Abyssea Adjustments

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Abyssea Adjustments
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Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2011-04-13 14:42:43
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Consider that support for endgame 11 development will eventually have to die. less people will play. Less players = less large lses. easier content = more people can do with less people
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Hohenheim
Posts: 3351
By Leviathan.Hohenheim 2011-04-13 14:53:12
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Sweet, more total *** gimps in their Kannagis and Ukonvasaras. My god, Abyssea wasn't easy enough? Seriously?
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-04-13 14:58:33
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
as dumb as it may sound I do agree with Rayik, no one is forced to use 3 atmas but people complain that atmas make it too easy. Back before I had any atmas and barely knew wtf an Abyssea boss was I didn't think the NMs were hella easy. Not saying I would play on hard mode on purpose for fun, if I was not having a good time I personally would just not play but then again I'm not bitching about not having fun
I'm all for giving players the option to increase difficulty of a game ("artificial" difficulty), but giving the devs a pass on creating an easymode game just because the option exists is a weak argument.

Endgame is an inherently meritocratic system. Such a system is hollow when every item is available to every player, especially when the only distinguishing factor is pixels. It completely fails to reward skilled Achievers. Killers are stifled by the lack of meaningful competition. Explorer-Killer archetypes are left unsatisfied because there's little need to explore battle mechanics in depth when you can just throw DD + WHM at 99% of the content. Quest-happy Explorers have been getting the shaft from SE for years so nothing's really changed there. Socializers are likely either disappointed by the lack of drama or didn't much care about endgame to begin with aside from the opportunity to do things with friends, in which case the lowman environment may not appeal to them.

Easymode looks and feels great at first, but it's a short-lived high.

This has more to do with where the game is today vs the changes mentioned in the new updates. Making an emp upgrade item more available or making an NM more available does not change the skill needed to acquire the items.

The separation of skilled players vs non-skilled players has been a pretty thin line for a long time in this game. Other than specific missions that were capped by level or content that was 'difficult' at level 75 (hard cap in the game @ the time) idunno AV or what have you. What exactly has separated skilled players vs non before? Please don't even whisper HNM.

Keep in mind I missed a lot of end game from back in the day because of when I quit and changed server with a new character so I'm legitimately asking. Was Dynamis difficult where only a set number of people could do it? Was salvage difficult where most people could not participate? Limbus/Sea/Sky? I was under the impression other than the real pioneers who for example were the first ones to beat AV or figure out strats on specific NMs that most people were able to participate in most end game activities without requiring an insane amount of skill.

The only thing that really slowed down the spread of gear and drops to everyone was piss poor drop rates coupled with long durations for chances to even get drops i.e. 24 HNM repop window.

So SE contemplates whether or not to make drops more available, throw away the 24 hr repop time windows and yea perhaps even easier than before (this is only directly related to atmas and the difficulty of mobs has nothing to do with drop rates) but to say the activities before were so much more difficult that it required a high amount of skill I think is a stretch (unless I'm told otherwise) As far as I'm concerned other than having a decent group and showing favoritism over drops going to either people who are close to leaders or people who have dedicated more time than others were the ones who got the better gear before not "the most skilled" players. It wasn't a matter of making things more difficult before it was a matter of making drops so exclusive and rare to the point of absurdity.

So now that SE decided ok let's make drops more available, all of a sudden there became a large congestion for the newest end game content, now you got 5 parties camping 1 Guku every single 10 minutes because each party needs to kill Guku 25+ times to get what they need. By alleviating something like this (part of the patch discussed in this thread) all they are doing is making it more available to more people they aren't making it "easier" if you're the best damn player in the game today how would this make it easier for you exactly?

If you're already running through all the end game content as quick as people act on the forums then you should have already ran out of ***to do. The way people talk it's as if everyone from ffxiah.com all have 5+ empy weapons and +2 items on all 20 jobs. Allowing others to get items more frequently does not make the game easier it just creates additional paths so people can go at their own rate rather than sit around and have their progress determined by how often a timed NM will spawn or how frequently an NM can be popped.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
Posts: 155
By Carbuncle.Aeonknight 2011-04-13 15:07:16
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For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Hiroyuki
Posts: 19
By Sylph.Nadalie 2011-04-13 15:08:40
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Siren.Liquidsilk said:
Too many people here with sandy vagina syndrome.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2011-04-13 15:09:30
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Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Guide Maker
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-04-13 15:11:11
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Okay, on a serious note, I didn't expect them to take away another row of blue magic (I was expecting them to fix the accuracy of 1000 Needles and the effect of Blitzstrahl too), but saying this diminishes their usefulness is...well, wrong. With /NIN being the default subjob for it, just carry elemental tools from now on.

All this does is free up BLU's spell points to be a little more versatile on the spot. ***'s not changing for the job when the update hits. So, again:

By 2011-04-13 15:13:57
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Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 456
By Leviathan.Alkalinejoe 2011-04-13 15:16:11
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Leviathan.Hohenheim said:
Sweet, more total *** gimps in their Kannagis and Ukonvasaras. My god, Abyssea wasn't easy enough? Seriously?
It's not like they weren't going to get Emps anyways. Seen those Carabosse shouts on Levi?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-04-13 15:17:48
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Asura.Solara said:
Leviathan.Angelskiss said:

Implying I want to cry?

They had fun with it, what do you care if they gimp or pimp. Not like they affect your server in any way.

You're an American, I assumed you'd recognize a common American phrase. In retrospect, I suppose I gave you too much credit.
Actually I am a dual citizen, not that my nationality matters anything about anything. Oh look, you are from ASSura. I knew I assumed to much from a troll.

Asura.Solara said:

They don't affect my server in the least, nor does their quality remotely interest me within the game. However, they made the decision to take it outside of the game, posting a comment enabled video and embedding it into a forum thread. At that point they willingly presented it for commentary, and the "it's my 12.95" argument is invalid.

So they did, but no where did I see them say that it was OMGWTFUBERNESSGTFOGIMP whatever. I see someone's shell having fun and excited they can do it more.

Asura.Solara said:

Someone posted, and I responded to their post with my opinion on the content. That is the purpose of a discussion forum right? If they wanted to exist in an in game vacuum where no one was effected, it wouldn't be posted here.

They posted their excitement, you posted a *** response about how they play the game. Now you just all butthurt because you were called on it.

Asura.Solara said:

Actually, let me borrow your argument: I had fun with it, what do you care if I pointed out gimps? Not like it affects your server in any way. So why bother responding to me if you legitimately think that applies to something posted here?

I don't care if you point out someone being an obvious gimp if they are trying to be OMGWTFUBERCOOL. But you good sir where a total douche to someone without reason other then to stroke your epeen self. Go masturbate your hurt away and let them play how they want to.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-04-13 15:18:16
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It just seems like people who are the most upset are much more worried about what other people have access to gear. I dunno about how most people are but the only thing that concerns me (my goals for gear) is that I can get the best possible gear that I want for my job. I don't give a ***what other people get for that job or if every single person in the entire game has the best piece of gear how in the world would that affect me and how I play?

Somewhere deep inside you have to ask yourself to answer this question truly. Why does the amount of people who share a piece of equipment with you determine how good that equipment is? ESPECIALLY when we're mostly talking about rare/ex items here that you can not sell. That would be the only thing I could see be justified is because the more rare something is the more you could sell it for. To further elaborate what I mean to say is what makes Surya's Staff so damn great is that it has Cure Potency +22%. That's what makes it great, the stats on this would not change if only 5 people in the entire world owned it or every single WHM in the entire game owned it. It would still be the best curing staff in the game, it's value does not change AT ALL because of how easy or difficult it is to obtain or how many other people also own it. There are much more rare staff/clubs that are more "difficult" to get, yea I could try to get a club that rarely anyone in the game has does but why would I give a ***about that? I want the best weapon/equip for the situation I need it for, that's all I really care about.

If it's not what you care about, ask yourself why? Why is it so important to separate yourself from "the gimps" in the game? Why does it matter so much to you? If you got the best gear in the game you should be happy with that gear.
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-04-13 15:23:11
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I agree Tweek, people should be more focused on having FUN with the game and bettering their OWN character, instead of wasting their time pointing fingers saying OMGUBERNEWB
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-04-13 15:33:24
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Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
This whole post is an appeal to achievement and thus fallacious, but I'll highlight this one. Brew is a tool made available to us by SE. There is nothing that says you have to kill Shinryu without a brew at any time and whether or not you've done so has no impact on the state of the game as a whole, since it's an issue that goes beyond the actions of individuals.

Or PW.
Was always more about numbers than skill.

Or AV.
Perfect Defense is hard?

Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
This has more to do with where the game is today vs the changes mentioned in the new updates.
That's fine, I wasn't specifically talking about the new updates.

Making an emp upgrade item more available or making an NM more available does not change the skill needed to acquire the items.
If the items drop off a mob that is less difficult than those it currently drops from then it clearly requires less skill. I have no problem with making NMs more available though, claiming a ??? has nothing to do with skill.

The separation of skilled players vs non-skilled players has been a pretty thin line for a long time in this game. Other than specific missions that were capped by level or content that was 'difficult' at level 75 (hard cap in the game @ the time) idunno AV or what have you. What exactly has separated skilled players vs non before? Please don't even whisper HNM.
I never said the game was challenging before Abyssea, and I wouldn't dream of saying HNM. Hard mobs... Yilbegan and Orcus come to mind.

Keep in mind I missed a lot of end game from back in the day because of when I quit and changed server with a new character so I'm legitimately asking. Was Dynamis difficult where only a set number of people could do it? Was salvage difficult where most people could not participate? Limbus/Sea/Sky? I was under the impression other than the real pioneers who for example were the first ones to beat AV or figure out strats on specific NMs that most people were able to participate in most end game activities without requiring an insane amount of skill.
This is all true. Even pioneer's didn't necessarily have to be skilled, just motivated and creative.

The only thing that really slowed down the spread of gear and drops to everyone was piss poor drop rates coupled with long durations for chances to even get drops i.e. 24 HNM repop window.
Agreed, and it was a terrible system.

So SE contemplates whether or not to make drops more available, throw away the 24 hr repop time windows and yea perhaps even easier than before (this is only directly related to atmas and the difficulty of mobs has nothing to do with drop rates)
The only atmas that really changed the game were refresh atmas. Infinite MP took a lot of the danger out of fights. RR, VV, etc are purely killspeed. Apoc is debateable, though with NIN 2hr it's pretty potent. In the same vein, HP and stat cruor buffs didn't really change anything; damage taken scaled up along with our max HP and stats are basically killspeed.

but to say the activities before were so much more difficult that it required a high amount of skill I think is a stretch (unless I'm told otherwise) As far as I'm concerned other than having a decent group and showing favoritism over drops going to either people who are close to leaders or people who have dedicated more time than others were the ones who got the better gear before not "the most skilled" players. It wasn't a matter of making things more difficult before it was a matter of making drops so exclusive and rare to the point of absurdity.
As mentioned previously, I am not asserting any of this is otherwise.

If you're already running through all the end game content as quick as people act on the forums then you should have already ran out of ***to do.
Honestly, if I still gave a ***about this game I would have. I've been waiting weeks to do VNMs for my Almace so that I could just do it with other LSmates who need those NMs. If I'd gone ahead and done the VNMs I'd have Almace right now. The two jobs I actively play are 5/5 AF3 with nearly everything I want from Abyssea, leaving only the timesink of 150 Apademak's Horns (again coming down to lack of motivation) and gearing my RDM on the side (which is 3/5 +2, hands +1, and body +1 without even really trying) in case it becomes relevant again.

The way people talk it's as if everyone from ffxiah.com all have 5+ empy weapons and +2 items on all 20 jobs.
It would be more accurate to say that we talk like everyone could have these things if they wanted to.

Allowing others to get items more frequently does not make the game easier it just creates additional paths so people can go at their own rate rather than sit around and have their progress determined by how often a timed NM will spawn or how frequently an NM can be popped.
I don't disagree with this and my argument should not be taken as such.
Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: sandman16
Posts: 525
By Sylph.Cossack 2011-04-13 15:36:31
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You need to stop saying vagina cause they will lock this thread.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-04-13 15:37:48
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Cerberus.Eugene said:
Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Ooh! Ooh! Get me a Ninurta's Sash for my RDM and DRK :>
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-04-13 15:38:22
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Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Cerberus.Eugene said:
Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Ooh! Ooh! Get me a Ninurta's Sash for my RDM and DRK :>
NO it is top quality so 2008. You should feel bad. NO NO NO
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2011-04-13 15:38:29
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
The way people talk it's as if everyone from ffxiah.com all have 5+ empy weapons and +2 items on all 20 jobs.
It would be more accurate to say that we talk like everyone could have these things if they wanted to.
Except if they tried, congestion would be more of a total *** (not to mention actually claiming Gukumatz, Tunga, etc...) and it wouldn't get done.

And more QQ Threads over people not rotating spawn because someone spawns faster than others.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Nightfyre
Posts: 11681
By Fenrir.Nightfyre 2011-04-13 15:42:16
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Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
It just seems like people who are the most upset are much more worried about what other people have access to gear. I dunno about how most people are but the only thing that concerns me (my goals for gear) is that I can get the best possible gear that I want for my job. I don't give a ***what other people get for that job or if every single person in the entire game has the best piece of gear how in the world would that affect me and how I play?

Somewhere deep inside you have to ask yourself to answer this question truly. Why does the amount of people who share a piece of equipment with you determine how good that equipment is? ESPECIALLY when we're mostly talking about rare/ex items here that you can not sell. That would be the only thing I could see be justified is because the more rare something is the more you could sell it for. To further elaborate what I mean to say is what makes Surya's Staff so damn great is that it has Cure Potency +22%. That's what makes it great, the stats on this would not change if only 5 people in the entire world owned it or every single WHM in the entire game owned it. It would still be the best curing staff in the game, it's value does not change AT ALL because of how easy or difficult it is to obtain or how many other people also own it. There are much more rare staff/clubs that are more "difficult" to get, yea I could try to get a club that rarely anyone in the game has does but why would I give a ***about that? I want the best weapon/equip for the situation I need it for, that's all I really care about.

If it's not what you care about, ask yourself why? Why is it so important to separate yourself from "the gimps" in the game? Why does it matter so much to you? If you got the best gear in the game you should be happy with that gear.
I'm sorry, but I don't even know where to begin with this post. Do you have no understanding of gamer psychology, of the various player archetypes and their motivations?
Guide Maker
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-04-13 15:43:03
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Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Cerberus.Eugene said:
Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Ooh! Ooh! Get me a Ninurta's Sash for my RDM and DRK :>
NO it is top quality so 2008. You should feel bad. NO NO NO
lol well why do people still go for VBelts then?! :P
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-04-13 15:44:05
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Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Cerberus.Eugene said:
Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Ooh! Ooh! Get me a Ninurta's Sash for my RDM and DRK :>
NO it is top quality so 2008. You should feel bad. NO NO NO
lol well why do people still go for VBelts then?! :P
Because they obviously gimp and we should make fun of them on a gamer forum >=D
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
By Caitsith.Linear 2011-04-13 15:44:32
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Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Cerberus.Eugene said:
Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Ooh! Ooh! Get me a Ninurta's Sash for my RDM and DRK :>
NO it is top quality so 2008. You should feel bad. NO NO NO
lol well why do people still go for VBelts then?! :P
Cause only hardcore gamers camp 21-24 hour NM's, clearly.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-04-13 15:51:46
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Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Leviathan.Angelskiss said:
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Cerberus.Eugene said:
Carbuncle.Aeonknight said:
For how many people complain about easy mode, I doubt half of them have killed Shinryu without a brew.
Or PW.
Or AV.

oh yes, i'll go get equip that was top quality 2 years ago
Ooh! Ooh! Get me a Ninurta's Sash for my RDM and DRK :>
NO it is top quality so 2008. You should feel bad. NO NO NO
lol well why do people still go for VBelts then?! :P
Because they obviously gimp and we should make fun of them on a gamer forum >=D
I just want to replace my swift belt, haha
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-04-13 15:56:25
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:

Making an emp upgrade item more available or making an NM more available does not change the skill needed to acquire the items.
If the items drop off a mob that is less difficult than those it currently drops from then it clearly requires less skill. I have no problem with making NMs more available though, claiming a ??? has nothing to do with skill.

Oh I totally agree, if they make "sobek skins" available from like I dunno Tier 1 NMs in Vision area then I think it would be beyond stupid.

Fenrir.Nightfyre said:

So SE contemplates whether or not to make drops more available, throw away the 24 hr repop time windows and yea perhaps even easier than before (this is only directly related to atmas and the difficulty of mobs has nothing to do with drop rates)
The only atmas that really changed the game were refresh atmas. Infinite MP took a lot of the danger out of fights. RR, VV, etc are purely killspeed. Apoc is debateable, though with NIN 2hr it's pretty potent. In the same vein, HP and stat cruor buffs didn't really change anything; damage taken scaled up along with our max HP and stats are basically killspeed.

Yea I agree with all of this, accept maybe the Apoc being debatable :P

Fenrir.Nightfyre said:

but to say the activities before were so much more difficult that it required a high amount of skill I think is a stretch (unless I'm told otherwise) As far as I'm concerned other than having a decent group and showing favoritism over drops going to either people who are close to leaders or people who have dedicated more time than others were the ones who got the better gear before not "the most skilled" players. It wasn't a matter of making things more difficult before it was a matter of making drops so exclusive and rare to the point of absurdity.
As mentioned previously, I am not asserting any of this is otherwise.

I must have just misunderstood where you were coming from with most of your post then, my statements all stand to others who do feel that way though ^^

Fenrir.Nightfyre said:

If you're already running through all the end game content as quick as people act on the forums then you should have already ran out of ***to do.
Honestly, if I still gave a ***about this game I would have. I've been waiting weeks to do VNMs for my Almace so that I could just do it with other LSmates who need those NMs. If I'd gone ahead and done the VNMs I'd have Almace right now. The two jobs I actively play are 5/5 AF3 with nearly everything I want from Abyssea, leaving only the timesink of 150 Apademak's Horns (again coming down to lack of motivation) and gearing my RDM on the side (which is 3/5 +2, hands +1, and body +1 without even really trying) in case it becomes relevant again.

Sorry this sounded like I was directing it to you it wasn't meant to sound personal but more general to most people who state easy mode / running out of stuff to do etc type stuff.

Fenrir.Nightfyre said:

Allowing others to get items more frequently does not make the game easier it just creates additional paths so people can go at their own rate rather than sit around and have their progress determined by how often a timed NM will spawn or how frequently an NM can be popped.
I don't disagree with this and my argument should not be taken as such.

Yep again, I just misunderstood where you were coming from then.
Guide Maker
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1907
By Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 2011-04-13 15:58:51
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Sylph.Cossack said:
You need to stop saying vagina cause they will lock this thread.
Not until everyone whining locks their vaginas! OHOHOHOHO
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: RaenRyong
Posts: 4554
By Bahamut.Raenryong 2011-04-13 16:00:02
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What is not mentioned is if they're reducing it to 7 spells per day, or adding a new BLU spell for each day which we need to find :<
By 2011-04-13 16:03:03
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Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-04-13 16:05:11
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Fenrir.Nightfyre said:
Gilgamesh.Tweeek said:
It just seems like people who are the most upset are much more worried about what other people have access to gear. I dunno about how most people are but the only thing that concerns me (my goals for gear) is that I can get the best possible gear that I want for my job. I don't give a ***what other people get for that job or if every single person in the entire game has the best piece of gear how in the world would that affect me and how I play?

Somewhere deep inside you have to ask yourself to answer this question truly. Why does the amount of people who share a piece of equipment with you determine how good that equipment is? ESPECIALLY when we're mostly talking about rare/ex items here that you can not sell. That would be the only thing I could see be justified is because the more rare something is the more you could sell it for. To further elaborate what I mean to say is what makes Surya's Staff so damn great is that it has Cure Potency +22%. That's what makes it great, the stats on this would not change if only 5 people in the entire world owned it or every single WHM in the entire game owned it. It would still be the best curing staff in the game, it's value does not change AT ALL because of how easy or difficult it is to obtain or how many other people also own it. There are much more rare staff/clubs that are more "difficult" to get, yea I could try to get a club that rarely anyone in the game has does but why would I give a ***about that? I want the best weapon/equip for the situation I need it for, that's all I really care about.

If it's not what you care about, ask yourself why? Why is it so important to separate yourself from "the gimps" in the game? Why does it matter so much to you? If you got the best gear in the game you should be happy with that gear.
I'm sorry, but I don't even know where to begin with this post. Do you have no understanding of gamer psychology, of the various player archetypes and their motivations?

I do but it's just puzzling to me which is why I posed the question. Coming from heavy FPS background you don't come across this really at all it's just about getting the win.

To put it simply see below in terms of gear only there are 2 different type of people.

Category 1(me): Get the best gear
Category 2: To create as much distance as possible between themselves and other people with exclusive gear

That's what puzzles me, what drives these people to fit in category 2? Do they realize that they are even part of cat 2 and do they understand why? Why is feeding their need for cat 2 so much more important than feeding their need for cat 1?
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 7227
By Leviathan.Angelskiss 2011-04-13 16:11:20
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Leviathan.Quetzacoatl said:
Sylph.Cossack said:
You need to stop saying vagina cause they will lock this thread.
Not until everyone whining locks their vaginas! OHOHOHOHO
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: volkom
Posts: 1294
By Quetzalcoatl.Volkom 2011-04-13 16:18:55
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just wait for the crappy job adjustments/additions announcement.

I can see it now...DRK gets tactical parry and warrior gets crit attack buff that stacks with blood rage.
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