NIN Gear Sets; Need Some Advice

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NIN Gear Sets; Need some advice
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-06-17 12:45:08
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Assuming you'd swap Beyond? I'm not seeing 8k from that at all... 6500 tops in whatever circumstances you hit 6k.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Upbeat
By Odin.Upbeat 2011-06-17 12:53:44
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I would thinking swapping MM would be the better thing... I know you're really smart when it comes to math, but really only 6,500?

Even with all the buffs you can get in a perfect situation? I'm talking with a SCH to use Hailstorm+Stormsurge, you're using all abyssea meds, Obi, a COR to use Wizard's Roll with a BLM, on a magic burst.

Just totally overboard.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-06-17 13:01:56
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Odin.Upbeat said:
I would thinking swapping MM would be the better thing... I know you're really smart when it comes to math, but really only 6,500?

Even with all the buffs you can get in a perfect situation? I'm talking with a SCH to use Hailstorm+Stormsurge, you're using all abyssea meds, Obi, a COR to use Wizard's Roll with a BLM, on a magic burst.

Just totally overboard.
NIN nukes have low base damage. Ice nukes aside, I'm pretty sure you'd get more out of swapping Beyond. If you're just looking to epeen then yeah, swapping MM would probably be better since you could set up for maximum ice damage with Beyond.

No idea about the "perfect situation" honestly, it was just my highest estimate for an increase in damage given your max damage listed, your gear, and the assumption of Futae, fresh Innin, and Magic Bursting. If you had buffs beyond that (which in retrospect would make sense, Ascetic's sup), you're going to see less of an increase than what I projected (ie your 6k would have gone up by <500 damage).
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
Posts: 1299
By Sylph.Krsone 2011-06-17 13:04:42
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With just a change in atma Night is right you'll only see an increase of upto 500dmg im my estimation. Adding obi/zodiac ring/asc tonic/ burn on the mob / absorb int / enervation etc if ur current dmg is 5700ish I rekon you probably could reach upto 8k, if ur reaching that number without these. Im no nin really just from view/estimation of a blm.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1901
By Odin.Hitoseijuro 2011-06-17 15:55:39
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Odin.Upbeat said:
I would thinking swapping MM would be the better thing... I know you're really smart when it comes to math, but really only 6,500? Even with all the buffs you can get in a perfect situation? I'm talking with a SCH to use Hailstorm+Stormsurge, you're using all abyssea meds, Obi, a COR to use Wizard's Roll with a BLM, on a magic burst. Just totally overboard.

Well I guess if we wanted to go overboard, it could look like this:
Atma: +50 int /+30M.Att +30MAB /+50mab
Food: 7
Taru nin/rdm: 94int(merits) +24mab
Gear: +23int +15M.att +31MAB +13%Day bonus +15% nin ele damage +5skill +16skill(merits)
Additional buffs: +50MAB(gambir) + 16MAB(cor roll) +7int(hailstorm/stormsurge) + 30int(capped etuded +3 instrument songs) +5int(3rd song int based(emp instru.) ,bard set bonus) +12MAB(shiva's favor) +10mab(diabolos Dreamshroud) +70cruor buffs
Mob int: 70 (note: I dont know if they go below that) +25% magic damage taken(flan~)

Wiki has base as 105 but Kine iirc tested out to be around 132 however he also mentions the formula or values might have been changed again from updates, but ill be using 132 for now.

San base = (132 + 286 -70 )* 1.5 =522
522 * (1 + 5(375-269)/1024 = 792

792 * 1.45(staff/beyond) *1.13(day bonus+ring) * 1.3(mag. burst) *3.23(mab) *1.30(Innin) *1.5(futae) *1.15(nin gear damage%) *1.25(extra damage taken) =
=15,274 damage
=13,281 (**if innin/futae/nin dam gear stack and not multiplicative)
=10,625 (stacked, no mob weakness to magic)
=8,173 ( if stacked, no MB, no mob weakness to magic)
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 67
By Bismarck.Sesshomaru 2011-06-18 03:28:09
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I've nuked for over 8k on NIN before it was in Abyssea - Uleguerand on a buffalo. Given I had Ascetics, full nuking gear/atma's, 5/5 Hyoton: San merits on ice day with a COR but yeah it wasn't too difficult.
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