Se Taking More Action To Alleviate Congestion.

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Se taking more action to alleviate congestion.
By 2011-05-31 11:38:48
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Inasura
Posts: 17912
By Asura.Ina 2011-05-31 11:40:43
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Asura.Kaitaru said:
So to a player that hasn't made his way to aby yet, how does this effect players that are there to level 75+ and to leechers? Does this discourage leeching? I enjoy leveling in the old school areas and just want to wait til my first 75 before I venture in there.

I don't think it will discourage leeching... don't be suprised if you get a leader tell you to tell him where all the useless chests are though so s/he can break them in an exp party though >.>
Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
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By Odin.Liela 2011-05-31 11:58:25
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This is cool! I mainly duo with my husband (trio technically I suppose, since we bring his mule) and chests can pile up when we keep getting ones we don't care to open. That can make opening new ones take longer because we have to pick through and see which ones were old and which are new. Allowing us to destroy to old ones and get them out of the way is a great idea!

And the atma thing is awesome! Woot!

One thing I kinda hope they do in the future, although it's not a big deal, is add Shami NPCs to the nation cities. It's a slight annoyance to have to cart around partial stacks of kindred crests and the like until heading to Jeuno. But meh, it's really not a necessity.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Crysten
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By Fenrir.Crystenne 2011-05-31 12:03:32
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Bismarck.Zagen said:
Fenrir.Crystenne said:
And thus alleviates the congestion at seal

I'll agree, wonderful update for cleavers for Empyrean mob KIs, but it doesn't prevent congestion at pretty much every single +1 seal mob (I'm looking at you in particular, Yaguarogui).

2-3 instances of every NM in Abyssea - bam, problem solved.
Pick one of the other 2 NMs that drop the +1 seals you want >.> I've never run into this sort of issue that wasn't solved by taking turns, teaming up, or simply going after a different target that isn't as heavily camped.

I don't disagree with this at all, in fact, I and my LS encourage this myself. My point is not every server is gumdrops and rainbows.

The arguments have been around ever since Abyssea came out. There are still people quite insistant on taking 30 minutes to solo mobs with 3 groups waiting, or plain stupid people who have no idea how to play the game seeing help as some kind of subtle insult.

Next to Empyrean mobs, this also needs addressing.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Rahziela
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By Leviathan.Jackieolivas 2011-05-31 13:20:42
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I'm not techno savvy, so limitations of the servers' capacity to hold a number of chests in one zone was certainly not the foremost thought in my mind. I honestly did not know there was a cap on how many chests could be up and any given time. Reading the update info, I initially assumed they were making Pearl light cap out faster.

As for the rest, I'm glad they finally came through on a promised they slipped up on for the last two updates with the Atma saves. Also, I agree with more instances of a seal mobs and timed pops being forced.

I hate Square's idea of "customer service". I say that in light of the fact that when we, the fanbase, ask for something, it takes them forever to make it happen. And when it does, it happens in a crappily put together fashion (specifically talking about the 3 Kings being forced). However, they have been -fairly- quick with tweaks to Abyssea.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Leviathan
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By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-06-09 04:50:37
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Fenrir.Crystenne said:
Asura.Ina said:
It reduced congestion in relation to chests...

There is a max number of chests that can be on the ground in any abyssea zones. This is universal not limited to party. By giving the option to destroy the chests and increacing the number that can be on the ground it allows more groups to be chest farming at the same time.

And thus alleviates the congestion at seal

I'll agree, wonderful update for cleavers for Empyrean mob KIs, but it doesn't prevent congestion at pretty much every single +1 seal mob (I'm looking at you in particular, Yaguarogui).

2-3 instances of every NM in Abyssea - bam, problem solved.
oh my *** god, I swear there were THREE duo groups waiting on that NM tonight. I wanted to hurt them for not considering teaming up and do a your-pop-your-drop deal.

YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS MANY GROUPS WAITING ON A SINGLE NM. If any duo can't kill it fast enough (read: don't suck with an empyrean), then they should consider bringing Yellow Procs or GET the *** OUT.

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Didgist
Posts: 291
By Fenrir.Didgist 2011-06-09 05:40:04
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Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Fenrir.Crystenne said:
Asura.Ina said:
It reduced congestion in relation to chests...

There is a max number of chests that can be on the ground in any abyssea zones. This is universal not limited to party. By giving the option to destroy the chests and increacing the number that can be on the ground it allows more groups to be chest farming at the same time.

And thus alleviates the congestion at seal

I'll agree, wonderful update for cleavers for Empyrean mob KIs, but it doesn't prevent congestion at pretty much every single +1 seal mob (I'm looking at you in particular, Yaguarogui).

2-3 instances of every NM in Abyssea - bam, problem solved.
oh my *** god, I swear there were THREE duo groups waiting on that NM tonight. I wanted to hurt them for not considering teaming up and do a your-pop-your-drop deal.

YOU SHOULD NOT SEE THIS MANY GROUPS WAITING ON A SINGLE NM. If any duo can't kill it fast enough (read: don't suck with an empyrean), then they should consider bringing Yellow Procs or GET the *** OUT.


Incoming 3 pages of you cry too much posts. I still think I have a good idea.
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-06-09 07:24:02
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i totally clicked on this thinking that SE had an available option to alleviate my sinus problems.
i am disappoint.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nevill
Posts: 2420
By Bismarck.Nevill 2011-06-09 07:28:42
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Lol... little early in the morning for you, isn't it?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-06-09 07:48:02
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Bismarck.Nevill said:
Lol... little early in the morning for you, isn't it?
I work different hours now.
Went from 2nd shift originally to a split shift of 12-8, switched past that to 10-6, and then I am on my current schedule, 8-4.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nevill
Posts: 2420
By Bismarck.Nevill 2011-06-09 08:20:20
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You like the 8 - 4 better?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: vinvv
Posts: 15542
By Ramuh.Vinvv 2011-06-09 08:25:59
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Bismarck.Nevill said:
You like the 8 - 4 better?
A lot more daylight time. Still trying to adjust to it pretty much. Feels weird having to go to bed at midnight at the latest weekly now.
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