Question For The Religious...

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Question for the Religious...
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Serveur: Valefor
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By Valefor.Pewpeww 2011-03-19 21:41:09
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If god ordered you to kill your child, would you do it?

Edit: My question stems from I've had this debate with a friend of mine, who is religious and says he would because it is god. I was wondering if more religious people would do the very same. It's a topic that interests me.
Serveur: Shiva
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By Shiva.Flionheart 2011-03-19 21:41:57
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If god ordered you to make awful threads, would you do it?

Well clearly you would.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Dracondria 2011-03-19 21:43:16
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I wouldn't. Why obey a tyrannical God like that?
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Nevill 2011-03-19 21:46:22
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Serveur: Cerberus
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By Cerberus.Sylphia 2011-03-19 21:51:11
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Serveur: Bahamut
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By Bahamut.Weasel 2011-03-19 21:52:32
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First person who says yes is probably going to be eaten alive.
Serveur: Bismarck
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By Bismarck.Drakelth 2011-03-19 21:54:26
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Didn't god order Abraham to kill his child? According to the bible anyways.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Artemyse 2011-03-19 21:58:08
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Abraham was asked to do so and for his faith his child was spared right as he was about to as an angel stopped him, God provided a sacrifice caught in a thicket instead., this was more of a test though to prove his faith/loyalty. Truth be told though, I'm positive most 'Christians' would not do so in the aspect of Christianity, other religions probably the same.. I saw most 'Christians' because we do have those fanatics that go above and beyond.
Posts: 58
By Method 2011-03-19 22:02:16
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Asura.Artemyse said:
Abraham was asked to do so and for his faith his child was spared right as he was about to as an angel stopped him, God provided a sacrifice caught in a thicket instead., this was more of a test though to prove his faith/loyalty. Truth be told though, I'm positive most 'Christians' would not do so in the aspect of Christianity, other religions probably the same.. I saw most 'Christians' because we do have those fanatics that go above and beyond.
Well said.
Serveur: Valefor
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user: Enygma3
Posts: 211
By Valefor.Pewpeww 2011-03-19 22:03:53
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Bahamut.Weasel said:
First person who says yes is probably going to be eaten alive.

True, but definatly not from me, im just curious, and if yes, then why.
By 2011-03-19 22:07:43
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Serveur: Bismarck
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user: xdudemanx
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By Bismarck.Xdudemanx 2011-03-19 22:09:57
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Bismarck.Drakelth said:
Didn't god order Abraham to kill his child? According to the bible anyways.
ur drg capped yet?
Serveur: Ifrit
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By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-03-19 22:10:16
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Even if the request to sacrifice your child was a test; it is cruel and pretty disgusting. ^^; Dunno why people think it just being a test justifies it at all.

Edit: This is a test of the Would You Kill your Child Emergency Broadcast System, remember, this is only a test.

Edit2: Also, I think anyone that is willing to sacrifice their child if you ask them to.... FAILED the test. Maybe if God had said, "Do this and I will resurrect your child and make of him a tool of the lord." It might have been kosher.
By 2011-03-19 22:13:08
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By 2011-03-19 22:14:28
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Serveur: Lakshmi
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By Lakshmi.Snuffy 2011-03-19 22:17:01
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I know this is going to end up in flames soon enough, but I'll bite anyways to satisfy OP's curiosity. I am a Christian apostate, but I can answer the question based on how I used to think. Yes I would kill my own child if God said so, and for two reasons. The first reason is practical: God is omnipotent and can easily punish me temporarily or even eternally with far greater pain than the emotional torment of having killed my own child. This is the guy who supposedly created my brain and emotions, so He certainly knows how to put it through literal Hell if I don't obey.

The second reason would be that God's will is the absolute measure of morality, not my personal feelings on the subject. Anything God commands is moral by this definition even if you disagree with it. If this were not the case, then morality itself would be higher than God,and God wouldn't be God anymore (all this is in the Christian sense).

With that said, any sane Christian would deeply question if it was indeed God that told them so. First, God did this before with Abraham (it was a test), so it'd seem likely that this was also a test,but for me. Second, God actually specifies He hates child sacrifice in Judges, Kings, and some of the Prophets (these are books of the Bible). So based on that, it'd be questionable that this was God speaking, though it does not rule it out.

Also, any sane Christian would question the very idea of God talking to them, because He hasn't been directly talking to anyone since John the Baptist, who is the last Christian prophet. Some Christians, like Pentacostal and Evangelical, do believe that God still performs literal miracles and magic through people, and they speak "Angel languages" but I never heard them to be so bold asto call themselves prophets. So one would ask, why is God suddenly talking directly to me? Am I so sure this isn't just a voice in my head, maybe Satan or mental diseases or hallucinations due to stressor sleep-deprivation or shock?

Hope that answers the question.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Domz
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By Asura.Domz 2011-03-19 22:17:06
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
Valefor.Pewpeww said:
If god ordered you to kill your child, would you do it? Edit: My question stems from I've had this debate with a friend of mine, who is religious and says he would because it is god. I was wondering if more religious people would do the very same. It's a topic that interests me.
If a god existed and spoke to me saying to murder my son as an offering I would say no. Even if it meant eternity in hell. Then I'd explain how I value life of others above all and even if it was a random person I'd refuse and if a deity of any kind didn't respect that then I wouldn't respect them either. But the context is severely construed if one looks at the times and society when this question was first suggested. edit* for those that argue Abraham planned to do it but god was doing it to test him, God couldof looked into his soul at any time, in theory and known Abraham would do it. In that situation God toyed with Abraham and one could even say he took away his humanity and made him merely an angel. Abraham couldn't say no to his deity and was willing to murder. This was a time that was acceptable to the christian god. That same god of today would see this act as an abomination in theory

im no bible scholar, but doesnt the new testament according to christianity basically retcons the old testament and makes everything it says invalid? because if so, then why the *** do we have a bunch of christian fundamentalists using the old testaments to back up their assinine views?
Serveur: Ifrit
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user: Arawn
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By Ifrit.Arawn 2011-03-19 22:28:36
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Lakshmi.Snuffy said:

Really wish I knew the code for spoilers... Wonder if the one I'm going to try works... anyway... long post is long...

But according to the gospel of Peter God commanded him to not obey the traditions of the old testament. Just pointing out that after John the Baptist people were still in contact with God. Why, look at Joan of Arc. She thought God was telling her things as well.

Brigham Young, I believe, claimed to be a prophet of the lord and founded the Mormons.

Lots of people still believe that God speaks to them. 95% of people nowadays will think "Oh great, another psychotic." if they found out. But, hey ^^b Dare to Dream, right?
Serveur: Lakshmi
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Posts: 221
By Lakshmi.Snuffy 2011-03-19 22:30:06
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Asura.Domz said:
im no bible scholar, but doesnt the new testament according to christianity basically retcons the old testament and makes everything it says invalid?

Not necessarily. Jesus says "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished." -Gospel of Matthew 5:8

The Jesus described in the Gospels did not believe anything he said or did was in contradiction to the Law (the OT) but a fulfillment of it. The apostle Paul did offer his own opinion half a century later based on whether nonjewish converts had to follow the Law, and says you don't have to follow all of it.

One way to interpret this apparent contradiction (as a Christian) is that "everything was accomplished" when Jesus was crucified and resurrected, so after that point the Law's purpose is complete. But this is not a solid tight argument because Paul picks 4 rules from the Law that Christians have to follow anyways, and it is done by consent with 3 other apostles, rather than explicitly by God's commandment.

The other argument is that this was just Paul's opinion, not God's command. Paul sometimes wrote that he was speaking only his own opinion and not God's thoughts, meaning Paul did not always know exactly what God wanted.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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Posts: 221
By Lakshmi.Snuffy 2011-03-19 22:36:24
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Ifrit.Arawn said:
But according to the gospel of Peter

There is no gospel of Peter. Don't know what you're quoting from.

Ifrit.Arawn said:
Just pointing out that after John the Baptist people were still in contact with God. Why, look at Joan of Arc. She thought God was telling her things as well.

No one except for maybe Catholics believe Joan's story. Catholics may only go so far as saying she was inspired by God, but not in direct communication. Ask a Catholic priest about this one.

Ifrit.Arawn said:
Brigham Young, I believe, claimed to be a prophet of the lord and founded the Mormons.

Mormons are not Christians. They may think so but every Christian would disagree.

Ifrit.Arawn said:
Lots of people still believe that God speaks to them. 95% of people nowadays will think "Oh great, another psychotic." if they found out. But, hey ^^b Dare to Dream, right!

Depends what you mean by speaks to them. Many Christians use that kind of language to mean they have a gut feeling or spiritual emotion indicating to them to make a certain decision when a choice is given to them. It usually means inspiration. As someone who's been involved in many churches of many denominations, I have very rarely met someone who believed God spoke to them directly, as a clear voice with fully articulated words. There's a difference.
Posts: 356
By Wafflechan 2011-03-19 22:43:45
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This is a common quetion asked by atheists in one form of another trying to display that Christians or whatever religion it may be, could infact be toxic to the upbringing of a child. This is what we call a loaded question, which can take two routes:

-Theist says no. The atheist asks, why wouldn't you obey your God if he commanded it? Wouldn't that get you sent to hell?

-Theist ssays yes, atheist says there you have it, religious zealots would go to any length to be brainwashed by religion.

Its a lose lose situation any way a theist comes at the question because its purposely set up for us to be made out the wiser. Regardless, if I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt, it was my god commnding me to kill my loved one in order to prove morality, loyalty, whatever. I would say no, because he once said thou shalt not murder. If I am going to be contradictory to the guidelines he set out for me, I refuse to do it.

Also @ Snuffy, John the baptist was not the last prophet he ever spoke to, the last one he spoke to was the disciple John while he was in prison in Patmos, recieving the visions of Revelations.
Serveur: Asura
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user: Artemys
Posts: 157
By Asura.Artemyse 2011-03-19 22:58:30
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Very well said Snuffy.
Serveur: Asura
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By Asura.Sandolphon 2011-03-19 23:02:36
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Not just yeah, but f-word yeah. I mean...ITS GOD. He says jump you say How High? but not the movie with Redman in it cause God would 4defff disapprove of that trash.

But back on point, i'd kill my kid in a heartbeat, serious as crystal. Ever heard the story of Isaac? That nig just bout got ICED by his daddy.

So yeah, this will be this.
Posts: 356
By Wafflechan 2011-03-19 23:03:57
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Ooo, also, yes, the NT does retcon A LOT of the OT especially in the works of Paul in Ephesians, Hebrews, etc. Especially Hebrews, which states that the laws of Moses (I.E. all that mumbo jumbo gays constantly quote along with the homosexuality is an abomination thing to make the book look bad,) are an old covenant, and that when Christ died, he essentially made all that no longer apply.

The tearing of the temple mount in Jerusalem was supposed to signify that.
Serveur: Lakshmi
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Posts: 221
By Lakshmi.Snuffy 2011-03-19 23:20:22
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Wafflechan said:
Ooo, also, yes, the NT does retcon A LOT of the OT especially in the works of Paul in Ephesians, Hebrews, etc. Especially Hebrews, which states that the laws of Moses (I.E. all that mumbo jumbo gays constantly quote along with the homosexuality is an abomination thing to make the book look bad,) are an old covenant, and that when Christ died, he essentially made all that no longer apply.

The tearing of the temple mount in Jerusalem was supposed to signify that.

Perhaps I have a definition of "retcon" that's different from everyone ele, but i don't think so. I think anyone who's actually read the Bible in its entirety front to back and was conscious of context would know that the letters of Paul and Peter and James and John were all commentary on this exact question of the relation between the Gospel and the Law. The responses are all very nuanced, and using a strong word like "retcon" sounds like merely gleaning those letters rather than ruminating on their meaning.

As for the "mumbo jumbo", while gentiles are excused from most of the Law, they are not excused from the part about sexual perversion (which homosexuality would be considered to any pious Jew in the NT time frame). In Acts 15, the very first apostolic council is held in Jerusalem to answer the question of following the Law, and the apostles say:

Acts said:
19 “It is my judgment, therefore, that we should not make it difficult for the Gentiles who are turning to God. 20 Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.

So you may argue that a lot of the OT is not applicable, but this one is.

As for the temple curtain, that is commonly interpreted to mean the barrier between God and people was broken. The barrier has always been sin, not God's Law.
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1093
By Asura.Sandolphon 2011-03-19 23:38:47
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Loosely related question that just entered my head, but I didn't consider it threadworthy so I'll toss it in here...

If god is all-powerful, why is he asking people to do ***for him all the time?
Serveur: Asura
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user: Artemys
Posts: 157
By Asura.Artemyse 2011-03-19 23:50:54
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Asura.Sandolphon said:
Loosely related question that just entered my head, but I didn't consider it threadworthy so I'll toss it in here...

If god is all-powerful, why is he asking people to do ***for him all the time?
Have you ever asked someone to do something you very well and easily could have done yourself?
Your last sentence really makes no sense though, since he is not asking people all the time. The answer though, has a good amount of theology behind it. Sure one can give a simple reply, but to understand it you need a nice handful of it to fully grasp it.
This is just like other questions people ask, "If God is omnipotent (all powerful), can he make a rock so heavy even he can't lift it?"
Serveur: Asura
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Posts: 1093
By Asura.Sandolphon 2011-03-20 00:02:40
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Asura.Artemyse said:
Asura.Sandolphon said:
Loosely related question that just entered my head, but I didn't consider it threadworthy so I'll toss it in here...

If god is all-powerful, why is he asking people to do ***for him all the time?
Have you ever asked someone to do something you very well and easily could have done yourself?
Your last sentence really makes no sense though, since he is not asking people all the time. The answer though, has a good amount of theology behind it. Sure one can give a simple reply, but to understand it you need a nice handful of it to fully grasp it.
This is just like other questions people ask, "If God is omnipotent (all powerful), can he make a rock so heavy even he can't lift it?"

First off, he is always asking things of me. Mainly: don't sin. Or hes telling me to. But if he's all powerful, he can not-sin for me at the same time.

Posts: 379
By Zenaku14 2011-03-20 00:11:35
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God give us free will and for this i would stand up to him and say no. To think that god would ask you to kill for him is low of him. I'm sorry but if god ask me that i think he more of a douchbag then i though he was. Sending his right hand man to hell just because he could not love us more then god then sending his only son and he kill himself to save us from our sin? it's been 2011 years when do we have to be save by our sins again?
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