February Mini Update

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February Mini Update
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By 2011-02-14 10:43:40
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Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Kittty
Posts: 97
By Sylph.Kittty 2011-02-14 10:49:56
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
~The NPC Ehrhard (Abyssea – Grauberg, D-14) has been replaced by the NPC Tancredi.

Nuuuuuuuuuu!! RIP, friend... :(

Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: phafi
Posts: 298
By Lakshmi.Phaffi 2011-02-14 10:51:44
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so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Rinnsi
Posts: 773
By Fenrir.Rinnsi 2011-02-14 10:52:15
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this is good news for my pup...and every job of mine that isn't abyss level yet
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2011-02-14 10:52:26
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Lakshmi.Phaffi said:
so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: altar1
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By Bismarck.Altar 2011-02-14 10:53:49
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Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Lakshmi.Phaffi said:
so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Eldarias
Posts: 104
By Shiva.Eldarias 2011-02-14 10:54:21
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Skills will rise more rapidly, and larger values will accompany each skill increase.

Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 834
By Valefor.Houppelande 2011-02-14 10:55:02
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Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
this is good news for my pup...and every job of mine that isn't abyss level yet

This will be addressed in the March Version Update.

Serveur: Sylph
Game: FFXI
user: Basilo
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By Sylph.Krsone 2011-02-14 10:56:23
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Lakshmi.Phaffi said:
so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Neonracer
Posts: 2748
By Caitsith.Neonracer 2011-02-14 10:57:22
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Bismarck.Josiahfk said:
For those that aren't aware the game is down for maintenence at the moment and officially these are the changes being implimented;

Event Related

~FOV can be done unlimited but gil and tabs are only given once per vanadiel day

This will sure help us who are levelling the low jobs alot. Hell, maybe alot of ppl will do this now and not take a party in Abyssea. This might even make it so that ppl will want to level the natural way.

Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2011-02-14 10:57:47
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Also, I thought they were adding more Joachim NPCs to the starting cities this update? FFFFFFFFFF
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Angelos01
Posts: 368
By Bahamut.Angelos 2011-02-14 10:57:50
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Bismarck.Altar said:
Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Lakshmi.Phaffi said:
so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Caitsith
Game: FFXI
user: Ravant
Posts: 166
By Caitsith.Ravant 2011-02-14 10:59:55
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I completely forgot about the atma books! Noooooo
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: phafi
Posts: 298
By Lakshmi.Phaffi 2011-02-14 11:00:23
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Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Also, I thought they were adding more Joachim NPCs to the starting cities this update? FFFFFFFFFF

I'M SO UPSETTED! I wanted to put my homepoint back in Windurst.. ;;
Serveur: Bahamut
Game: FFXI
user: Wakabo
Posts: 467
By Bahamut.Wakabo 2011-02-14 11:00:49
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Much disappoint ;(
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Varistor
Posts: 238
By Alexander.Varistor 2011-02-14 11:02:11
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Bahamut.Angelos said:
Bismarck.Altar said:
Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Lakshmi.Phaffi said:
so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Jumatelo
Posts: 154
By Leviathan.Tamian 2011-02-14 11:02:54
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For anyone with jobs to level or from 1-75 this are great news, The increased exp from mobs and unlimited use of FOV will make leveling much faster.

Time to start unlocking some jobs that I wasn't planning on leveling...
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: hypnotizd
Posts: 1685
By Lakshmi.Hypnotizd 2011-02-14 11:06:05
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Well, as much as it sucks not everything was in this update... the skill increases and exp increases are very welcome. Hopefully they will be as good or better than expected.
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Eneas
Posts: 630
By Fenrir.Eneas 2011-02-14 11:06:43
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So when they will merge AH?
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Eldarias
Posts: 104
By Shiva.Eldarias 2011-02-14 11:06:55
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Welp. I think it's time. I'm finally starting a new character. I've been wanting to do this for a long time but I couldn't stomach the thought of doing everything all over again, but the exp changes and FoV changes I think will be enough.
Serveur: Gilgamesh
Game: FFXI
user: Kunimitsu
Posts: 453
By Gilgamesh.Kunimitsu 2011-02-14 11:08:09
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Interested to see the exp outside of abyssea now. I'm just glad they finally fixed Dragua though, time to start the spam!
Serveur: Fenrir
Game: FFXI
user: Rinnsi
Posts: 773
By Fenrir.Rinnsi 2011-02-14 11:09:08
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Valefor.Houppelande said:
Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
this is good news for my pup...and every job of mine that isn't abyss level yet

This will be addressed in the March Version Update.

what do you mean?
Serveur: Quetzalcoatl
Game: FFXI
user: Vege
Posts: 10
By Quetzalcoatl.Rockie 2011-02-14 11:10:09
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Love the ""Rank 2-3 Missions for all home cities are now uncapped.""
I have and others been stuck on that mission for awhile. WOHOO MORE XP too..
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Eldarias
Posts: 104
By Shiva.Eldarias 2011-02-14 11:10:15
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Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
Valefor.Houppelande said:
Fenrir.Rinnsi said:
this is good news for my pup...and every job of mine that isn't abyss level yet

This will be addressed in the March Version Update.

what do you mean?
I think he means an actual PUPdate is coming in march
Serveur: Ragnarok
Game: FFXI
user: Geloudia
Posts: 1217
By Ragnarok.Corres 2011-02-14 11:14:44
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are you seriously saying that you are dispaointed by a mini-update?

should have read close then you would have noticed that the Joachim npc to windy etc is for the big update.
Same with the atma storage.

but noes, cry first then *** to your *** cuz it's the only part listening to you in rl.
Serveur: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: Gib
Posts: 227
By Alexander.Gib 2011-02-14 11:17:16
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oh thank god, I can finally *hopefully skill up staff faster* 282 on my SMN and I seriously seem to go up .5 a week -_-
Serveur: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
Posts: 2
By Lakshmi.Flesheater 2011-02-14 11:17:37
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Alexander.Varistor said:
Bahamut.Angelos said:
Bismarck.Altar said:
Lakshmi.Hypnotizd said:
Lakshmi.Phaffi said:
so no atma books? :(
Serveur: Unicorn
Game: FFXI
Posts: 38
By Unicorn.Strigoi 2011-02-14 11:18:35
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Fenrir.Eneas said:
So when they will merge AH?

They said they were only considering and making sure it was possible. Never said they were for 100% doing it yet because of conflicts iirc.
By 2011-02-14 11:20:24
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Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
Posts: 1091
By Shiva.Darkshade 2011-02-14 11:24:22
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The macro bit is pretty cool, should also help those playing on console or those on PC that don't understand how to setup spellcast some hopefully.

I still really REALLY wish that abyssea had been 75+ or at least something like 60+ for EXP. Even if they doubled EXP outside of abyssea I doubt people are going to pass up leveling in 18 man parties with cruor/atma buffs to go outside again. I'd really like to do a traditional party outside of abyssea and I worry that this update is little too late now that this has become the norm.

While Abyssea brought in much content to this game that I enjoy, it also contributed to the cancer that is killing the game at the same time, at least for players like me in my opinion.

Just my two cents.
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