Jadeshell Loan

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Jadeshell Loan
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-09-11 02:17:30
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I am wondering if anyone would be willing to loan me the last thirty L. Jadeshells to finish Apocalypse.

Which of course you will receive the second the cut scene is over, you can even go with me to Dangruf Wadi of you desire.

This will expedite my process by aprproximatley one week, and it would be appreciated.

If I can get a time and date setup, I will acquire the Fragment post haste and we will get this sorted out.

Please contact me in game.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Gero
Posts: 62
By Cerberus.Freonski 2011-09-11 02:26:51
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Was a cool guy anytime I crossed paths with him. Good luck on finishing and pre-grats!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-09-11 02:27:56
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Cerberus.Freonski said: »
Was a cool guy anytime I crossed paths with him. Good luck on finishing and pre-grats!

Thank you.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Morier
Posts: 898
By Phoenix.Morier 2011-09-11 03:28:07
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-09-12 21:36:23
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Shameful bump.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1097
By Fenrir.Gradd 2011-09-12 21:55:07
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Good luck man, hopefully it doesn't take you too long to find a loan.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Nausi
Posts: 6709
By Ragnarok.Nausi 2011-09-12 22:37:17
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Good luck and welcome to the club!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Shiomi
Posts: 654
By Phoenix.Shiomi 2011-09-13 21:18:10
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Just got the fragment. Only need 74 W. Jadeshells (Still in Dyna with more than an hour to go) till 70/100. Someone make this dream happen tonight! :D
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-09-13 21:49:01
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As he said I have everything except the loan itself, Fragment 1/1.

Any takers? I can probably provide some collateral but honestly I just want my damn weapon you can keep your stupid shells after I get it!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Atlas
Posts: 51
By Phoenix.Atlas 2011-09-13 22:27:13
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Good luck with getting the loan, Urteil. I'm reckless enough that I would loan them to you if I had them, but alas, I do not.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-09-13 23:56:01
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Thank you.

Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Shiomi
Posts: 654
By Phoenix.Shiomi 2011-09-13 23:57:44
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What could that possibly mean?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2011-09-14 00:02:45
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Who knows.
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