/welcome To Fenrir, Unicorn Peoples =^^=

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/welcome to Fenrir, Unicorn Peoples =^^=
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Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Skarwind
Posts: 3260
By Fenrir.Skarwind 2011-03-05 19:48:58
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Oh to all people coming on over. I'm charging a 50k Gil toll to every person coming to fenrir. Please send payments to my dbox when arriving thanks!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2011-03-05 20:12:05
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For 45k gil you can go through if you use my toll
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Dragonimi
Posts: 59
By Fenrir.Dragonimi 2011-03-05 22:06:38
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Any Einherjar Groups or Mythic Weapon LS' comming from Unicorn?
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Daluna
Posts: 7
By Fenrir.Daluna 2011-03-05 23:26:12
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/welcome Unicorn!
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Crysten
Posts: 122
By Unicorn.Crysten 2011-03-05 23:46:34
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Unicorn.Sedres said:
Unicorn.Leoheart said:
Unicorn.Sedres said:
What a pleasant forum post.

Hello to all you Fenrir people! I only came back to the game after 6 months AWOL+emmigration to NZ, no doubt alot for me to catch up and new people to meet :)

I had to dig through 6 foot of soil after having a nap, so I can see where you made the conclusion, Leo :P

That certainly explains the smell...
Serveur: Ramuh
Game: FFXI
user: Bigdawgrr
Posts: 122
By Ramuh.Bigdawgrr 2011-03-06 00:18:13
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I just started a new character on fenir and I am leveling low leveled jobs right now. If anyone wants to party or do missions just tell me my name is Rollesroyce
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: noriko
Posts: 201
By Fenrir.Momohko 2011-03-06 00:18:19
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Chafujimura said:
Unicorn.Kaida said:
Reading this and the other server moves I think Unicorn got lucky :D

See you all in a few days!

I was saying that exact thing on xbl the other night. I know as a whole my ls is really positive about things, and looking forward to meeting new people and to getting reacquainted with old friends they know there.

Things here are pretty chill. I mean there are drama llama peeps on every server and we have a few, but they tend to out themselves easily and make it apparent from the moment you first talk to them in a party chat, that they aren't the people you wanna hang out with on a regular basis. I've not looked at any of the other merger threads here on the AH? Are there already people fighting? o_o

@Momo I'd love to come visit! party in the moghouse! *Dances* I've got to make a multi-tiered red velvet cupcake display for a friends wedding in May, and the flowers she wants me to put on them are driving me crazy XD

Once we get over there, if you have a free night, I'm sure we can go get you the back off the bunny, as my friend Tih still needs his too, so we aren't done farming it yet.

And if people wanna hit me up on xbl to talk before or after the merger please do so ^_^

(Please excuse my hyperness this morning. I've lost track of how many cups of coffee I've had! XD)

oo00ooo Red velvet cake ! that sounds awesome lol ><! I love cake @.@;; that would be cool bunneh farming :3 outside of ls event im free lol also i can halp if pplz need halp to ^^/ I got brd whm rdm blm thf smn drk 90 @.@ and for some reason i read that last bit as excuse my hyperness this morning ive lost track of how many cupcakes ive had @.@;; lol

Fenrir.Melphina said:
Momo I'd have to /bow down to anyone who can pull off quad boxing. I tried dual boxing at one point and it didn't work out too well. Too much divided attention. There used to be a person on Unicorn that pulled off hexa-boxing, although I can't imagine he did it fluidly. It appears he quit in the middle of 2010 by his auction profile but Chainspell had 6 accounts and played six characters simultaneously (each character named after a different 2hr). That's just nuts. I wouldn't have the money to afford the hardware/monthly subscriptions to try more than dual boxing, but even that proved difficult for me. I definitely respect people who can multi box effectively.

/blush it was a long time ago and was my friends accounts lol when I was in high school I didn't sleep much due to parasomnia sooooo i had alot of free time when wed all get together every weekend for our lan slumber partys lol :3 currently i duo box but nothing srsly he kinda jsut back up cure n such or can go solo build azure for ls event or something lol @.@ I think it also depends on the jobs being played and someone playing six chars @__@ thats insane we have someone here who does something like that lol I his name is titosomething lol all his char have tito its like 6 chars lol @.@ to me thats crazyness

/hands out cookies n drinks to all the fenrir n unicorns peoples hihi skar hihi mt :3 hihi drago D:
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Eneas
Posts: 630
By Fenrir.Eneas 2011-03-06 00:52:17
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Tito is awesome!!!

Edit : but he dont play much anymore
Posts: 32551
By Artemicion 2011-03-06 13:22:28
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I hope this merge will further expand Fenrir's ballista friendly atmosphere.
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Dakotacj
Posts: 9
By Unicorn.Dakotacj 2011-03-06 21:03:42
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Artemicion said:
I hope this merge will further expand Fenrir's ballista friendly atmosphere.

Wait wait wait....You guys still do PvP? You hear that Rhongomiant? We're gonna get nice and bloody! :D
And dammit Sed, there's a reason I dumped 6 feet on top of ya! Next time I'll have to use cement!
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Ryuchan
Posts: 69
By Unicorn.Ryuchan 2011-03-07 01:56:53
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Fenrir.Dragonimi said:
Any Einherjar Groups or Mythic Weapon LS' comming from Unicorn?

Sadly, I believe most of our Einherjar shells have broken, but I do know a couple people still trying to scrape together some mythics, so maybe all hope isn't lost. :)

Also, Duck Taco!
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Dakotacj
Posts: 9
By Unicorn.Dakotacj 2011-03-07 06:09:02
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Unicorn.Ryuchan said:
Also, Duck Taco!

Crap I've been spotted! *holds the dog as a shield*
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Havster
Posts: 185
By Fenrir.Havster 2011-03-07 06:20:33
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Ahhhhh the Tito army is legendary.

Is in my LS lol, good bloke and if you want things done then he is your guy.

Ive personally done Ny Isle 0-100 twice with him and a few other linkshell members.

Was fun, but he blows his fuse if someone doesnt listen lol. Personally I find it amusing but then its not ever aimed at me :D
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: kaida
Posts: 32
By Unicorn.Kaida 2011-03-07 08:48:57
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Someone find who has my name and tell them to give me it back -.-
Posts: 20
By Spainard 2011-03-07 12:41:47
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I would also like to welcome the Unicorn peoples to Fenrir. Should be fun.
Posts: 79
By Ultrajake 2011-03-07 14:05:08
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Unicorn.Cactustim said:
im jacking everyones zone, idc 500k aint no thang

I miss yall. Where are my handjobs!!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Angalo
Posts: 1
By Fenrir.Angalo 2011-03-07 15:58:31
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Welcome to Fenrir Unicorn ppls!!!! (seriously dont forget to /c Ext)
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Rinnsi
Posts: 773
By Fenrir.Rinnsi 2011-03-07 16:04:05
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Fenrir.Angalo said:
Welcome to Fenrir Unicorn ppls!!!! (seriously dont forget to /c Ext)
someone who loses their name should change it to Checkext.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Asri
Posts: 27
By Fenrir.Asri 2011-03-07 16:10:28
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/welcome to Fenrir! :)

Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Kutsurabi
Posts: 248
By Fenrir.Kut 2011-03-07 20:27:41
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Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
Fenrir.Angalo said:
Welcome to Fenrir Unicorn ppls!!!! (seriously dont forget to /c Ext)
someone who loses their name should change it to Checkext.

Heck yeah. Or Iloveext. then wave to him whenever you get the chance. something like that
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Maiev
Posts: 38
By Fenrir.Maiev 2011-03-07 20:28:48
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Wow Fenrir just got a lot more popular lolz!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: noriko
Posts: 201
By Fenrir.Momohko 2011-03-07 22:44:33
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hihi maiev ^^/ hihi galo kut n eneas damn lol and yes someone put ext in your name in some way shape or form :O do iitttt lol XD
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2011-03-07 22:50:18
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Hey, if there is a ls coming over and needs an etra body to give stuff, send me a /tell or post here. I'm going for masa and kannagi, so if you guys can drop everything you're and devote your time to me, that'll be great:D
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Tessy
Posts: 153
By Unicorn.Tessy 2011-03-07 23:43:40
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Fenrir.Skarwind said:
Oh to all people coming on over. I'm charging a 50k Gil toll to every person coming to fenrir. Please send payments to my dbox when arriving thanks!

Hahaha Skar, you got it All backwords, it is not you who Can reccive that 50k, it is All Fenrir player WHO should pay us Unicorn people for comming over and help you out, and show how tings are beeing done :p Looking forward to some fun stuff, se what the Fenrir peopels are made of :), see you All very soon

Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: Jewkitten
Posts: 224
By Unicorn.Jewkitten 2011-03-08 00:16:04
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If any fenrir endgame ls would not mind a person with casual playtime but hardcore gear/skillz I would love to kill things with a busy group:p
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: framerate
Posts: 159
By Unicorn.Nitsuj 2011-03-08 12:46:56
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Fenrir.Dragonimi said:
Any Einherjar Groups or Mythic Weapon LS' comming from Unicorn?

My Einherjar shell finally folded after like 2.5 years thanks to Abyssea :(. I do salvage regularly, but I'm not in any "mythic weapon LS" although I'm very interested in an assault static! (need my reclears!)

Fenrir.Maiev said:
Wow Fenrir just got a lot more popular lolz!

By 2011-03-08 12:48:05
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Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
user: framerate
Posts: 159
By Unicorn.Nitsuj 2011-03-10 11:31:49
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Does anyone on Fenrir run a salvage shell still? I'd like to work out a deal to buy your Alexandrite each week, if possible.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Bogamoga
Posts: 1161
By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2011-03-10 11:54:57
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i know of someone who solos salvage. he just need 2 other ppl to let him in
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