Farming Dyna Currency |
Farming Dyna Currency
ok can DNC farm currency decently in xarc or beuc solo? i dont have bst leveled but have fairly well geared 95 dnc and thf. any suggestions for best areas for farming?
Posts: 399
Dynamis Qufim/Dunes/Bubu
Go with no SJ as DNC and hope you get lucky i do beauc on NIN/DNC but im sure DNC would work just as well, the orcs right before the final TE at the pond is where i like to farm normally
no reason to do beauc or xarc any more for currency. go tear up dreamlands as DNC/00
I go DNC/THF for th2. My first run in bubu solo i walked away with 49 shells. Would have faired better if i had widescan for locating the TE mobs quicker, but eh i got it done.
Just make sure you get the TE mobs so u can proc red and ur good. Just be careful, that warchief tombstone likes to be in the middle of all the orcs. Xarc isnt too bad, easier to get the TE mobs IMO but last time i went there it was crowded. You could do THF/DNC too, you just cant waltz 5 in a jam. if you can, just do COP, others said before, but it's really better
i dont like the TE in beau, they are very far from each other and some are shitty, xarc not really good for farm coin, demons are berk to fight and i dont like the camps i tested for solo though sometime i do valkurn cop solo, never did without sj but think worth to try, if you pull well no need of utsu i guess, (but fast is, i dont pull well : o ) i'm not very good i guess, but with focus on ja mobs/time i can up to 80 currencies~ this not too bad so yeah, if you have to choose, go for cop looks more handy for solo dont like really qufim because mobs are really close to others, and difficult to feel safe in any camp, dont like TE neither (too much smn mob everywhere who look at you near TE °_° ) , i avoid bubu because TE very far too, and in middle of mobs group often, so link badaboom etc berk, but i like valkurn because TE not so hard (have to know pos before, and to know the gob one can be very far East about the pos BGwiki show), can be in shitty pos too but can handle that, though you can stay near op if you want some safe camp, and pull hippo/manti when time of proc is good for you/them, and go to fly on the beach, some safe place too, when ja time on them sooo voila, for what i do myself, maybe 80 coins not a lot i have no real idea what is cool for a solo run, but maybe that will help you to choose : o if you want really focus bobo / xarca then dunno, go to beauc i would say, xarca suck, TE's take a loooott of time in beauc, less time for farm, a good camp for ja proc is the yagudo one , near the quadav ramp , 3 mnk ,1 nin ,1 thf, 1 rdm, 1 war for orcs, you can camp safe in the corridor to the TE orc, and try to pull the mob you want, never soloed here, dunno how it's good for solo, and dont remember what jobs pop here, mostly wsproc i would say and for quadav, i have no idea, only fought one, wasn't solo, and dont remember very well , cleaved because lot of wsproc arround i think so can't help for quadav camps sorry anyway : o good luck on the fun of dynasolo /o/ Offline
Posts: 584
I pull in 150-200 a run as DNC/THF solo in Valk. Varies depending on mobs being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE with procs or getting singles every *** drop. Recommend Dreamlands simply because you can have competition and still pull in good numbers due to the amount of camps/mobs.
Is it really better to go \thf than without a subjob for a chance at white !! ?
Dancer seems like the only job that could get away with trying for white procs at all really lol Offline
Posts: 584
Solo I find the TH and ability to SA Rudras for faster kills trumps the lousy ~1% white proc rate.
Currently I solo Bubu regularly as MNK/DNC and net 80-130 coins, averaging around 100 a run. I am in the process of leveling and gearing DNC to become more efficient at farming currency to speed up my relic upgrading.
Initially I intended to go for DNC/- for a chance at white procs, since they reportedly have a chance of ~1%. I usually kill around 90 mobs during a single run, so statistically this should severely improve my output, if not for the expected deterioration of kill speed. Would you suggest one of the following? (:) 1. Stick with what I'm doing now - MNK/DNC and average around 100 coins a run. This implies that I stop pursuing DNC, which outside of dynamis doesn't add alot to the jobs I have at my disposal right now. 2. Continue leveling DNC and do runs without a subjob. Accept the reduced kill speed and hope for white procs, resulting in a potentially higher average revenue, but at the same time expecting a severe increase in the standard deviation. 3. Go DNC/THF to benefit from the TH2. Eat the reduced kill speed and hope for higher averages. Offline
Posts: 584
I don't know about you but the killspeed on my DNC is pretty high. Once a mob is procced I just dark skillchain it to death. Honestly, I'd just DNC/THF. DNC/-- is great in a group of people with TH coming from another source, but doing Dyna w/o TH is stupid.
Alternatively: level BST and Yuly ***to death. Please god no, not more beastmasters >_>
so a lvl 95 DNC can solo dreamlands???if so i am going to do dnc/sam in it o and it will be my first time doing dreamlands.
you can solo farm dreamland
you can't solo the boss, and NMS for make boss easier (never tried but i think you can't : o ) you just have to know how dynamis work, procs are differents in dreamland, depends of the time and family of the mob, proc will be magic, ws or ja if first time, take a map with where TEs are, take care to true aggro (doubt you have tavny access, but hyppo in valkurn for exemple are TS) maybe if not sure of you, for first time, discovering the map etc, you would go /nin 150/200 coins solo, sound like big number for me in dnc, not that i dont kill a lot of mobs, i guess, but yeah look like /thf or th generaly help a lot for coins, once proced so guess i should envisage my next solo with /thf and hope for a rain of coins, dont really trust white proc, would try only in group BorealisV2 said: » I pull in 150-200 a run as DNC/THF solo in Valk. Varies depending on mobs being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE with procs or getting singles every *** drop. Recommend Dreamlands simply because you can have competition and still pull in good numbers due to the amount of camps/mobs. I do not believe anyone getting 200 coins solo unless I see a proof, its just too unrealistic and this board notorious for the formula (real value) = (told value) / (bragging factor ~1.5 - 2). and btw I pull in 300 solo on whm21/drk. drk because of the resist para trait, helps tons >_> Bahamut.Aramachus said: » BorealisV2 said: » I pull in 150-200 a run as DNC/THF solo in Valk. Varies depending on mobs being HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE with procs or getting singles every *** drop. Recommend Dreamlands simply because you can have competition and still pull in good numbers due to the amount of camps/mobs. I do not believe anyone getting 200 coins solo unless I see a proof, its just too unrealistic and this board notorious for the formula (real value) = (told value) / (bragging factor ~1.5 - 2). and btw I pull in 300 solo on whm21/drk. drk because of the resist para trait, helps tons >_> I'm not SOLO, but dualbox, and my best run was 288 coins. Second character beeing there basicly just for TH, fulltime TH gear and stuff like that (really need to make a thf xml so I can have gearswaps with multisend >_>) is that 288 singles? I really can't fathom DNC soloing 200+ ever.
edit: oh thief dualbox.. figured RDM/THF or something.. Fenrir.Skadoosh said: » is that 288 singles? I really can't fathom DNC soloing 200+ ever. I'm not a dancer either tho, BLU\DNC Oh, well I'd start talking about how I solo 200+ on other jobs too, but since we're in the DNC forum its kinda irrelevant
Totally did not notice DNC forum, my fault :p
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Anyways, to the matter at hand. I have recently started to solo dreamlands for currency as DNC/THF rather than DNC/---. White procs were too rare and the amount of extra currency from TH2>chance of white proc. When I was DNC/--- I averaged about 120-130, but while DNC/THF I average about 200. (Of course this number can get decreased if there is heavy competition.) I am curious though, how does this compare to a BST/DNC? Because unless they are getting 250-300 I do not feel that it is worth it for me to level/gear another job atm. You get more than the average BST
BST get a huge time advantage with easy TE pulls.
how on earth do you AVERAGE 200? My highest solo is like 88. and i proc 99% of my mobs with red. I go 95 dnc/---
TH helps a lot.
I full time Haste Samba and nearly full time Saber Dance (5/5). I sometimes have to take off Saber Dance early if I get hit with a less than friendly tp move or if I link enough by mistake. My TP set is this: Para: DMG +24 DA+10 and I use Red Curry Buns Not too difficult to obtain nowadays. (I would like that evasion boomerang from Pil though >.>) I know that Saber Dance scares a lot of DNC, but as a DNC I rarely get hit, and while the mob is procced it does nothing at all, so Saber Dance helps make it dead faster. But my best advice is try /THF instead of /---, the difference is huge and the white proc rate is so bad that in the long run you are better off without trying for it. Unless you are with someone else with TH, then by all means go for it. My tp set doesn't vary too much from that. I don't have suppa, and I use rancor, thats about it, other than my main knife (which mine is meh)
Dual Wield is amazing, highly recommend getting Suppa/Charis Necklace. What daggers do you use?
Well I have the charis neck, I just don't use it. I have a bushi, and I won't give that up for some DW. I usually solo on dnc, so I rock fan dance a lot, so my main dagger is phurba. /shrug. I'm not huge on dnc, but it solos well
BST can kill easy prey mobs faster than a DNC if that's what you're asking, which obviously translate into more currency. That said, I'm not sure why you're considering BST when BLU is by far the ideal dynamis soloer (i.e. you should consider leveling BLU and not BST).
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