Dee de durzo.. well based on your post: page 9, 2011-01-30 16:43:41
I would believe it... lol.
So when you say:
Durzo said:
Long Live Conviction and my leader Inde. Conviction IS the strongest LS on server! WE ARE orgainized! WE ARE team players! WE adapt! WE have fun! WE ARE committed! Conviction has shown nothing but kindness to me. And I look forward to enjoying many games with them. NO TROLL, NINJA or HATER can take this away from us. THIS IS CONVICTION.
and justify it with:
Durzo said:
My advocation of a ls is nothing greater than avocation of relgion, political views, education... etc.
Its not that your brainwashed... fine... fine..
Your not brainwashed... you would need to have a brain first in order to have it washed...
Now that I agreed with you, can you do the world a favor and go die in a fire?
Alos if your going to quote me, at least do it in the correct context.
Diabolos.Demia said:
As illustrated, certain members of conviction must be at the center of attention. As such, those individuals will be losers regardless of the server they are on or what they are doing.
I guess if your one of those
certain members it would seem like an attack.
It is not that conviction kills nms, recruits people, or any of the same things that every other LS does, its that those
certain members always 'cut and paste' comments/screenshots out of context to try and make themselves look better then they really are...
Now Dee de durzo, let it go, your wrong it happens. (alot i bet) and to be honest i am tired of this battle of wits when you keep shooting yourself in the foot.