SAM Archery Tp Set

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SAM archery tp set
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Weissberv
Posts: 155
By Cerberus.Weissberv 2011-12-04 10:10:13
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Just wondering what would be a good archery tp set for SAM since I never really got to the /RNG side of the job back in the day. I kinda want to have a decent set to shoot stuff in VW for extra tp when I'm away from the mob on the odd occasion.

A few things I've been wondering about:

STR = Ranged attack?
AGI = Ranged acc?
Is it just simply go for as much STR and AGI as you can or is raw ranged accuracy and attack better?

Here's a set I've made with the equipment I've got at the moment:

Not sure on the bow because it's low delay and damage now. No clue what arrow type to use. Also, Drone earrings...?

SAM's archery skill kinda sucks so I feel I need more ranged accuracy over all this STR and AGI stuff I've placed together but then there's also the STP that comes into play too. I'm not really bothered about getting a perfect x-hit set but I do want as much tp as I can get with it at the same time.

Also just to point out, I'd prefer a set that would work without /RNG if possible.

Serveur: Asura
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user: Bonlack
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By Asura.Bonlack 2011-12-04 10:26:07
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Depends on what you're actually looking to do RA wise. Are you looking to WS on mobs/NM's? Then go for Racc/Ratt with STR thrown in. If as you said you're just looking to get some extra TP when standing away from fight just equip solid Racc pieces. As for arrows prob demon arrows/ any solid dmg acc arrow, it all depends on the gil you're willing to spend.
Also STR/AGI are pretty much the mods for any ranged WS you'd be using on SAM but IMO i'd stick to shooting for TP b/c Sidewinder sux to land on a lot of mobs.
For a bow the SAM bow works well for any SAM Shigeto or w/e. For earrings the set from the flowers are good just time consuming AGI+8/ racc/ratt +1 and I'm sure there's some other earrings with solid RACC just cant think off the top of my head. Hope this helps ya out some.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Spathaian
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By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-12-04 10:36:15
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Can't help with anything else but I'm 99% sure highest damage bow(aside from relic) for SAM atm is Murti Bow.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Weissberv
Posts: 155
By Cerberus.Weissberv 2011-12-04 10:45:54
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Oh wow that's a really nice bow, even less delay than shigeto.

But with the advice from Asura.Bonlack, is this a good set?

I always wanted a kyudogi, they look cool lol.

Not gonna get those set earrings, I had enough pain with a different pair before lol :/
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Spathaian
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By Shiva.Spathaian 2011-12-04 10:49:40
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I shall suggest this or this for the backpiece.
Serveur: Sylph
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user: nala
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By Sylph.Knala 2011-12-04 10:58:07
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if your going for a pure TP set the APC body can be made into a kyudogi +1+1, though it looks fugly.

with the upcoming relic +2 gear the new satome kabuto will be a much better head peice, also dusk trousers have more racc.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Weissberv
Posts: 155
By Cerberus.Weissberv 2011-12-04 11:01:29
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Is there a cap at 95 with ranged accuracy gear or is that just the maximum accuracy cap percentage?

Also, I don't really want to touch my ACP body as it's still a nice QD piece for my COR.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Jynxy
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By Asura.Mekaider 2011-12-04 11:01:35
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Shiva.Spathaian said: »
I shall suggest this or this for the backpiece.

Go with the second. Losing ranged att isn't cool and the enmity -5 will help. Especially if you start throwing back to back sidewinders out.

Edit: Also for tp you'll want to stack R.acc through the roof.

I remember back @ 75 where i used to love tping on birds w/ soboro and going nuts with sidewinders but honestly w/o a damn near perfect set, WS+acc and food you aint gunna land the majority of your sidewinders if VW is anything like meriting used to be, acc wise.

Sams archery skill is just too low. (I had torque too) not sure what kinda + skill gear is available now.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Weissberv
Posts: 155
By Cerberus.Weissberv 2011-12-04 11:13:27
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I'm not looking to sidewinder, maybe apex when it comes out but for now I just want to get tp from a range while people try to proc. These are the times when fanatics drink is down on one of those nasty mobs like Uptala or Aello.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Paulu
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By Shiva.Paulu 2011-12-04 11:16:51
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This is what I currently use. Not as much racc since I'm using namas but like Meka said, it is a challenge to cap ratk, and str helps there. I'm normally eating red curry buns as well. With a 524 delay bow you have a 5hit naked, but getting a 4hit wouldn't be practical with how much you'd sacrifice.

edit: slipped my mind I do use the archery headband.
Serveur: Bismarck
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Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-12-04 11:18:25
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Good questions.
I'm no expert on SAM Archery, but I think I can at least offer some decent advice.

STR does not = Ranged Attack.
If you want Ranged Attack, use gear that says "Ranged Attack". That said, STR is an important modifier for almost all Archery WeaponSkills (save Jishnu's Radiance, which I believe is DEX-based, but SAM can't use that anyways unless I'm mistaken).

AGI does contribute to your Ranged Accuracy. However, (I think) gear that says "Ranged Accuracy" is more effective. Again, AGI modifies most or all of Archery WS, so it's not like having AGI is a bad thing.

SAM Archery, even when capped skill, makes it difficult to hit high-level targets efficiently. It's common when using a Bow on SAM to simply Meditate your TP and shoot off Archery WeaponSkills when you're able. If you're serious about Archery on SAM, you do need to sub RNG. It's really not optional (although inside Abyssea with certain Atma and Cruor Buffs SAM/WAR with a Bow could probably do okay).
Spending merit points on Archery Skill is another way to potentially avoid subbing RNG ... but you'll still probably want to sub RNG anyways.

For arrows, use high base damage arrows. Using lesser arrows is only going to gimp your damage and make using a Bow as SAM inefficient. Antlion, Kabura, Marid, or Demon Arrows would be good, most likely.

Please note that (unless I'm misinformed) Haste does not affect Ranged Attacks at all. So equipping AF3 SAM pants and Ace's Leggings and Rajas Ring doesn't make much sense. I guess unless perhaps you're using them for Store TP. I don't know if going for a "X-hit" build is something that's commonly done for Ranged Attackers. I doubt it, but it's possible I guess. Even if so, it would be reasonable to favor Ranged Accuracy/Attack and AGI instead of Store TP, since the potential benefit of (hypothetically) a "5-hit" Archery TP build would be lost if it takes you 10 arrows to make 5 hits.

This is just an example or idea:

This set features 86 RAcc, 42 RAtt, and 26 AGI.
If you were to try it out, and found your Ranged Accuracy to be higher than expected, you could then swap-out some of the RAcc pieces in favor of more Ratt pieces.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Odin.Upbeat 2011-12-04 11:19:42
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Paulu
Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2011-12-04 12:08:45
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Elana you blew my mind. I was taught that 2STR = 1ratk. If you are indeed correct I'll gladly change out my gear. I tried looking for more information on the topic. The only thing I was able to find was "Similar to Attack, Ranged Attack depends on STR at the ratio of 2 STR per 1 Ranged Attack."(
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Curty
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2011-12-04 12:15:11
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Shiva.Paulu said: »
Elana you blew my mind. I was taught that 2STR = 1ratk. If you are indeed correct I'll gladly change out my gear. I tried looking for more information on the topic. The only thing I was able to find was "Similar to Attack, Ranged Attack depends on STR at the ratio of 2 STR per 1 Ranged Attack."(

I was always under the impression that 2 STR = 1 Ranged attack as well. (And 2 AGI = 1 Rng acu)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 1326
By Fenrir.Minjo 2011-12-04 13:04:58
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Bismarck.Elanabelle said: »
Good questions.
I'm no expert on SAM Archery, but I think I can at least offer some decent advice.

STR does not = Ranged Attack.
If you want Ranged Attack, use gear that says "Ranged Attack". That said, STR is an important modifier for almost all Archery WeaponSkills (save Jishnu's Radiance, which I believe is DEX-based, but SAM can't use that anyways unless I'm mistaken).

AGI does contribute to your Ranged Accuracy. However, (I think) gear that says "Ranged Accuracy" is more effective. Again, AGI modifies most or all of Archery WS, so it's not like having AGI is a bad thing.

SAM Archery, even when capped skill, makes it difficult to hit high-level targets efficiently. It's common when using a Bow on SAM to simply Meditate your TP and shoot off Archery WeaponSkills when you're able. If you're serious about Archery on SAM, you do need to sub RNG. It's really not optional (although inside Abyssea with certain Atma and Cruor Buffs SAM/WAR with a Bow could probably do okay).
Spending merit points on Archery Skill is another way to potentially avoid subbing RNG ... but you'll still probably want to sub RNG anyways.

For arrows, use high base damage arrows. Using lesser arrows is only going to gimp your damage and make using a Bow as SAM inefficient. Antlion, Kabura, Marid, or Demon Arrows would be good, most likely.

Please note that (unless I'm misinformed) Haste does not affect Ranged Attacks at all. So equipping AF3 SAM pants and Ace's Leggings and Rajas Ring doesn't make much sense. I guess unless perhaps you're using them for Store TP. I don't know if going for a "X-hit" build is something that's commonly done for Ranged Attackers. I doubt it, but it's possible I guess. Even if so, it would be reasonable to favor Ranged Accuracy/Attack and AGI instead of Store TP, since the potential benefit of (hypothetically) a "5-hit" Archery TP build would be lost if it takes you 10 arrows to make 5 hits.

This is just an example or idea:

This set features 86 RAcc, 42 RAtt, and 26 AGI.
If you were to try it out, and found your Ranged Accuracy to be higher than expected, you could then swap-out some of the RAcc pieces in favor of more Ratt pieces.

Most of this is absolutely wrong. STR translates to rattk. at an identical rate to attk., AGL translates to racc. at an identical rate to acc.(with regard to DEX, of course), Demon Arrows are unacceptable at this level, and x-hit are just as standard for ranged attackers as they are for those directly engaged.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
user: Chanti
Posts: 11297
By Garuda.Chanti 2011-12-04 13:16:08
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Only RNG and COR can afford not going overboard on Racc and Archery (Marksmanship for the COR, natch) skill +

Can't land arrows = no TP.

If you are shooting for TP, forget bows with max damage, look for Racc and high delay.

3 AGI might well = 1.5 Racc but there is a CHEAP Racc +2 earring.

For ranged damage I like /RNG, Quint Spear, Martial Bow, and spamming Sidewinder. For everyday use I carry a Killer Shortbow.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 1326
By Fenrir.Minjo 2011-12-04 13:18:24
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Garuda.Chanti said: »
If you are shooting for TP, forget bows with max damage, look for Racc and high delay.

Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: seiri
Posts: 482
By Siren.Seiri 2011-12-04 13:48:56
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Ok going to be straight considering some people seem HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE...

2str = 1 ratk
2agi = 1 racc

If shooting PURELY for tp gain, not damage, then racc > all would be the way to go.

22.59 tp per shot. If you can Xhit with the 10 less stp, lose domoru for kyudogi/+1.

114 racc, 23 agi so 125.5 racc
5 archery skill, 4.5 racc, making it 130 racc total, on top of your 315 base skill, which gives 303.5 racc in itself. assuming 80 agi this brings your total racc to 469, which should get you at least 70%+ hit rate even on the more elusive NMs.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ukiyasan
Posts: 401
By Bahamut.Ukiyasan 2011-12-04 15:16:14
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Siren.Seiri said: »

22.59 tp per shot. If you can Xhit with the 10 less stp, lose domoru for kyudogi/+1.

114 racc, 23 agi so 125.5 racc
5 archery skill, 4.5 racc, making it 130 racc total, on top of your 315 base skill, which gives 303.5 racc in itself. assuming 80 agi this brings your total racc to 469, which should get you at least 70%+ hit rate even on the more elusive NMs.
Your tp per shot is off. 23.1tp per shot... and you would default have a 5-hit bow build with no STP on from gear. It would take 13 more STP from your current build to get to a 4-hit... 13 STP. Also, if the person is using RA to build TP, using Fudo to WS, then I'd say take off the Rose Strap for something to affect Fudo better... If they are doing RA WSs, then get rid of the Masa for something that will benefit the STP enough...

Now, for those that would be doing NOTHING but RAing... here is a 4-hit that only sacrifices 3Racc over what Seiri offered for his build.

GK obviously the STP path for +12STP

Edit: Brutal only there cuz its the 1STP extra needed, any earring with 1STP would work there.
Serveur: Siren
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3331
By Siren.Kyte 2011-12-04 21:13:41
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He wants to shoot for some extra TP when pulled away so he can be ready to Fudo- why would he want to use a STP GK?
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Krizz
Posts: 3158
By Bahamut.Krizz 2011-12-04 21:23:38
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Siren.Kyte said: »
He wants to shoot for some extra TP when pulled away so he can be ready to Fudo- why would he want to use a STP GK?
Bahamut.Ukiyasan said: »
Now, for those that would be doing NOTHING but RAing... here is a 4-hit that only sacrifices 3Racc over what Seiri offered for his build.

GK obviously the STP path for +12STP

Edit: Brutal only there cuz its the 1STP extra needed, any earring with 1STP would work there.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Ukiyasan
Posts: 401
By Bahamut.Ukiyasan 2011-12-05 05:08:08
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Bahamut.Krizz said: »
Siren.Kyte said: »
He wants to shoot for some extra TP when pulled away so he can be ready to Fudo- why would he want to use a STP GK?
Bahamut.Ukiyasan said: »
Now, for those that would be doing NOTHING but RAing... here is a 4-hit that only sacrifices 3Racc over what Seiri offered for his build.

GK obviously the STP path for +12STP

Edit: Brutal only there cuz its the 1STP extra needed, any earring with 1STP would work there.
Thank you Krizz for picking that up for me. Also, if a person is just building extra TP for Fudo, they would have to sacrifice too much RACC in other slots to get the STP needed for 4-hit. They should be switching out Rose Strap, STP GK, Domaru, and Brutal. They should replace with Pole Grip, Masamune, Kyudogi/+1, and Hollow. You will still be at 5hit AND be better setup for Fudo (DA from Pole Grip vs STP that isn't needed)
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 1326
By Fenrir.Minjo 2011-12-05 05:12:02
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Shooting for Fudo TP also has very little practical application. If you're in a position where procs are plentiful, fanatic's/fool's drinks will keep you safe in most instances. If procs are scarce, there are far more versatile jobs to play than a RA-SAM.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: Ukiyasan
Posts: 401
By Bahamut.Ukiyasan 2011-12-05 07:33:32
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Minjo, I agree with you on that matter; however, consider that some people do limit the jobs they have available for whatever reason. RA SAM gives them options to be useful in an otherwise useless situation.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Weissberv
Posts: 155
By Cerberus.Weissberv 2011-12-05 07:52:26
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Just want to say thanks everyone for the advice / sets given, helps a lot.

I know there are better jobs if people don't proc often on the NM but sometimes we do proc often and so I do just fanatic's drink and WS spam but unfortunatly it doesn't happen all that often sometimes if we get screwed for procs we don't have (drg breath x2 and pup auto WS lolz). I kind of wanted some extra tp to get 300% other than meditate so I get 300% aftermath right off the bat when I run in with the next fanatic's drink.

SAM is my fav job since forever and I'm glad I get to play it so often as I do even after all these years. Not gonna level a different job just because it's possibly better than what I like... though I have considered RNG since I have the WoE coins for the gun and bow xD.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-12-05 08:36:21
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Shiva.Paulu said: »
Elana you blew my mind. I was taught that 2STR = 1ratk. If you are indeed correct I'll gladly change out my gear. I tried looking for more information on the topic. The only thing I was able to find was "Similar to Attack, Ranged Attack depends on STR at the ratio of 2 STR per 1 Ranged Attack."(

Ack! Sorry for any confusion. I didn't mean that STR doesn't translate to RAtt. Yes, it is assumed that 2 STR gives 1 RAtt. However, since RAtt (unlike Attack) is a "hidden" statistic, I'm not sure how exactly that is determined.

Anyways, what I DID mean is that, in general, you're going to get more bang for your buck when you select gear that says "Ranged Attack", when compared to gear that has STR+ on it. Given the assumed ratio of 2 STR = 1 RAtt, a piece of armor would have to have STR+20 in order to equal a piece of armor with Ranged Attack+10.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2595
By Bismarck.Elanabelle 2011-12-05 08:45:19
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Fenrir.Minjo said: »
Most of this is absolutely wrong. STR translates to rattk. at an identical rate to attk., AGL translates to racc. at an identical rate to acc.(with regard to DEX, of course), Demon Arrows are unacceptable at this level, and x-hit are just as standard for ranged attackers as they are for those directly engaged.

I reject your retort!

Demon Arrows are an "okay" choice at "this level". You'll note that I answered the OP's question about arrows by saying:

I said:
Antlion, Kabura, Marid, or Demon Arrows would be good

While it may be good for a RNG to devise a ranged "X-hit" build for TP gain ... Archery SAM is a different entity. The (significant) difference in skill means SAM has to prioritize gear differently than a RNG. Equipping Store TP equipment on SAM for Archery doesn't make any sense unless there isn't another good option for Ranged Accuracy/AGI in that equipment slot.

Like I said in my first post, a 5-hit Archery build doesn't do you much good if it takes you 10 arrows to connect on 5 hits.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3239
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2011-12-05 09:18:30
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Item Not Found!

Going to be feeding the mob TP anyways and whoring racc.

+2 Body and Capped merits would make for a 4 hit D:
Why not have your shots spaced apart? Dunno it would be useless if you merited the Bow weaponskill but honestly if your just getting tp anyways. this goes out the window if you ratk for 0s though.

Stupid idea I know
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Curty
Posts: 587
By Fenrir.Curty 2011-12-05 15:40:48
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This whole thread reminds me of back in the day, sam/thf RAing for tp on mobs that had nasty AoE. Good times.
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