By Leviathan.Jackieolivas 2011-06-27 15:31:54
I'm into guys that like (or are at least interested in) the same things I am; being RPGs, instrumental jazz, action and comedy movies, and guns. I am a HUGE gun nut (and now I live in Texas, so its even better), and I pretty much have my own personal armory in the house.
Oddly enough, alot of guys are turned off by the fact that I am such a strong proponent of such a "dangerous" hobby. Well, it ties into my job, being a marksmanship instructor. Really though, what is so difficult to understand about a woman that likes (read: LOVES) firearms?
On top of that, they would have to be acceptant to the fact that I have a kid. Soooooooo many are almost instantly disinterested when it comes up that I have a daughter.