What's The Point In /Seacom

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What's the point in /Seacom
Serveur: Ifrit
Game: FFXI
user: Itazura
Posts: 134
By Ifrit.Itazura 2009-11-08 02:56:25
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A polite request gets a polite "No thanks." from me if it doesn't match the condition I set in comments. Actually, I think I usually answer back "<I'm sorry.> <No thanks.>" or explain why I would rather not accept if it's obvious the person asking speaks English.

However, when I get something like:

[b]randomLv33>> pt[b]

Not even a question mark? Er... I don't even want to respond to that, nevermind with any politeness.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-11-08 23:09:06
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i was in Einherjar earlier on RDM and was in an PT and in a chamber fighting, /seacom says

{Linkshell} {Event}
{I'm Sorry}
{I'm Busy right now}

and i get a random person i dont know ask me "{Party} {Do you need it?} lvl56" like you cant see a /seacom not to mention that i was in a party already. i replied back afterwards saying "cant you see i am n a PT + /seacom says im busy now *** OFF"

i know it was harsh but if your too ignorant to see a /seacom AND that the person is in a PT. i WILL respond like that.
Serveur: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
Posts: 11
By Cerberus.Arcalimo 2009-11-08 23:57:47
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yea, its true, there are some peple that asks even when you are already in a party, or dont even bother on see the area where you are, dynamis or something.
But besides a few people, i dont think that the mayority dont read /seacoms, but some servers are quite empty now, and if you wanna party, and need X job to party, then you gotta take the risk, being polite of course ;p
But the thing is that as i said before, when you are lfp for 3 hours and you really want a party, even if your /seacom says X and you get a invite for Y, if you are desperated you are going to join, and as long as there are people that do that, the other people will still continue sending tells, and isnt too bad after all ;p I even done friends just because they invite to party, the cute of this game is that you can comunicate with the rest of players.
For me is worse the person that ignores the tell, than the one that send it, there is nothing wrong with those tells, as long as they are polite and show respect.
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Blackmist
Posts: 525
By Fairy.Blackmist 2009-11-09 00:21:32
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i normaly read /seacoms and normaly im not going to ask a 75 PLD to Level sync to 60 to burn colibri >.>

unless i know them,
only Reasion i ask some one to level sync below there posted level is if theres nothing looking, and if anything it's only 3 levels ^.-

but most the time i find Seacom to be useless, since i'll get the same type of tell's the OP' got, or here's an example:

Cura's Search comment (Level sync Ok, Area Anything, Invite to join party friend Blackmist ! Make shure you have 2 spaces!)

>.> she gets an invite to about 7 pt's that are 5/6 >.>'''

i swear, :P no one reads comments

PS: Cura if' your reading thease forms >.> where the *** did you go!? xD
Serveur: Fairy
Game: FFXI
user: Azulmagia
Posts: 707
By Fairy.Azulmagia 2009-11-09 00:25:35
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If someone has, for instance, "Level Sync 30+ please" and I've got a Lv28 party... I'll probably chance them by asking "I understand you're interested in a 30+ party, but would you consider trying 28?"

The person will probably appreciate the fact that you read their comment and are being courteous about your request. I've had people that will join my party, even if it's lower than their comment simply because they thought I'd be a reliable leader.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-11-09 01:08:54
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appologies for the wall of text

i have gone to a lvl56 PT on PLD75 with gear for 70+ and i enjoyed it, sometimes you gotta take the risk. i understand why some jobs wont go below certain lvls, on Seraph alot of THF's wont sync lower than 60 (i believe its coz of Assasin), alot of SAM's wont sync lower than 65 (i am one of them SAM's, i love tachi: Gekko)

somone mentioned being called a noob for only wanting to sync close to thier lvl for keeping skill close to cap, is sad to see some people liek that lmao, kinda funny at the same time.

saying that alot of people dont use /seacom or alot of people alot of crap there that is irrelevant. a courtious thing would be is to take an extra few seconds to read a /seacom , where somone is, are they in a PT or not.

for example if they have like what i stated in my previous post

{Linkshell} {Event}
{I'm Sorry}
{I'm Busy right now}

with thier flag up then dont bother asking them cos as it says they are busy with thier LS. it is understandable that people dont know what certain areas are cos they are reletivly new to the game etc. but some common sense comes into play.

Azulmagia would be nice for more people to be like that but prob not gonna happen. there is also the problem with language barriers too and auto translate is limited. but alot of people do get frustrated when people have a /seacom lfp and have thier flag up and go afk for a shower or what ever that people stop reading /seacom's.

when i am looking for people for PT i have a mental check list
1) /sea all XX-XX invite
2) what area is the person in
3) what language do they speak so i know how to comunicate to them (not everyone specifies)
4) what does thier /seacom say
5) what job/level are they

i actually ask people that have /seacom's before people without. and for those people that are, for example, lvl65 and have level sync 65 in thier /seacom, get off your *** and make a PT yourself
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Toufu
Posts: 1234
By Gilgamesh.Tousou 2009-11-09 01:31:20
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Seraph.Darkvision said:
on Seraph alot of THF's wont sync lower than 60 (i believe its coz of Assasin), alot of SAM's wont sync lower than 65 (i am one of them SAM's, i love tachi: Gekko)

{Level Sync} 60+
{Assassin} Ftw!
{Please invite me.}

Or something to that effect. Reason being, Assassin allows THF to put hate on a tank without the use of first vokes and SATA. I've yet to meet a DD that's not scared of being SATA'd. Hell, I've even met a few PLDs that avoid it, even with Assassin.

In addition, I haven't had any problems with /seacom, aside from syncing below 30(When I was 30) on SAM.

Usually that /seacom looks like this:

{Level Sync} 55+
{Polearm}: O
{Support Job}{Anything}
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-11-09 01:42:15
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Gilgamesh.Tousou said:
Reason being, Assassin allows THF to put hate on a tank without the use of first vokes and SATA.

thats why i mentioned it lmao

Gilgamesh.Tousou said:
I've yet to meet a DD that's not scared of being SATA'd. Hell, I've even met a few PLDs that avoid it, even with Assassin.

tbh i aint scared of being SATA's at all i am used to tanking on PLD and dont mind it really, as long as the healers are doing thier job. i PT on SAM/WAR nothing else :P so if i think its going bad i will just hit Seigan Third eye and iff neccisary pop defender :)

Sata me all ya want, it adds to the excitement, and funny to see the PLD panic to get hate back while i am chilling taking the hits. a good PLD would just use cover :P some PTs get boring quickly i pull off 300% Gekko's for 1k WS > 1k darkness (if i can) on colibri at lvl65 just to spice up things abit
Posts: 18
By Eole 2009-11-09 02:17:30
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You should be using 100% TP Penta Thrust 3 times,
That would really SPICE UP things !
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-11-09 10:38:10
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lmao so 1 person keeps saying to me, i donno why but i just prefer using a GK, i know polearm is better on colibri depending on how you gear, seen some polearm SAM's parse lower than me using GK at times.

but yeah with my play style i favor GK lmao.

anywats, back on topic, appologies to the OP lmao,
What's the point in /Seacom? wel to inform people of your curent status, PT preferance etc? just a shame that its underused most the time
Serveur: Odin
Game: FFXI
user: Darkmoose
Posts: 456
By Odin.Aramina 2009-11-09 11:05:22
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Seraph.Darkvision said:
... i have gone to a lvl56 PT on PLD75 with gear for 70 and i enjoyed it, sometimes you gotta take the risk. i understand why some jobs wont go below certain lvls, on Seraph alot of THF's wont sync lower than 60 (i believe its coz of Assasin), alot of SAM's wont sync lower than 65 (i am one of them SAM's, i love tachi: Gekko

I used to love to sync to Lesser Colibri and Colibri parties with my SAM/RNG, even though my Sidewinder gear took quite a bit of a hit compared to at 75. It was a ton of fun, but mostly limited to when friends were in those levels and said "I need a DD, anyone want to come?" Even then, I wouldn't want to sync below Sidewinder level unless they were close to dinging, because the difference is so dramatic between Flaming Arrow and Sidewinder.

It's that way for RDM not going below 41, BLM below 51, THF below 60 (yes, Assassin and Dancing Edge both make a HUGE difference), SAM below 60 (Yukikaze, although 65 for Gekko even more), and many other jobs. Hated to sync below 68 on my PLD because I lost a metric ton of Enmity when I lost my IR gear.

When people set the Sync limits in their /seacom, it's most likely for reasons other than just skillups alone, although that can matter. If you're a ranger and you spent god knows how many hours camping Vali's Bow, you're probably not going to want to sync below 55.

As has been said by many people, being polite and understanding goes a long way, from both sides of it. If you ask someone against the wishes in their /seacom, it's advised to acknowledge that you are asking them to be flexible and you understand if they say no. If you are being asked, politely saying "no thanks" often goes a long way too. Some people are too rude and asshattish to do those things, but that's just life.
Serveur: Seraph
Game: FFXI
By Seraph.Darkvision 2009-11-09 11:53:55
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Aramina i totally see ya point and thts why i mentioned about WS's and traits and such.

last PT i had i asked a BRD71 if they would like to PT /seacom said lvl sync 71 tnl 30k, i was lvl69 2k till ding, so i explaind this and 14k/hour and 1 hour 30 mins til disband, and i had also noticed that the BRD had been lfp for over 3 hours, only know this cos i was replacing people leaving throughout the PT so i thought to chance my luck.

the reply i got was "/seacom please check it now *** off"
all i done was /blist add [said person] and told LS members to add [said person] to your do not invite list. after looking at what BRD gets at lvl70-71 and its nothing exciteing really, only thing i could put it down to is skill cap or he/she is just a douche
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