Pokemon City |
Pokemon City
Where the bike shop and rock gym leader is.
Thanks. Missing the Destiny Knot.
Can someone O-power me some PP restore?! Elite four is just raping it <.< DESTINY RED
ty Nyos ;3; Wow that exp boost gave 8,000exp for everyone, you guys are awesome! Anyone know if Wobbuffet can be breeded into knowing Encore or if I have to try to get a Wynaut with good stats and a good nature w/o using the Everstone/Destiny Knot?
stocked up on pokeballs to catch mewtwo. just needed 5 ultraballs D: so easy! back in my day it would take 90/99 ultras to catch him :P its cool though, hes always been one of my favs
Asura.Chuuuuu said: » stocked up on pokeballs to catch mewtwo. just needed 5 ultraballs D: so easy! back in my day it would take 90/99 ultras to catch him :P its cool though, hes always been one of my favs I didn't catch him yet, I want a synchronizer for him first
hes one of the few legendaries id use for E4. I usually dont touch legendaries at all, just catch and box lol I dont like them on my teams D: too op
I wanted to use him to farm BP >.> So I spent a day getting a Synchronize Timid Abra and then getting him with good IVs.
Finally got one with 31 in 4 a 30 in Def and a 8 in Attack (lol). Went to the Battle Mansion ... BANNED! I cried in a corner for a bit. Didn't know there was a dragon elite four guy....
![]() Quetzalcoatl.Crystalchan said: » Didn't know there was a dragon elite four guy.... ![]() God, it's so true too, my Sylveon absolutely raped the dragons.
Am I the only one who didn't use a fairy? lol
Probably XD
Time to breed and train an awesome Malamar. sylveon is such a good eevee D: aaah
I'm not fond of Fairies, haven't even caught any of them. I one/two shotted the whole elite 4 with Blaziken.
Breeding gets really tough past the 3 IV part. I've gotten a 4/6 on my first hatch but since then, 0/30 for even a 4/6. I just beat the Elite Four and Champ with the same team I have used all game. Charizard Y and Blaziken. One thing I noticed in the game is that everything has sturdy, I hate that ability so much now.
I kept leveling my whole team of 6 through out the game, ended up being terribly under leveled for the elite 4. had to grind for a while til they all got around 60 D: was terrible but i kept my team of 6 with no one getting to far ahead of anyone else
I went in with a Team of 4 around Lv60. Snorlax, Blaziken, Blastoise, and Aegislash.
EDIT: Holy crap if I ever met that girl I would have nightmares. I'd take her on a date. Haxorus, Charizard <3
I think my Blaziken was 84 and the 5 others were 69~ when I finished my first playthrough. I didn't even try, exp share is broken in this generation. I actually banked him for the longest time due to the combo of traded exp and exp share he was 20 lvls higher then the rest of my group lol and I didn't even use him. Snorlax & Aegislash ftw.
I ended up with a 12-Pokemon rotating team but aside from farming up 3,000,000 pokedollars that may be why I just finished the E4 tonight, lol.
Oh thank arceus, I found someone with eevee's in their friend safari! I'm going to catch the hell out of them, so maybe I can give out a few if anyone wants some hidden-ability goodness!
Also I just beat the elite four, so I should have my third pokemon up and I'm online! maybe it's something good, but apparently I'm dark-type so :( You're Vullaby/Crawdaunt/Inkay
Geodude hordes = funniest thing ever.
Lapras uses Surf. 5 Sturdy procs.... Geodude uses Magnitude. It's Super Effective against Geodude! 4 Geodudes Faint. Lapras uses Waterfall. The Wild Geodude faints. Sylow, your third is Spiritomb!
Also, if you haven't been game syncing, it's neat:
![]() Are the poké miles useful? I work next to a big train station so I got literally 50 people playing pokémon on street pass and I have a shitload of these, but I have no idea what they're for.
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