Selling Any And All Abyssea Items

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Selling any and All abyssea items
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Dionikes
Posts: 325
By Bahamut.Dionikes 2011-03-15 20:43:17
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A few things i'd like to add. I understand its easy to get a shout group together and go get +1 items. However, most +2 drop from NMs that requre 2-4 key items to get, often times from other NMs.
That requires either A. you go out and solo/duo farm the NM with the right jobs. If you dont have a war + nin you dont have 100% red proc. Which in turn means that you have to get lucky on getting the key item. Time consuming.
B. When/if you get the key items for the pop, you now need more than a few people to kill them. A good tank, a healer, and if you dont want to repeat the entire process over and over again you'll need a blm/brd and a blu mage. Thats 4-5 people and you'll need 2 pops.
C. I sell items like goading belt, which require much more than just a few key items. You need a key item from glavoid. And while he it is easily killed with the correct setup and smart players, its not easy. You can farm gold chests for key items, but in a zone like tahrongi its not easy w/o war + whm or another type of fell cleave.
D. Not every mobs atma is desired. There are probably 10 ish atmas that are used on a regular basis. Apademaks atma is mainly good for when you are fighting him, same goes for draguas.
On another note, as far as the apademak horn price is concerned.
I just spend 5 days with Tajot upgrading his 85 Kannagi, and let me tell you, he's not fun. Hard? no, but not fun. Lets not even talk about sysifagments. We have me with a 90 h2h emp and a dual box whm with 5/5 +2 af and some pretty good gear/atmas, and its still a ***
I only put the price at 500k each because i dont really want to farm emps for people, for multiple reasons. The price is extremely unrealistic, but so is buying an emp weapon, its just not smart.
Serveur: Pandemonium
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Posts: 2168
By Pandemonium.Anookulchandra 2011-03-15 20:52:10
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^ (is what I'm mostly referring to. Although your op is like this as well)
So... wtf is the point of this post again? You had me thinking that you were selling ki's.. then I read it further and it seems like you need some frenchcries with that waaaahburger
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: XGP0001
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By Ramuh.Attribute 2011-03-15 20:56:04
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Even with my shout groups, some we farmed them with and they did not care. But it doesn't bother me people waste there own gil, like that one dude said, not everyone has time to do this. Just if you do have the time and are always on don't waste your gil. And I am 1/9 on Eponas. Blue all 9 ring just didn't want to drop.
Serveur: Ragnarok
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user: Nemesio
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By Ragnarok.Nemesio 2011-03-15 20:59:20
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I seriously thought Epwna's was like 98% with Blue... I feel so bad for all of you :( Personal accounts are about 19/20 All with blue, some with TH.
Serveur: Ramuh
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user: XGP0001
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By Ramuh.Attribute 2011-03-15 21:01:06
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I am like 2/4 Since I came back to Ramuh for ppl, but I think we only blued 2.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zoltar
Posts: 300
By Bahamut.Zoltar 2011-03-15 21:06:42
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Dio, lemme know about Alfard Fangs, all of them (75)
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Azagthoth
Posts: 109
By Bismarck.Azagthothe 2011-03-15 21:16:24
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It isn't difficult to get Lacovie pops since both KIs are available in gold chests. Anybody that buys a Goading Belt because the KIs are difficult to get is a moron.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Dionikes
Posts: 325
By Bahamut.Dionikes 2011-03-15 23:39:34
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Pandemonium.Anookulchandra said:
^ (is what I'm mostly referring to. Although your op is like this as well) So... wtf is the point of this post again? You had me thinking that you were selling ki's.. then I read it further and it seems like you need some frenchcries with that waaaahburger

Lol not sure where you got me crying, the post was to simply offer my services to those who need it. Selling KI's? That doesnt even make sense. And again. lacovie pops arent easy to get unless you either

a. kill glavoid and chloris, and i wont even talk about how HELP I AM TRAPPED IN 2006 PLEASE SEND A TIME MACHINE a chloris pop is to get, worst in the zone hands down.
b. farm gold chests, which is easier, but again takes time, and ill beat a dead horse and say thats the entire point of my service, cause you DONT have the time yourself lol
c. join xp party and get gold chests outa there.

bottom line is, time is gil, i have time, my buyers dont.

I also have access to a couple pretty affective jobs in abyssea, some people dont, and cant get the help. Dont wanna use my service? Dont use my service, but dont bash on the idea of it, people have been doing it for years, im just doing it in the newest zones.

Thanks everyone who has sent me /tells and PMs, keep em comin!!!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Azagthoth
Posts: 109
By Bismarck.Azagthothe 2011-03-16 00:04:46
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I'm criticizing most of the players that utilize the service--not the service itself; profiting off lazy or moronic people isn't anything new in real life either.

However, I can't agree when you say that farming Lacovie pops is difficult; however, it can be time consuming depending on luck, but that's it.

It would be completely different story if it couldn't be lowmanned/duoed with ease.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Dionikes
Posts: 325
By Bahamut.Dionikes 2011-03-16 00:24:13
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I can agree with you there. The difficulty level depends on luck if you dont cleave the gold chests. Just time consuming either way is all. If i remember correcly from chloris farming, there are 8 ish KI's in gold chests? fell cleaving for 2 i guess is ok, if your farming for other pops as well, you'll prob end up with a bit of chloris/glav anyways if thats what ya want.

But ya, mostly just time is what the deal is. Low manned is a loose word for some NMs, especially when trying to proc yellow/blu affectively. I use a mnk whm blm/brd combo. Gives me a tank, healer and procer for both blu and yellow. I dont think my buyers are stupid, i just dont think they have access to the easiest job combos, or access to the time to put a shout together or get help from others/ls.
Posts: 383
By Sambb 2011-03-16 02:48:42
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If there was any type of post that says "come on flame me for trying to justify how HARD it is to get frankly piss easy pops" this is it..........
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Dionikes
Posts: 325
By Bahamut.Dionikes 2011-03-16 04:13:03
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I guess ill flame you for not knowing how to read? I agreed with him the difficulty level is low in getting the pops if dont correctly, how else do you think im getting them deeehhhh. TIME, read this word again, "TIME" lol, christ for the 100th errrr, time, people buy the gear because they cannnot find the time to do it themselves.

Its not about the NM being hard, its about finding the resources to get the job done. In my linkshell, people have enough time to play so they can say "hey, ill help you with this, if when we are finished, you come and help me with what i need". Works great, unless you are only on for a few hours a day, or for whatever reason.
Gil as we know it these days doesnt count for much, maybe a few big things. I'll gladly help someone accomplish what they cannot obviously do on their own, in exchange for something they obviously have too much of.

Great thing is, every time i get to post something else in response here, i just pop up a notch on the most viewed players, which in turn gets me more business. I guess haters are part of the ecosystem, keep on helpin me out, im lovin it
Posts: 383
By Sambb 2011-03-16 13:47:11
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"If there was any type of post that says "come on flame me for trying to justify how HARD it is to get frankly piss easy pops" this is it.........."

where in this comment did I say ooo im gona flame because nms are easy how about you READ eh?

your saying how hard it is because of "time"

I'm pointing out that "time" really is not an issue at all.
Your "time" is based on them not bothering to buy base pops to pop nm for KI or being too gimp to have a war proc red... I mean its never about "lack of jobs" its "***im lazy...."

"Works great, unless you are only on for a few hours a day, or for whatever reason."

so what a few hours a day lets say 3 if you cant farm a pop in 3hrs then theres something wrong...

Also if you dont spend say 1hr min on this game in any one sitting wtf you playing an mmo....

Noobs frankly are lazy and again any one who buys from you i feel sorry for because no matter how good their stuff is they will always be crap.
Posts: 114
By clyclie 2011-03-17 09:36:26
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By 2011-03-17 10:06:41
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Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nevill
Posts: 2420
By Bismarck.Nevill 2011-03-17 10:09:22
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Caitsith.Shiroi said:
People buying items in abyssea are stupid, gils should only be used to buy red curry buns.

Your opinion. That is all.
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 331
By Valefor.Zolan 2011-03-17 10:10:30
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Arent abyssea key items and how things drop changing extremly soon though?
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Lorzy
Posts: 1356
By Ramuh.Lorzy 2011-03-17 10:11:31
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itt: having gil makes you a noob
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 331
By Valefor.Zolan 2011-03-17 10:14:45
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Will say some of the100% items like hecate earring prices are pretty good. some + 2 are way over priced in my opinion but hey if you get that much kuddos!
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Alberic
Posts: 18
By Caitsith.Alberic 2011-03-17 10:19:10
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I have nothing against merc services, having used them to supplement my own efforts in things like Salvage in the past. That said, I do think some of the +2 items are overpriced, the AF3 accessories and 100% drop stuff is a bit better.

As far as Apademak horns go, like Orthrus, they're a pain to get popsets together for, and there's plenty of Kannagis out there (and pretenders thinking they're going to get Ochain or Empy harp easily) that I guess I could see them chucking 500k for a single item, but when you need 75? You'd have to be pretty amazingly rich.

My thought though was that he had that price high because people in his own group want those items. Just a guess!
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Aurilius
Posts: 1726
By Lakshmi.Aurilius 2011-03-17 10:22:44
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Nothing in the game is difficult to get, but time is valuable. My time is worth spending gil.

I think most people are missing that point.
Serveur: Carbuncle
Game: FFXI
user: Sevourn
Posts: 9481
By Carbuncle.Sevourn 2011-03-17 10:35:15
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Sambb said:
"If there was any type of post that says "come on flame me for trying to justify how HARD it is to get frankly piss easy pops" this is it.........." where in this comment did I say ooo im gona flame because nms are easy how about you READ eh? your saying how hard it is because of "time" I'm pointing out that "time" really is not an issue at all. Your "time" is based on them not bothering to buy base pops to pop nm for KI or being too gimp to have a war proc red... I mean its never about "lack of jobs" its "***im lazy...." "Works great, unless you are only on for a few hours a day, or for whatever reason." so what a few hours a day lets say 3 if you cant farm a pop in 3hrs then theres something wrong... Also if you dont spend say 1hr min on this game in any one sitting wtf you playing an mmo.... Noobs frankly are lazy and again any one who buys from you i feel sorry for because no matter how good their stuff is they will always be crap.

i'd bet my life raen can play circles around you.
By 2011-03-17 10:38:28
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By 2011-03-17 10:45:22
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zor
Posts: 2104
By Bahamut.Zorander 2011-03-17 10:48:19
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Carbuncle.Sevourn said:
Sambb said:
"If there was any type of post that says "come on flame me for trying to justify how HARD it is to get frankly piss easy pops" this is it.........." where in this comment did I say ooo im gona flame because nms are easy how about you READ eh? your saying how hard it is because of "time" I'm pointing out that "time" really is not an issue at all. Your "time" is based on them not bothering to buy base pops to pop nm for KI or being too gimp to have a war proc red... I mean its never about "lack of jobs" its "***im lazy...." "Works great, unless you are only on for a few hours a day, or for whatever reason." so what a few hours a day lets say 3 if you cant farm a pop in 3hrs then theres something wrong... Also if you dont spend say 1hr min on this game in any one sitting wtf you playing an mmo.... Noobs frankly are lazy and again any one who buys from you i feel sorry for because no matter how good their stuff is they will always be crap.
i'd bet my life raen can play circles around you.
Doesn't sound like a fair fight.
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: backstab
Posts: 256
By Asura.Backstab 2011-03-17 11:00:09
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No comment against the op or peeps buying/selling stuff... But 0/25 on eepenis ring? Wtf lol our ls is about 10/10, but all with blue procs.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: Nevill
Posts: 2420
By Bismarck.Nevill 2011-03-17 11:19:01
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Valefor.Zolan said:
Arent abyssea key items and how things drop changing extremly soon though?

Not suree. I was just saying, not everyone plays this game in groups. I personally have only my main character, RL doesn't let me commit to linkshell events, so I buy what I want.
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Zoltar
Posts: 300
By Bahamut.Zoltar 2011-03-17 13:33:45
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Thinking it over Dio, will let you know bud
Posts: 114
By clyclie 2011-03-17 13:39:58
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Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Dionikes
Posts: 325
By Bahamut.Dionikes 2011-03-17 14:02:37
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Sambb said:
"If there was any type of post that says "come on flame me for trying to justify how HARD it is to get frankly piss easy pops" this is it.........."

where in this comment did I say ooo im gona flame because nms are easy how about you READ eh?

your saying how hard it is because of "time"

I'm pointing out that "time" really is not an issue at all.
Your "time" is based on them not bothering to buy base pops to pop nm for KI or being too gimp to have a war proc red... I mean its never about "lack of jobs" its "***im lazy...."

"Works great, unless you are only on for a few hours a day, or for whatever reason."

so what a few hours a day lets say 3 if you cant farm a pop in 3hrs then theres something wrong...

Also if you dont spend say 1hr min on this game in any one sitting wtf you playing an mmo....

Noobs frankly are lazy and again any one who buys from you i feel sorry for because no matter how good their stuff is they will always be crap.

Your first line says my post invites flaming, gee i wonder where you said anything about flaming?
Listen to what you are saying. I'll break it down for ya

You say "time" really is not an issue at all.
Your "time" is based on them not bothering to buy base pops to pop nm for KI or being too gimp to have a war proc red... I mean its never about "lack of jobs" its "***im lazy...."

Buying pop items doesnt take time, but killing the NM does. I'll give you this example. Ever try to kill sisyfag? Dhorme Khamaira or Apademak? The first isnt necessary if you have 150k to burn on each item. Dhorme however isnt as easy.

If you have lets say, blm rdm and dnc for you main jobs which is why you want apa's jewels. You'll have to proc red. Well lets see, you dont have war, and you dont have nin, so you'll have to find both of those. Considering you're only on for a few hours a day, start shouting. Hmm, you get a few people that want the +1 seals from him and go try. Lets say you kill it successfully. GREAT! You have 1 key item, that only took an hour or so. Now you need a different setup for apademak.

Back to jeuno to shout, another hour gets you what you feel is a great setup. You go out and try and fail. Nobody stuns his first spell cause wiki didnt say to, and now he lvld up. Oh no, a lvl up? Ya, enjoy back to back fulminations. Death, there goes your KI and you now have to log for the day.

I just watched a group of 12 JPs fail at apademak, not because they sucked, but because they had no clue what to do about his lvlving up. Then they proceeded to tank with a ninja, who wore his nin af+1, oops, shock spikes hits apademak and lvls him up, even after they took great care to farm another pop and be extra careful to stun him as he pops. The idea they got from watching us. They wipe again because of spikes levevling him up.

Time, time and more time, all wasted.

The alternative? You log in, send me a /tell that you are ready and zone to abyssea. I have already farmed 4 pops because we have arranged a set time you can be on, and i kill apademak in 4 min flat. I've also brought procers and have farmed FOUR pops, FOUR. Reminder here, you failed to farm 1 in 2 hours. Which again by the way, ONLY GETS YOU 3/9 JEWELS IF YOU ARE LUCKY ON TH AND PROC. CONGRATS, you now get to go farm 2-3 more pops. OR, since ive farmed 4 of them, you now have 9/9 jewels in all of about 30 minutes.

Your right, it doesnt take any time at all. I sell a lot of different things. Yes some of them can simply be popped with a few easy KI's, if you can do it, dont come to me.

Your missing the point that for people who can log a few hours a day, it doesnt work. The group i have makes things go incredibly smooth, mainly because we are lucky enough to have the jobs that work well for just about anything in abyssea. I could list 4-5 other NMs off the top of my head that are just as much of a pain in the ***. 5M for 10 +1 seals and 9 +2 items a bad deal? Your opinion, my last 6 back to back buyers who got a +2 body in less than an hour and a half, would beg to differ.

Lets not forget, 3 apademak pops = an easy 600k, which i provide and cuts into my profit. Dont wanna buy the pops on the AH? Good damn luck farming sisyfis fragments w/o a whm. He is an apademak cockblock.

And yes, sometimes it can be about not having the right jobs, not everyone has 10 90's lvld and an ls willing to come to their aid at a moments call. Gee i dunno, people might just be busy doing other things and are unable to help you out.

"so what a few hours a day lets say 3 if you cant farm a pop in 3hrs then theres something wrong..."

Just goes back to the fact that you CAN probably farm the pop in 3 hours. Only 1 problem, it takes more than 1 pop to +2 anthing. So now you may have farmed the pop, and killed it, ***even got lucky and got 3/6 of your items. Now its time to log and work/school/kids w/e your doing irl, and you have to finish later. Log back in and cant find that setup again, or can and manage to farm/kill it, you are still doubling your time you could have spent doing something else. If you dont get that by now, i dont know what to say.

"Also if you dont spend say 1hr min on this game in any one sitting wtf you playing an mmo...."

Might be true for a lot of people, but not everyone, i know that for a lot of my friends their schedule changes a lot and sometimes they are able to play for 8+ hours a day, then the following week they can play maybe 2 days the entire week and for a few hours on each day. Slowing their progress and using up time farming things they didnt want to kill durring the small amount of time they do have.

"Noobs frankly are lazy and again any one who buys from you i feel sorry for because no matter how good their stuff is they will always be crap."
This is just an all around ignorant sentence. Go tell Raenryong he's a noob for going 0/20+ on eponas ring. I blew at least 9+ primeval brews to get him an eponas ring, which at the time i only sold for 2m. Ya, thats a noob? No thats someone who is completely and utterly frustrated by the fact that he keeps getting dicked. You dont think he spent time farming his own pops, getting a mnk whm and w/e else to kill and proc rani over and over and over? Not to mention the ones he solo'd?
I'd appreciate it if you'd stop bashing my service and the people who use it, gil is cake to come by, so whats the harm? Whats the harm in people using something that has very few uses these days for items that do have a lot of uses. If you can farm a +2 body in under 2 hours i'll pay you for it, most likely you cannot, so stop talking ***on here and let people do w/e they want with their own gil.
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