Fenrir.Nightfyre said: »
Darcatvar said: »
Hope torque + rancor mantle is the new best combo? Damn I must have missed that change lol.
Blade: Hi WS Set. |
Blade: Hi WS Set.
Fenrir.Nightfyre said: » Darcatvar said: » Hope torque + rancor mantle is the new best combo? Damn I must have missed that change lol. I Blade hi in iga back and racor collar
I use the double attack katana for VW and stuffs where my stats are maxed with buffs and temps. I am building the STR katana now for just about all other situations because my gear is setup for delay- and multi attack so i need the STR and attack with no buffs.
Question for the TP Bonus Earring Comment. Does Blade HI's tp modifier stack like tiers... and if this is the case... wouldnt you need more TP bonus equipped other then earring to get a total increase of 100% to see any return?
Unless i am looking at the wrong earring, the WoG earring only gives 25% If the TP bonus effect works anything like an Avatars you wont see ***till 200%? What is the scale rate because everywhere i read it says 100% 200%... not being critical im just trying to figure this stuff out myself
It's +15/20/25 crit rate at 100/200/300 TP respectively, so logically every 20 TP should give 1% crit rate. So 1.25% for TP Bonus +25.
edit: not sure if that's actually how it works, but it's the best I can come up with. The only thing im worried about with that thought, and i agree 100% if it works that way its awesome, is if you look at avatars and the magic damage result from their tp bonus. They get no boost unless they have hit that 100% cap. Is that only for magical attacks or for everything? Maybe its time to finally get a parser lol
Since crit rates are only valid in whole values (ie: 1%, 2%, 3%, etc), we can probably assume that crit rate only goes up every 20 TP. So, going from 100 to 125 TP will only ever give you +1%. However if you weaponskilled at 115 TP, the +25 TP would put you at 140, giving you +2%.
If the amount of TP you weaponskill at is evenly and randomly distributed, you should get an average of +1.25% crit rate. However since it won't really be evenly distributed, you can expect it to be somewhat different from that in actuality. Which direction it leans depends on the individual player. And no, all weaponskills that have been tested have been shown to have their fTP variable (damage or crit rate) vary linearly all the way from 100% to 300%. There is no reason to expect that you need the full +100% to reach the next tier.
Thank You Mot
Think I'll stick to Centaurus if it's only 1% crit then.
prosilio belt basically the best thing you can have on your waist for Blade: Hi?
Siren.Mcclane said: » prosilio belt basically the best thing you can have on your waist for Blade: Hi? Nope. Cerberus.Omegacloud said: » Siren.Mcclane said: » prosilio belt basically the best thing you can have on your waist for Blade: Hi? Nope. Oh? Please explain what would be better please. 9 STR and 10 attack I think would beat 6% DA since Hi has such a high http://fTP. Edit: Assuming anguinus belt Considering that any double attack will do a quarter of the primary hit damage, I would think that the extra STR/Attack would be more valuable.
It's about even with Crudelis Belt.
Siren.Mcclane said: » Cerberus.Omegacloud said: » Siren.Mcclane said: » prosilio belt basically the best thing you can have on your waist for Blade: Hi? Nope. Oh? Please explain what would be better please. 9 STR and 10 attack I think would beat 6% DA since Hi has such a high http://fTP. Edit: Assuming anguinus belt Sorry for the late response, I fell asleep after posting and putting my 1 year old son to sleep. Don't get me wrong, the stats are good, but nightfyre beat me to my response. I wasn't going to go that route, I was gonna say that your Acc and DA percentage will drop a lot. The whole "DA only does 1/4 of your Hi's first hit" rule is true, but if you put up big Hi numbers, then that 1/4 damage will make a big difference in overall damage. Reason why Epona's is used in WS setups instead of another Agi ring for an example. As for the Acc, you'll need as much as possible on higher tier VWNMs. Also on a personal note, I wouldn't feel comfortable with only like +23-24 Acc for a Hi WS setup, but that's just me. Last night I made Shura kabuto +1 and got DEX4 WSdmg3 SCdmg+3. Those stats any good or should I be chasing something better? Or is Oce +1 head better?
Same here I made Shura +1 head and got 5 DEX 5 Att and WS dmg +2% after 58 tatters I'm thinking there isn't much better than what I just got but I would like to know if the agi from Oce +1/NQ would out do my new head piece
Been curious about this for a while as well.
I just got my Oce+1 and wondering if I can toss/redo my Moogle head (DEX/AGI4 ws dmg2 crit dmg2) inside, and my Leonine Mask outside. quick question.. for higher tier voidwatch nms. Athos body/feet is blown out of the water by iga+2 body and koga+2 feet.. correct? Was arguing with someone about it today.
For Rex and Ig maybe, though I don't usually melee on Rex on Ninja. Not getting buffs outside of zerk, food and temps resulted in a lot of 0dmg swings.
Everything else you should be able to utilize Innin and Athos body/feet. Not sure why you wouldn't utilize Innin on Rex or Ig-alima, plus there's Champion's Drink boosting your critrate. Athos set should still win, and if it loses it'll hardly be "blown out of the water". If anything, Athos is more likely to blow Iga/Koga out of the water.
Would Anger Bomblet be worth using over Qirmiz Tathlum for TP or WS or both?
wondering how this set will stack up to old standard
set bonus for 5/5 is +15 str, dex, agi, mnd other possibility i could see would be 4/5 seiryu's kote with 3 crit 4/5 set bonus is +10 str, dex, agi, mnd Personally, I would do athos's tights/athos's gloves/wurrukatte boots, and nefarious collar. HI lacks the critical hit rate, and that sir would add 9%. I'm not saying that's the best option, but I could live with losing some str/agi/attack for 9% critical hit rate. Should be using red curry buns too, so pDIF isn't really the issue. Would you maybe swap off the kamone for a str katana?
@ Toxleh
Is that set going to be used for abyssea or outside? For abyssea it seems decent, as for outside it'll be a bad idea. It seems like you're focusing too much on stacking Agi, because your Str and Dex takes a hit pretty badly. @ Fupafighters You seem to be focusing on crit hit rate, which isn't bad at all compared to the things said and gear worn from people on my server. But, just like Toxleh, you're focusing too much on one thing. Your set also takes a hit on doing good~great damage as well. Pretty much the standard WS sets seems to be winning still from what i've been seeing stats-wise. Cerberus.Omegacloud said: » @ Toxleh Is that set going to be used for abyssea or outside? For abyssea it seems decent, as for outside it'll be a bad idea. It seems like you're focusing too much on stacking Agi, because your Str and Dex takes a hit pretty badly. there is str/dex on every piece though? and set bonus gives +15 additional str/dex, if anything it adds more str/dex than traditional sets, in exchange for maybe 3% crit rate, and some crit dmg from loki's/athos and what i normally use byakko's haidate aug'd |
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