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By Yamoto 2011-11-21 23:21:04
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Actually...it MIGHT have been a day proc now that I think about it. I'll retest that one when timer is up.
Serveur: Bahamut
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Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-11-21 23:27:22
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that is odd. mischief and zellc ran a bunch of tests on the test server. the basic consensus. not official of course. is that Dark magic skill affects the length for Kaustra and INT/MAB is going to be the initial hit as well as the dmg/tick.

also from what i can see it has a rather high base damage compared to helix

is what i use atm and i think pretty close to mischief's and zellcs set. correct me mis or zell if ur out there!
Posts: 132
By Yamoto 2011-11-21 23:35:09
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So then it would be the same pretty much as helices: skill affects resist rate which for helices/kaustra would be the duration. That makes sense. And yes it does have a higher base damage than helices, it also has the highest multiplier of any spell (assuming my calculations are correct of course).

If anyone can confirm the numbers so we can make it offiial. I was under the impression that skill was a damage modifier but now that I see it's not I can readjust macros and gear sets appropriately.

Thanks everyone :D
Serveur: Bahamut
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Posts: 778
By Bahamut.Cuelebra 2011-11-22 00:06:15
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Yamoto said: »
So then it would be the same pretty much as helices: skill affects resist rate which for helices/kaustra would be the duration. That makes sense. And yes it does have a higher base damage than helices, it also has the highest multiplier of any spell (assuming my calculations are correct of course).

If anyone can confirm the numbers so we can make it offiial. I was under the impression that skill was a damage modifier but now that I see it's not I can readjust macros and gear sets appropriately.

Thanks everyone :D

yah INT from what i can see does lil to the spell beyond dINT, but Dark Magic skill gear can replace/supplement that. if u have proper temps in VW id go full out MAB imo and large Dark Magic skill gear in appropriate slots. I know when i did Kaustra on the mantis vwnm. Portent Pants > relic+1 legs.

But yah ask Zellc and Mischief (both on bahamut server). they can tell u for sure about it. i just kinda duplicated their sets lol
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: eckeward
Posts: 73
By Phoenix.Eckeward 2011-11-28 11:26:40
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Yamoto said: »
Actually...it MIGHT have been a day proc now that I think about it. I'll retest that one when timer is up.

It seems to be roughly 10% higher than it should be
*thinks day proc*

From my general experience. MAB adds some nice damage to Kaustra.
And my testing of INT gives odd results. But I assume it's like calculating ordinary nukes.
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
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By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-21 06:02:39
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Question about Kaustra.
I don't have a lot of +darkmagic pieces atm.
Should check on my gearlist but basically I think I only have Scholar's Gown and Argute Pants +2.
No doubts about the latter, but for the body slot, should I use Scholar's Gown over Savant's Gown +2?

For the other slots I'm just using more or less the same set I use for nuking.
Serveur: Odin
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user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-21 06:27:14
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I ~believe~ that this set is ideal (spurrina legs might be better).

You need 30 dark skill to get 1 tick of dmg so the dmg increase from savant's is going to be more than scholar's.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-21 06:47:50
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So Savant's gown's macc, mab and INT are indeed better than AF1 body's +15 Dark?

Because INT/MAB produce a stronger initial hit and stronger dot tics, but dark magic skill makes it last longer (so more tics?).
Altough I guess most of the times mobs are dead before the DoT is over either way, so yeah.

Thanks! I'll use Savant's Gown +2!
Serveur: Phoenix
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user: Mikumaru
Posts: 382
By Phoenix.Mikumaru 2012-08-21 06:53:37
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the scholar body give another 15 skill where savant's effect is believed to deal with enmity . playin with kaustra in aby would lead me to believe that MaB/INT affects it much greater than dark skill tho . peronally i would make you build as if you were casting helix since tthe mechanics seem to be very similar
Serveur: Asura
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user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-21 07:02:31
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That's exactely what I was doing so far, but I was wondering if maybe I should have made an exception for the body slot and using AF1 instead of AF3+2.

But you guys already replied to me on that :)
Serveur: Remora
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user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-21 19:11:08
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
I ~believe~ that this set is ideal (spurrina legs might be better).

You need 30 dark skill to get 1 tick of dmg so the dmg increase from savant's is going to be more than scholar's.

Ok I have a question about the head piece.

Svnt Bonnet +2 vs. Argute Mortarboard +2.

Argute head if you have 4/5 merits in Focalization the argumented MoT enhaces it quite a bit. As an example. I cast it on Sobek for 6500, after about 60 seconds he was dead.

So what of these two heads is better? Cant I proc the JA in focalization then switch to savant head to get all PROCS? Or do I have to keep a head equipped?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-22 02:54:45
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Can someone explain a bit better to noobs like me how that works?
I supposed Argute Mortar's board augment just furtherly increased Focalization's Macc.
When you're level 99 (and the related level correction), on a mob like Sobek, with the right weather and Klimastorm up, with atmas etc, do you really need macc?
I would assume that no, you don't need more macc and you're well beyond cap with just average gear.

I always thought that Macc doesn't increase damage. It does reduce chances of being partially resisted, but if you're never getting resisted because you're already macc capped adding even more macc shouldn't produce any effect.
So how can Focalization and this augment produce better results than the straight damage increase of savant's bonnet +2?
I'm talking for when you use Ebullience of course, because if you don't use Ebullience you won't be equipping Savant's Bonnet +2 to nuke anyway.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-22 03:01:34
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Remora.Kyron said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
I ~believe~ that this set is ideal (spurrina legs might be better).

You need 30 dark skill to get 1 tick of dmg so the dmg increase from savant's is going to be more than scholar's.

Ok I have a question about the head piece.

Svnt Bonnet +2 vs. Argute Mortarboard +2.

Argute head if you have 4/5 merits in Focalization the argumented MoT enhaces it quite a bit. As an example. I cast it on Sobek for 6500, after about 60 seconds he was dead.

So what of these two heads is better? Cant I proc the JA in focalization then switch to savant head to get all PROCS? Or do I have to keep a head equipped?

I believe (95%) you have to be wearing argute head+2 when you cast just like savant's+2 to get the effect. That said, I don't know because the enhances focalization augment increases the chance of weather accuracy procing, which happens 100% of the time when wearing an obi. IE: Argute hat+2 shouldn't be doing anything if you are casting in an obi. As such i've never spent the time augmenting it to 100% know if you need to be wearing it upon casting.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-22 04:59:15
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Yes but Obis do not affect only accuracy though?
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-22 05:19:37
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Correct. Obis also make the dmg part of weather procs 100%.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-22 05:44:18
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So yeah, in my mage jobs ignorance I still wonder how would such a huge (and imho not necessary, especially inside Abyssea) boost to Magic Accuracy could produce an increased damage in the situation that Kyron described.

Especially if he has the right weather and klimaform active (but probably even with these two buffs down) his macc against a target like Sobek, even with average gear, should be capped and a macc boost, wether small or huge like the one mentioned, shouldn't produce any result at all.

If it wasn't for my inventory issues, I would have wanted AF2+2 head as well, but just for precast purposes.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-22 06:17:35
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Asura.Sechs said: »
So yeah, in my mage jobs ignorance I still wonder how would such a huge (and imho not necessary, especially inside Abyssea) boost to Magic Accuracy could produce an increased damage in the situation that Kyron described.
If he did get a 6500 dmg kaustra w/ af2+2, it would have done more w/ af3+2.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-22 06:51:15
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...supposing Ebullience was up, and yep Sawtelle, that was exactely my point :D
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-22 10:08:05
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Remora.Kyron said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
I ~believe~ that this set is ideal (spurrina legs might be better).

You need 30 dark skill to get 1 tick of dmg so the dmg increase from savant's is going to be more than scholar's.

Ok I have a question about the head piece.

Svnt Bonnet +2 vs. Argute Mortarboard +2.

Argute head if you have 4/5 merits in Focalization the argumented MoT enhaces it quite a bit. As an example. I cast it on Sobek for 6500, after about 60 seconds he was dead.

So what of these two heads is better? Cant I proc the JA in focalization then switch to savant head to get all PROCS? Or do I have to keep a head equipped?

I believe (95%) you have to be wearing argute head+2 when you cast just like savant's+2 to get the effect. That said, I don't know because the enhances focalization augment increases the chance of weather accuracy procing, which happens 100% of the time when wearing an obi. IE: Argute hat+2 shouldn't be doing anything if you are casting in an obi. As such i've never spent the time augmenting it to 100% know if you need to be wearing it upon casting.

The thing is you can take the obi off and put a MaB belt on if you use the head. They don't stack, and with the merited trial, it frees up the obi slot. It says so on BGwiki. I just not sure what head to use.

Yes all sch JA's were up for dark arts. I would post my gear set that I use, But I not sure how do we do that pm this website?
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Akumasama
Posts: 10020
By Asura.Sechs 2012-08-22 11:18:25
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Remora.Kyron said: »
The thing is you can take the obi off and put a MaB belt on if you use the head. They don't stack, and with the merited trial, it frees up the obi slot.
Yes Kyron but you see... how can I say this without sounding an arrogant ***?
The other good part of obis is making the weather damage bonus 100%, this is a straight damage bonus added to the damage of your nukes and this part has nothing to do with accuracy and is not covered by the augment boost of the AF2+2 hat. So they are not interchangeable. The only part that is interchangeable is the macc, and we hardly care about that as I said before.

Also, by renouncing to use Savage's Bonnet +2 during ebullience, you're giving away what, a straight 10% damage boost if I recall? That's a lot man. And for what? Just for some huge boost of accuracy that you don't even need?

Imho it's totally not worth/compensated by the swap in the waist slot, for the reasons I expressed above.
Only thing I could say about AF2+2, aside from the already mentioned utility in precast sets, is for nuking without ebullience.
I suppose it's a "decent" option. If you don't have PW hat, Nyzul hat or better stuff, AF2+2 hat can possibly be a decent piece to equip while nuking without Ebullience.
I know I considered that some time ago, but then they released Chelona Hat and I just decided to use that.

I dunno, maybe some more competent SCH than myself will be able to explain this to you in a more logical and understandable way.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: kasain
Posts: 78
By Remora.Kyron 2012-08-22 12:50:18
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Remora.Kyron said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
Remora.Kyron said: »
Odin.Sawtelle said: »
I ~believe~ that this set is ideal (spurrina legs might be better).

You need 30 dark skill to get 1 tick of dmg so the dmg increase from savant's is going to be more than scholar's.

Ok I have a question about the head piece.

Svnt Bonnet +2 vs. Argute Mortarboard +2.

Argute head if you have 4/5 merits in Focalization the argumented MoT enhaces it quite a bit. As an example. I cast it on Sobek for 6500, after about 60 seconds he was dead.

So what of these two heads is better? Cant I proc the JA in focalization then switch to savant head to get all PROCS? Or do I have to keep a head equipped?

I believe (95%) you have to be wearing argute head+2 when you cast just like savant's+2 to get the effect. That said, I don't know because the enhances focalization augment increases the chance of weather accuracy procing, which happens 100% of the time when wearing an obi. IE: Argute hat+2 shouldn't be doing anything if you are casting in an obi. As such i've never spent the time augmenting it to 100% know if you need to be wearing it upon casting.

The thing is you can take the obi off and put a MaB belt on if you use the head. They don't stack, and with the merited trial, it frees up the obi slot. It says so on BGwiki. I just not sure what head to use.

Yes all sch JA's were up for dark arts. I would post my gear set that I use, But I not sure how do we do that pm this website?

Your opinion is welcomed. As myself, I don't know either. That's why I posted it for feedback on the website. I honestly don't nuke much on sch or embrava. When I do sch I play it like a samurai.

I could write a good posting on skill chaining and weapon skilling magic and weapons. For sch only. I am trying to gather more nuking information though.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-08-22 19:59:04
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Odin.Sawtelle said: »
I ~believe~ that this set is ideal (spurrina legs might be better).

You need 30 dark skill to get 1 tick of dmg so the dmg increase from savant's is going to be more than scholar's.
If you don't mind, can you explain how you arrived at this? And on what level(s) of mob difficulty do you think it's ideal?

I've asked about Kaustra sets a couple of times now and, maybe I'm asking for too much or being dense, but the sets don't seem to be particularly thoroughly explained. Specifically, I'm still confused by the wiki's description of the Kaustra formula in relation to the usage decisions to equip +MAB over +INT. ie, your set is clearly favoring MAB but the wiki seems to imply that raising your INT should be stronger.
By 2012-08-22 20:27:39
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Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Yugl
Posts: 138
By Diabolos.Yugl 2012-08-22 20:46:50
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The 0.67 is actually 2/3 and I think the 0.067 is 1/15, but Excel decimaled them.

At 99, you have...


You can remove the outer floor since 6.6*Non-Decimal/Fraction shouldn't need flooring.

6*(FLOOR(INT*2/3) + 37)

If you want to find out whether MAB or INT is more beneficial, use the following:

Benefit of MAB:

Benefit of INT:
(FLOOR(NEW_dINT*2/3) + 37)
(FLOOR(OLD_dINT*2/3) + 37)
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-22 20:54:30
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That was calculated assuming a semi high dINT (I tend to use kaustra to AoE cleave in abyssea when I use it) which is likely skewing it. On something like botulus rex your dINT might be dismally low w/ that set. I'll run through the numbers again using an outside of abyssea int value on like dyna DC mobs.

Edit: in referance to the set of mine that is quoted
Serveur: Diabolos
Game: FFXI
user: Yugl
Posts: 138
By Diabolos.Yugl 2012-08-22 21:00:20
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Wasting a Dynamis run for this would be pointless. Bring a BLU (I can go if needed; just /tell) and test mob INT on the new DC-IT++ mobs.

Edit: NVM, thought you were going to do tests.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-22 21:06:27
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I had assumed that their int values were known, i've never thought about calculating magic damage on them before.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: suji
Posts: 962
By Phoenix.Suji 2012-08-23 01:04:10
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said: »
which gearset is the highest dmg possible is based on your target's INT as well, so one gearset might win in abyssea or dynamis like soloing an old zone boss but one with far more INT might win in voidwatch for example
yeah, this is what I was trying to get at when I asked about mob difficulty.

And thanks for the responses Yugl and Sawtelle! That helps a lot.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: tooheyv
Posts: 1925
By Odin.Sawtelle 2012-08-23 16:30:23
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Assuming a mob has 100 int, and you aren't getting any outside MaB or anything, I actually have this set coming in first

Interestingly I have Nares ahead of af3+2 even w/ Ebullience. I'm gonna rego over my other sets numbers for inside abyssea after these mortas.
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