Gaming Survey

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Gaming survey
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
Posts: 103
By Fenrir.Caladbolg 2011-06-02 19:04:07
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[1] Current favorite is Lost Odyssey (but this changes alot)
(close tie for second, FFX, FFX-2(don't judge me), and RE4)


[3] Story

[4] Halo.. any FPS.. even though I played alot of COD4

[5] 86

[6] Probably mario/duck hunt

[7] Donkey Kong Country 2

[8] Beating Metal Gear Solid (good ending*spoilers*saving Meryl)

[9] Lost Odyssey (most of my friends hate RPGs that aren't Fallout)

[10] Mistwalker.. but if Skyrim is amazing, it will be Bethesda

[11] PS2 (best era of games, dislike most of this generation of games)

[12] RPG, anything with a good(epic) story
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-06-02 19:15:04
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[1] Favourite game

Incredibly difficult question. FF7, Suikoden2 are my generic responses. In terms of most time spent, FFXI/MW2/Resistance2. For the purposes of this, I'll choose Suikoden2.

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game

Lack of challenge and lack of endgame.

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game

Very emotional and powerful storyline.

[4] Game you think is overrated

Halo. It did not invent FPS!

[5] Year you were born


[6] First game you played

Sonic 1

[7] First game you completed

Sonic 1, after a couple of weeks (hate you Labyrinth Zone... simple now of course).

[8] Best gaming memory

Another almost impossible question, but Shinra HQ leading to the world map was one of my most amazing experiences ever in FF7. Lots of puzzles and character/plot development all of the way up and then the amazing chase to escape, leading on to the world map which makes the game seem so vast. Incredible sequenece.

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of

Do the Ecco games count?

[10] Favourite company

Insomniac are pretty incapable of doing wrong, generally speaking.

[11] Favourite gaming platform


[12] Favourite Genre

RPG/RTS. FPS a close third, platformer a close fourth. I play all genres but sport though. Not much simulation.
Posts: 213
By Shylaa 2011-06-02 19:17:56
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[1] Favorite game
Chrono Trigger/FF6

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favorite game
It needs more story so it never ends!

[3] The thing you like the most about your favorite game

[4] Game you think is overrated
Anything by Rockstar can suck my balls.

[5] Year you were born
1982, the golden years of gaming

[6] First game you played
Zelda, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (NES)

[7] First game you completed
So long ago, prob Turtles.

[8] Best gaming memory
Getting 6 Speed belts in a matter of months on Bahamut years

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Illusion of Gaia. If you like puzzle games like Zelda this one blows it out of the water.

[10] Favorite company
Squaresoft (down with company mergers!)

[11] Favorite gaming platform

[12] Favorite Genre
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 415
By Asura.Silvaria 2011-06-02 19:20:44
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[1] Favourite game
Final Fantasy VIII.

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
Repetitive magic junctioning.

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
The ending.

[4] Game you think is overrated
Final Fantasy VII.

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played
Space Invaders.

[7] First game you completed
The Legend of Zelda.

[8] Best gaming memory
Finally beating Bowser in Super Mario Bros.

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Caesar III.

[10] Favourite company

[11] Favourite gaming platform

[12] Favourite Genre
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2011-06-02 19:48:45
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[1] Favourite game

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
No map edits or user-created/customisable content (at least not in that version of the game.)

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
The default challenge level is quite high, but player ability to pick up the UI and learn the intricacies of the units and terrain factors ramps up very quickly to match.

[4] Game you think is overrated
Call of Duty

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played

[7] First game you completed
Most old games in the 80's didn't have an actual ending, and would just keep looping over and over. Maybe the first real one to finish was Archon.

[8] Best gaming memory
Finishing CAPCOM's "Alien vs. Predator" arcade game. For me, it was one of the first "gripping" action games that had such strong character designs and exciting/varied battles that just felt so immersive, I could lose myself in the action. It made me start to pay attention to which companies made the different games, as an indication of quality.

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
EA's Mail Order Monsters

[10] Favourite company

[11] Favourite gaming platform
Sega Saturn

[12] Favourite Genre
Turn-based strategy games
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1304
By Odin.Dirtyfinger 2011-06-02 19:54:05
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Interesting no ones said FFXI as their favourite game, and this is considering they've probably put more hours into it than any other.
By 2011-06-02 20:02:50
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Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zekky
Posts: 3787
By Asura.Zekky 2011-06-02 20:04:55
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[1] Favorite game
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favorite game
Getting to the end because there is no more adventures to be held... until I replay.

[3] The thing you like the most about your favorite game
The story, the challenge, the puzzles, the characters. The quality of the gameplay and how even after playing it for 19 years I still love it.

[4] Game you think is overrated
World of Warcraft

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played
River City Crisis

[7] First game you completed
Legend of Zelda: Link to the Past

[8] Best gaming memory(s)
Goldeneye 64. All those days/nights burned away with friends killing one another.

But if must be more specific... The day Super Smash Bros Melee was released my friend and I spent 30 hours straight unlocking every character and map and owning one another.

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Gitaroo Man (PS2)

[10] Favorite company
Square Soft.

[11] Favorite gaming platform
Super Nintendo

[12] Favorite Genre
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2056
By Bismarck.Rinomaru 2011-06-02 20:28:44
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[1] Final Fantasy VIII

[2] Too easy, Level 30~100 on all chars in less than 40min...?

[3] Story line, And the triple Triad Card game. SO SO SO SO SO ADDICTIVE and extremely fun.

[4] Call of Duty

[5] 87

[6] Pac Man

[7] Super Mario World 2? 1? forgot Super Nintendo...

[8] Ps2 release

[9] Eternal Sonata

[10] SquareSoft(Square Enix)

[11] Sony Playstation

[12] Puzzle/RPG
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Schutz
Posts: 3122
By Fenrir.Schutz 2011-06-02 20:30:14
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Odin.Dirtyfinger said:
Interesting no ones said FFXI as their favourite game, and this is considering they've probably put more hours into it than any other.

For me, at least, it's possible to "really like a game" and invest tons of time grinding away at it because it's well-designed and has lots of replay value (like FFXI or PSO as immensely enjoyable time-wasters.)

But at the same time, the qualification "favourite game"--to me--takes into account other factors (aside from quality of design and replay value) such as graphics, immersion, challenge level, excitement of play, etc. So the fave game I listed had actually marginal replay value at most, and thus only a fraction of time spent compared to FFXI, but was the most fun I had (overall) while playing. :p

EDIT: And, plus, I've cursed FFXI to Hell way too many times while playing it for it to be my favourite game. :p
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zekky
Posts: 3787
By Asura.Zekky 2011-06-02 20:30:22
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Bismarck.Rinomaru said:
[10] SquareSoft(Square Enix)
Not the same.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2056
By Bismarck.Rinomaru 2011-06-02 20:33:11
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Asura.Zekky said:
Bismarck.Rinomaru said:
[10] SquareSoft(Square Enix)
Not the same.
Sadly, since i liked quaresoft i was FORCED to like enix
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Zekky
Posts: 3787
By Asura.Zekky 2011-06-02 20:34:40
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Bismarck.Rinomaru said:
Asura.Zekky said:
Bismarck.Rinomaru said:
[10] SquareSoft(Square Enix)
Not the same.
Sadly, since i liked quaresoft i was FORCED to like enix
You're never forced, sir. Don't give into the Enix! Soft was the one that gave us the memories.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Kerokun
Posts: 488
By Carbuncle.Kerokun 2011-06-02 20:41:17
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[1] Fav. Game: Final Fantasy X

[2] - about game: International version didn't come to NA. ...I guess that's the only real complaint I can think of.

[3] + about game: Replay value, yo~ ...And I suppose the character development.

[4] Overrated: Borderlands

[5] Born in: 1989

[6] First game played: Super Mario World (SNES)

[7] First game beaten: Shining Force II (GEN) (that I can recall)

[8] Greatest gaming moment: That I can think of at this moment, getting the best ending in Cave Story.

[9] Game played that no one's heard of: Ecco II: The Tides of Time

[10] Fav. Gaming Company: SquareSOFT

[11] Fav. Console: SNES

[12] Fav. Genre: RPG
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 28615
By Bismarck.Magnuss 2011-06-02 20:44:49
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[1] The Secret of Monkey Island

[2] It's gotten stale, and the new rehashes just can't hold a candle. They made Guybrush sound like the town idiot.

[3] For some reason, the puzzles still get me, on occasion. That and the gameplay is just so epic. Even now.

[4] Call of Duty: Black Ops

[5] 1984

[6] Oregon Trail, baby!

[7] Honestly... The Secret of Monkey Island. Coincidence...? Probably.

[8] Gotta love Goldeneye multiplayer.

[9] Shaq Fu. I pwned my brother in that game. He always played the fire beast guy, and I would kick his *** with the green dude with the rags.

[10] Probably Infinity Ward. That ***with Activision just isn't cool. At all.

[11] This one is a tie. Either the PS2, or N64. PS2 got me through a lot of crap (plus, it was the first platform that would play movies and games), but the N64 at the time was fuggin' amazing.

[12] Probably Adventure games. Most of them are all action based, but I still love the old item collect adventure crapola.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2056
By Bismarck.Rinomaru 2011-06-02 20:48:24
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Surprized how many people like x
Posts: 287
By Shiroineko 2011-06-02 20:50:54
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[1] Favourite game - Legend of Dragoon.

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game - You can't change their names.

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game - They turn into dragoons!

[4] Game you think is overrated - Final Fantasy 7

[5] Year you were born - 1990

[6] First game you played - Tetris

[7] First game you completed - Pokemon Red

[8] Best gaming memory - Camping Simurgh the entire window to have to answer the door in the last 5 minutes. I scared that chick pretty good. Got claim and the drop!

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of. Shadowgate

[10] Favourite company - I don't have one

[11] Favourite gaming platform - Playstation

[12] Favourite Genre - RPG I guess
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2011-06-02 21:05:56
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[1] Favourite game
Phantasy Star Online

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
hackers, hackers, screen spammers, hackers, thieves, BSOD & BSOD hackers became the bane and end of this game(all versions).

[3] The thing you like the most about your favorite game
community, music, the challenge, special and seasonal events, S rank challenges, character customization, chat bubbles.

[4] Game you think is overrated

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played

[7] First game you completed
Legend of Zelda

[8] Best gaming memory
back when I was 16, a friend challenged me on a match of Plasma Sword [arcade version] after school, at the arcades. the jerk challenged me one time after another, and I managed to amass 50 victories on my record. He went to get more tokens to play since he was obsessed on defeating me, so I ran out of the arcade before he came back, and the next day he was delusional, saying he won, because I forfeited his challenge, even after facing a 50 consecutive loss. /slap

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Dungeons and Dragons: Shadow over Mistara[Arcade]
loved playing as Elf. could solo the game with 15 tokens ._.
[10] Favourite company
Sega (of old)
Square Enix (now)

[11] Favourite gaming platform

[12] Favourite Genre
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Ergiyios
Posts: 234
By Shiva.Ergiyios 2011-06-02 21:19:45
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[1] Favorite game:
Civilization IV

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favorite game:
Dumb world leaders

[3] The thing you like the most about your favorite game

[4] Game you think is overrated
Halo 2-3

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played

[7] First game you completed
Legend of Zelda

[8] Best gaming memory
Playing halo with all my buddies back in the day before live 2x tvs beer and halo

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of

[10] Favorite company

[11] Favorite gaming platform

[12] Favorite Genre
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: gosuapple
Posts: 482
By Odin.Gosuapple 2011-06-02 21:42:12
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[1] Favourite game
I'll go with Secret of Mana

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
The fact that every sequel and spin off with the possible exception of Seiken Densetsu 3 has been wildly disappointing.

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
Multi-player rpg, a revolutionary concept in its day

[4] Game you think is overrated

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played
Oh hell... um... pacman I think... maybe pong.

[7] First game you completed
The original metroid

[8] Best gaming memory
Every summer for a good 6 or 7 years my best friend and I would do a play through of Secret of Mana

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
I'll give you two amazing ones Master of Orion 2 and Star Control 2

[10] Favourite company
Of all time? Toys for Bob. Still around? I guess I'll be cliche and say SE

[11] Favourite gaming platform
SNES (ideally emulated on a pc) unless you mean current in which case ps3

[12] Favourite Genre
The rarely seen rts fps cross-over a la Savage.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: gosuapple
Posts: 482
By Odin.Gosuapple 2011-06-02 21:43:06
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I'd just like to say I'm pretty proud to note that I know (and have played) most of your number 9s =P
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kiori
Posts: 298
By Cerberus.Kiori 2011-06-02 21:45:31
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[1] Favourite game
Trauma Center (DS/Wii)

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
You're a doctor...and you do surgeries...but your patience look like dolls...not even the slightest realisms...

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
I liked the fact that it wasn't too gory, and it's not delivered like a "cooking mama" or a "sims" feel.

[4] Game you think is overrated
Call of Duty

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played

[7] First game you completed
Disney's Lion King for the Super Nintendo

[8] Best gaming memory
Not sure if anyone would consider this a best...but playing Disney's Jungle Book on the Super Nintendo...I got passed King Luey (sp?) for the first time...and I remember I was eating a this day when I eat a taco I recall that moment of beating that "boss".

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
I mostly play FFXI now...and everyone on this site knows of it >.> Otherwise...not really many unheard of games I've played...if at all.

[10] Favourite company
Don't have a favorite company.

[11] Favourite gaming platform
Love my xbox.

[12] Favourite Genre
Serveur: Phoenix
Game: FFXI
user: Lyali
Posts: 62
By Phoenix.Lyali 2011-06-02 21:48:13
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[1] Favourite game

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
The way it crapped out after the 2nd disc. You could tell they were running out of time and money. =(

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
The story and characters.

[4] Game you think is overrated
I could say a lot of things, but I'm going to go with Castlevania: Lords of Shadow because I'm still mad at it for sucking.

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played
Probably Super Mario Bros. but I can't remember back that far.

[7] First game you completed
Dragon Warrior

[8] Best gaming memory
Beating Chains of Promathia. Fun. Times.

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Ghost Lion

[10] Favourite company
I'm currently in between favorite companies...

[11] Favourite gaming platform

[12] Favourite Genre
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 76
By Leviathan.Comickaze 2011-06-02 21:56:04
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[1] Favourite game
Socom: US navy seals 2&3 anddd ffxi

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
Team play

[4] Game you think is overrated

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played
Dr. Mario

[7] First game you completed
LEgend of Zelda: A Link To the past

[8] Best gaming memory
Beating Kingdom hearts 1 and then 2.

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Gunstar Heroes (Genesis)

[10] Favourite company
[11] Favourite gaming platform

[12] Favourite Genre
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: ginger
Posts: 168
By Shiva.Kewitt 2011-06-02 22:04:08
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[1] Favourite game
Of all time. Star control 2
Right now, Unicorn attack robot!

[2] The thing you dislike the most about your favourite game
Can now finish in about 15-20 hours/ and nothing is new.

[3] The thing you like the most about your favourite game
The story.

[4] Game you think is overrated
Mortal Kombat

[5] Year you were born

[6] First game you played
Jump Joe, or janitor Joe same game.

[7] First game you completed
Jump Joe, No really end, you just go back to level 1 with harder mobs. got pass that too. Then it speeds up got passed that. Then it speed up again again again... no end.

[8] Best gaming memory
FFXI, Fighting Promathia, Using my RR to raise Prishe only to watch the last PC other then myself die. My party of 6 was dead but Prishe finished off the fight with about 10% HP left!

[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of
Jump Joe.

[10] Favourite company
Sierra back in quest game days. Now Telltale Games because I love adventure quests!

[11] Favourite gaming platform

[12] Favourite Genre
adventure quests
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2011-06-02 22:07:15
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[1] Earthbound

[2] Too short, No legitimate sequel or remake in NA.

[3] Surprisingly detailed and involved for how lighthearted the nature of the game is.

[4] Call of Duty: Black Ops

[5] 1987

[6] Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time

[7] U.N. Squadron

[8] Finishing Final Fantasy VI for the first time. Truly inspirational.

[9] Mother 3

[10] Squaresoft (R.I.P.)

[11] SNES

[12] RPG
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Spencyono
Posts: 23779
By Fairy.Spence 2011-06-02 22:08:50
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Earthbound ftw!

/high five Art
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Oddin
Posts: 1756
By Sylph.Oddin 2011-06-02 22:11:26
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[1] Bioshock

[2] They made a sequel...

[3] Its originality.

[4] The entire FPS genre past the year 2000.

[5] 1985

[6] Frostbite for Atari

[7] Super Mario World 3

[8] Playing Goldeneye or Red Faction 2 with my friends. 4 screen split screen on a 20'' TV screen. *** yeah.

[9] Mark of Kri

[10] Don't really have a favorite company. I tend to just try games out and if I enjoy it, I'll buy the game.

[11] Playstation (PS1) - It's had all the classics that matter.

[12] Anything but sports and musical.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: ginger
Posts: 168
By Shiva.Kewitt 2011-06-02 22:13:02
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[9] The game that you've played that most people haven't heard of

Is my favorit questions. Only 3-4 games listed in the 2 pages I've never heard of.
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2011-06-02 22:15:00
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Fairy.Spence said:
Earthbound ftw!

/high five Art

Thank you, I'm glad to find a fellow Mother 2 fan.
I almost put #1 in for #9 too lol.
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