Make Up?

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Make up?
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Serveur: Odin
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By Odin.Gaea 2009-04-30 03:09:47
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Artemicion said:
You really should relax more. You'll blemish your face with all the butthurt and trolling you do.

All you are trying to do is provoke responses now. You can't form a coherent thought and you have nothing to contribute to the topic, so you just troll for post count with no value or substance whatsoever.

You are like a 2 year old that asks "why" over and over. If you just want to be an attention *** for post count, there are plenty of other threads that are better suited for it. Rather than trolling your fannie pirating douchebaggery in a make-up thread.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Israfel 2009-04-30 03:10:36
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Female player awake here, and honestly I see nothing wrong with what Art or *most* other guys have said in here. Everyone has their preferences, sure. But not one of them has said they'd force their view upon a woman or said that they'd make their woman do xx thing.
Tastes are exactly that, tastes.. but it seems you may have deeply misunderstood a point that was trying to be made.
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-30 03:11:34
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Gaea said:
Artemicion said:
You really should relax more. You'll blemish your face with all the butthurt and trolling you do.

All you are trying to do is provoke responses now. You can't form a coherent thought and you have nothing to contribute to the topic, so you just troll for post count with no value or substance whatsoever.

You are like a 2 year old that asks "why" over and over. If you just want to be an attention *** for post count, there are plenty of other threads that are better suited for it. Rather than trolling your fannie pirating douchebaggery in a make-up thread.

Ironically you keep responding getting angrier and angrier. Over a point that was extremely simple which you instead made a huge deal over for absolutely no reason.
Serveur: Odin
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Posts: 799
By Odin.Gaea 2009-04-30 03:17:49
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I'm angry now? I've spent the past 2 hours laughing at online comics and I've been reading them in between posts. Pointing out your stupidity doesn't come close to making me angry. If anything it's entertaining to watch you try to dig your way out of it by changing the subject from your original opinion into a game of post trolling with the obviousness of post trolling to make sure that your stupidity on page 9 is too far back to read when people wake-up. Don't worry, I'll quote it when later when I wake up, or get home from work.

In the meantime I'm going to go dream about my baby who I get to see in 40 more hours. You should go put on some My Chemical Romance, cut yourself, and work on your "People to Kill" list. Just make sure you get Daddy first just in case you are apprehended early. Wouldn't want him to get away for those hot and sweaty summer nights of NAMBLA affection.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: FKI
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By Shiva.Fki 2009-04-30 03:22:09
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Gaea jebus what is your problem? Artemicion never said anything mean or bad to you but yet you still act like one of the biggest a##hOles.
do us all a favor and please stfu quit tryin to be such a harda$$
all he said was he thinks most women look better without makeup and your making such a bigdeal over not a thing. I know i should not get into others peoples fight but damn your being an a$$ for no reason i mean damn grow up.
Serveur: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-30 03:22:11
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Someone said:
Do not deal with the stupid, they drag you to their level and beat you with experience.

Whoever said this was very smart. Gaea is a living example of this I think.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2009-04-30 03:22:57
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/em is starting to wonder who lit the fuse on the tampon
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-30 03:27:28
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It's my fault. I'm afraid I got carried away and forgot my lesson in not feeding trolls. My bad.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2009-04-30 03:30:46
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Bad Art!! Thou shalt not mention your preferences on teh intarwebz again!! *_* I jest~, also, your avatar is cute *_* lol
Serveur: Shiva
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Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-30 03:33:17
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Thank you!

Artemicion is the only known purple moogle in all of Final Fantasy ^^
He's from FFIX I believe. He ran the whole Mog-Net mail service but used all the mail sorting machine's grease to make his fur soft and shiny and thus put his own business to a halt, thus comes in Zidane to complete the quest.

Vanity would be my vice too if I was the only purple moogle in existance >.>
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2009-04-30 03:36:08
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XD! I remember! Man it's been so long since I played 9.... maybe I should re-do it soon. Though when I do play, I get a little teary-eyed over Vivi, he's adorable ._.
Serveur: Shiva
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user: Rhyiel
Posts: 1
By Shiva.Rhyiel 2009-04-30 03:37:40
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Gaea said:
I'm angry now? I've spent the past 2 hours laughing at online comics and I've been reading them in between posts. Pointing out your stupidity doesn't come close to making me angry. If anything it's entertaining to watch you try to dig your way out of it by changing the subject from your original opinion into a game of post trolling with the obviousness of post trolling to make sure that your stupidity on page 9 is too far back to read when people wake-up. Don't worry, I'll quote it when later when I wake up, or get home from work.

In the meantime I'm going to go dream about my baby who I get to see in 40 more hours. You should go put on some My Chemical Romance, cut yourself, and work on your "People to Kill" list. Just make sure you get Daddy first just in case you are apprehended early. Wouldn't want him to get away for those hot and sweaty summer nights of NAMBLA affection.

dude.. Gaea chill out o_o; Everyone here is entitled to his/her own opinion, he just stated his. Your angry posts are not contributing anything to this thread other than making yourself look bad.

and on topic: I believe make up is for enhancement of your natural beauty. You can pile it on and make yourself into a work of art, or you can just use very little to enhance the features you already have. Its all just a matter of preference.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2009-04-30 03:45:57
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/cheer Rhyiel!

I agree with you on the make-up! As a woman I kinda cringe at all the younger (Read:Teens) that plaster themselves in the stuff in the name of fashion (Hi fake-bake tan and orange foundation ; ; )... sure it's everywhere, hollywood, magazines, young girls (And the rest of the female population!) can't get away from the stuff.

I'm a sucker for natural, I couldn't pull off a face full of product if I tried and I look like a china doll with mascara on lol so that's a no-no unless it's the clear stuff *_*.

If you like the color, go for it; if you like the style; do it! As long as you feel comfortable, that should be the main thing *_* I could say something cheesy like "It's the inner beauty that really counts!" But anyone who knows me knows I'm a firm believer in this, so it goes without saying lol :P

Sorry for wall-o'-text... carry on chaps! *_*
Serveur: Remora
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user: Narrubia
Posts: 129
By Remora.Narrubia 2009-04-30 03:46:56
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Gaea, if your life is so idealistic, I would imagine that you have better things to do than troll an MMORPG forum. It brings your real life, which, I note, you mention at every chance, into question, and ultimately makes you seem pretty pathetic. I would give it a rest if I were you.

Back to the topic of this forum: I don't personally wear makeup at all, although my reasons for doing so are the expenses, the time spent applying it, and the fact that it causes my acne to break out. I'd suggest, if you plan on giving makeup a try, beginning conservatively and working your way up. Excessive makeup use will make you look ridiculous.
Serveur: Carbuncle
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user: Sterling
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By Carbuncle.Sterling 2009-04-30 03:56:41
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Makeup is fun, but whats even MORE fun is what you can do with a sharpie. Drawn-on abs ftw!
Serveur: Asura
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user: Tmuler
Posts: 1085
By Asura.Israfel 2009-04-30 03:58:17
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*_* sounds.... um..... interesting! lol

And with that, I bid you all g'nite, wisdom teefs are keeelen meh! >_<
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2009-04-30 06:29:56
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Gaea said:
I'm the troll? Your the douchebag in a make-up thread, projecting your own insecurities onto a woman's right to self expression. Last I checked, I'm one of the few people who's on topic and one of the few people that the topic actually applies to.

The OP and I have already compared notes on make-up sources earlier today. I just noticed this was still being posted in and I figured it would have been a thread to die after two pages.

However, there's asshats like you trolling your worthless opinion in an attempt to satisfy your inferiority complex; furthermore, broadcasting your ineptitude to have a healthy, happy relationship with the opposite sex.

We're all just having fun, with silly art and conversation, Dont kill the vibe man. If she didn't want male points or thoughts, she could have put women only or w/e.

Or he could just be looking for pics of more bewbs, which in case i'm sure there a few somewhere here...
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2009-04-30 06:34:08
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On that note, Let the party continue?
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Savannah
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By Cerberus.Savannah 2009-04-30 06:36:49
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mwahaha so we should all just post something like...


Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Savannah
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By Cerberus.Savannah 2009-04-30 06:40:45
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:P Idk I just figured everyone would state their little opinion, help the girl out, and move on to havin fun.

Altho, with this place theres always someone who has to bring some negativity to the party. ^_^
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: dasva
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By Ramuh.Dasva 2009-04-30 06:43:06
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Should just have a negativity party!!! Sounds like good times to me
Serveur: Midgardsormr
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user: Sect
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By Midgardsormr.Sectumsempra 2009-04-30 06:45:52
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I always found that--at least in my opinion--very small amounts of earthy and natural colored makeups can really make a girl stand out in a good way. If you're going to use more, make sure you've gotten really good at it.

Then again, I'm just your average teenage guy. The hell do I know about makeup?

Oh, and Cassi, don't care what anyone else says; you're rather cute.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Angel
Posts: 125
By Kujata.Rosangela 2009-04-30 07:05:50
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I guess I'll just raid a cosmetics counter and see how heavy I can go w/o looking horrid.

Thanks everyone for the help. ^^

BTW Gaea is very nice and helped me out a bit w/ looking for more make up tutorials.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Blazza
Posts: 6473
By Odin.Blazza 2009-04-30 07:09:30
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Wow, just wow at Gaea's response. I think she's just butt hurt because no amount of make-up will ever make her attractive.

On topic, if you're hot without make-up, chances are that it can make you absolutely stunning. Obviously if you're going to something fancy you're going to put on more make-up than if your usual day to day usage. Of course it's a matter of personal preference, but so wiping your bum after going to the toilet, no-ones making you do it, but it makes you smell better so you do it anyway.

As many people have said, make-up generally works best when it's applied so that you can't tell you're wearing it. Even if you're not a looker without make-up, it can help really help you out, even someone like Gaea might look half decent with a professional make-up job... doubtful, but it's possible. While it can help your image immensely if done well, it can also break you.

Some examples from a whole ten minutes googling:

User submitted imageUser submitted image

Mischa Barton: Granted the au naturale pic isn't one of her best, but the make-up does wonders for her.

Angelina Jolie: Hot without make-up, hot with it, can't lose. (Edit: Changed those to links 'cause they were massive, but you know what she looks like)

User submitted image

Renee Zellweger: Another shocking photo taken by nasty papparazzi, but shows that make-up can turn someone that's nothing special into something pretty special.

User submitted image

Desperate Housewives chick: Probably not one of her better days yet again, but add a three hour make-up session and she's hot.

User submitted image

Dunno who this is, but she's a million times hotter without make-up.

User submitted imageUser submitted image

Elizabeth Mitchell: Wearing make-up in both, but way over-done in one than in the other.

User submitted imageUser submitted image

Sarah Wayne Callies: Gorgeous vs too much make-up (and over-exposed photo looking like it caught her by surprise)

User submitted imageUser submitted image

Michael Jackson: Should fire his make-up artist :p

But these are all celebrities and such who's life is in front of a camera, I know women who state quite firmly that they never leave the house without make-up and are absolutely stunning, obviously can't say what they look like without make-up though.

Personally, I prefer natural beauty, someone that's hot without make-up (and who wouldn't?), but if you don't have that and you want to look your best, you'd better learn how to apply make-up well I guess.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
Posts: 361
By Fairy.Kelvinclein 2009-04-30 07:11:32
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Tbh about 'pics', Photoshop > make up lol.
Anyway i think a nice girls look nice even without make up.
Serveur: Unicorn
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user: Emerii1
Posts: 249
By Unicorn.Emirii 2009-04-30 07:19:31
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Rosangela said:
What do you think about girls wearing this? Especially gamer girls? Men that enjoy the other side of the spectrum?

I just recently got bit by the make up bug and am staring at a bunch of products with no idea how to use them. (Quite funny when you realize a 19 year old girl doesn't know how to apply eyeshadow/liner/mascara w/o endangering herself.)
x.x; I'm actually planning on going on a make up shopping spree...but I'm not looking forward to my pockets burning from the lack of money.


I am in the exact same position. Ive been mostly taken my high school life but now im in college and single and looking to spice it up, but have no idea XD I have my friend come over and show me some things... lol I usually have very fair and smooth skin without it so just some lip gloss is enough for me most of the time. (I'm 19 too)

Just buy some cheap things for now and see if you actually remember to put it on every day, I know i can't >.<
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Angel
Posts: 125
By Kujata.Rosangela 2009-04-30 07:39:13
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Emirii said:
Just buy some cheap things for now and see if you actually remember to put it on every day, I know i can't >.<

>.< I can't wear more than lipgloss/lipstick because of my field of work/college. (Baking & Pastry)

But that's a good tip... So I won't break the bank.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Celene
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By Asura.Celene 2009-04-30 07:49:46
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While you may get away with cheap lip gloss, a good thing to always do is invest in some decent foundation. I LOVE M.A.C's foundations. I own their powder-foundation. It also works like a concealer, too. You really only need it and you're good to go. It's so light weight and the coverage is awesome. Only issue with powder-foundations is that you do need to start your face off with a light lotion so it applies evenly. You really should be starting yourself off with a light lotion anyways, but with a thicker foundation (not liquid) it's almost a must. Apply with an soft-tipped artist's brush. :3

M.A.C's products are not cheap. The foundation I mentioned is 30 dollars. Which, is a lot. You do get good life out of it, though, provided you take care of it and apply it correctly.

Just my 2 cents.

For cheaper things, I do like Maybelline's Mineral Powder line. I always wear their concealer when I never have time in the mornings, which is 90% of the time as of late. >_> Just need to dab it on, and blend in with your finger. Please make sure your fingers are clean, though. Extra dirt and oils to face = yuk!
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Savannah
Posts: 7938
By Cerberus.Savannah 2009-04-30 07:53:16
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Well all I have to say, is make up is kinda almost a godsend.

Just don't overdo it.

The right natural colors and the perfect amount can make you a smokin hottie. You can turn heads without wearing a crapton of the stuff.

I'm greatful for my friends who showed me their secrets.
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