You Have HOW MANY 75s? /death

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You have HOW MANY 75s? /death
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 57
By Phoenix.Boyaci 2009-05-01 12:07:14
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Two years in and approaching my 5th 75. PLD WHM RDM DRK and soon to be THF. None of my gear is uber, but it gets the jobs done. The clothes don't make the man, the brain in his head does.

At first I leveled by what roles were missing from my group, so we could do things without having to shout for help.

As time went on, I wanted to make myself more versatile so there was never a situation of "Oh, sorry, you're a whm and we need a dd".
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1932
By Unicorn.Excesspain 2009-05-01 12:08:18
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Boyaci said:
Two years in and approaching my 5th 75. PLD WHM RDM DRK and soon to be THF. None of my gear is uber, but it gets the jobs done. The clothes don't make the man, the brain in his head does.

In most cases you are correct but in FFXI the gear plays a big role.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 57
By Phoenix.Boyaci 2009-05-01 12:17:52
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In most cases you are correct but in FFXI the gear plays a big role.[/quote]

I agree to a certain extent. Of course, I'm not showing up to events as a 75 whm in RSE.

At the same time, I'd rather win with someone in "average" AH gear who can dynamically react than die with someone who looks great but can't get their head out of their a*s.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Webjester
Posts: 394
By Leviathan.Webjester 2009-05-01 12:22:39
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Maryanne said:
So, my question is, how do you guys do it and not want to throw your PCs out windows?

Just finished number 4 (RDM>BLM>SAM>THF) and am working on number 5 now (RNG). Honestly, leveling jobs is what I enjoy most about the game, and here's what makes it fun for me:

I tend to level only with people whose company I enjoy!
We get on Ventrilo and jaw jack the whole time.
I level a variety of jobs until one grabs my fancy, if I lose interest, there's always another job to level.

I set a goal of getting my Maat's Cap as my ultimate goal for playing the game. This has inspired me to level more jobs. Its a moderately lofty goal for me, but its a carrot that I can reach at some point. On a side note, there's a certain e-peen value of listing how many 75 jobs you have, etc, but when I registered my account here, it was for the Maat's Cap calculator.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-05-01 12:32:19
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Kajidourden said:
Rowland said:
I kinda had justificaitons for leveling the jobs I did at the time.

1. Mnk to 30
2. Unlocked rng because it was the easiest advanced job to get, and my mnk couldn't stay level 30 to save its life
3. Patch that gimped rng made me want to be able to solo things, so I leveled smn. I also wanted to be able to get an Ohat for rng.
4. Needed Diabolos, so I hear blms can burn that.
5. Wanna stick with a mage job because I got a Tamas ring, also enjoy soloing, so I take up rdm.
6. Need moar DD jobs, slowly working my way there I'm leveling NIN (51 atm)

BLM= The Alpha job. VERY few things a skilled BLM+RDM duo team cant take out. Or hell, BLM or RDM solo respectively can take out some serious *** (ODS solo on BLM anyone? XD)

I know I'm quoting the first page but I can't resist, I'm sorry ; ;

ODS - serious ***
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-05-01 12:34:02
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On topic though 5 atm, going to have 6 and 7 soonish. Gil really isn't too hard to make, but the people with the jaw dropping amounts made it back during hyper inflation through questionable means.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-05-01 12:35:44
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Frobeus said:
On topic though 5 atm, going to have 6 and 7 soonish. Gil really isn't too hard to make, but the people with the jaw dropping amounts made it back during hyper inflation through questionable means.

Ya, totally.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Sylph.Dubberrucky 2009-05-01 12:45:43
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Boyaci said:
In most cases you are correct but in FFXI the gear plays a big role.

I agree to a certain extent. Of course, I'm not showing up to events as a 75 whm in RSE.

At the same time, I'd rather win with someone in "average" AH gear who can dynamically react than die with someone who looks great but can't get their head out of their a*s.[/quote]

I second that Ive seen way to many people in endgamer gear lying on the ground while people with normal agerage gear slaughter what just killed them I just hate when people think the gear makes the player. When you dont have the skills in the normal stuff the uber stuff doesnt make any differance.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-05-01 12:49:37
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Dubberrucky said:
Boyaci said:

In most cases you are correct but in FFXI the gear plays a big role.

I agree to a certain extent. Of course, I'm not showing up to events as a 75 whm in RSE.

At the same time, I'd rather win with someone in "average" AH gear who can dynamically react than die with someone who looks great but can't get their head out of their a*s.[/quote]

I second that Ive seen way to many people in endgamer gear lying on the ground while people with normal agerage gear slaughter what just killed them I just hate when people think the gear makes the player. When you dont have the skills in the normal stuff the uber stuff doesnt make any differance.[/quote]

If I could somehow duplicate myself and pit my sam vs my sam with lesser gear, the version of me using the better geared me would crush the other me.

I'll pass on the idiot with good gear and the smart guy with average gear and instead take the left out party, the smart guy with good gear.
By 2009-05-01 12:51:54
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Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 993
By Pandemonium.Kajidourden 2009-05-01 13:01:35
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Bartimaeus said:
1 75


.. 3 1/2 years later. Bwahaha.

Bart... why have i NEVER seen you around? XD
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Sylph.Dubberrucky 2009-05-01 13:02:13
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lol thats exactly why I usually say screw all you arrogent @$$es Ill solo and still get exp faster minus the digital pissing contest of who sold a bigger part of their soul to a video game for a piece of gear :P
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
Posts: 57
By Phoenix.Boyaci 2009-05-01 13:03:59
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Frobeus[/quote said:

If I could somehow duplicate myself and pit my sam vs my sam with lesser gear, the version of me using the better geared me would crush the other me.

I'll pass on the idiot with good gear and the smart guy with average gear and instead take the left out party, the smart guy with good gear.

Of course, but that was a process, wasn't it? You didn't hit 75 and instantly become an uber player in uber gear, did you? Most likely not. Instead you kept working and learning and evolved into that smart player with great gear.

Too many endgame shells have forgetten their own roots. They expect you to be flawlessly dressed before your admittance will be considered. Too much value is put onto the gear itself. So few are willing to accompany you through that process anymore.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 101
By Sylph.Dubberrucky 2009-05-01 13:09:42
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Boyaci said:

If I could somehow duplicate myself and pit my sam vs my sam with lesser gear, the version of me using the better geared me would crush the other me.

I'll pass on the idiot with good gear and the smart guy with average gear and instead take the left out party, the smart guy with good gear.[/quote said:

Of course, but that was a process, wasn't it? You didn't hit 75 and instantly become an uber player in uber gear, did you? Most likely not. Instead you kept working and learning and evolved into that smart player with great gear.

Too many endgame shells have forgetten their own roots. They expect you to be flawlessly dressed before your admittance will be considered. Too much value is put onto the gear itself. So few are willing to accompany you through that process anymore.

WHAT!!! endgamer didnt start out with the best of the best? They were noobs at some point too? Blasphemy!!! you will be forever shunned for pointing out the truth like that :P
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-05-01 13:10:11
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Boyaci said:
Of course, but that was a process, wasn't it? You didn't hit 75 and instantly become an uber player in uber gear, did you? Most likely not. Instead you kept working and learning and evolved into that smart player with great gear.

Too many endgame shells have forgetten their own roots. They expect you to be flawlessly dressed before your admittance will be considered. Too much value is put onto the gear itself. So few are willing to accompany you through that process anymore.

Very well said. So many have simply forgotten or choose to ignore where they came from. We were all level 1 at some point, and all had to make the same journey to reach where we are today.

Unless of course, you bought your account / gear. That's a whole different story. :p
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Kenster
Posts: 9
By Hades.Kenster 2009-05-01 13:11:32
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Hope the OP is still reading her thread.

As a few people stated, its not about TIME is about QUALITY. When I go out to level I do the following.

A) Ensure there is a tank and its role to go with it. IE, If you get a PLD, make sure there is a RDM. If you get a NIN, make sure you get Haste. Don't even TRY to go out and say I got a BRD for a PLD, were good. If the BRD sucks, your wasting your time.
B) Do we have a camp? /search is your friend. And to all party leaders that don't use it before they go, should be shot in the head. I hate people that double camp camps.
C) MAKE A PARTY! For god sakes, stop being lazy. I see like 35 level 75s on /invite in Whitegate. Jesus. Stop being lazy and make it instead of sitting around town. I never, EVER join a PT, unless I really dont want to PT and im crafting ill put up my flag for maybe a l33t party.
D) Don't be afraid to wait. Just because you have SAM SAM SAM NIN RDM and can't find a BRD you should take a SCH. Thats stupid. Wait until a good class comes around and snatch it. /sea 55-74 all can get you some good results.
E) Ask people that don't have flags up! Whats the worst they say,no? Who cares.
F) Don't be afraid to kick people. Personally, I don't give a crap if I invited you in. If you suck, can't pay attention, have crap gear, won't listen to the leader, ect. Your gone. Ill replace you. By you going afk your not just wasting your time, your wasting mine.
G) Lead by example. Don't say bathroom every 5 minutes. I actually pee right before I start the party and im good for 4-8 hours. Wasting 5 minutes of party time lowers your exp by a thousand or so.

Bottom line. Any party that makes under 7.5k an hour should not be a party. If I can't get a party to do that, I disband and do something else as its a waste of time. I avg about 10.00k exp per hour up to around 19.50 or so if I party in Wajam Woodlands.

So to answer your question. QUALITY not TIME. You don't have to spend a lot of time to level a char. 20k an hour for 2 hours gets you from 74 to 75. Anyone can do that.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-05-01 13:24:40
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Boyaci said:

If I could somehow duplicate myself and pit my sam vs my sam with lesser gear, the version of me using the better geared me would crush the other me.

I'll pass on the idiot with good gear and the smart guy with average gear and instead take the left out party, the smart guy with good gear.[/quote said:

Of course, but that was a process, wasn't it? You didn't hit 75 and instantly become an uber player in uber gear, did you? Most likely not. Instead you kept working and learning and evolved into that smart player with great gear.

Too many endgame shells have forgetten their own roots. They expect you to be flawlessly dressed before your admittance will be considered. Too much value is put onto the gear itself. So few are willing to accompany you through that process anymore.

I think that is a bit of a stretch. I think most high-end EG LS do expect you to be geared properly though. It is possible to gear properly before you have the best r/e. Things that can be purchased through the AH like dusk gear and things that can be low-manned like swift belt should be owned before applying to EG shells. If you can gear yourself decently / correctly most EG shells will not turn you down on those grounds.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Squitt
Posts: 284
By Fairy.Raikan 2009-05-01 13:25:51
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Frobeus said:
I'll pass on the idiot with good gear and the smart guy with average gear and instead take the left out party, the smart guy with good gear.

How very different from you calling me gimp for not bothering to get the Tier2 En-spells.

Maybe you aren't a pompous *** after all.
Serveur: Midgardsormr
Game: FFXI
user: frobeus
Posts: 1498
By Midgardsormr.Frobeus 2009-05-01 13:32:16
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Raikan said:
Frobeus said:
I'll pass on the idiot with good gear and the smart guy with average gear and instead take the left out party, the smart guy with good gear.

How very different from you calling me gimp for not bothering to get the Tier2 En-spells.

Maybe you aren't a pompous *** after all.

No, I def am. Sometimes my alter ego (which is only slightly less assholeish) comes out, but it is quickly squelched.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Kael
Posts: 23
By Garuda.Kael 2009-05-01 14:06:40
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Haseyo said:
Sleeps have been like cut in half for a lot of NMs, making a lot of BCNMs/KSNMs extremely difficult now. You remember how easy ZMs were? Yeah it took Thunderz, K, and I like 25min to beat a BCNM, that we lost the first time. >.>; A lot of re-sleeping and resting had to be done, sucked hardcore.

It was allegedly changed back, but I've yet to see that take effect on stuff I've done.

I had full duration sleep IIs on the first floor of NW Apollyon (ghosts) last night. The enfeebling bug has been fixed.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-01 16:33:03
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They reversed the enfeeble nerf last update, I believe.
The problem was, it was wroking on us players too. XD
The duration of debuffs we gain from mobs was also ***.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-01 16:36:02
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DNC64 and plugging away!
I think my biggest problem is the grinding, I get bored after an hour.
The gil thing will always be an issue to everyone in some way or another, I think.
I've already put a couple mil into DNC for endgame use. I buy gear way in advance as kind of an incentive for the grinding.
Unfortunately, it doesn't always work. >.>
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Surreal
Posts: 1533
By Caitsith.Surreal 2009-05-01 16:39:27
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Technically i'm supposed to have 8 75's, But RNG, SAM and SCH are all in the 50's-60's range and i've been kinda lazy to get them past that D: But i'm working on SCH atm!
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-05-01 16:44:49
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5 atm. been trying to keep 1 75 job for every situatuion.

so PLD & NIN for tanking RNG for DD THF for farming and BRD for support/meriting. Got a bunch of 66 jobs as well, thinking of maybe taking RDM up next, we'll see.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-01 16:58:17
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Gogo Maat's Cap? You/re 2/3rds of the way there!
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-05-01 17:00:44
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I'm too lazy to look it up. What does Maat's cap give you?
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Maryanne
Posts: 654
By Cerberus.Maryanne 2009-05-01 17:01:22
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I'm too lazy to type it out, so:

Maat's Cap RareExclusive
[Head] All Races
STR +7 DEX +7 VIT +7 AGI +7
INT +7 MND +7 CHR +7
Enchantment: "Teleport"
Lv. 70 All Jobs

<1/1 0:30/[24:00:00, 0:30]>

Enchantment: "Teleport"

* Teleports you to Ru'Lude Gardens, directly next to Maat.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Kelia
Posts: 242
By Bahamut.Kelia 2009-05-01 17:10:23
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I would have 7 75 but SMN doesn't want to get finished. I already have my next 2 lined up though. DDs this time!
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-05-01 17:24:26
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Ive been playing since NA PC release also..I only have 3 75 jobs. Took me a year and a half to lvl smn from 37-75.

Most of the time I feel like I fail at the game for not having uber amounts of 75 jobs and uber amounts of money. I dont play nearly as much as other people in my ls though. Most of the time I just log in for an event and then log off. I can only play the game for so long before I go insane..I can barely make it through 3 hours of dynamis.

I ofcourse also share an account with 2 siblings and I was never able to keep my character online to bazaar to boost my playtime because my internet connection was really crappy and I was well known for my DCing capabilities. Ive also moved several times and have taken brakes for school and such.

I probably wont get any other job to 75 anytime soon. Im slow at accumulating money and I hate to spend it and people in the game put so much pressure on not being gimp that I dont really feel comfortable lvling jobs I enjoy in pts anyway. I could actually lvl sch and blm (if I dont buy sorcerers ring) for pretty cheap but I dont feel like it :P
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: zanno
Posts: 2849
By Carbuncle.Zanno 2009-05-01 17:24:35
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Maryanne said:
Gogo Maat's Cap? You/re 2/3rds of the way there!

hehe yea, but i have the "slow" jobs left. just thinking about lfp as DRK and SMN makes me wanna give up D:
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