Double Drop In BCNM = Cheat??

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Double Drop in BCNM = Cheat??
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Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-04-20 06:24:13
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I recall an issue where people were using some type of method to duplicate drops in Salvage not long ago and several people got banned for it.

Is it possible to do the same thing in a BCNM, even accidentally? Reason I ask is because I got a double drop in one yesterday and was immediately accused of cheating the game. I called a GM and had them look into the issue, and they didn't have a problem with the drop. It was "working as intended."

Has this ever happened to any of you?
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-04-20 06:25:10
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Depends on the BCNM.

Explain please
Serveur: Hades
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user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-04-20 06:29:59
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Trio'ed BCNM 40, Under Observation and received the usual junk as well a Peacock Charm and Utsusemi Ni x 2. Needless to say, one of the others wasn't exactly happy about it and immediately said that I had cheated and wanted to call a GM.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Korpg
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By Asura.Korpg 2009-04-20 06:33:04
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Jacinda said:
Trio'ed BCNM 40, Under Observation and received the usual junk as well a Peacock Charm and Utsusemi Ni x 2. Needless to say, one of the others wasn't exactly happy about it and immediately said that I had cheated and wanted to call a GM.

2 Uts: Nis can load in the same chest, thats not your fault.

Congrats on the full load, you will never see that again. You got the best possible drops that BCNM can offer.

See, what I was wondering is if you did Up in Arms and 2 Kraken Clubs loaded. Thats a glitch lol. And you and one other person would be the luckiest *** in the server if that happened.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-04-20 06:40:04
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Thanks, I was very shocked myself. Like I've said before, I'm still somewhat new to this game and when the whole "Cheat???" started going around in the party chat, I started second guessing myself. Wondering if there was something that I did which could've influenced the drop. I play on Xbox, so I don't have third party tools or anything. Still, it made me analyze my in-game actions more.

As for Up in Arms; I've never done that one. Though I have to admit, 2 Kraken Clubs would be a dream. I could fully afford gear and not be looked at as uber gimpy.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Jammie
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By Ragnarok.Jammie 2009-04-20 06:43:34
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Korpg said:
2 Uts: Nis can load in the same chest, thats not your fault.

Congrats on the full load, you will never see that again. You got the best possible drops that BCNM can offer.

This is the correct answer.
Here you can see how it happend, if you take a look at the treasure groupings.

Again, congratulations on an excellent drop. I was never even lucky enough to get a PCC myself :D.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Korpg
Posts: 7782
By Asura.Korpg 2009-04-20 06:46:21
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Jacinda said:
Thanks, I was very shocked myself. Like I've said before, I'm still somewhat new to this game and when the whole "Cheat???" started going around in the party chat, I started second guessing myself. Wondering if there was something that I did which could've influenced the drop. I play on Xbox, so I don't have third party tools or anything. Still, it made me analyze my in-game actions more.

As for Up in Arms; I've never done that one. Though I have to admit, 2 Kraken Clubs would be a dream. I could fully afford gear and not be looked at as uber gimpy.

If you did not do anything wrong, then you did not do anything bannable. If the chest loads items, its not your fault.

You just got super lucky.

As for Up in Arms: BLM burn is usually the way to go. Its soloable by a BLM, but I rather do it 3 times a run than 1 time and have to worry about death. Kraken Club also has a 1% drop rate, so yeah, having 2 load up is by itself a dream. The club is also rare, so if 2 did load up, you couldn't have both.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Shamaya
Posts: 337
By Asura.Shamaya 2009-04-20 06:51:32
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and several people got banned for it.
Ya mean the entire pre-existing endgame linkshell infrastructure on most servers collapsed because of it :(

Double drops frequently occur in several BCNM's, ZNMs, etc, naturally. A few months ago me and a friend farmed several Dea popsets and both got Enkidu's subligar off of the first kill. It's natural.

The duping process you mention involved certain (not all) types of events/battles which utilized a specific instancing server (or server type) within SE's server framework. Examples would be assault, ISNM's, ashau (sp) talif style assault, salvage, and inner sand worm fights (and maybe another one or few). The bug involved breaking an alliance within these areas and using another trigger to (probably) trick the system into thinking the single instance was instead multiple instances. However, the bug has since (said to have been) patched, thankfully.
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-04-20 08:27:45
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Korpg said:

As for Up in Arms: BLM burn is usually the way to go. Its soloable by a BLM, but I rather do it 3 times a run than 1 time and have to worry about death. Kraken Club also has a 1% drop rate, so yeah, having 2 load up is by itself a dream. The club is also rare, so if 2 did load up, you couldn't have both.

Ha, if I actually got that club I'd finally have a reason to unlock and level Dark Knight. I hear KC DRKs own on NM fights.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 120
By Asura.Ktjrn 2009-04-20 08:44:16
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It seems that the people you were partying with did not bother to read the drop percentages and the groupings on wiki. You did nothing wrong.

Also Up In Arms can be trio'ed by 3 smns as well.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-04-20 08:46:11
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yeah, I did like, 18 Under observation runs, -had to teach the rdm how to Kyte. . . on Blu <.< - anyway

on the 18th run, the RDM got 2 NI: drops, lucky bugger, xD Lucky, she was nice, and gave me one, :3 now my nin has ni yaye (no more solo'ing >.> 37~43 w/o was fun /dnc ftw

Gratz on your dropz
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-04-20 08:47:29
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Ktjrn said:
It seems that the people you were partying with did not bother to read the drop percentages and the groupings on wiki. You did nothing wrong.

Also Up In Arms can be trio'ed by 3 smns as well.

3 Bst masters as well, with Funger pets, (they have Aqua killer effect i think?)

Good reasion to level bst, Free BS's and get 2 other bst friends, and have your pets basicly take out Fie
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 120
By Asura.Ktjrn 2009-04-20 09:00:12
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i have over 200 seals. i really should make a KC day on my server and go to town on it. there hasnt been a KC sold on our service since January i think.

congrats on the utseumi spell drops though! i hope to get some big bucks like that someday :P
Serveur: Pandemonium
Game: FFXI
Posts: 505
By Pandemonium.Luignata 2009-04-20 09:21:24
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Jacinda, I'm kind of curious. Utsusemi: Ni is rare, so you can only hold one... I'm not certain if the player that was accusing you of cheating was someone in /party, but if it was I wouldn't trust them from then on, they probably woulda lotted the 2nd Ni and ran off and you'd be able to do nothing about it.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2009-04-20 09:30:01
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Luignata said:
Jacinda, I'm kind of curious. Utsusemi: Ni is rare, so you can only hold one... I'm not certain if the player that was accusing you of cheating was someone in /party, but if it was I wouldn't trust them from then on, they probably woulda lotted the 2nd Ni and ran off and you'd be able to do nothing about it.

This is very true, though I expect it was simply the fact that nobody did their homework and didn't realize you could get 2 Ni. Still, this is the reason I only do certain BCNM with shellmates or friends. If somebody ever had to hold a second item for me, I'd prefer it be someone I know isn't gonna run off with my item.
Serveur: Kujata
Game: FFXI
user: Daus
Posts: 3451
By Kujata.Daus 2009-04-20 09:35:22
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Seen it happen before. I just hope you didnt have that guy who accused you of cheating, hold the second utsu ni D:
Serveur: Hades
Game: FFXI
user: Jacinda
Posts: 513
By Hades.Jacinda 2009-04-20 09:47:08
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Luignata said:
Jacinda, I'm kind of curious. Utsusemi: Ni is rare, so you can only hold one... I'm not certain if the player that was accusing you of cheating was someone in /party, but if it was I wouldn't trust them from then on, they probably woulda lotted the 2nd Ni and ran off and you'd be able to do nothing about it.

Oh it was most certainly someone in the party who was accusing me. Fortunately, the other person held the second Ni for me. When we got back to Whitegate, he gave it back and I offered to go on runs with him to help him get Ni as well.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
Posts: 45
By Ramuh.Tipiro 2009-04-20 11:48:05
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When I do those runs, we always sell PCC, Utsu, and even Phalanx, then split the gil. Seems much more fair that way.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-20 11:50:29
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I prefer YOYD. Mainly because the drops are so rare and even should something good drop (excluding PCC) the split between 3-6 people just isn't worthwhile when all you get is like 30-50k. I coulda been farming for more ya know?
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-20 11:52:04
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Artemicion said:
I prefer YOYD.

Same here. My seals, my lootz. Even when they're crap lol
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-20 11:55:29
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Artemicion said:
I prefer YOYD.

Same here. My seals, my lootz. Even when they're crap lol

Yep yep. However people who cry that everything needs to be split fail to realize that all drops are sheer chance. Nothing is guaranteed. Why get a handful of gil from a split that has a rare chance of dropping in the first place when you can take a gamble and go for all of it?

Double or nothing > 33% or 16.6% of something decent. Especially when the worth of that 33% or 16.6% can be trumped just by farming on your own or crafting.

Again this totally depends on which BCNM and drops you're going for but this statement is pretty true for most BCNMs, KSNMs and ENMs that are out there.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ludog
Posts: 36553
By Asura.Ludoggy 2009-04-20 11:56:23
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Jacinda said:
Trio'ed BCNM 40, Under Observation and received the usual junk as well a Peacock Charm and Utsusemi Ni x 2. Needless to say, one of the others wasn't exactly happy about it and immediately said that I had cheated and wanted to call a GM.

*** him.
dont ever do anything with that guy if he's going to QQ over you getting good stuff.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2838
By Shiva.Artemicion 2009-04-20 12:01:49
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Ludoggy said:
Jacinda said:
Trio'ed BCNM 40, Under Observation and received the usual junk as well a Peacock Charm and Utsusemi Ni x 2. Needless to say, one of the others wasn't exactly happy about it and immediately said that I had cheated and wanted to call a GM.

*** him.
dont ever do anything with that guy if he's going to QQ over you getting good stuff.

This too. What a crybaby to call a GM over something that's rare but perfectly legit. He shoulda been happy for you and hope he could someday be as fortunate as you.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Elkanah
Posts: 175
By Ragnarok.Elkanah 2009-04-20 12:02:42
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I've also had that happen once. 2 Utsu Ni scrolls and a PCC. Yea, ONE time ONRY lol. Never happened again :<

As for Kclub, it can also be trio'd by 2 RNG's [RNG75 {Please Check it.}] and a RDM. RNGs take turns sharing hate while RDM gravity's the mob and keeps up with enfeebling.

We've had a few sell on our server. But its not really by ah. Most of it being from a certain 1-2 players who pretty much owned more than 5 kclubs TBH. We've had some sell here and there. But the ah price really isnt right. Ive seen a few sell for 40M by these same players. Who also have their maats cap and their relic weapons :Q_________ [Someday.. Yoichinoyumi will be mine ; ; .. someday.]
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-20 12:07:36
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Artemicion said:
Yep yep. However people who cry that everything needs to be split fail to realize that all drops are sheer chance. Nothing is guaranteed. Why get a handful of gil from a split that has a rare chance of dropping in the first place when you can take a gamble and go for all of it?

Exactly, plus in the rare event we do come away with a good day (went 3/6 for boots in petrifying pair the other day which was *** awesome compared to our usual 1/9-ish) it makes the crap runs all the more worth it...

Paid for my Ni scroll, which was *** hot...technically Ni drops in there also, but we're like 0/30 on that ***, so I'm starting to really wonder if it really, truly drops in there. I wanna see pics dammit! lol

Ludoggy said:
*** him.

Agreed. What a crybaby ***...
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-04-20 12:28:17
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Utsusemi: Ni is Rare... meaning someone else could've gotten the second scroll (including Mr. ;;). But, oh well! Sucks2BHim.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: effedup
Posts: 5645
By Fairy.Xxnumbertwoxx 2009-04-20 12:31:20
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Azulmagia said:
Utsusemi: Ni is Rare... meaning someone else could've gotten the second scroll (including Mr. ;;). But, oh well! Sucks2BHim.

It was YOYD, so both scrolls were the OP's by rights. Lucky day for her!

And to the crybaby QQ artist:

User submitted image
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-04-20 12:34:45
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Xxnumbertwoxx said:
Azulmagia said:
Utsusemi: Ni is Rare... meaning someone else could've gotten the second scroll (including Mr. ;;). But, oh well! Sucks2BHim.

It was YOYD, so both scrolls were the OP's by rights. Lucky day for her!

And to the crybaby QQ artist:

User submitted image

In that case, even bigger reason to go with friends onry. I'm sure a lot of people would find it hard to give up an Utsusemi: Ni they have on their person.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Jiko
Posts: 1741
By Cerberus.Jiko 2009-04-20 12:36:17
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User submitted image

See, you're not alone. Just enjoy it. :p
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-04-20 12:42:23
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Where's my love!? 0/20+ on PCC and Ni ; ;
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