Buying Alexandrite

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Buying Alexandrite
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Billnye
Posts: 3
By Asura.Billnye 2011-09-11 03:19:17
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sorry for a slight bump and long winded post ahead.

Me and few ls people been salvaging a lot lately. We use 3-4 people pending on time we go and what not. We've been having a lot of mixed results with alex count per run. Not sure if its bad luck or not but this is what we've seen:

In BH: Majority of alex comes from 3f and 4f from the gears. Can net easily 20-30 singles. Rest is luck if you can get a NM to pop since we still cant figure out how to make the ramparts work :(

In AR: 2f Rat, 3f Rat, 4f NM/Rat, 5f Rat, 6f Rat x2 all have purse potential. On average we get 3-4 purses for 20-30 alex. On 4f and 5f we noticed that the single gears didnt drop any alex ever. The tri-gears would drop 1-2 but singles never dropped. 6f think they all drop alex, goes fast cant remember. Average single drops we get are 10-15

In SS: We normally go HB (100% purse), 2f Dekka (0% purse), 3f lots of gears for 8-12 singles G1 (0% purse), All the gears on east side + ramparts for another 10-15 singles and NM for 100% purse. 4f we kill gear train right away for another 5 or so singles and then clear the main room for another 10 singles or so. (Dont aggro the rampart that spawns CC else you have to force it to pop CC lol) purse off CC then.

In ZH: 1f and 2f and 3f no alex chances. 4f frog is high chance for purse but not 100%. 5f frog is high purse chance (not sure if 100%). Lots of gears to kill here too. 35ish gear mobs and 4 ramparts for alex. we get about 20-30 alex on this floor. 6f frog has high purse chance (100%?) and 12ish gears for another 10 singles usually.

Overall for us on average we get:
BH: 20-30 singles + Random purses based on NM spawning
AR: 10-15 singles + 0-7 purses (3-4 usually)
SS: 35-40 singles + 3 Purses
ZH: 30-40 singles + 3 Purses

We usually go ZH since that boss for us is 100x easier with 3-4 people and goes faster it seems. So mainly wondering why everyone thinks ZH is so bad? if you have 3 people ZH isn't the worst.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Asriel
Posts: 3
By Asura.Asriel 2011-09-11 03:33:40
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If you do SSR Hammer>Powderkeg>Gears>Turtle and also clear the gears on the west half of floor 3, you will still net the same approximate average in singles plus get a 4th purse. With experienced players the boss dies in roughly 5 minutes fairly easily also.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Billnye
Posts: 3
By Asura.Billnye 2011-09-11 03:53:30
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Ah, ya we never usually go to the west side. Once we get one more marduk drop we can start going south path for 3 rooms of gears then.

SS boss is easy ya, but just annoying. With ZH boss we dont have to really worry about anything since with 4 we dont get one shot.

Thanks for the reminder about the west gears, I figured we were doing something wrong :)
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-09-11 04:03:23
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I get around 70~90 a night in SSR doing what the poster above you said.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Asriel
Posts: 3
By Asura.Asriel 2011-09-11 05:11:34
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Working on a friend's Terpsichore, I only thought of killing the gears on the west half a few weeks ago. 80 seems to be my mean in SSR, which makes me content with doing it daily for the next half year XD
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