Gear Set Advice... Again!

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Gear set advice... Again!
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2011-09-03 14:36:40
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Hey all. I've only been back to the game 2 months or so and never got around to re-levelling my SAM up yet as I had too many seals and crap to get for other jobs. With the next update coming along soon, I've decided to try to get it back up to a respectable standard. It's currently sitting at Lv80, with pretty much my old lv75 gear. This set below is now what I have laying around in my mog house from other jobs / the few NMs I have killed for SAM for when it hits 90. I'm not at home atm so I haven't checked ffxi calc regarding my x-hit setup or anything. Any advice you can give to improve my set other than "Get fudo" would be nice. SAM isn't my main and I'm sure as hell not doing an empy for it any time soon.

Thanks in advance.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3239
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2011-09-03 14:49:32
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Carabosse Empys are a joke to make :/

Only reason I'm not doing Masamune is well I have Ukon and I'd rather make me a Caladbolg D:

You should work toward the Masamune it can be done quickly. If you aren't spamming Jinpu a good Polearm build can still do wonders.

Edit: The TP Bonus GK looks good for Y/G/K or even Jinpu/Koki Spam.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Kaisuko
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By Asura.Kaisuko 2011-09-03 14:52:07
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Shiva.Superdan said: »
Hey all. I've only been back to the game 2 months or so and never got around to re-levelling my SAM up yet as I had too many seals and crap to get for other jobs. With the next update coming along soon, I've decided to try to get it back up to a respectable standard. It's currently sitting at Lv80, with pretty much my old lv75 gear. This set below is now what I have laying around in my mog house from other jobs / the few NMs I have killed for SAM for when it hits 90. I'm not at home atm so I haven't checked ffxi calc regarding my x-hit setup or anything. Any advice you can give to improve my set other than "Get fudo" would be nice. SAM isn't my main and I'm sure as hell not doing an empy for it any time soon.

Thanks in advance.
To get rid of Rose Strap: Replace Perle with Askar/Usu/AF3+1/+2; Heed with Hoard/Keen. Can probably afford to drop Chiv for something else, if not, it should be fine.
Didn't check your x-build, but you can simply go out and just hit stuff to see what you're getting per hit. I almost believe you should be getting 5 hit with just Brutal/Chiv/Rajas/AF3+2 Pants/Askar~.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2011-09-03 15:20:27
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Fenrir.Skarwind said: »
Carabosse Empys are a joke to make :/

Only reason I'm not doing Masamune is well I have Ukon and I'd rather make me a Caladbolg D:

You should work toward the Masamune it can be done quickly. If you aren't spamming Jinpu a good Polearm build can still do wonders.

Edit: The TP Bonus GK looks good for Y/G/K or even Jinpu/Koki Spam.

Yeah, so I've been told. But as SAM is currently #4 on my priority list, I can't justify using my time on one right now, especially when I'm off to university in 4 weeks. Only reason I have this particular gkt on this set is because it's the only one I have apart from lolhagun which is sat on my mule worth 10k lol

Asura.Kaisuko said: »
To get rid of Rose Strap: Replace Perle with Askar/Usu/AF3+1/+2; Heed with Hoard/Keen. Can probably afford to drop Chiv for something else, if not, it should be fine.
Didn't check your x-build, but you can simply go out and just hit stuff to see what you're getting per hit. I almost believe you should be getting 5 hit with just Brutal/Chiv/Rajas/AF3+2 Pants/Askar~.

Yeah the chiv chain is just left over from Lv75, one of the things I aim to improve. Also haven't tried hunting SAM body seals as of yet, but will definately look into it. Perle just seemed better than my old acp body.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-09-03 15:24:02
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tp bonus is actually really fast to make, but kikugosaku is probably the next best thing if you still don't want to put in the time.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2011-09-03 15:33:10
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Ramuh.Lorzy said: »
tp bonus is actually really fast to make, but kikugosaku is probably the next best thing if you still don't want to put in the time.
I don't mind doing simple magian trials, this is just what I have on hand. I'll look into it^^
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Virtuosus
Posts: 683
By Carbuncle.Virtuosus 2011-09-03 17:04:01
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Masamune/Amano or honestly there's no point in this job whatsoever. For the "fun" factor, Kikugosaku works but you'll want to use Jinpu (or Rani) with VV/RR/Apoc atmas. Gekko only if you find yourself fighting an NM with high enough defense where Jinpu/Rani don't outperform YGK.

Aim for this set:

Any neck/ring can be used in place of Ganesha's/Oneiros so ignore them if you can't obtain them.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Temarumaz
Posts: 35
By Shiva.Temaruma 2011-09-03 17:30:27
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Aim for centaurus earring? news to me.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Virtuosus
Posts: 683
By Carbuncle.Virtuosus 2011-09-03 17:44:40
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What would you recommend over it? Moonshade and Bushinomimi are user specific choices, so I leave those out of the equation. And Unkai Mimikazari is pretty bad unless it's allowing for more leverage in your WS set.
Serveur: Garuda
Game: FFXI
Posts: 59
By Garuda.Skyver 2011-09-04 00:59:21
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Carbuncle.Virtuosus said: »
Masamune/Amano or honestly there's no point in this job whatsoever. For the "fun" factor, Kikugosaku works but you'll want to use Jinpu (or Rani) with VV/RR/Apoc atmas. Gekko only if you find yourself fighting an NM with high enough defense where Jinpu/Rani don't outperform YGK.

Aim for this set:

Any neck/ring can be used in place of Ganesha's/Oneiros so ignore them if you can't obtain them.

Don't you need MP for Oneiros to even be remotely useful?
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Virtuosus
Posts: 683
By Carbuncle.Virtuosus 2011-09-04 01:05:31
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Garuda.Skyver said: »
Carbuncle.Virtuosus said: »
Masamune/Amano or honestly there's no point in this job whatsoever. For the "fun" factor, Kikugosaku works but you'll want to use Jinpu (or Rani) with VV/RR/Apoc atmas. Gekko only if you find yourself fighting an NM with high enough defense where Jinpu/Rani don't outperform YGK.

Aim for this set:

Any neck/ring can be used in place of Ganesha's/Oneiros so ignore them if you can't obtain them.

Don't you need MP for Oneiros to even be remotely useful?

Correct, MP merits. Obviously if you don't want to go as far as doing that, then simply don't. But I was just posting what might be the best possible TP set in terms of damage for non-empy/relic SAM.

You could also go the route of using Fazheluo Helm +1 and Fazheluo Radiant Mail set over Zelus/AF3+2 but obviously those aren't exactly as easy to obtain.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Camosan
Posts: 101
By Ragnarok.Akkarinn 2011-09-04 09:05:27
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Shiva.Superdan said: »
Any advice you can give to improve my set other than "Get fudo" would be nice. SAM isn't my main and I'm sure as hell not doing an empy for it any time soon.

Considered doing WoE? Even without ODD offered by AM, Fudo will still outperform anything else you'd have access to (outside of Jinpu-able mobs). Get yourself a cheeky 5-hit.

inb4: WoE is hard.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2011-09-04 09:46:08
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Ragnarok.Akkarinn said: »
Shiva.Superdan said: »
Any advice you can give to improve my set other than "Get fudo" would be nice. SAM isn't my main and I'm sure as hell not doing an empy for it any time soon.

Considered doing WoE? Even without ODD offered by AM, Fudo will still outperform anything else you'd have access to (outside of Jinpu-able mobs). Get yourself a cheeky 5-hit.

inb4: WoE is hard.

Yeah this is what I've been thinking about for the past couple days. I've never done WoE before, so not sure what people / jobs are needed etc though but I'm going to talk to my ls today to see if anyone is interested in doing some runs.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Paulu
Posts: 776
By Shiva.Paulu 2011-09-04 10:11:16
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The WoE GK isn't bad but if you sink that time into the camping the NMs you may as well get the Masamune. As it was stated above it really is quite fast to make. For the amount of time/effort you're looking to spend the TP Bonus magian sounds right for you.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Aeronis
Posts: 1838
By Bahamut.Aeronis 2011-09-04 10:15:49
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Carbuncle.Virtuosus said: »
What would you recommend over it? Moonshade and Bushinomimi are user specific choices, so I leave those out of the equation. And Unkai Mimikazari is pretty bad unless it's allowing for more leverage in your WS set.
Unkai Mimikazari gives 1.25 Zanshin Ikishoten DA if hasso is up, so I would say yes, it's much better than centaurus.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: SuperDan
Posts: 720
By Shiva.Superdan 2011-09-04 16:39:25
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Shiva.Paulu said: »
The WoE GK isn't bad but if you sink that time into the camping the NMs you may as well get the Masamune. As it was stated above it really is quite fast to make. For the amount of time/effort you're looking to spend the TP Bonus magian sounds right for you.

Paulu! Haha. I remember you, from like 2 years ago with Rinze/Dtrainious etc :p how are you? And yeah, the TP bonus GKT sounds like something to use for now until I have more free time on my hands. I do plan to do the empys eventually, I just don't have the time right now. I was considering WoE if my current LS were interested in it, as it wouldn't only be for the one item and it would make it easier getting people together to get it done. I'll think more on empys once I've got my other gear sorted I guess.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Camosan
Posts: 101
By Ragnarok.Akkarinn 2011-09-06 04:46:17
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Bahamut.Aeronis said: »
Carbuncle.Virtuosus said: »
What would you recommend over it? Moonshade and Bushinomimi are user specific choices, so I leave those out of the equation. And Unkai Mimikazari is pretty bad unless it's allowing for more leverage in your WS set.
Unkai Mimikazari gives 1.25 Zanshin Ikishoten DA if hasso is up, so I would say yes, it's much better than centaurus.

Pretty sure it's more like 0.5~0.75%DA on Unkai earring.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Camosan
Posts: 101
By Ragnarok.Akkarinn 2011-09-06 04:53:41
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We did a few "Fudos" in Flux#2. It's a nice one since it's easy, fast and pretty simple to explain to those who haven't done it before.

MNK/NIN BLU/NIN RDM + Sac/Mule Puller and it's a cake walk.

Note: BLU rapes those things, I'm there are other jobs that can/do but BLU really shines for us in there.

Just sac the 4 bosses to the left/right of the stairs, one at a time, depending if the little 'uns come back to check on the bodies.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1304
By Odin.Dirtyfinger 2011-09-06 08:53:21
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Save your VNM GK until you're ready to build Masamune as the woe isn't really worth it imo, the aftermath is what makes that GK. A TP Bonus Gekko will beat it on anything worthwhile.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Virtuosus
Posts: 683
By Carbuncle.Virtuosus 2011-09-06 15:26:23
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Bahamut.Aeronis said: »
Carbuncle.Virtuosus said: »
What would you recommend over it? Moonshade and Bushinomimi are user specific choices, so I leave those out of the equation. And Unkai Mimikazari is pretty bad unless it's allowing for more leverage in your WS set.
Unkai Mimikazari gives 1.25 Zanshin Ikishoten DA if hasso is up, so I would say yes, it's much better than centaurus.

Earring gives 5% Zanshin rate normally then? You have tests/proof of this? Or just eye-balling/making stuff up?

Odin.Dirtyfinger said: »
Save your VNM GK until you're ready to build Masamune as the woe isn't really worth it imo, the aftermath is what makes that GK. A TP Bonus Gekko will beat it on anything worthwhile.

Agreed with this. Honestly, just go for Masamune. It might seem like a daunting task but truth be told, it's pretty much a walk in the park for any duo and one of the easiest empy trials out there.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-09-06 15:58:52
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iirc it's 3% Zanshin on the earring (0.75 Hassozanshin), Aeronis may be thinking of the back.
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Jar
Posts: 224
By Caitsith.Jar 2011-09-13 07:31:04
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Odin.Dirtyfinger said: »
Save your VNM GK until you're ready to build Masamune as the woe isn't really worth it imo, the aftermath is what makes that GK. A TP Bonus Gekko will beat it on anything worthwhile.

there are more than enough -def spells abilities and affects to make fudo win on about everything.

so yes Fudo it's self is worth getting..
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3239
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2011-09-13 08:20:14
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Caitsith.Jar said: »
Odin.Dirtyfinger said: »
Save your VNM GK until you're ready to build Masamune as the woe isn't really worth it imo, the aftermath is what makes that GK. A TP Bonus Gekko will beat it on anything worthwhile.

there are more than enough -def spells abilities and affects to make fudo win on about everything.

so yes Fudo it's self is worth getting..

Totally not worth it especially since you can knock out Bosse/CC very quick.

It's like for some reason a Ferrari was marked down 90% off but you still insist on buying a PoS and getting a Ferrari body kit. Get the real thing since it's so easy to get.
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Jar
Posts: 176
By Ragnarok.Lugat 2011-09-13 10:20:35
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Fenrir.Skarwind said: »
Caitsith.Jar said: »
Odin.Dirtyfinger said: »
Save your VNM GK until you're ready to build Masamune as the woe isn't really worth it imo, the aftermath is what makes that GK. A TP Bonus Gekko will beat it on anything worthwhile.

there are more than enough -def spells abilities and affects to make fudo win on about everything.

so yes Fudo it's self is worth getting..

Totally not worth it especially since you can knock out Bosse/CC very quick.

It's like for some reason a Ferrari was marked down 90% off but you still insist on buying a PoS and getting a Ferrari body kit. Get the real thing since it's so easy to get.

totally disproves my point that fudo beats Gekko even with the Tp bonus on most things thanks for that.
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