Enjoy, was a little underwhelming to me.
Nin With Primeval Brew |
Nin with Primeval Brew
Enjoy, was a little underwhelming to me.
does he have atmas? cause he does sissy dmg per swings even with Primeval Brew, however those blade jins are nice
Pretty sure he had RR, SS, GH on.
Posts: 2
Nin in my ls on cerberus bought a brew when we did our first new zone boss.. basically solo'd the diremite boss in U. Range. melee attacks didnt do much and i didnt check but blade jin was doin around 5k i think and ninjutsu was doing around 7k per nuke. I'm not sure if that particular boss is really that dificult but it was interesting to see a primevil brew in use.
Posts: 168
Zven uses a flask of Primeval Brew
The Cuijatender uses ??? Needles Zven was defeated by the Cuijatender Well once you cap fstr and attack, you can't go beyond that. Melee strikes don't have modifiers like WS that don't cap, so not a surprise to see the underwhelming melee dmg.
lol Your stats are maxed and seeing as needles is magic based, youd likely resist.
Was a fun fight :D hope to do more once we have our 200k brews ^^ Lakshmi.Emanuelle said: does he have atmas? cause he does sissy dmg per swings even with Primeval Brew, however those blade jins are nice [EDIT] Or at least people seem to be observing what looks like an increase in defense. I guess it's just the nature of Rani to see this crappy melee dmg.. should be a bit better with Kannagi I hope.
It's not got anything to do with it's defense, melee attacks are DMG+fSTR*pDIF. All of that caps pretty quickly, so you won't see gigantic numbers like you do with WS/nukes.
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Whats best way to solo shiny on nin ? Atmas and all ?
Cerberus.Nequito said: Whats best way to solo shiny on nin ? Atmas and all ? |
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