A Dream Within A Dream Journal

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A Dream Within A Dream Journal
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By Eluveitie 2012-03-26 00:24:06
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I dont remember any of it...just randomness that scarily alot of coms true.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: MisterRyu
Posts: 2742
By Fairy.Ghaleon 2012-04-06 02:46:57
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last night i had the most intense dream that I've ever had in years.

i honestly don't remember all of it, but it was basically one of those end of the world type scenarios, except it was a giant flood basically.

the entire world flooded, water rose so high it was in the sky.

i remember it came slowly at first, then there was panic. and lots of it. and the scariest part of it was i sat there and watched everyone around me basically drown from all the water all at once. i remember something about how they tried to do something to prevent it from destroying everything but every plan they came up with failed, they just didn't have enough time.

eventually it was my turn to submerge into the water, and at first my heart was racing, but after a while, this wave of calm feeling swept over me, and i started to see "the light". then things flipped upside down and i felt myself grasping to take a breath of air, but there was none to take in, and i could feel the intense pain spread throughout my body as i started going into a seizure basically due to lack of oxygen.

then i woke up...scared as *** lol.

X_x afk goin zzz lol. wish me luck :(
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [73 days between previous and next post]
By 2012-06-18 10:32:02
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Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
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By Odin.Liela 2012-07-14 10:47:49
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I had the stupidest zombie dream last night.

Ok, so me and my husband were duking it out with zombies, and we somehow got separated across a little room, and my biological mother was a zombie who was about to eat my heart out. So I was all "Meh, I'm going to die anyways, might as well give my mom a kiss good-bye!" so I leaned over and peck-kissed my zombie mother right on her face.

She stopped trying to bite me, just stood there in shock for a minute, then de-zombied back into a human. All the other zombies and my husband just stood there dumbfounded.

So we ran around and started kissing all the zombies on their cheeks, just quick peck-kisses (nothing sexual), and it cured them and they all started turning back human, but they didn't remember how they had turned back. So in the dream we knew this one guy with a really jealous girlfriend, and I ran up to them both and kissed them, and they un-zombied. But I was afraid of the girlfriend because she'd be ticked all to hell if she ever found out I kissed her or her boyfriend, even to un-zombie them, so I made everyone promise never to tell how to cure the zombies so the girl wouldn't strangle me.

The end.
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By Asura.Vyre 2012-07-14 10:49:53
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Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
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By Odin.Liela 2012-08-14 09:33:33
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I swear I dreamed all night long last night. ~.~ I dreamed that my husband and I bought some land to build a house on, and we were the actual ones building it, too, we didn't hire someone to build for us. So I was outside digging a perimeter, because we'd decided to dig 3~5 feet down around the edges, and fill that with cement, and then build a fence on top of it, so that if we had really dig-happy dogs in the future, they couldn't dig out under the fence.

Well, I had dug maybe half the perimeter and my hands were blistering, so when a neighbor lady came over to talk I took a break. (Even though we'd bought land away from any neighbors. O.o) She said the land we were building on used to be a K-mart, and one day the K-mart people had just decided to call it quits and they brought wrecking balls and bulldozers over to take down the store, still with all the merchandise and people inside. Then she said to have a nice day and left, and neither of us really cared about the K-mart.

Well, we needed some piece of material that was only sold in Europe because the K-mart was gone, so I got on a plane to Europe to buy it. (I don't know why we didn't just import whatever it was, would have been cheaper. Why don't dreams make a lick of sense?)

Anyhow, there were two scary guys on the flight to Europe. One of them had a little button that said "Happiness" on it. He thought I stole it, and he was going to kill me to get it back. The other scary guy said he would protect me from the first scary guy. So the second scary guy started driving me all over Europe with the first scary guy chasing, and then I saw the second guy put the button in his pocket. So I didn't think he was protecting me, he was just hiding that he had the button. Plus I didn't like driving around Europe anyways, I wanted to go home, and plus the guy was scary.

So I jumped out of his car and ran away, and then both the scary guys were chasing me. The first one caught me, and I didn't say the second one had the button because I thought if he knew I didn't have it, he'd kill me anyways because there would be nothing to gain from me being alive any more. But then he told me that he thought one of his dogs swallowed the button, and he was going to start slicing open his dogs' bellies one by one until he found the button. So I told him the other guy had it and not to hurt his dogs. Just then the other guy drove up and tossed the button to the first guy. Turns out they were friends and they knew where their silly button was the whole time. ~.~

Then I woke up. I think that dream made the least sense out of all my senseless dreams.
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Minefield
Posts: 11417
By Odin.Minefield 2012-09-02 09:19:56
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Watched Hitman recently, so why not have a dream about it right? Not to mention it had zombies(aliens?) in it, something like Dead Space type ***.

So here I am inside some airship, or starship, whatever you want to call it I think, and there is a door I have to keep shut so the zombies(aliens) don't get it to kill me. But for some reason they still did because ***happens in dreams. I have a gun so I call them, etc. etc.

Ok so, there is a computer I keep playing with, for which I have no idea why, because dream. After that little scene, I find myself driving really fast on a highway, in a truck. This truck pretty much resembled a car we have so it was most likely that. Then of course, I get /dream'd again and suddenly I'm in a police chase that leads to a broken down building.

Inside that building I find out I have to square off against some random guy, and I look like the guy from Hitman, and Machete at the same time? I KILL THAT GUY BECAUSE IT'S MY DREAM, and one of his "goons" tries to do something that apparently wasn't good, I shot him too with a rifle I had apparently. Not to mention I was looking down it like ironsights(thanks fps).

Ok so I killed that guy, but afterwards I really, really wanted to curbstomp the ***out of his head and I splattered his brains all over(IT'S A DREAM, DON'T ASK WHY).

Here we go, we're in Narnia now, and I am now running through the woods with these girls chasing me apparently, shooting arrows and bows at me, with weird animals around. At this point, rationality is telling me this is a bunch of crazy ***, but it's a dream, so yeah.

Then I stop randomly in the woods, look around and it's all snowy and ***, then I wake up to find out my mom is going to McDonald's and getting me some pancakes and orange juice.

Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-09-17 09:51:53
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I had nightmares the last two nights. ~.~

Night before last:

I was a teenager, living at home with my family, except my family lived inside a big Wal-mart type department store that we also owned. We lived literally inside the store, like sleeping on the shelves and stuff. Some of the things that we had for sale were weird personal family stuff, like photos of my cousins just hanging out. I had a boyfriend, who was pressuring me to sleep with him, but I wasn't ready and wasn't allowed. In the dream I never saw my boyfriend's face. I finally gave in, but before we slept together we were just kissing/petting because he knew I didn't want to and he wanted to make me want to.

My dad caught us kissing and started chasing me all over the store because he was going to kill me. I tried to hide behind things on the shelves but he'd just swipe everything all the shelves. I went to the toy aisle and sliced open the back of a huge teddy bear and crawled inside the bear to hide. My dad ran down the aisle, picked up the bear that I was in, and started banging it onto the floor and into shelves, one-handed like the Hulk.

My boyfriend sauntered up while this was going on and was all "why are you mad at her and not me?" so my dad dropped the bear and started chasing him. I got out of the bear and ran outside and hid under a bridge over a creek and waited for my boyfriend to come out of the store. He never came out. Then I started dreaming about something else which I have forgotten.

Then last night:

I dreamed I was a little girl (like 3-4 years old) living in the city with the evil gorillas in the Congo movie. It was before the gorillas went bad though, and they were still guardians of the city. I made friends with one of the gorillas, always petting him and giving him food while all the other people in the city were mean to all the gorillas. (I wasn't mean to any of the gorillas.)

The gorillas were bred to be bad, and they started killing everyone in the city. My gorilla that I made friends with defended me from the other gorillas while they were killing the other people, but the other gorillas didn't care that I'd been nice to that one. So after all the other people were dead, my gorilla stuffed me in a cubby in some rocks to hide while he went and fought the other gorillas for my life. It was him against all the rest of them though, so I knew he'd lose. I couldn't stop him from going and I couldn't escape the city, so I just stayed hiding forever and waiting for the other gorillas to come kill me and crying because I knew they'd killed my friend gorilla.

Seriously. I don't know what on earth is going on in my head to produce two nightmares back-to-back, but it can go away now. ._.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [40 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-10-27 11:15:09
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Last night I dreamed I was Pocahontas in the first Disney movie. I didn't exactly follow the script though. >.>

My dad (the chief, Pocahontas' dad) came back from whatever fight they were fighting at the beginning, and was all "There's one smiling face I don't see. Where's my daughter?" Meanwhile I was out romping around the woods lost, trying to find Grandmother Willow but I couldn't find her.

I finally found Grandmother Willow, but right as I started talking to her another girl from my village ran up and was all "Your daddy is home!" So we went back to the village. When we got there, my dad said he was going to make me marry Kokoum, so I was sulking. (John Smith wasn't in this dream by the way, I just didn't like Kokoum. Why is it in all my dreams I just don't like men?)

Then we went to a Chinese restaurant and were talking to two old Chinese wise men. They said that white people were going to show up and attack the village soon and everyone was going to die or be captured, and if my dad wanted me to live, he should send me outside the village to hide in the forest. I told my dad no, we'd go together, I didn't want to live on my own in the forest for the rest of my life. He said "Can I ignore the sound of distant drumming?" (perfectly in sync and in the tune of the song) and sent me into the forest. (Through the whole dream, the song "Just Around the River Bend" was playing in the background.)

My raccoon and hummingbird stayed in the restaurant and heard the old Chinese wise men tell my dad that the white people were going to take all the captives they captured to China. They came out and told me my people would go to China. So I decided to go with them.

We climbed to the top of a hill overlooking the river, you know the one where Pocahontas jumps off of in the movie. Anyhow, an army of the white guys came up behind me and told me I had to go with them, but I jumped off the cliff instead, into the water. Except the water was a swamp when I got down to the bottom, so I crawled out into the woods covered all in mud and grime.

I went to the shore and watched the white people herd everyone from my village onto their big ship. I stowed aboard and was hiding in the luggage compartment. I knew my raccoon and hummingbird would be captured and/or hate a long ride on a ship, so I made them stay. I was crying to be separated from them. Then my raccoon and hummingbird came and found me on the ship, they refused to stay behind.

I curled up around my raccoon and my hummingbird kept watch, and we went to sleep to wait until we got to China.

I woke up curled in a ball around my dog Dante, who seemed mildly displeased at the arrangement. ._.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [46 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2012-12-12 09:47:18
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Yay, three posts in a row. I swear I'll let it die after this one!

A couple of you might know that my grandma-in-law was killed on Saturday. The way she died wasn't nice, if it had been unintentional like a car accident or disease or old age, it would have been tolerable. But she was actually killed intentionally in a bout of domestic violence. I have been kind of sulking around since then, talking to a few of you in PMs and lurking the site. I haven't slept well since it happened.

Until last night. Last night I slept very well, and I had a comforting dream.

In my dream, we were on our way to Nana's house to clean it out. We were driving a U-haul because we'd have to haul away her things. The whole family was there. We stopped along the way at a farmer's market type thing, but it was being held in a long, skinny, warehouse-type building with big garage doors (big enough for semi trucks to drive through) every couple of sections. My mom-in-law and I broke off from the others and were wandering around looking at things that people had made for sale. We stopped at a display of crocheted baby clothes and accessories. There were lots of baby booties, in all different colors, some even had football mascots on them. There was a woman sitting in a rocking chair with the display, crocheting. I looked at her, and it was Nana! I looked at my mom-in-law to see if she saw, because if she didn't, then I was a crazy lady seeing dead people in warehouse stores. My mom looked at Nana and smiled, then looked at me and smiled. It was as though they could see each other but didn't need to talk, because they'd already talked. I bent over and hugged Nana, and she hugged me back. She was healed completely, there were no marks of the murder on her, and she felt solid, not like a ghost. Then she pulled back and said "It's ok. I always expected it, but never from him." And I knew that she didn't mean he didn't want to hurt her, she meant that she DID know he wanted to hurt her but she didn't think he had the guts to do it. I don't know how I know that's what she meant. I didn't say anything to her, but she didn't seem to expect me to. She got up and walked away into the crowd. She left her crocheting on the rocking chair and I looked at it. She'd been crocheting baby clothes in a pale peach color, like she was expecting someone to have a baby girl. My mom asked if I was ready, and I said yeah, and we left the warehouse and got back in the U-Haul to continue the trip.

I know it was just a silly dream, but I do kinda feel like when Nana says it's ok, then it's ok. I feel better and more rested than I have all week.
By volkom 2012-12-12 10:35:41
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a dream with a dream followed with a necro bump liela post with a necro bump liela post with a necro bump liela post....

necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [63 days between previous and next post]
By 2013-02-13 11:12:14
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Serveur: Asura
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user: zizek
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By Asura.Zizek 2013-02-13 11:17:02
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you're pregnant! Congratulations!
Serveur: Garuda
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user: Chanti
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By Garuda.Chanti 2013-02-13 11:26:06
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I dreamed last night I got on the boat to heaven
And by some chance I had brought my dice along
And there I stood
And I hollered "Someone fade me"
But the passengers, they knew right from wrong.
For the peopel all said sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat

People all said sit down
Sit down you're rockin' the boat.

And the devil will drag you under
By the sharp lapel of your checkered coat,
Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down,

Sit down you're rockin' the boat.

I sailed away on that little boat to heaven
And by some chance found a bottle in my fist
And there I stood,Nicely passin' out the whisky
But the passengers were bound to resisist
For the people all said beware
You're on a heavenly trip
People all said beware
Beware, you'll scuttle the ship.
And the devil will drag you under
By the fancy tie 'round your wicked throat
Sit down, sit down, sit down, sit down
Sit down, you're rockin' the boat

And as I laughed at those passengers to heaven (laughs)
(gasps!) A great big wave came and washed me over board!
And as I sank And I hollered "someone save me!"
That's the moment I woke up Thank the lord
And I said to myself, sit down, sit down,
You're rockin' the boat!
Said to myself sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat
And the devil will drag you under With a soul so heavy you'd never float,
Sit down, sit down, sit down
Sit down, sit down, sit down, you're rockin' the boat
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [30 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Slipispsycho 2013-03-15 16:49:16
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I can't recall all the details, but last night I had a dream I came back to the AH to post and say hi to everyone and let everyone know I'm doing okay. It looked so alien after being gone for so long.

Well, looks like my dream came true.. <.<
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2013-03-20 07:31:25
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Had a very weird dream last night. Gonna write in a stream of consciousness, so bear with me.
I was in some kind of vacation house and among other people there was Liela(which looked much different though). Apparently me and Liela got together mostly out of boredom and then broke up cause we weren't feeling it. I wake up one morning and some psycho wants to kill me. He placed Portal turrets around the room, so I had to sneak behind them and knock them out as they go "aaaaaaaah" shooting and then shutting off. Further in the room there's a giant christmas tree connected to various buttons and a countdown. I don't know what the countdown is for but I activate all the buttons and prevent probably my death. Near the tree I find a mask similar to that of V and I give it to the sheriff...which was Samuel Jackson, he slaps me and tells me to stfu cause he's taking care of it. Fine.
Later on Liela and some other friend of ours which I don't know who it was are kidnapped by the psycho and I'm in this facility challenging him with the hostages above me, tied to some chains. The psycho talks to me through some microphone, but I figure where it's coming from so I got banging at the door yelling to get out so I can face him. Opens the door Fondue crying and I'm like "YOU?!?! Why" he says he wants revenge cause he loves Liela and I'm like "DUDE couldn't we talk about it", but he is pushed aside as a guy from my primary school comes out with a knife. Again I'm baffled, he says he's wanted to kill me for the past 15 years for no bloody reason. Fondue randomly becomes a naked girl, I punch him/her in the face and knock him out, then the other guy cuts me I think on a hand but I kick his legs making him fall down, and I don't know how he gets badly wounded. He starts laughing crazily and tears his flesh apart and breaks his own spine(..)and even in the dream I think I don't want to look at this gore scene so I turn around..too bad Liela and the other girl were coming down that moment and looked straight into that, screaming and throwing up.
We finally get out and run away in the night in this unknown city.

Sometimes Idk...
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Llewelyn
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By Bismarck.Llewelyn 2013-03-20 07:35:39
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Wtf lol. Very interesting read. <_<
Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-03-20 09:14:29
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Aww Seha! Here, if I get kidnapped and chained up by a psycho who is Fondue, you don't have to rescue me. I'll be ok. <3
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [52 days between previous and next post]
By 2013-05-11 11:43:15
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necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [69 days between previous and next post]
Serveur: Odin
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user: Liela
Posts: 10191
By Odin.Liela 2013-07-19 09:00:17
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It's me again, Margaret!

I had a Disney girl dream last night. O.o All the Disney girls lived in one city. Cinderella, Aurora, Ariel, Jasmine, everyone. I was Mulan, living there too. Well, we were all being girly and trying on each other's clothes and all that, so Jasmine was in Cinderella's dress and Ariel had on Pocahontas' dress and so forth.

Cinderella was the best ballet dancer ever, and she was trying to teach us all to dance. (And she looked a little like Zahrah.)

And then the huge Octopus Tentacle Sea Witch from The Little Mermaid busts up out of the water (the city was a seaport city, of course) and she's so huge that she's blocking out the sky over the whole city. Then ends of her tentacles were spikes, so she could use her octo-legs to stab people. And she bellows "WHO'S THE BEST DANCER OF THEM ALL?"

And the Cinderella mice start crying and going "Cinderelly Cinderelly, night and day it's Cinderelly!"

So the witch is all "WHERE THE HELL IS CINDERELLY?" And starts stabbing people with her tentacles and flinging them off into the water splurting blood everywhere. And I'm all "Give me my sword, I've got this bish." (Because Mulan is just that badass.)

So little blonde Arthur from that ancient Sword in the Stone Disney cartoon runs up with Archimedes the owl on his shoulder and hands me a sword. I start running around slashing off tentacle legs which then flop around in the street leaking purple blood, and meanwhile Ariel gets all the other girls into the water and they head down to Triton's kingdom to hide til the carnage is over. (They could breathe under water. Go figure.)

I was having a bit of trouble because Mulan had on Rapunzel's dress from Tangled, but I cut the skirt off at the knees so I could move and then proceeded to slice off all the tentacles and that was the end of the Sea Witch.

Why the heck Triton didn't just smite her face, I don't know. xD
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user: Seha
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By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-05-28 05:05:04
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*casts necromancy*

I've been dreaming the coming of a tsunami for three consecutive nights. Sure hope I am not developing superpowers.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Zeig
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By Ragnarok.Zeig 2015-05-29 20:49:15
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Valefor.Sehachan said: »
I experience plenty of "wtf" dreams like that one. Jumping from scene to scene, person to person, people I haven't seen for like 20 years (elementary school), etc. Of course, everything makes perfect sense within the dream.

What I find interesting is how often I'd dream about stuff that I assume can be material for a story, a video game, or even some terrific monster design, lol.
Posts: 604
By Terraka 2015-05-29 22:07:30
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Normally I don't remember my dreams, but when I do they're usually really vivid or really weird. Except this one dream I had years ago; I was in an old neighborhood that I used to live in, the color throughout the whole dream was in a sepia tone. Anyways, I was running around, almost like I was chasing after someone, but not a vicious chase, just a "hey wait up" type of chase. I was running all round the neighborhood, but there were spots in the neighborhood that were different than the real thing, you know, different landscape and different people way, and somehow I ended up at a railroad station (when there's no railroad station anywhere near the real neighborhood) and I was just staring sadly, watching a train ride off into a cloud of dust.

That was weird.
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user: AnnaMolly
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By Anna Ruthven 2015-05-29 22:15:35
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Back when I was in middle school, one night I had this dream the world had ended, the sky was totally black and barren except a swirling, blood red vortex in the northern sky. From the vortex, all over the world, Jay-Z's Big Pimpin' could be heard at full volume and on repeat. After awhile it was time to send someone into the vortex to find out who or what was within blaring Jay-Z, that someone was none other than R. Lee Ermey. All over the world Ermey could be heard shouting at and berating God knows what within the vortex.

Then I woke up.
Posts: 604
By Terraka 2015-05-29 22:49:19
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My friend told me he once had a dream about giant space alien teddy bears taking over Earth and the best place to be was in their stomachs because their stomachs had everything, it was like some form of utopia.
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Serveur: Asura
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user: Vyrerus
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By Asura.Vyre 2015-05-29 23:33:47
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I'm trying hard to remember my dreams. I still don't remember them often.
By 2015-05-29 23:35:09
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Serveur: Valefor
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user: Seha
Posts: 24219
By Valefor.Sehachan 2015-06-10 11:59:40
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Dream from last night:

I went to class and the professor(which wasn't one I actually know) said we were going on a field trip as the very last class of the year to visit this awesome place(I don't remember what it was, but it was science related). Either way at some point he says we need parents authorization to go and I don't have one and he says I can't go. I protest saying that I'm an adult and don't need my parents permission to do anything so he takes me outside puts a hand on my shoulder and is like "I'm sorry you're not part of this" and then they all leave screaming happily while I'm left in the middle of the hallway walking back to go home all alone.
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Temptaru
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By Fenrir.Atheryn 2015-06-10 12:08:28
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I had a dream once that I was being pursued by extra-terrestrials, at night, through some kind of abandoned factory. I managed to find my way out of the building and run over a series of grassy hills, but one of the aliens caught up with me - and handed me a can of Pepsi. Apparently that's all they wanted to do.
necroskull Necro Bump Detected! [211 days between previous and next post]
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user: Vyrerus
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By Asura.Vyre 2016-01-07 06:35:17
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I actually was asleep a while ago, a change from the past week or so, but I was awoken by this crazy dream about some psychic Elvish royal family where these two brothers or cousins or something were like 7th and 8th in line to the throne, so they started psychicly controlling all of the royal knights

<Vyrerus> which seemed to be these emotionless golem type armor suits, but anyway, it started with these cousins as kids, and they were trying to kill everyone in their way to the throne. Eventually they did, except it took them till adulthood

<Vyrerus> and by the then the 6th guy in line to the throne, had had kids, so they had to go after the kids as well

<Vyrerus> the 8th one in line, who in my dream looked like the actor that played Lucius Malfoy, was unwilling to the kill the kids, and he told the 7th guy in line for the throne as such, but because of his deeper psychic power and psychic connection to the kids, he felt the 7th controlling the knights

<Vyrerus> and he killed him, or it appeared that way, but then it also appeared that the 7th had masked his true self, and replaced himself with a more advanced version of a royal knight, who upon being struck a killing blow, smashed the side of the 8th's head, blinding him in one eye

<Vyrerus> so the 8th became king, cause the kids got killed protecting one of their servants(who seemed to be a *** child)

<Vyrerus> but he became king knowing that the 7th was still out there, and the 7th was capable of making golem-people, so the dream ended on this sour note that the 7th was gonna come after the 8th with an army of golem spy assassins

A bit disjointed, and also a copy paste from a chatroom I frequent. I just remembered this thread, so I figured I'd put it here. The dream woke me up lol
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