Random Thoughts.....What Are You Thinking?

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Random Thoughts.....What are you thinking?
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Bug Hunter
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
Posts: 34187
By Asura.Kingnobody 2015-03-19 17:32:34
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Ohji Lunartail said: »
Plus no one wants a village bicycle
The bicycle doesn't mind being rode all of the time ~.^
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-03-19 17:32:55
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If Josi does manage such a feat, we have to use that anime girl as our avatar for a week.
Serveur: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2015-03-19 17:33:28
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I want this!
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2015-03-19 17:36:17
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Bismarck.Misao said: »

We'll all go on a magical journey!

*Jumps into the magical portal straight into the enemy team waiting on the other side*
Posts: 27938
By Fyyvoaa 2015-03-19 17:37:23
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playing with adobe premier ... fun fun
MSPaint Winner
Serveur: Excalibur
Posts: 4648
By Ohji Lunartail 2015-03-19 17:37:24
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You might considerig the first friday of every month capcom is releasing the MH4 DLC free
Serveur: Excalibur
user: Lillica
Posts: 6427
By Grumpy Cat 2015-03-19 17:39:46
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Ohji Lunartail said: »
You might considerig the first friday of every month capcom is releasing the MH4 DLC free

:O Awesome, I have been worries I missed some DLC already since I only got the game recently.
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Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2015-03-19 17:45:44
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...Ok, so. I'm not sure if I've addressed this or not yet but... It may seem I'm laughing in the faces of all those who got bad news on FFXI. That's not the case. You see, my grandfather owned the company business I now work for, He passed away in October of 2003 and my dad inherited the company and we moved into his house and the company's base of operations. Everynight to this very day since I have slept only feet from where my grandpa passed away. At 14-15, this did NOT sit well with me. I had moved away from all of my outside of school friends into a house that reminded me of my grandpa constantly. I found my comfort in a box at Walmart that I paid $81.99 for; Final Fantasy XI with Rise of the Zilart preloaded. FFXI was my escape from the things that bothered me IRL. I was bored IRL? FFXI. That girl in high school shot me down? She was nothing special, FFXI.

Maybe this type of escape was a bad thing but it slowly became less of a crutch and more of a hobby, for awhile I quit until I got a PM on here from a person some of you may know as Ladyjazz. It was an invitation to a new LS. So I came back, joined up, and ended up, like Jazz, an Officer. Those days spent in TitanSentinels were not just "some" of the best days of my time playing FFXI, they were THE best days of my time playing FFXI. Seekers of Adoulin came out and it seemed to ruin everything. The LS seemed to just die overnight. I had only been logging on to chat as I found nothing post-Seekers I was interested in so I announced my hiatus on my LS' website which I later ended up editing to be an indefinite hiatus. I ended up here...watching and waiting for news of something that would interest me and nothing ever caught my interest until I saw some of you guys starting FFXIV. I have had the temptation on free weeks to log on to XI but I know what awaits; an empty or broken linkshell.

To put it into perspective, the thought of going back to FFXI now to find the LS empty and my beloved friends gone is the same sadness I felt as a 15 year old boy, on the day my grandpa was laid to rest. I have lost friends who were very dear to me and I don't want to go back. This is also the reason I changed my name. Yes, I will always be called Kojo to most of you but that was just a name from a chapter in my life that is over.

I didn't really know where else to post this so I'm just posting it here.

Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2015-03-19 17:50:42
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Serveur: Ultros
user: Allyha
Posts: 1096
By Allyha Kiade 2015-03-19 17:57:44
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XI Was my escape from loneliness, and bullying from grade 8 till the end of highschool. Knowing there was a group of people I could come home to and chat with / feel included helped me through a lot of depression. Some friends I made were closer to me than my actual family, and seeing them slowly leave the game tore me up inside.
So I'm sort of in the same boat, where going back would just trudge up old memories.
Posts: 27938
By Fyyvoaa 2015-03-19 17:59:41
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Even though I really didn't get too into xi... it's sad to see it end... but I can only hope that they decide to drop sub, or lower the sub ... or bundle it with xiv sub (last one would make sense to do I think... for current xiv players at least)

I'll go back if it's cheaper, I just don't think it's worth the monthly price now.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: misacat
Posts: 22620
By Bismarck.Misao 2015-03-19 18:02:18
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Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »
Bismarck.Misao said: »

We'll all go on a magical journey!

*Jumps into the magical portal straight into the enemy team waiting on the other side*
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Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-03-19 18:06:13
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-logs in to GW2-
Serveur: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Ackeron
Posts: 4307
By Asura.Ackeronll 2015-03-19 18:08:55
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So for those that play FFXIV I found out something useful today. If you are doing any spirit bonding and there is a bot at your camp assign a player to just sit there and open trade with them. They stop functioning till the trade window is closed. It's kinda funny.
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2015-03-19 18:10:35
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Asura.Ackeronll said: »
So for those that play FFXIV I found out something useful today. If you are doing any spirit bonding and there is a bot at your camp assign a player to just sit there and open trade with them. They stop functioning till the trade window is closed. It's kinda funny.
LOL Yeah, Some of the better bots people use have a trade cancel script though.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2015-03-19 18:13:28
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I also used XI as an escape during a very difficult depression time in my life, but a lot of my closest friends I met in XI 10 years ago, and to this day talk to every day. Though they moved on to other MMO's, we still play other games together such as LoL, Left4dead, CS, ect.

I still have all my old linkshells that have been forgotten over the years, including the one I made back in 2003. When the seraph server merged happened it was like a tear of the community to me. A lot of people went their separate ways, a lot of friends disappeared. My friends list has 70+ people that haven't logged on in 5+ years.

Instead of looking back and seeing all the people that don't play anymore, I'm looking to forge some new friendships with people over the next couple months and beyond. Maybe I can forge a bond with them like I did with my friends that I met 10 years ago.

Either way, I'm going to have some fun with the new addons to the game and hopefully make some friends with it.
Serveur: Shiva
Game: FFXI
user: Spathaian
Posts: 27982
By Shiva.Spathaian 2015-03-19 18:18:56
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There's a lot of feels going on in here.

*noms food*
Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2015-03-19 18:19:56
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YouTube Video Placeholder
Serveur: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: ChaosX128
Posts: 20284
By Leviathan.Chaosx 2015-03-19 18:22:27
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Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-03-19 18:22:49
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Claw of Jormag time
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2015-03-19 18:25:21
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Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Claw of Jormag time

Watch the ledges!
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-03-19 18:25:34
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Guide Master
Serveur: Valefor
Game: FFXI
Posts: 19647
By Valefor.Prothescar 2015-03-19 18:28:49
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Bismarck.Dreadnot said: »
Valefor.Prothescar said: »
Claw of Jormag time

Watch the ledges!

never understood something about this fight. why dont people rush him with flamethrowers? the flame from the NPC flamethrowers deals nearly 5k a tic to him during burn phase
Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-03-19 18:29:52
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You are assuming that people, as a whole, are actually smart enough to think outside of the mob mentality, when they are in a mob.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2015-03-19 18:31:16
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I have no idea. I think a majority don't know that, or they don't want to run back to get a flamethrower after the wall goes down, instead just rush straight in to stab his toes.
By 2015-03-19 18:37:57
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Forum Moderator
Serveur: Excalibur
user: AnnaMolly
Posts: 25992
By Anna Ruthven 2015-03-19 18:40:55
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Cerberus.Josiahfk said: »
How uncanny!

I try to update my Facebook cover pic/profile pic once every few years. And when I do it today and he's holding a rose, literally 10 minutes later someone gives me a rose at work lol. i've never received flowers before ever. weird!
If anyone at work gave me a rose, I'd be scared. Unless it was the new girl fresh out of college.
Serveur: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
Posts: 5113
By Bismarck.Dreadnot 2015-03-19 18:42:41
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Josiah Senpai got my rose!

(Maybe he will notice me now)
Posts: 21757
By Kalila 2015-03-19 18:46:27
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Posts: 13787
By Bloodrose 2015-03-19 18:48:01
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Who's this Dreadnot guy?
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