1      0   111/111    111.00        0

 - Blizzard IV                346          0       346   23.63 %        1      0   346/346    346.00        0

 - Dia II                       4          0         4    0.27 %        3      0       0/4      1.33        0

 - Dia III                      3          0         3    0.20 %        1      0       3/3      3.00        0

 - Water II                     8          0         8    0.55 %        1      0       8/8      8.00        0

 - Water III                   80          0        80    5.46 %        1      0     80/80     80.00        0

 - Water IV                   796          0       796   54.37 %        1      0       0/0      0.00        1

Grusilug                        0          0         0    0.00 %       11      0       0/0      0.00        0

 - Dia                          0          0         0    0.00 %       11      0       0/0      0.00        0

Mastershift                     1          0         1  100.00 %        3      0       0/1      0.33        0

 - Dia II                       1          0         1  100.00 %        3      0       0/1      0.33        0

Peuhobaud                     510          0       510   49.32 %        7      0     0/231     72.86        0

 - Dia II                       0          0         0    0.00 %        2      0       0/0      0.00        0

 - Eyes On Me                  15          0        15    2.94 %        1      0     15/15     15.00        0

 - Ice Break                   76          0        76   14.90 %        1      0     76/76     76.00        0

 - Magnetite Cloud             10          0        10    1.96 %        1      0     10/10     10.00        0

 - Quad. Continuum            178          0       178   34.90 %        1      0   178/178    178.00        0

 - Radiant Breath             231          0       231   45.29 %        1      0   231/231    231.00        0

Skillchain Damage

Skillchain          SC Dmg  Abs'd.Dmg   Net Dmg   # SC  SC.Low/Hi  SC.Avg[/b]

SC: Darkness           268          0       268      1    268/268  268.00

SC: Scission            12          0        12      1      12/12   12.00
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2012-01-10 19:29:43
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Hmm I'd love to see Skinner's gear. His numbers are almost identical to mine. I've never done 4k on pil though, wonder what buffs he had.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Gredival
Posts: 378
By Sylph.Gredival 2012-01-10 22:42:24
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His gear is top-notch for the most part. I had a COR giving me Miser's and Tactician. I have no idea what he had.

One caveat though, I don't have Stalwart/Champs
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Ihina
Posts: 3187
By Bismarck.Ihina 2012-01-10 23:25:59
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That would explain the low Ukko average. That nin's blade:hi is a bit higher than I'm used to seeing, but still pretty horrible relative to a real DD. Other than that, the numbers look normal to me.
Posts: 36
By Shunnedbahamut 2012-01-30 23:48:48
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Well from reading this entire topic I have learned that a great THF can't out do a great SAM/WAR/DRK/MNK, and if they so happen to it's a fluke. I was really hoping to get some valuable info from this topic but it looks like that won't ever happen because nerd raging SAM's,DRK's, and WAR's have to ruin it for us. So can we plz get back to the Topic of "Thief in VW" without any trolling from some Lucian Freud-looking pussies like Generic.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2012-01-31 00:55:18
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I think it was already answered. THF has no procs of their own, if you are going to zerg, you would bring zerging jobs.

Parses really don't mean anything. Parsing in VW is bar for the worst to compare when not everyone is going all out due to procs.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
Posts: 88
By Ragnarok.Baconchips 2012-01-31 01:29:22
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I take a thief because every time I do someone's getting bodies and more scrolls/plates/pouches. without there is a noticeable difference over the course of the last few months i've been at it.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 1326
By Fenrir.Minjo 2012-01-31 02:32:29
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There's a perfectly reasonable explanation for that.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aanalaty
Posts: 330
By Lakshmi.Aanalaty 2012-02-01 10:18:02
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I love my thf to death. My rudras are smexy. My gear is (almost) perfect.

But ill keep bringing my ridiculously more powerful mythic drg for zergs or lolWildfire Rng for procs/ranged damage/phy resist mobs to VW :P
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [66 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Lynxblade
Posts: 1654
By Carbuncle.Lynxblade 2012-04-07 08:30:29
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Not sure if this Is widely known, but when we I do Qilin/uptala I cap Green Light, and I usually get about 18k cruor everytime I kill...

there was a thf in our pt for a few kills, He managed to get Treasure hunter 8, and we got about 21k cruor...

I like to do Uptala and Qilin for cruor/plates, So im thinking bringing 1 thf and telling him to focus on nothing but stacking Treasure hunter for the extra curor.....

May not be the usefulness In VW thf was looking for...but hey its something right? >_>
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