The Days Of Pet PDT Build SE Officially Goodbye!

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The days of Pet PDT build SE Officially goodbye!
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By blowfin 2011-05-19 16:31:57
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Beyond those actually testing the new cap empirically(which is appreciated), the maturity level in this thread is upsetting.

Are you really surprised? Any way you look at it this has been a nerf that impacts one job more than any other. The playerbase is quite right to be upset when SE let this exist for 5 months before "realising" and changing it.

Many, many people have camped Shepard's chain and gone 0/30 or some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE amount like that. Why should they not be upset?

It's almost as if they didn't count the amount of PDT we could get on pets.

However, the only lasting impact is going to be the removal of a few of the more painful solo's people have been doing and increased demand for pet food.

Oh to all the BST's (and people saying soloing without procs is useless) it doesn't appear like you really need yellow to get +2 items from the Ironclads. In fact out of 4 yellow procs last night, only one mob dropped an item. The bulk of our drops came without a yellow proc at all.
Serveur: Caitsith
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user: Heimdall
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By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-05-19 16:49:08
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blowfin said:
Beyond those actually testing the new cap empirically(which is appreciated), the maturity level in this thread is upsetting.

Are you really surprised? Any way you look at it this has been a nerf that impacts one job more than any other. The playerbase is quite right to be upset when SE let this exist for 5 months before "realising" and changing it.

Many, many people have camped Shepard's chain and gone 0/30 or some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE amount like that. Why should they not be upset?

It's almost as if they didn't count the amount of PDT we could get on pets.

However, the only lasting impact is going to be the removal of a few of the more painful solo's people have been doing and increased demand for pet food.

Oh to all the BST's (and people saying soloing without procs is useless) it doesn't appear like you really need yellow to get +2 items from the Ironclads. In fact out of 4 yellow procs last night, only one mob dropped an item. The bulk of our drops came without a yellow proc at all.

SE didnt noticed till some made a thread on SE forums whining about it and like 3 days later they said they were nerfing it.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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user: Minipie
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By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-05-19 17:04:29
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blowfin said:
Beyond those actually testing the new cap empirically(which is appreciated), the maturity level in this thread is upsetting.

Are you really surprised? Any way you look at it this has been a nerf that impacts one job more than any other. The playerbase is quite right to be upset when SE let this exist for 5 months before "realising" and changing it.

Many, many people have camped Shepard's chain and gone 0/30 or some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE amount like that. Why should they not be upset?

It's almost as if they didn't count the amount of PDT we could get on pets.

However, the only lasting impact is going to be the removal of a few of the more painful solo's people have been doing and increased demand for pet food.

Oh to all the BST's (and people saying soloing without procs is useless) it doesn't appear like you really need yellow to get +2 items from the Ironclads. In fact out of 4 yellow procs last night, only one mob dropped an item. The bulk of our drops came without a yellow proc at all.

because 87% pdt cap is an "impact" ,,,

no lol :\
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Earlthesquirrel 2011-05-19 17:15:09
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Personally, for the BSTs who know what they are doing, this is minor, and a lot better than what I was expecting. Now I can get by only using 1 atma with gear to reach PDT cap, and I can use a regen atma and RR and still reach cap, which is exactly what I was doing before I got my Anwig. This will definitely separate the men from the boys so to speak though.
Serveur: Remora
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user: Tsuko
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By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 17:15:20
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blowfin said:
Beyond those actually testing the new cap empirically(which is appreciated), the maturity level in this thread is upsetting.

Are you really surprised? Any way you look at it this has been a nerf that impacts one job more than any other. The playerbase is quite right to be upset when SE let this exist for 5 months before "realising" and changing it.

Many, many people have camped Shepard's chain and gone 0/30 or some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE amount like that. Why should they not be upset?

It's almost as if they didn't count the amount of PDT we could get on pets.

However, the only lasting impact is going to be the removal of a few of the more painful solo's people have been doing and increased demand for pet food.

Oh to all the BST's (and people saying soloing without procs is useless) it doesn't appear like you really need yellow to get +2 items from the Ironclads. In fact out of 4 yellow procs last night, only one mob dropped an item. The bulk of our drops came without a yellow proc at all.

ITT: Square Enix has never overlooked something and adjusted it when it was brought to their attention

I hope you realize you're blatantly parroting the same nonsense that came out of the Salvage bans. People(myself included) took advantage of something that(should have been) an obvious exploit, and it was adjusted. When, in the history of this game, have the developers ever wittingly given us invincibility against anything significant, much less a solo player? Taking advantage of a temporarily unintended side effect of compiled variables(at your own risk) is fine and dandy, as is building equipment around it, but nobody is in any position to complain that they spent their time farming gear(that is still freaking useful) only to have something that, again, was clear as day unintentional adjusted.

All of this aside, the hypocrisy is laughable. In-game time means nothing when it comes to taking significantly longer to kill something than if you were to just shout for three more bodies in Jeuno, but when it comes to the time you spent collecting a few pieces of equipment to utilize uncapped pet DT, your minutes become precious.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Minipie
Posts: 842
By Lakshmi.Emanuelle 2011-05-19 17:35:34
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Remora.Dodu said:
blowfin said:
Beyond those actually testing the new cap empirically(which is appreciated), the maturity level in this thread is upsetting.

Are you really surprised? Any way you look at it this has been a nerf that impacts one job more than any other. The playerbase is quite right to be upset when SE let this exist for 5 months before "realising" and changing it.

Many, many people have camped Shepard's chain and gone 0/30 or some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE amount like that. Why should they not be upset?

It's almost as if they didn't count the amount of PDT we could get on pets.

However, the only lasting impact is going to be the removal of a few of the more painful solo's people have been doing and increased demand for pet food.

Oh to all the BST's (and people saying soloing without procs is useless) it doesn't appear like you really need yellow to get +2 items from the Ironclads. In fact out of 4 yellow procs last night, only one mob dropped an item. The bulk of our drops came without a yellow proc at all.

ITT: Square Enix has never overlooked something and adjusted it when it was brought to their attention

I hope you realize you're blatantly parroting the same nonsense that came out of the Salvage bans. People(myself included) took advantage of something that(should have been) an obvious exploit, and it was adjusted. When, in the history of this game, have the developers ever wittingly given us invincibility against anything significant, much less a solo player? Taking advantage of a temporarily unintended side effect of compiled variables(at your own risk) is fine and dandy, as is building equipment around it, but nobody is in any position to complain that they spent their time farming gear(that is still freaking useful) only to have something that, again, was clear as day unintentional adjusted.

All of this aside, the hypocrisy is laughable. In-game time means nothing when it comes to taking significantly longer to kill something than if you were to just shout for three more bodies in Jeuno, but when it comes to the time you spent collecting a few pieces of equipment to utilize uncapped pet DT, your minutes become precious.
the salvage thing was a game glitch/error btw, the pet pdt was not, the game was actually designed for pets to have 100% pdt before the cap, your just a cry baby hater and you mad, they fixed it because tons of people like you and draylo was getting butthurted , still you guys do
Posts: 9
By blowfin 2011-05-19 17:40:20
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ITT: Square Enix has never overlooked something and adjusted it when it was brought to their attention

People(myself included) took advantage of something that(should have been) an obvious exploit, and it was adjusted.

I'm just amazed how it took them so long to "fix" it to be perfectly honest, it's ridiculously laughable on SE's part. That's where my issue with people having spent time farming gear is. You're right that the gear still is useful, but only outside Abyss for certain items. I.e. second PDT axe and Shepard's Chain, also the Dyna cappa.

Salvage duping was outright cheating. There is no rationalizing doubling your drops being within the boundaries of working as intended. There's no comparing it any any way shape or form to this change. This game mechanic was working as intended until the patch today. Salvage duping was always cheating from the get go, it`s vastly different from this and mentioning it in the same breath is pretty silly.

In-game time means nothing when it comes to taking significantly longer to kill something than if you were to just shout for three more bodies in Jeuno, but when it comes to the time you spent collecting a few pieces of equipment to utilize uncapped pet DT, your minutes become precious.

You might begin to have some semblance of a point If I ever had a need to shout for 3 people in Jeuno.
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Orlandomp
Posts: 6
By Lakshmi.Orlandomp 2011-05-19 18:06:20
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Soloed croin and amhuluk today. same difficulty as before. ~ 30 min fight with yuly. used around 5 zetas and 3 regen foods. lol i didnt see a difference(i use 70% pdt-)
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 18:11:39
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Lakshmi.Emanuelle said:
Remora.Dodu said:
blowfin said:
Beyond those actually testing the new cap empirically(which is appreciated), the maturity level in this thread is upsetting.

Are you really surprised? Any way you look at it this has been a nerf that impacts one job more than any other. The playerbase is quite right to be upset when SE let this exist for 5 months before "realising" and changing it.

Many, many people have camped Shepard's chain and gone 0/30 or some HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE amount like that. Why should they not be upset?

It's almost as if they didn't count the amount of PDT we could get on pets.

However, the only lasting impact is going to be the removal of a few of the more painful solo's people have been doing and increased demand for pet food.

Oh to all the BST's (and people saying soloing without procs is useless) it doesn't appear like you really need yellow to get +2 items from the Ironclads. In fact out of 4 yellow procs last night, only one mob dropped an item. The bulk of our drops came without a yellow proc at all.

ITT: Square Enix has never overlooked something and adjusted it when it was brought to their attention

I hope you realize you're blatantly parroting the same nonsense that came out of the Salvage bans. People(myself included) took advantage of something that(should have been) an obvious exploit, and it was adjusted. When, in the history of this game, have the developers ever wittingly given us invincibility against anything significant, much less a solo player? Taking advantage of a temporarily unintended side effect of compiled variables(at your own risk) is fine and dandy, as is building equipment around it, but nobody is in any position to complain that they spent their time farming gear(that is still freaking useful) only to have something that, again, was clear as day unintentional adjusted.

All of this aside, the hypocrisy is laughable. In-game time means nothing when it comes to taking significantly longer to kill something than if you were to just shout for three more bodies in Jeuno, but when it comes to the time you spent collecting a few pieces of equipment to utilize uncapped pet DT, your minutes become precious.
the salvage thing was a game glitch/error btw, the pet pdt was not, the game was actually designed for pets to have 100% pdt before the cap, your just a cry baby hater and you mad, they fixed it because tons of people like you and draylo was getting butthurted , still you guys do

I'm not sure why I'm even responding to you, but you're argument is a semantical one. Both aspects of the game were implemented in the same way. Calling one "designed" and one "a glitch" is silly. Both of them were an oversight on the developers part, and both of them were adjusted.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 18:16:21
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Not going to cover the page by excessive quoting, but @Blowfin:

I don't deny that the developers have a nasty habit of putting off necessary adjustments longer than appropriate, but its their game to tweak. And, just as I said above, you're both just using exploit/glitch/cheating/designed in different ways. Its very possible that they intended to give pet jobs complete immunity, but calling that the likely rationale is a bit silly. Its much more likely that they didn't consider what they were giving pet jobs, and either didn't notice, or didn't care enough to make its adjustment a priority until the playerbase started being vocal about it. Either way, their adjusting it marks it as an obvious mistake on their part, very much the way item multiplying was a mistake.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 18:20:56
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That said, I've really no desire to discuss this further. It was adjusted, just as it should have been. Even if the same things are possible without complete immunity, complete immunity doesn't belong in the game. Much the same way dancers, ninjas, thieves, red mages, and what have you can solo most things in Abyssea with little to no real effort, some degree of effort is necessary to maintain game balance.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2011-05-19 18:23:36
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Personally i think it's kind of Bull. Im not a BST but the fact is, they cant charm mobs in abyssea which means they need their jug pets to stay alive for 5minutes at a time. This is hindering their ability to always have a pet out. What's a beastmaster without it's beast? it's a dual wielding war without berserk/aggressor... which may as well just not exist.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Zagen
Posts: 395
By Bismarck.Zagen 2011-05-19 18:25:45
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blowfin said:
You might begin to have some semblance of a point If I ever had a need to shout for 3 people in Jeuno.
I'm pretty sure the point was you'll waste X time to get the gear + atmas needed to kill Y NM for crap drop rates without procs as "super pet BST" instead of spending a little bit of time shouting for other people will the "right jobs" to blow through that same NM in less time to get what you want. But I guess averaging 0-2 drops on seals/+2 items is acceptable to you.

Asura.Patriclis said:
Personally i think it's kind of Bull. Im not a BST but the fact is, they cant charm mobs in abyssea which means they need their jug pets to stay alive for 5minutes at a time. This is hindering their ability to always have a pet out. What's a beastmaster without it's beast? it's a dual wielding war without berserk/aggressor... which may as well just not exist.
My jug pets stayed alive just fine on NMs with just MC and Reward... Gear and willingness to spend gil on food goes pretty far on BST, though it was months ago that I bothered killing things with pets.
Serveur: Leviathan
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user: Fyyvoaa
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By Leviathan.Catnipthief 2011-05-19 18:25:57
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Asura.Patriclis said:
Personally i think it's kind of Bull. Im not a BST but the fact is, they cant charm mobs in abyssea which means they need their jug pets to stay alive for 5minutes at a time. This is hindering their ability to always have a pet out. What's a beastmaster without it's beast? it's a dual wielding war without berserk/aggressor... which may as well just not exist.

If you can't survive until call beast is back up at least while killing something please do us the huge favour and QUIT BST :/

Granted my BST is barely in the 20s right now I have no problem charming a pet (little different yes but same principle) and keeping it charmed/alive.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 18:27:05
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So push for Charmability, don't complain about the lack of invulnerability. The latter is hardly a remedy for the former.
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 18:28:38
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Bismarck.Zagen said:
blowfin said:
You might begin to have some semblance of a point If I ever had a need to shout for 3 people in Jeuno.
I'm pretty sure the point was you'll waste X time to get the gear + atmas needed to kill Y NM for crap drop rates without procs as "super pet BST" instead of spending a little bit of time shouting for other people will the "right jobs" to blow through that same NM in less time to get what you want. But I guess averaging 0-2 drops on seals/+2 items is acceptable to you.

I'm guessing that they have friends or mules to help with procs, not that they didn't want them.

Regardless, they're well aware that my statement was a broad one, and its inapplicability to them doesn't diminish the point.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Patriclis
Posts: 389
By Asura.Patriclis 2011-05-19 18:28:48
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@Catnipthief kind of hard to quit bst when i dont play it in the first place...

@Dodu arent aby mobs immune to charm? or do BSTs just suck so bad to charm them?

Also full on immunity is pretty BS but i dont think it should be nerfed too badly.
Serveur: Remora
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user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 18:30:24
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It wasn't nerfed badly, keeping pets alive is still relatively easy, which is perfectly fine. Staying alive against anything isn't really that difficult for a lot of jobs, but those jobs don't deserve to be immune by virtue of how easy it is to not be immune.
Serveur: Bismarck
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user: Khiinroye
Posts: 67
By Bismarck.Khiinroye 2011-05-19 18:36:37
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SE said:
[Game Exploits]
Players who take advantage of in-game mechanics not intended as normal means of game play may have their account suspended and all items or experience obtained through those actions confiscated.

Being immune to damage is not intended to be normal means of gameplay. It requires the use of certain abilities or spells to get a very short duration. Game mechanics allowed it with pets. It was shown that it was not intended when it was changed on smn. Game mechanics still allowed bst and pup to do it. Will they suspended, ban, or take items from anyone for it? Not a chance.
It is similar to fighting an ironclad at a cliff negated everything except arm cannon (200 damage). It was within the game mechanics, but not intended, and it was patched. Nobody was banned or suspended for it, and no items were taken back--GMs gave a warning that it was an unintended use of game mechanics and should not be used when people were caught in the act.

Salvage duping also fell within here, but it created duplicate items, which is a much more serious offense; previous methods of duplicating items always resulted in bans.

Just admit that it was unintended, and be done with it.
Posts: 9
By blowfin 2011-05-19 18:39:01
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And, just as I said above, you're both just using exploit/glitch/cheating/designed in different ways.

I don't have a 100% PDT build though. Remind me again of what I've been exploiting? Honestly with people like yourself spouting garbage rhetoric, I'm not surprised people are upset. You're basically saying anyone who had over 80% PDT in the last 5 months was a cheater.

Either way, their adjusting it marks it as an obvious mistake on their part, very much the way item multiplying was a mistake.

Once again, comparing it to Salvage dupes is quite asinine. You're comparing something that was purposely hidden from SE to people's own advantage, to something that has quite obviously been in the game for 5 months. I have no sympathy people who got banned for duping, I have sympathy for people who've worked for gear to use in Abyssea for the 100% PDT build. If we actually had decent content to apply it to outside, maybe this patch wouldn't look so stupid on SE's part.
Serveur: Cerberus
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user: Valmur
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By Cerberus.Valmur 2011-05-19 18:44:00
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I wouldn't bother trying to explain it Blowfin some people are just too stupid/ignorant for the hassle.
Serveur: Leviathan
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Posts: 201
By Leviathan.Gotterdammerung 2011-05-19 19:01:26
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I'm switching sides. the opposition doesnt have to know wat they are talking about or make any sense are allowed to use misinformation and say opinions as facts. It just sounds more fun to be against this.

So yeh now im glad they did this nerf. It was stupid. And u could watch TV and not play when the pet kills stuff. And your drops suck. And parties are more important than soloists. And u guys wine too much. And it was cheating. Wich makes u all equal to every example of cheaters in the history of the game.
Serveur: Pandemonium
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By Pandemonium.Zeto 2011-05-19 19:26:59
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Ya, having DT-100% was broken. It was also a worse way to play as DG RR MC would kill basically everything just faster. The extent of my fear on the fix was that BST would become useless in abyssea, something that hasn't. In fact, 87% is basically what you get if you go 2x axes + AMK + either +1 legs or Shepherd's Chain. It was broken and its been fixed, it wasn't overnerfed, and Draylo's tears were delicious.
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: kyahaha
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By Bahamut.Kyawind 2011-05-19 19:43:19
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i don't really think the "fix" or "nerf" was that much of a problem to bst, to me i just reckon its going to speed up bst killing inside just for the sake of having more DD atma on or something without needing to use so many pdt atma

all just comes to mind how much pet food is going to be used though~
Serveur: Bahamut
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user: dasva
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By Bahamut.Dasva 2011-05-19 20:20:10
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Yeah but why spend that much when I can just come on one of my other solo jobs faster? Or just continue lvling my alt and use a DD tank and whm and be much much faster and more procs/th/whatever

Either way good or bad giving in just because a small number of people bitched alot isn't good
Serveur: Remora
Game: FFXI
user: Tsuko
Posts: 233
By Remora.Dodu 2011-05-19 20:44:38
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blowfin said:
And, just as I said above, you're both just using exploit/glitch/cheating/designed in different ways.

I don't have a 100% PDT build though. Remind me again of what I've been exploiting? Honestly with people like yourself spouting garbage rhetoric, I'm not surprised people are upset. You're basically saying anyone who had over 80% PDT in the last 5 months was a cheater.

Either way, their adjusting it marks it as an obvious mistake on their part, very much the way item multiplying was a mistake.

Once again, comparing it to Salvage dupes is quite asinine. You're comparing something that was purposely hidden from SE to people's own advantage, to something that has quite obviously been in the game for 5 months. I have no sympathy people who got banned for duping, I have sympathy for people who've worked for gear to use in Abyssea for the 100% PDT build. If we actually had decent content to apply it to outside, maybe this patch wouldn't look so stupid on SE's part.

Your reading comprehension is atrocious. I said you were using those phrases in different ways, when they all mean essentially the same thing in the context of this game. A glitch is an exploit is a cheat is a mistake is an oversight. They're all unintentional, they're all subject to (rightful) adjustment.

And again, you're creating differences in the two situations by adjusting the wording. Duping was kept under wraps, sure, but Square probably knew about it for a long time before adjusting it. Even if they didn't, their reaction speed to mistakes is their prerogative. Just because you didn't consider the fact that it could be patched when it was adjusted for summoners, or simply by virtue of it seeming unintentional, doesn't give you or anyone else the right to complain.
Posts: 9
By blowfin 2011-05-19 22:54:23
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Your reading comprehension is atrocious. I said you were using those phrases in different ways, when they all mean essentially the same thing in the context of this game. A glitch is an exploit is a cheat is a mistake is an oversight. They're all unintentional, they're all subject to (rightful) adjustment..

Your attitude is atrocious. Choose your terms more wisely my friend, before you play the comprehension card. I tend to believe that if you're going to come into another jobs forums and throw about words like "cheat" and "exploit", you're either a troll or a complete idiot. Calling it a cheat is far fetched, calling it an exploit is far fetched. It was part of the game, attainable with normal mechanics. So while I do believe it needed to be adjusted (to ease drama more than anything), I still think your rhetoric is way wide of the mark

If you want to compare it to something, compare it to the RNG nerf, or DRK being nerfed on AV. Compare it to 2 handed damage being adjusted down after it was buffed up. Just don't compare it to people abusing a bug (and hiding it) to take shortcuts to getting gear.

Most of all, don't get defensive on me because you used a stupid example.

Just because you didn't consider the fact that it could be patched when it was adjusted for summoners

Wrong. Nice baseless assumption.

Personally I think the SMN patch would have been a much better time to fix this, and if you'd followed the debate you might have even seen me post that in several places. I would love to know the how and why of them not patching it back then actually. That's probably the biggest thing that bothers me, by fixing it now and not then it's one of the following:
- SE didn't know the mechanics of their own game
- SE didn't see it as a problem back then

Unfortunately, the way it looks for SE is they caved to someone QQing that they couldn't fight their NM on the official forums. Even if that's not actually the case.

Once again, for the record, I'm not complaining (much) about the patch because it doesn't really impact me that much beyond a potential hike in Pet Food prices. I do feel for the people who spent time getting their gear though. But I thought that all would have been clear by now...
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Heimdall
Posts: 1318
By Caitsith.Heimdall 2011-05-19 22:54:25
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can we just have this thread locked. It should ended a page or 2 ago and has degenerated into nothing more then the per-verbal shouting match...
Serveur: Fenrir
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user: Tarowyn
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By Fenrir.Tarowyn 2011-05-19 23:02:33
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Wrong. Nice baseless assumption. Personally I think the SMN patch would have been a much better time to fix this, and if you'd followed the debate you might have even seen me post that in several places. I would love to know the how and why of them not patching it back then actually. That's probably the biggest thing that bothers me, by fixing it now and not then it's one of the following: - SE didn't know the mechanics of their own game - SE didn't see it as a problem back then
If I recall correctly, wasn't the SMN fix an actual bug? Like DG was active even at 100% HP making the pet invincible ALL the time. SE normally prioritizes bug fixes like that while something like a balance fix for BST they can leave to the usual timing.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 201
By Leviathan.Gotterdammerung 2011-05-19 23:22:18
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Caitsith.Heimdall said:
can we just have this thread locked. It should ended a page or 2 ago and has degenerated into nothing more then the per-verbal shouting match...

Yeh but everyones trying to get in the last word so it will never end.

Also my previous post was 100% sarcasm, in case u missed that.
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