HoneyBadger Linkshell LFM

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HoneyBadger Linkshell LFM
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Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Saion
Posts: 27
By Phoenix.Saion 2011-07-18 05:23:06
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HoneyBadger Linkshell: http://honeybadger.guildwork.com

We are looking for Career WHM's that have a passion and drive for the job. We are an End-Game Linkshell that does everything and anything that our members would like to see get done or accomplish.

We do not have any event times, our events are 24 hours a day 7 days a week. If people are online and are doing an event join in. If there are members online but nothing is going on suggest something and see if you can create your own event. We do around the NA prime time have "LS events" where a large number of members join in however these or anything is not mandatory.

We are looking for Loyal members who keep our Linkshell on during all times and can be our friends and a part of our HoneyBadger family.

We are opening our doors to dedicated WHM players who enjoy and love playing the job, well geared and has knowledge of the game and job. We are looking for WHM's who take pride in their job. If you feel that you fit this type of player, we look forward to seeing your application!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: lithical
Posts: 93
By Phoenix.Arhat 2011-07-19 03:20:19
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To reiterate, the kind of WHMs we ARE looking for are:

WHMs that think AF3+2 body is the superior Cure body.

WHMs that think NIN only need to cast shadows when the mob has annoying additional or en effects on attacks.

WHMs that don't think the reason people sub NIN on anything is for the shadows.

WHMs that think they're not doing their job if they're not spamming cures.
(Most of us despise casting shadows when on jobs that have so you better enjoy the cure spam :D)

WHMs that think SCH is the superior WHM support job.

WHMs that have 3 Refresh atmas and Refresh idle gear.

WHMs that know what Spellcast is and how to use it.
We have one member in shell that is pretty boss with XMLs as far as I can tell. If you need help I can guarantee you'll get it from someone. There's also readily available XML support on FFXIAH and BG forums.
(Unless current Spellcast related threads are pending deletion I believe it's okay to say this since it is Windower-related. Edit before you go Nazi on me if otherwise.)

Obviously not an all inclusive list but you get the idea. We need people that want to get stuff done fast not expect our melees to hold themselves back so that they're capable of keeping them alive. This isn't to say we're expecting perfect WHMs to apply because we're really not given how our linkshell operates.

I really want to stress something about Empyreans though:
We get a lot of apps from people thinking we're a ticket to easy Empyreans for some reason but the fact is we're more of a pool of players that you can sign on and request in /l to come help with stuff. If you want an Empyrean come show us you're not a lootwhore, you're not a leech, you're not going to /droplinkpearl when you finish and we'll gladly help but the general rule is that you lead your own events including your Empyreans. If you're going to post all over your app how you want this Empyrean and that Empyrean it just doesn't look good.

But if you truly enjoy playing WHM but don't meet some of the above critera don't worry we still want you to apply (Hey, I'm not even a sack just so you know) and I'm sure some of us will help you improve your WHM. We just really need WHMs that love to play WHM and always see room for improvement. :D
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Esvedium
Posts: 73
By Phoenix.Esvedium 2011-07-20 13:58:37
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Also, as a requirement for applying, you must watch
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2011-07-25 11:12:09
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Goodluck with your recruitment, but...

Couple questions:

Why do you think AF3+2 is a superior cure body piece to a CurePot+14% body?

What melees of yours are subbing Nin...?

What mobs are you fighting that your Nin's don't want to cast utsu?

Don't underestimate /rdm and /blm sub for Whm..

(These questions directed at Arhat).

Not wanting to start drama, I like you guys. Just confused about Arhat's post.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-07-25 11:14:59
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Why are all the decent sounding Linkshells who need a good WHM like myself NOT ON BISMARCK?!
Guide Maker
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Seha
Posts: 13352
By Phoenix.Sehachan 2011-07-25 11:17:19
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I guess the body piece part is referring to cure potency capped with other slots.

But lol at lazy ninja.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: lithical
Posts: 93
By Phoenix.Arhat 2011-07-25 11:18:11
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Phoenix.Neosutra said:
Goodluck with your recruitment, but... Couple questions: Why do you think AF3+2 is a superior cure body piece to a CurePot+14% body? What melees of yours are subbing Nin...? What mobs are you fighting that your Nin's don't want to cast utsu? Don't underestimate /rdm and /blm sub for Whm.. (These questions directed at Arhat). Not wanting to start drama, I like you guys. Just confused about Arhat's post.
You can cap potency without a potency body.

Our THFs?

What mobs need shadows on NIN besides ones with annoying effects on their attacks?

SCH sub more of a preference I guess but I don't see how /RDM or /BLM compare. The Refresh and Convert doesn't compare with Sublimation, strategems and cost reduction from Light Arts when going for staying high in mana during curing-intensive fights. /BLM is good for... Stun? Almost nothing needs in Abyssea.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2011-07-25 11:28:15
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What equip setup are you using to cap recast and potency with +2 body?

I don't consider Thfs as DD.. Not really worth mentioning. (I don't need a response stating how awesome THF DPS is, I'm aware of it's DPS versus other jobs).

Why would you not use shadows on Nin?

Ni takes .5 seconds to cast and prevents mob TP moves via less TP gained by enemy strikes. Again: What are you fighting that doesn't hit hard enough to warrant a Nin even using shadows? This sounds excessively lazy and bad advice for people that don't really know what's going on.

Refresh/Convert/Dispel/FastCast is more of a comparison with Sch's bonuses. It's not as unequal as you say. It's actually quite close and should be based on whether you need dispel or stun, or sleepga assistance.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Morier
Posts: 898
By Phoenix.Morier 2011-07-25 11:41:27
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Sounds like (just from reading arhat's posts), you want whms that have all the best gear so you do not have to get them anything. WHM that will non stop cure so lazy NINs can not use shadows, and whm must use scripts. Should have left it at the OP, the other posts muck the point of it up. Also why would your melee sub nin if not for shadows? If they are not using shadows /nin why not sub something useful?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: lithical
Posts: 93
By Phoenix.Arhat 2011-07-25 11:42:08
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Haven't seen a situation yet that would merit prioritizing haste in a cure set personally. That being said, I don't play WHM and I know you're well aware of gearsets that hit 49 or 50% potency without a body. Not sure why exactly you're trying to put me in the spot.

I did not say THF was a DD nor have I once used the term DD in this thread. That being said THF is still not a bad DD in Abyssea.

I'm not sure I follow the arguement that you should slow your own TP gain and make your job slower and the fight take longer to make the WHM's job easier. I'm aware of how much TP a mob gains per hit and it's not enough to worry if you're procing the mob before it hits 24% or under. If dealing with a caster stopping to cast shadows may cost you a window to proc that you would otherwise have got your stagger in at.

In regards to mobs hitting hard, our main WHM seems to cope just fine. Obviously the shadows remark only applies in Abyssea where MP is unlimited.

If you're going to need repeated sleepgas and dispel why not just use a BLM? In situations where adds were brought into the equation at the start the WHM can change to DA and sleepga and you can have melee focus first on the adds then get back to the NM? If you know you're going to deal with adds, setting your WHM to be the primary healer and add control is just silly.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2011-07-25 11:50:58
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No, I'm actually curious what sets you're referring to that cap cure cast time (said recast previously, meant cure cast time) and cure potency. I'm very rarely whm (pimp Whm wife and mule), and am always looking for set upgrades. My current set doesn't use +2 body to reach cap on either.

The THF DD debate was you saying that people aren't subbing Nin for shadows. While I understand your intent to get mages that are interested in healing, it's a bit misleading to disregard such a powerful damage mitigation tool for the jobs that use /nin (Thf, Pld, Blu).

Even in Abyssea, it's absurd to not use shadows as a Nin on anything that matters (Heroes zone NMs, etc). Even the 80/85 zone NMs usually hit hard enough to warrant at least taking .5 *** seconds to keep Ni up. Again: you're over trivializing it and giving bad advice. I understand your intent here, but it's silly.

The Whm/blm is obviously so you don't have to bring the other jobs (in low man settings). Don't be naive. I was pointing out the utility of each sub based on the situation. There is no argument here.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2011-07-25 11:52:18
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Anyways, I can see I've just made you defensive. GL with your recruitment, I didn't intend for this to become a pissing contest. I disagree with your statements, but understand your intent.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Satabi
Posts: 121
By Bismarck.Satabi 2011-07-25 11:57:09
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Phoenix.Neosutra said:
No, I'm actually curious what sets you're referring to that cap cure cast time (said recast previously, meant cure cast time) and cure potency. I'm very rarely whm (pimp Whm wife and mule), and am always looking for set upgrades. My current set doesn't use +2 body to reach cap on either.
Not necessary, just start casting in cure cast time then switch to potency and +2 body midcast.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: lithical
Posts: 93
By Phoenix.Arhat 2011-07-25 11:58:42
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There are WHM threads on here with sets and I am sure there are on BG too. You're trying to coerce someone who doesn't play WHM into arguing what the best set is because I remarked that AF3+2 body is obviously better than potency bodies. It's not hard to look at WHM options available or search on FFXIAH/Wiki for potency pieces that take different slots and make a set that doesn't use body.

How many NMs could you proc and kill in the 60 seconds you're expecting to have when you bring your WHM with an AoE Sleep spell you know only lasts 60 seconds. That can't be overwritten because it's the only AoE Sleep your WHM has.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Vagrua
Posts: 214
By Bahamut.Vagrua 2011-07-25 11:59:12
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Phoenix.Arhat said:
I'm not sure I follow the arguement that you should slow your own TP gain and make your job slower and the fight take longer to make the WHM's job easier. I'm aware of how much TP a mob gains per hit and it's not enough to worry if you're procing the mob before it hits 24% or under. If dealing with a caster stopping to cast shadows may cost you a window to proc that you would otherwise have got your stagger in at.

I actually agree with this for Abyssea where WHM has unlimited MP. I know WHMs don't get much to really do when ninjas spam shadows and your argument about less TP/proc from shadow spam makes sense too. It is a second or two lost that could have made a difference and those seconds add up over time.

Good luck recruiting.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Aerison
Posts: 292
By Bismarck.Aerison 2011-07-25 12:06:05
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Do your whm's not like to cure nins that cast shadows? And if you say anything resembling blinking of the tank....well i'll just leave it at that.

edit: why not just have a ukon war main tank then?
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Munky
Posts: 2614
By Bismarck.Angeleus 2011-07-25 12:09:20
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Perhaps people should start doing things like the old days. 1 tank job, 1 DD job, 1 healing job.

Unless you and your shell members are going to pull out "DD onry cuz i have a emp weapon" speech. It's not hard to level whm or play the job.

I'm a great whm and other whm are great too. Also, check this out some of us don't even have +1 and +2 yet.

Perhaps must be the dedication of playing every job and not just stand in places shinning the blue box gear.
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: lithical
Posts: 93
By Phoenix.Arhat 2011-07-25 12:11:11
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Bismarck.Aerison said:
Do your whm's not like to cure nins that cast shadows? And if you say anything resembling blinking of the tank....well i'll just leave it at that.
Sorry, been ignoring other troll posts but this is just too funny. Are you trying to pretend BlinkMeNot is relevant? Use Spellcast and set Aliases? Hell even <stpt> <stal>. You're trying too hard.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Aerison
Posts: 292
By Bismarck.Aerison 2011-07-25 12:13:05
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Phoenix.Arhat said:
Bismarck.Aerison said:
Do your whm's not like to cure nins that cast shadows? And if you say anything resembling blinking of the tank....well i'll just leave it at that.
Sorry, been ignoring other troll posts but this is just too funny. Are you trying to pretend BlinkMeNot is relevant? Use Spellcast and set Aliases? Hell even <stpt> <stal>. You're trying too hard.
Excellent so that brings me back to the first question, why would casting on nins that actually do ***other than auto-attack be a problem?
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2011-07-25 12:13:40
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Phoenix.Arhat said:
There are WHM threads on here with sets and I am sure there are on BG too. You're trying to coerce someone who doesn't play WHM into arguing what the best set is because I remarked that AF3+2 body is obviously better than potency bodies. It's not hard to look at WHM options available or search on FFXIAH/Wiki for potency pieces that take different slots and make a set that doesn't use body.

I was going to leave you alone, and tolerate your crap, but since you decided to keep going:

I did find the whm set that is optimal and includes the +2 body:

I had been using a slightly different set that used the +14% body and allowed for different neck/earrings. The builds are similar, but the +2 set costs a decent chunk more (10mil more) for 1% more curepot. To each their own, but it's a stretch to call one "vastly more effective" when it's a very very minor improvement over the alternative for a large cost investment. And before you call me cheap, I have no gil problems and could easily afford this set if I decided it was worth the investment. I'm not sure who you think I am.

Perhaps next time when you post a half page "what whms we expect" post, you should be interested in questions/feedback about that.

Phoenix.Arhat said:

How many NMs could you proc and kill in the 60 seconds you're expecting to have when you bring your WHM with an AoE Sleep spell you know only lasts 60 seconds. That can't be overwritten because it's the only AoE Sleep your WHM has.

You're being naive at this point. I bring /blm on my Whm mule typically when I need stun only (Apademak for one, but you're being dishonest if you think there is no other useful TP/Spells to stun in all of abyssea). The AoE sleep was just a mention of the additional benefits of the sub.

You made a post with some half right information, and a lot of naive mis-information, then attempted to back it up with "lulz abyssea is easy why use shadows LOLZ UR DUMB". I asked legitimate question about your Whm builds, then corrected the other dumb statements, and you turn it into a pissing question.

Furthermore - The game is evolving past Abyssea (seriously, what the *** do you still need from that event?). I'd like to see you waste MP so readily and not use shadows in VW/Neodyanmis and 95+ content.

You need to sit down and relax son.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Faelar
Posts: 4108
By Bismarck.Faelar 2011-07-25 12:16:08
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Phoenix.Arhat said:
Bump. To reiterate, the kind of WHMs we ARE looking for are: WHMs that think AF3+2 body is the superior Cure body. WHMs that think NIN only need to cast shadows when the mob has annoying additional or en effects on attacks. WHMs that don't think the reason people sub NIN on anything is for the shadows. WHMs that think they're not doing their job if they're not spamming cures. (Most of us despise casting shadows when on jobs that have so you better enjoy the cure spam :D) WHMs that think SCH is the superior WHM support job. WHMs that have 3 Refresh atmas and Refresh idle gear. WHMs that know what Spellcast is and how to use it. We have one member in shell that is pretty boss with XMLs as far as I can tell. If you need help I can guarantee you'll get it from someone. There's also readily available XML support on FFXIAH and BG forums. (Unless current Spellcast related threads are pending deletion I believe it's okay to say this since it is Windower-related. Edit before you go Nazi on me if otherwise.) Obviously not an all inclusive list but you get the idea. We need people that want to get stuff done fast not expect our melees to hold themselves back so that they're capable of keeping them alive. This isn't to say we're expecting perfect WHMs to apply because we're really not given how our linkshell operates. I really want to stress something about Empyreans though: We get a lot of apps from people thinking we're a ticket to easy Empyreans for some reason but the fact is we're more of a pool of players that you can sign on and request in /l to come help with stuff. If you want an Empyrean come show us you're not a lootwhore, you're not a leech, you're not going to /droplinkpearl when you finish and we'll gladly help but the general rule is that you lead your own events including your Empyreans. If you're going to post all over your app how you want this Empyrean and that Empyrean it just doesn't look good. But if you truly enjoy playing WHM but don't meet some of the above critera don't worry we still want you to apply (Hey, I'm not even a sack just so you know) and I'm sure some of us will help you improve your WHM. We just really need WHMs that love to play WHM and always see room for improvement. :D

ALL of this "crap" could have been avoided if you had simply left out everything above except this part:


We just really need WHMs that love to play WHM and always see room for improvement. :D

This says a number of things:

1. You need WHMs.
2. You want people who like the job.
3. You can help gear them if they aren't OMFGawesome.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Aerison
Posts: 292
By Bismarck.Aerison 2011-07-25 12:17:43
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Could use mnd gear for the neck slot and ear2 instead of what you have and use rescuer(abbyonry). Saves you quite a bit of gil too.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Munky
Posts: 2614
By Bismarck.Angeleus 2011-07-25 12:18:10
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No point of arguing with this fool. All he has DD's job.

I least the OP has useful jobs to bring to the table.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Aerison
Posts: 292
By Bismarck.Aerison 2011-07-25 12:20:40
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I see you have a ukon war in your ls, problem solved then! Just have them tank and you can just sit out and be a proc ***, beautiful!
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Duke
Posts: 24
By Phoenix.Tankk 2011-07-25 20:54:07
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-07-25 21:05:45
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Sounds like you want a mule, just make one lol. Who likes playing WHM anyway.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Aerison
Posts: 292
By Bismarck.Aerison 2011-07-25 21:12:01
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Dusk feet +1, you use that or just town gear?
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2912
By Sylph.Kimble 2011-07-25 21:16:02
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Usually neo knows hes stuff but yeah, WHM use that set is better. You keep your capped cure potency as well has have a stronger cureskin.

It is better, and pretty noticeably different. If you dont want to spend the gil on it thats fine but is still better.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Draylo
By Leviathan.Draylo 2011-07-25 21:25:11
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Bismarck.Aerison said:
Dusk feet +1, you use that or just town gear?

Are you talking to me? Yes I use dusk feet +1, there is no better TP feet for BLU.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Aerison
Posts: 292
By Bismarck.Aerison 2011-07-25 21:32:52
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Leviathan.Draylo said:
Bismarck.Aerison said:
Dusk feet +1, you use that or just town gear?

Are you talking to me? Yes I use dusk feet +1, there is no better TP feet for BLU.

Oh well guess I just don't like the super decreased movement from x2 dusk, yea yea I know gear change chalk it up to laziness.
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